The forums › Events › Soccer European Championship 2012 – Fun Bets
- This topic has 205 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 7 months ago by hentaiboy69.
June 27, 2012 at 1:14 pm #63569
Yes HB, you're a liar – cause you don't win
Do you know, we never won versus you in em or world championship matches? Hope it will change tomorrow. And you're sooo right – it will be a clash of titans as both teams like to attack. Let's hope for a big fight and a great match!June 27, 2012 at 6:39 pm #63570Hiya's…
First I was going to root for the Italian team… My neighbor, Mrs. Graziano said I should… and I was going to especially after seeing this picture
How can you not root for a team wearing bunny ears?
But then I saw this picture
German bunny ears… and another neighbor, Mrs. Holmes (who's maiden name is Gerhardt) said to root for the German team.Now I'm torn… perplexed. So I think I'll just sit back on the fence.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeP.S. Am I supposed to put something on my banner? Or is it too soon?
June 27, 2012 at 7:28 pm #63571Ponders the curious look of Pafe's bunny ears sticking out of my cowboy hat…which reminds me I need to post to get that back…
June 28, 2012 at 6:19 am #63572Though the game wasn't very exciting last night (0-0 after 30 mins of extra time, decided by penalties), my congrats to the spanish team. The first finalist of this EC. Tonight we will know which team will oppose them. The Gladiators from ancient Italy, or the hordes of barbarians from the north.
a Titan's clash, in view of the whole world.. Many hearts will be broken, the sorrow will be endless, regardless of the outcome of this battle.. Both armies have fought hard and have reached far in this epic tale. To all good luck, may lady Fortune smile upon you and bring you the glory of Victory.
The warrior princess that came dashing in with her message, has conveyed her full story to me and as she mounts her horse again, ther slender thighs clenching around the mighty animal, I turn and look over to the arena. Dust of clouds are wushed over the battered field as the wind picks up and whipes it clean, the rain falling down and washing the blood and sweat away, leaving the field cleansed, ready for the next clash.
With the scroll in my hand, the declaration of war, I turn towards the few camps that are left. A few defeated warriors, a mix of all attentding armies, have gathered around a roaring fire, sharing ale and fish&chips. With heavy feet I walk the distance, the parchment weighing a mountain. Cheerful greets when I step into the circle of light quickly die down when the look on my face is lit up by the falmes of the fire.
I take my place in the centre, look around to ensure I have the attention of all, before I open the scroll and read the message:
Women's European Championships
2013 final tournament
The final tournament will be held in Sweden from 10 to 28 July 2013 with 12 teams competing at seven venues.
Do not let the gender fool you, these battles are brutal, viscious, mean. These warrior women are the toughest of their kind, like a buldog never letting go. Sharpen your spears and swords, meand your shileds, buff your helmets to make them shine with pride and honor and go to war!“You are all expected… If you still have the heart to fight…”
Without another word, I step out of the circle of light and disappear in the shadows, packed lightly on my way to the hollowed lands of my home…
June 28, 2012 at 12:56 pm #63573Another perfect day for battle……the sun is shining up in the sky and no clouds near ready to cover it!
In the camp, my comrades are prepering for the imminent clash, probably the hardest one we have from the begin of the tournament! The barbarians horde are well known for their strenght and they want this victory whit all their will!
I can see them……wearing their horned helmet and embracing their axe! But one of them had caught my attention: Lover, the leader of the horde! he is giving the final order to his minion and, probably, they are setting a good strategy to try to defeat us….but be sure we, the Gladiators, are ready to engage this Titan's Battle, we have no fear, and at last we gonna win!The begin of the battle is near……..rise your weapon, my comrades, and make them hear our roar and our will!
RAW! RAW! FIGHT THE POWER!”June 28, 2012 at 3:52 pm #63574The German fighters are on their way. I look around to see HB and Medjai – we want a fight eye to eye, with opened visor.
Both teams have big hearts, no fear and want the final decision in this arena.
It's not a match – it's more. Much more. In the past both teams have been tactician and strategists. This times are gone – today we're going to fight, attacking, running, shooting with anything we got and from wherever we are.At the end, the italian warriors admit defeat and follow us to the last fight – the final versus spain.
June 28, 2012 at 4:00 pm #63575Sorry to say Lover……but for us it begin whit Italy vs Spain and it will be end in the same way!
The difference!? victory will be us and the cup will be in italian hands….
……shooting with anything we got and from wherever we are……
lol…….ponder your words, next time!
June 28, 2012 at 4:06 pm #63576LOL… I knew you would anser if I write “shoot”
You will slip and we roll the ball into the net, haha.
June 28, 2012 at 4:10 pm #63577if you think so…..not sure all the german players will pay attention on the ball whit a show like that!
June 28, 2012 at 5:37 pm #63578Germany will win.
June 28, 2012 at 5:54 pm #63579This is all so very foreign to me, but I have so many Italian friends that if they are to be spanked, I would rather it were me than Germany!
June 28, 2012 at 8:55 pm #63580Sorry, my friends…………the match is ended right now and we had win!
Germany – Italy 1 – 2
And on sunday……the final battle against Spain!
June 28, 2012 at 9:58 pm #63581Italy were the better team, they won fair
June 29, 2012 at 7:25 am #63582This is all so very foreign to me, but I have so many Italian friends that if they are to be spanked, I would rather it were me than Germany!
sorry, Blue, but at last we had spank the Germany team…….but if you wanna take their place, you are wellcome!
June 29, 2012 at 3:01 pm #63583The English Knights have started to pack up, their scars and finery healing and cleaned … their hearts & steadfast resolve returning as they greet and exchange war stories of their great battles with other Warriors and Soldiers.. sitting and drinking and eating and cajoling each other in jest and friendship … at least for the moment …
The Knight of Orange enters our circle and reads out the declaration of war so robustly delivered .. and we hear and listen … a smile slowly forming on my lips, my heart excited by such a challenge … my eyes igniting with fire ….
As he finishes his reading, I raise and plant my feet firmly on the ground …. my lance in my hand upright to the heavens ….
” Knight of Orange … This English Knight and Warrior Queen .. will be there … I will gather more Knights and travel to the Viking lands .. we will fight again for victory … ENGLAND will stamp her authority on the field … “
My words echo round the camp and others stand and declare their intention … The Orange Lord nods and raises his sword … ” We will meet on the battlefield ” to all who acknowledge him. With that, he turns and leaves ..
I look to the Dragongirl, eyes still firey from her recent victory ….. ” My sword brought you luck, my friend … your Gladiators fought a mighty battle to defeat the Barbarians… I have great respect for your battle tactics … Congratulations .. It will be a mighty battle epic when you meet the Matadors in the Arena … Good luck to you … I hope you are VICTORIOUS “
The Barbarians still wounded and defeated in spirit sit silent, I approach and take a jug of ale … “Come, defeat is always bitter sweet .. but we have Ale a plenty and your Brotwurst looks tasty to join our chips in our goodbye feast… come .. We have great songs, merry dancing feet and I hear your beer is amongst the best in the world … You fought tremendously my friends and that should be applauded…
Lets enjoy the final battle together on that fence with the Spartan and Pafe, the Bunny eared Pole … and rejoice of a spectacular contest of brave and strong armies … It will be interesting to see who is dominant and victorious in the end “
Sunday 1 July SPAIN v ITALY -
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The forums › Events › Soccer European Championship 2012 – Fun Bets