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Some people take this game too seriously…

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Home Forums Polls Some people take this game too seriously…

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    I can’t speak for any of you here, but there have been some people i have met here that have been a little to “Clingy” when it came to having a “relationship” on Achat. To me, this is just an outlet from the real world, and a chance to experiment and try new things.

    Above all i just want to have a good time and enjoy this while helping others enjoy it too, but without ANY strings attached. i just think some people on here (won’t name names) take this game WAY too seriously. Do people on here actually thing that anything in the real world would EVER come from any interaction here? I don’t the complicatedness that comes from things in real life, i just want some fun and good conversation and thats it.

    This game is an escape from drama, not some dating website to lead to real hook ups. Just my opinion.

    Also, the whole “owning” thing. Really dumb. Nothing annoys me more. Chances are that the girls that want to be “owned” are actually just a secondary account of the “owner”. I don’t see how anybody would want to be “owned” on here. first off, i would imagine it would be a huge turn off for girls (except for the legit few exceptions who are really into that).

    And second, i would think that girls wanna interact with more than one guy, thats how they can keep it interesting. Especially those gals who are married in real life and come here for something more exciting or to compliment their existing sex life.

    Anybody else annoyed by these things as much as i am?


    I appreciate your words, but we have an active Owning thread which talks of the topic,…refer you to that…

    Folks join up for various reasons,..the vast majority for the casual sex, the chat,..intimacy not afforded in real life. I won't discount those who find attraction to others. There is a possibility some might develop stronger emotional ties than others. This becomes a matter of take it or leave it. Recognize you are dealing with real people from varied backgrounds. It's not going to be simple since some equate sex with deeper issues.


    There are some statements I agree. First of all, it's a game. From that point you should not take it too seriously, that's right. No matter if you talk about the relationship, but also the owning and and “just sexual fun, no real relationship”.

    Like Bear said, there are variuos reasons. Here are people from all over the world with many different wishes, dreams and reasons. I like this. And it actually can happen that you find someone here, you like very much or even fall in love. I believe you should not search for it here, but it may happen. As long as both feel the same (and want the same) it's ok and not a drama. Drama is beginning at the moment, one person is wanting more and the other just wants to have fun.

    There is one question I have superman. You say, its just a game, you just wanna try new things and experiment a little. Why are you then so upset about other ones? Perhaps they just wanna do the same as you, but there way is another than yours? Or they really have other wishes, but this is not something you should judge then I think.
    Try this as a way to learn more about other people, about different minds and don't forget: After all AChat is for fun.

    Janine Dee

    What confuses me is that this thread is started by the same person who had a HUGE post about how a woman he had been with should pick an orientation and stick with it?

    Now it's all about fun?

    Seems this is about one definition of fun and when people do things contrary to that way it says they should then it is a personal offense.

    We have had actual couples in real world long distance relationships come on AChat to have an outlet for their feelings.

    More then that however has there ever been a chat program in the history of the internet that has NOT had people develop emotional ties?

    Heck before the invention of the internet pen pals were known to fall for each other.

    If you are so against emotional ties then I would suggest you stop dealing with people all together.


    If I may offer my opinion as well. As many people on AChat, as many different reasons to be here and as many different definitions of fun. I can accept your point of view, since it is your point of view and not mine. With some people I met, I would jump at a chance to meet them in real life. I have developed a deeper relationship with them, other than playing in a room. And I am sure there are many with me.
    I am happy that you ofund the forum to ventilate your opnions and give us a different view on the game. Just be prepared that others have a totally different view of things which might collide with your own perspective. I hope you wilol have an open mind towards the opnion of others, they value yours.
    Nothing is obligated in AChat, that is one of the bigger assets of the game. Anything and everything goes, as long as both sides are happy with it. Same with owning, sorry for referring to it here again, as long as all sides are happy, who are we to judge it? LIve and let live. There is always an ignore button…


    Well I am trying to dance lightly on this issue,..but Janine and Tight nail it.  Not everyone is going to align with your expectations of this place


    REAL > people looking for something missing in their real life  ! Some are , some are`nt  ! But all have too be treated at some level of respect , just be thruthful , on the other persons feelings , after all just cyber and they might be new to this kind of cyber stuff . i WAS 1-1/2 YEAR ago ! Handle each person as it comes  ! just me ! I don`t like to hurt for I have been hurt ! OK enough of the girly crap !  > JUST  SMILE DAMN IT !

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