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Soap box Time: Crotch Shots

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Home Forums Polls Soap box Time: Crotch Shots

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    Janine Dee

    If you haven’t had this happen yet you will…

    You’ll be on AChat, maybe already talking to someone, maybe looking for someone to talk to and you’ll get a hail. Not recognizing the name you will click that little question mark to see the profile of the person hailing you and BLAMMO you are left staring at a point blank shot of the persons crotch.

    (And of course when you try to navigate away “System is busy, try again.”)

    I’ve never liked cock in the first place, so what would make a guy think that giving me a look at his flaccid member make me want to talk to him?

    But it’s the girls too… that’s why I’m writing this because I just hit my limit when I was just on and I basically got “Hi I’m ***” (“and this is my cunt.”)

    I love pussy… I truly, truly do, but I also like a little build up, a little romance. This isn’t just nudism, or exhibitionism. This is the digital equivalent of walking on your hands so you have that much easier of a time shoving your privates in another persons face.

    Obviously I can’t complain too loudly because the A in AChat is for adult… for me it’s more a matter of style

    Now I’ve worn the tops that are effectively see through, and the REALLY short skirts with no panties so I’m no prude, but there’s some class to that…

    Is ANYONE turned on by the person basically tossing off all there clothes and shaving a camera between their knees?


    I chose to take a snapshot of my eyes and try to steer their attention away from my newbie appearance.

    If I only wanted to see female genitalia then I'd ignore the “Chat” in AChat and spend time with Robot Girl.


    I think it's the kind of people that in real life look at your boobs or ass instead of your face when you're talking to them. It's not exactly illegal or even wrong, it's just rude.

    Janine Dee

    Agreed, it just finally got to me.


    “Attention! Attention! Attention!
    Neither I'm able to have a nice talk, nor I have an interesting personality. But I can be used to f..k.”

    Yes, Janine, it's sad to see some people do not have a pinch of fantasy, erotic mood and any other ideas to make themselves intersting. Instead of taking this chance, to use AChat also for learning (having smalltalk, flirting, erotic ideas for private life) and to find nice people to talk and to become friends with them, they only see the “hard sex” here.
    But is this our problem? Isn't it better to care for those people (the majority) who take these chances in AChat?


    Oh Dear Janine, I have been crotch slapped so many times it not funny(never was). I don’t find it cute or room inviting. I really don’t get the draw, I myself tend to like a little tease, a little peek-a-boo action. Some ppl have a lack of self esteem, have you seen some of the names women/men call themselves on here!! Some ppl just think thats all they are is a crotch an thats all ppl want from them so they don’t need to try an have a conversation. They go on my ignore list, I’m sorry close ups just don’t give me a positive image.
    And you got those where Achat is all about sex an not getting to know anyone. I’m sorry but I just can’t do cold invites, or talk to ppl with really screwed up names. Sorry names like sluttywhore or pimp4hire is almost as worst as a crotch slap. But thats a hole new subject. 😛


    The bottom line is everyone is there to have sex, and each person will go about it differently.  Some people want to chat first, some people want to shove their crotch in your face.  There are people at AChat who will go in a room with someone who shoves their crotch in their face.  Different people are turned on by different things.  Sometimes I think it might even be done for the shock value.
    I don't care for the crotch shots either but they are entitled to their fun too.


    True Bob, wise as always.  But it doesn't shock me.  I beleive in each his own but there are somethings that will make me think less of someone.  And thats a big shocker to me because I am into everything.  I guess my thing is that you can be a slutty whore but carry yourself like a lady on the outside.  I know some are looking just for sex,  an thats there hello, but thats a goodbye to me. 

    Here is a suggestion to some of you crotch ppl, put a witty comment underneath your crotch.  Just in case you are looking for more than a quickie, you might cause a person to pause an cause a person to think, “UMMM this crotch just might have a brain after all.”

    Janine Dee

    Bobbler… while Aleister Crowley died a drug addled lunatic he was a genius at one point during his life, and one of my favorite quotes comes from him. (Or Osiris if you choose to believe that is where Crowley got the Book of the Law.) The quote is “As ye harm none, do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

    I like to live by that, feeling that as long as you are only hurting yourself your choices are your choices. Now the “harm” here is fairly minor, but enough that I felt I had the right to bitch about it.


    Have I told you that I soooo lust after your brain Janine.  I mean Love your brain.  I think you have more than earn the title Sensei from me.

    Janine Dee

    You are free to lust after my brain love as long as you spend at least some time lusting after my body.

    And while Sensei is not the most traditional of pet names we’ll make it work. 😉


    Well I like taking orders from Sensei, Oneechan. I thought the next time I we meet, we could have a little anime rp. 😉

    Janine Dee

    Okay Sinnnnchan, but anime, not hentai, I will not play a tentacle monster.

    😛 And yes I know there is SOME lesbian hentai that is tentacle free… and that we can discuss.


    Thought I was your Sensei…?

    And about those tentacles  😮

    Janine Dee

    See no, no  on the tentacles, some fleshy cylinder just hanging there, or even worse flailing around?  *shudders* I can't see why any woman would want anything like that.

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