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Statistics be damned! Unfair Pose Distribution!

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Home Forums Shemales and their lovers in AChat Statistics be damned! Unfair Pose Distribution!

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    So I did a little pose counting today and this is what I came up with;

    Men & Men 17 Poses
    Shemale & Shemale 17 Poses
    Shemale & Men 36 Poses
    Women & Women 44 Poses
    Shemale & Women 45 Poses
    Men & Women 85 Poses

    So here lies the rub. The dev department bases it’s direction and it’s time based on active member participation. Smart for any business really. ‘Know your target audience.’ So how many gay men do you know that aren’t playing playing Achat? Let’s talk to them and get some family in here people…so we can earn some new poses.

    😉 Me personally I’ll buy any Shemale & Shemale poses the dev department can hash out. It’s the most exciting part of my day when I see a new one but that doesn’t happen without better statistics…it makes me a sad monkey.


    I dont think this will change soon , actually and we can say since the start of the year 2013 and even before that , dev team is targeting MF ( who have a big lack of poses it seem ) and MS (who need some , but less than SS/MM )


    Hi ya Steelsilk,    Welcome to Achat's Forum    

    Interesting post . Ty.  We  have discussed this before, trying to get the minority groups more interested here, staying and campaigning for more poses for them.

    It seems to be a vicious circle …   the limited poses for their orientation tends to lose the attraction of Achat, but the lack of their participation does not make it cost effective for Achat to expand that area.

    We are trying to encourage the Achat Gods to release poses on a rotation so the cost can be spread out and slowly build up the reportoire of the minority poses …  we are not there yet .. but we are all supporting the lesser poses .

    So we all voice our opinions  and join in the support…   

    Come on Achat gods …  lets get a fair rotation system going …   lets get more people joining up here.


    Statistic can help us to have a better view on the lack of poses as number, but not as quality (good job anyway, Steelsilk!), two different things.

    Rujkya, dev team allways look at MF as primary trget cause it's the most big group and this mean more cash for them if they can satisfy this amount of premium users, it'as a natural thing! But remember….my words doesn't mean i agree with this line, just i understand it under a merchandise profile.

    Of course, then tere are the group poses…….and there they need to work a lot to make them interessing!


    The gods must have been listening Steelsilk, with the introduction today (Saturday, no less) of ms Butt-View Pleasure.


    There is 4 weeks in a row now that they ” listen ”  MS . Maybe its time that they ” listen ” others combinations now


    Hello steelsilk – it's always nice to see an “old” member of forum again these days Hope it's not just a short visit here!

    Useless to say we support each gender and wish more poses and good actions for each orientation. Did you notice we even had some long time campaigns, eg “Pantless Friday”, polls and even talked to gay boys and shemales to get them active in forum.

    We have learned that A-Team needs clear examples and descriptions of our wishes. This is the reason for all our polls and collecting-threads. And of course, a strong community here is helpful too. More ideas, more “pressure” of members and more visibility for each gender and each single member makes it easier to get what we want.

    So stay in forum, activate your friends and join our events, like “Secret Easter” (,2319.30.html), the story contest,2196.0.html and help us collecting ideas in Discussions about AChat/Polls


    There really is nothing out there remotely like AChat. I do love this game and , come what may, I'm here for as long as that is the case.  I love the new MS poses! thanks DEV team!  and thanks to everyone that responded to my post. 


    but do they do the updates like that because most members are hetero males/ females or are most members that way as a result of what poses they've been adding?


    The first, Chaser…….they add more hetero poses cause at last the hetero community is the biggest one! i can't be sure, but i think it's higher then 70%……or more, probably!


    The first, Chaser…….they add more hetero poses cause at last the hetero community is the biggest one! i can't be sure, but i think it's higher then 70%……or more, probably!

    Hmmm last time i counted the peoples on achat , the result was : Female lesbian + female hétéro + male gay + shemales = hétéro men ( more or less )


    lol, Rukya… are telling men are 50% of the population of AChat!? it looks a bit incredible….i was thinking they were less then 50%! 


    There is a new pose in FF and FS : Sitting Joy

    Hum, my cock is a joy  : …. 
    Pose well done, just testing with the robot girl because it's my Men week 

    For the Men yes not enough 


    Uhhmmm…..i'll gonna wait to buy it, Nat, cause for a little of time i think i don't need it!  :'(


    Why a little of time HB ?
    Me I've bought because I want to have all the poses of the game but not necessary.
    But a new pose is a new pose, so it's great and like that Rukya stop to cry but not sure 

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