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Pose Idea. Spanking. SF Erotic Spanking for a Full House.

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    Pose Idea. Spanking and spanking actions

    i hope in the near future they will add some spanking actions

    like a over the knee postion
    you can also do other stuff in that postion
    like finger the girls asshole or pussy when spanking them
    or if the guy is over the girls lap
    she could jack him off

    also could be a bent over the bed spanking
    and have different implements to use on there ass
    also be great to watch the ass get red after so many smacks

    Janine Dee

    There's already been a few threads on SM positions… but the ass getting red as it's spanked IS a new idea.

    The trick is that I personally have no idea how they would program that. I mean in a real spanking there is some variation in how hard one spanks, not to mention the use of implements. So either the redness would be universal which people would complain is unrealistic, or they would have to figure out a way to program in all the variations.

    So the spanking is a hopefully soon sort of thing, but I have no idea on the reddening of the ass.


    Just to elaborate on the redness suggestion.

    The more the area of the body is hit, the redder it becomes and overtime the redness wears off.

    Janine Dee

    Yep… the question is will there be variation for how hard they are spanked? Or if a paddle is used over say a hand?


    I suppose there could be various animations for slow, fast, hard and soft spanking. A harder hit would leave a more vivid mark, perhaps even an handprint and the area hit could have a reaction. I.e. Slapping the buttocks would cause them to wobble more after an hard hit compared to a softer one.


    glad to see others agree with there being spanking
    hope that comes true!

    Janine Dee

    We'll keep hoping, and keep mentioning so that the development team knows there is still an active interest amongst the users.


    Achat has now created spanking poses which seems to have a FULL HOUSE for all couples. Before I “YAYYYY Well Done Achat!” clarification is needed for the FS / SF versions.

    Available in MF & FM ; FF ; MS & SM ; FS ; MM & SS for A$199 each.

    MF and MS




    FS (Female spanks Shemale)



    I am unable to tell if there is an SF (S spanks) or FS version (F Spanks) of Erotic Spanking
    Could anyone enlighten us? Is one of these poses missing from the collection?

    If you own them and enjoy them, please complete pose reviews so confusions like this do not exist. It is also very useful for buying members.

    More details can be found here:

    Topics (Forum Home Page) » Forum News » Volunteers required for Pose Reviews

    Volunteers required for Pose Reviews


    Hiiii. xxx

    The Female Spanks in FS. Hehehe.


    Thanks Zuz. Hugs and Merry Xmas.

    So although there is an FS Erotic Spanking pose as shown above, we are one light to make the full house.

    An SF Erotic Spanking is needed where the Shemale spanks the Female.

    Come on Achat… Give your customers the Spanking full House.

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