Hello AChat!
I think it’s safe to say that there are plenty of shemale users out here! While the Clothes and Scenes section is already pretty extensive, I think it’d be great to add one more option to Your Body>Chastity Items, like the flat cage. Just a thought!
For our male users, I think it would be great if you could change the size of the penis in the Your Body section. There could be three sizes: small, medium, and giant.
I feel like men could use a little more variety when it comes to customizing their avatars. It’s great that they’ve added more clothes lately, but I think there’s still room for improvement.
You might also want to think about adding a male transgender or male with a vagina option. I know it might sound a little kinky, but let’s be honest, many of us use this kind of platform/game to release (let’s put it this way) our baser instincts.
I know all this involves a lot of effort and dedication, so please don’t think I’m asking for too much! These are just suggestions from a common user.
I read a post about reducing A$ costs, which sounds like a great idea! Who wouldn’t want to pay less to enjoy? Maybe there could be special promotions from time to time, like discounts or time extensions (for example, 4 months for 2000 A$ valid only for the next 2 days, or 10% off for 1 month of premium, Black Friday adds more A$ for a limited period of time).
This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by MikeOr.