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Sinnnn’s fantasy

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    A simple fantasy  :

    I sat on the edge of the bed, nervous, rubbing my sweaty palms back and forth over the comforter. We been texting, im'ing for over a year and I know him but I can't stop the fear from slowly gripping my limbs, wrapping round my heart and squeezing. I have texted others, met others but they did not call to that wild thing inside of me, that's been trying to claw free. It saw them as weak, not worthy of all that I had to offer. it needed someone one strong, someone it wanted to overwhelm it without breaking it, someone worth hunting with, worth fighting for, worth loving, worth trusting, and worth kneeling to.
    I am so nervous cause everything in me wants to leap up and jump into his hands, have him take me apart just to put me back together again. And i fear that this'll be another dream unfullfilled. My eyes dart to the door, ears cock as I hear footsteps, heart beating, I want to run but I force myself to stay still and wait. Sighing as footsteps go past. Now I am pissed, lol, as scared as I was I wanted it to be him. This wait is killing me, I have to know if he is finally he one. I want to get up and pace back n forth but he told me what to do. I am to get undress and sit on the edge of the bed, legs closed, hands by my side and head high, eyes forward. Fuck what s taking him so long, my stomach is tightening so bad I'm starting to feel sick.
    Mind wandering I failed to hear the lil click as the door opens and I jump, lil squeak rushes from my lips. I close my eyes, scared too see him, scared too see his face, too see disappointment, thinking I am not what he want. What if I don't fit his image, all these negative thoughts rip their way ino my brain, shredding my confidence. Just when I feel like crying a hard slap saves me, bringing me back to reality. “I said eyes open and forward didn't I Sleave?” his voice washes over me, drowning out those thoughts and I find myself straightening, shoulders back, head high, eyes forward. “That's my Princess.”. I can't help but glow at his praise. Feel his hand glide over my left breast, lifting it, I know he is looking at his name and as I quickly look down I see my name beautifully written on his wrist. As his fingers caress his ame, my skin tingles, and something inside me began to unfurl. Something wild, fierce has a growl trickling from my lips, before I know it, my hair is yanked painfully and I am on my back, his had wrapped round my neck, face inches from mine, snarling, growling right back at me. At this display, my true nature started to unravel, I responded by becoming something I never thought I could be for anyone, submissive, malleable. And the pain from his grip had me relaxing, eyes lowering and I waited.
    Cold slide across my neck, a pull, a click that drowned out all sounds but his harsh breathing. I knew what it was, the beautiful heart padlock collar that he told me was meant for his slave, when he finally find her. Oh God, tears pushing at my closed lids. “look at me” stinging slap, “look at me” and I obey freeing the tears. Feeling them slowly glide down side of my face as I stared into his eyes. “who am I?”, as I looked into his strong face, something in me let go and with the whispered word, “Master” I was finally free. So fucking free. I couldn't help it, I started laughing and crying cause I found him. His lips crushing mines, his hands choking me, his body and will bending mines and I willingly follow. The things he did to me in that room. I was his whore, his queen, slut, his wife, his pet, his equal and I loved every second of it as my mind soared.
    Realizing my journey was finally beginning.


    Thanks Sinn. That was lovely, you capture the emotions so well.




    Sinnnnn what more can say

    That Feeling you get when you meet the one for the first time

    The power the hold over you and you JUST know its RIGHT

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