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  • #7666

    Hello Boys and Girls,

    as promissed I’m the new designer in town, so here is something i came up with while checking out the basic files… it’s not even nearly finished but something i needed like 20 min for… so is this something that’s wanted/needed? (more different styles are planned)

    Feedback is welcome.




    next one in raw form… still alot of work left but it's a start…

    So no reply or feedback here yet…. i see i see…. maybe my ain't needed here?  :



    I prefer the first but I don't like the back of the dress, the top back
    Don't worry the feedback arrived I think 
    I don't speak well english so it's not easy for me to explain.

    If not good work Stisegon.


    thanks alot 

    ok…. had a bit time and came up with this, i can make any color you want and make an alternate version where the breasts are more transparent


    ooooooooooooooooookay… this set could be done in any color, what kind of color is prefered? any wishes for changes?


    This is a nice model. Sexy.

    How about black and white? Bleack and grey, ref fire (a bit like on the blue one) up and down combines with white or light orange, or yellow…
    Some pink variations…

    So many possibilities. But I like it when you add some motives on the darker parts, not just simply unicolor. Or giving it a satin texture… things like that…


    looks nice
    the gloves look too hard,….the contrast of the textures I mean

    but just my opinion


    I like the blue one. And regarding the colours of the set – black, white and red


    ooooooooooooooooookay… this set could be done in any color, what kind of color is prefered? any wishes for changes?

    My opinion about this set……the gloves are too marked as colour compare to the dress. make it brightes and it will fit better!

    Aaaanyway, welcome to the Artists Lair, Stisegon, hope your creations can be soon in shop!


    Mmmm…. very tasty! All of them! 


    Hi Stisegon,
    Check if we see well panties, garter belts, bra with all these transparent parts.
    To have a similarity between the streets clothes and the sex clothes.
    Because it's weird when undressing completely change of clothes!

    I hope that you understood what I meant 


    Oh crap, I didn't see this topic yet, sorry!  😮

    Very nice work, my opinion of the gloves is the same as the others, maybe you can make them in the same lace as the dress borders?

    As of colors…I'm not difficult, I only don't like blue  , but I think I'll be alone with this opinion so just don't care ^^


    ooooooooooooooooookay… this set could be done in any color, what kind of color is prefered? any wishes for changes?

    I also like this design a lot with a few modifications. Like Anni said, I think the gloves would look nicer as the same colour and pattern as the dress border  / bra.
    I also would like to see different colours, including the net of the body f the dress.

    Maybe a  deep rich purple ; a deep rich forest or olive green ;  a deep crimson  red  or a deep midnight blue.  Or possibly a release of all these colours so the buyer can choose.

    Good luck and welcome to the Forum village.


    Well done,, i would love to buy them all 


    ooooooooooooooooookay… this set could be done in any color, what kind of color is prefered? any wishes for changes?

    Love it.. A little more sheer .. with no gloves for me  
    many other colors  I like a royal purple , Deep Crimson, Deep  forest green, glacial blue and  BLACK

    beige  black color over it kind like this  colors would be nice to dont see much this colors

    Yours looks great

    Simple and elegant  with  some boots  of same blue will be great  I love it


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