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Game Idea. Shopping – Men buy the outfits for their partner and try on in room.

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Game Idea. Shopping – Men buy the outfits for their partner and try on in room.

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    Game Idea. Shopping – Men buy the outfits for their partner and try on in room.

    Ok, here is the idea:
    let men create sets of women clothes, accessories, cosmetics and then apply these sets to partner in room.
    I don’t think it’s too difficult to implement (as all UI is already done) and it can greatly increase shopping revenue and game fun 😉



    I don't really know what to make of this, I would need a little bit more detail into this suggestion before answering clearly.

    from what I got I'm thinking: “let men create clothing? Isn't that achat's job? and choosing what their partner wears…thats way too controlling..”

    Thats what I initially thought, but like I said please add more detail.

    P.S. welcome to the forums


    Ok, just imagine you are a man. So you don't need any women's clothes in the shop.

    But what if you want your girlfriend to wear something special? Now you have to 1. give her money 2. explain what you want 3. you are still not sure she will get it

    I suggest that you can buy clothes for anothert gender, apply it on dummy model, save as a set. While you are in room you can offer your partner to use your clothes instead of hers.


    Interesting idea…
    Yes  Shianna does sound controlling…but I think the idea to offer  preset outfits rather unique. Definite enticement for premium males and their play with the non-premiums since the wardrobe options are rather limited and bland.


    Most of the clothes are easy to call out, you may want to suggest that the males send the image of said items to appear on a 'request' tab so that the female can respond the way she desires to.


    I think I understand what Abadonna is trying to say. For example, if your partner has a nylon or stockings fetish, but you yourself don't own or wear any, perhaps your partner could be given the option to offer you piece of clothing to temporarily wear during your time together. ( As long as they have purchased it themselves). That way your partner can get the satisfaction they are looking for without you buying the clothing. of course the option to decline their offer should be made available. I think that is what Abadonna was asking.


    Could work… though I wouldn't let a man put together my outfit… there's not too many of them that can make it look good.


    Could work… though I wouldn't let a man put together my outfit… there's not too many of them that can make it look good.

    I agree. complete outfits don't really serve much of a purpose once your in a private room. It all ends up on the floor pretty quickly anyway, lol.


    I could see this being used for RP. For men who want their partner to look the part.


    Would be nice if it worked vice versa.. Unfortunately it would be a choice from a tiny collection.. It would work well for rp.
    Adera, you might be right. Not a lot of guys are good at picking clothes, let alone go through the trouble of going shopping


    maybe an option to make a wish list  so u can put things u like or want in it and if a friend , lover, spouce or even a stranger wants to gift u they get to see the list and they can  choose  what they want to gift

    it would also be nice if u can fit outfits before u buy .
    not that it is  nessecery at the moment but it might be when the shop gets bigger and there is more to choose from
    we do want to have nice clothing .


    Would be nice if it worked vice versa.. Unfortunately it would be a choice from a tiny collection.. It would work well for rp.
    Adera, you might be right. Not a lot of guys are good at picking clothes, let alone go through the trouble of going shopping

    So far the choices for good outfits are somewhat limited anyway, at least if you want to look casual instead of cold. 
    And the items in the sexy outfits should have the option of being removable individually. Some of the bras look really good, but playing with my nipples looks better if the bra is gone…  :-*


    it would be a lot like sharing the poses actually

    Janine Dee

    The only problem I could foresee at this point is that there would be those (women if were honest) who would suddenly start expecting the guys to have all the poses AND all the clothes.

    It's still a good idea because you will always have those who seek to abuse the system, and you can't let them control what you do.


    ppl that want to bug and abuse will always be there  tht is for sure .

    and i get what they sugest like i did .

    i said bout it would be nice if u can make a wish list or something..
    and that we could try out clothing before we buy them .
    and with a wish list u do not give  poses or clothing unless the other one  wants it or does it .

    i can tell for my self i would put in things i want to have but also  use it as a guid list what to buy next for my self .
    if someone gifts it instead it be great but i see it more as a shopping list like the things to do list.

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