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- This topic has 194 replies, 36 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 6 months ago by Lover.
April 17, 2012 at 7:00 pm #5682
I'm happy to notice, here are many Trekkies
Let's use this topic to talk about our favs, the series, the movies, actors, quotes… simply everything of the Star Trek universe…
And don't forget – Star Trek is not fiction…In Germany it's called “Raumschiff Enterprise” (Starship Enterprise).
I start with mytop 3 heroes:
Captain James T. Kirk
DataA funny thing: In Germany almost every child (and older people anyway) knows one quote… actually this quote never has been spoken!
It's “Scotty, beam me up”April 17, 2012 at 7:53 pm #63010I'm happy for all you fans… though I know barely anything about it myself.
April 17, 2012 at 9:43 pm #63011My hereos :- James T (Tiberius) Kirk ; Spock, Bones, Scotty, Checkov, Uhura lol ( My Grandma had the old series
Favourite quote – Bones to Kirk – ” It's life Jim, but not as we know it ”
and of course … ” To boldly go where no man has gone before”
April 17, 2012 at 9:43 pm #63012Hiya's…
I am a huge Star Trek fan. From the fist time I saw the show I was fascinated by the idea of space exploration in that way. I loved the idea that the world was finally at peace and united in these adventures. I joined the Star Trek Fan Club in 1966 and still have my Trekker's membership card, along with photos, charts and all sorts of things.
My top 3 characters are:
1. James T. Kirk
2. Kathryn Janeway
3. SpockOne of my favorite quotes comes from Captain Janeway, and it almost fits here in the AChat realm:
Captain Kathryn Janeway: I've become romantically involved with a hologram, if that's possible.
The Doctor: Tell me what happened.
Captain Kathryn Janeway: Oh, you know the story. Girl meets boy, girl modifies boy's subroutines.Thanks for letting me share,
PafeApril 18, 2012 at 8:10 am #63007Gee, Pafe! you don't LOOK so huge…lol i think you are a nice, pleasant size for a fan. those really big ones cheese me off! as for my faves, i loved all the obvious ones, but kirk, spock, bones, uhura and sulu from tos (with kudos to bruce campbell), and picard and data from tng. by the time the rest got rolling i was a bit trekked out, though i did enjoy the early ds9. and i don't care what anyone says 7of9 should have been 6of9!!!!
April 18, 2012 at 8:28 am #63008Star Trek is a link between so much generation! it's a planetary thing, i doubt there are to much peoples around the earth who had never hear about Star Trek!
P.S. the last movie, was wonderfull!
April 18, 2012 at 8:38 am #63009agreed wholeheartedly lover. i loved all the movies though the first two were a bit weak due to funding and competition from star wars, but from IV on they were epic!
April 18, 2012 at 4:51 pm #63013Yes, beginning with IV every movie got better – and I look forward to the next one.
Pafe, your quote… lol.. so true… the holo doc was the best character in Voayger… beside seven of nine
April 18, 2012 at 9:34 pm #63014Hiya's…
I loved all the movies… even the first one. Granted a lot of people don't like the first one, but I did. I was just so happy to see the characters back and they were still able to save the day. The Wrath of Khan was terrific and got the franchise back to the action that became so prevelant during the original series.
The new Star Trek movie was also terrific. They brought the Star Trek Universe up to the modern era and also enabled the story lines to expand. I also loved the way the paid homage to the series and even the films that came before it. If you remember… in The Wrath of Khan, when Kirk is explaining how he beat the Kobashi Maru simulation he is eating an apple. In the new Star Trek, when Kirk is actually beating the Kobashi Maru simulation he is eating an apple. It was the little things like that I thought was great.
I read William Shatner's books on making the series and the one he wrote on making the movies. They were fascinating reading for me and gave me an insight into the production process and how the ideas were developed. He also has some really funny stories about the productions. I could go on and on about all the movies and all the shows, but no one wants to read that much of a post.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeApril 18, 2012 at 9:52 pm #63015Seen all the movies and series, such a trekkie nerd
1. Kathryn Janeway
2. James Tiberius Kirk
3. Jonathan Archer
3. Jean-Luc Picard
4. Benjamin Lafayette SiskoWith Voyager being the best Star Trek series so far, in my opinion.
April 20, 2012 at 6:35 am #63016I really, really am not a Trekkie, as I am only 19 and have never been a tv watcher anyway, but wasn't it Spock who used to say
“It's life Jim, but not as we know it!”April 21, 2012 at 2:49 pm #63017I will say that my personal favorite was Deep Space Nine because it touched on a great many topics that the rest of the Trek universe basically held as taboo.
-Religion- With Sisko the Emissary of the Prophets they had a Starfleet officer a Moses of the Bajoran religion, and while his reaction started as the typical Federation reaction to religious belief (condescending acceptance) that the end of the series had him staying with the Prophets to be instructed showed an amazing journey of the soul that Star Trek until then didn't seem to believe in.
-War- In Star Trek was was basically either flashy effects laden battles with consoles that had a disturbing lack of safety features, or refugee camps that our Starfleet officers were beaming down to. In DS9 they started with the ending of the occupation of Bajor and had the HUGE Dominion war, and there friend and foe became blurred, and the realities of war became more more multidimensional.
-Authority- While there was SOME rebellion against authority in other Treks they were typically rebelling against this corrupt offical or that pig-headed superior, but were diligently loyal to the Federation as a whole. In DS9 they often brought the entire Federation into question, right from the beginning really since the peace treaty that led to the Cardassian's pulling out of Bajor still had a LOT of bad feelings on both sides.
-Multiculturalism- In Most Trek's the Federation is seen as the ideal, and other cultures are measured by how Federation-like they are. While I touched on it a bit in religion the space station DS9 was by it's nature more of a melting pot of cultures rather then the Starfleet vessels which are by their nature a singular culture.
On DS9 things like Klingon mating were shown, and Ferengi greed were explored byond the simple sterotypes they were held to in the other series, but also humanity was shown to not always be the shining creature that other Trek series seemed to make them out to be.
While other series tried to show it (like Q putting humanity on trial on the very first TNG) I think DS9 did it better.
So that's why it's my favorite Trek to date.
April 24, 2012 at 4:04 am #63018I can't begin to say how happy I am to find fellow Trekkies…from all over the world…Loving this..
James Tiberius Kirk…I've had a crush on him since I was a very young (thank goodness for reruns and dvd's)
ties with Mr. Spock…Live long and propser fave quote “I always have and always will be your friend”
Bones ..Leonard McCoy “are you out of your vulcan mind?”
and Uhura…she was just too coolData
Captain Piccard (the sexiest bald man ever)April 24, 2012 at 9:06 am #63019For all the Trekkies…….recently, the online game of star Trek became free. i had take a look but game site looks like have some problem, but here it is! fun, if you gonna try it!
April 24, 2012 at 4:29 pm #63020Absolutely love the film Star Trek IV The voyage home .. and saving the Hump back Whales. Spock quietening the punk on the bus playing loud music, Chekov (the Russian) & Uhura looking for nuclear wessons at a naval base in USA … Pure brilliance.
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