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Sleep pose for couples and group.

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Sleep pose for couples and group.

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     Sleep pose

    I know this might sound lame but a pose were two (or three) of us are lying down in each others arms asleep after a session (especially with your spouse)  would be really nice.  The camera pans around the couple and gently fades to black and then exiting automatically.  <br>  <br>  Instead of just kissing or dancing and the end and saying goodbye and pressing the exit button yourself.  <br><br>  Is it just me that would love this?


    well, we have a similar pose, but not fade effect. I think that work quite well, even for a break during a session!


    There is a similar pose but only for MF.  No other couples cuddle and sleep in that way. The fade out to 'sleep' without hitting exit would be a fantastic touch. Much better than having to hit exit.


    Only for MF. Not fair


    This reminds me of an old idea: Dimming the light. A slider for more or less brightness, from very bright to dark.


    I don’t think this is a lame idea at all. The fact is I hate to click out of a session with my spouse and this would work nicely when we absolutely have to leave and no one wants to go first. 🙁


    Zu, I agree with Atilla, I think that is a great idea. I am all for anything that adds to the realism
    of the experience and what a romantic way to end a date with that special someone, a slow fade to sleep,
    cuddling with your partner. Too bad the best cuddleing poses are all MF  😮


    well, we have a similar pose, but not fade effect. I think that work quite well, even for a break during a session!

    Not everyone have this pose dear HB , because i suppose you talk of the one where the woman rest her head on man's chest like she is sleeping . I'm very very very very sad to tell you that FF don't have this option in the pose as devs didn't gave the update with aditionnals moves to others than hétéros .


    You can settle and get tucked in with these couples poses.
    Unfortunately not all orientations have them

    These are the MF Versions.

    Foreplay – Lying on the bed. Found in Achat Mall, Scenes – Box 1 Talk & Dance. Available in MF; FF; MS ; FS ; SS. NO MM VERSION

    Lovers Siesta. Found in Achat Mall, Scenes – Box 1 Talk & Dance. Available in MF; FF; MS ; FS ; SS. NO MM VERSION

    MF Pose. 190. Napping Together in Clothes & 191. Napping Together in Lingerie Both by RC.
    These poses can be found in the “B – Shop” Section of the in-game Achat Shopping Mall. Available in MF & MS. NO MM ; FS or SS VERSIONs

    At the moment, there are no group poses like this for cuddling, settling, or just chatting.
    Hopefully, they will be created in the future as I think they would prove very popular.

    If you buy or use them regular, please do a review and let other members know what you think and if a worthy buy. Thanks.
    More Details here…

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