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Scammed by Jojo69. Taking the piss.

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Home Forums Forum News Scammed by Jojo69. Taking the piss.

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  • #4869

    Takin.g the piss

    I have been a member of Achat for sometime now, and have just been taken for a ride for the 1st time  for A$ – there must be some way of getteing this back what you have paid for .And if not make a way off getting it back, because i'll leave if this carries on and so will other members. Think retention makers of Achat cos that's what will make your money for you.

    Janine Dee

    Huh?  ???

    What happened exactly?


    Probably paid one of the hussies for pics and she never mailed them or something similar


    Do I understand you correct tramazi? You paid to go into the room (or maybe to get real pics) and now you want this money back?


    We all are saying,” You have to tell more of the story.  Because we are just lost as hell.  We don't know why your pissed off.  I hope your talking about buy that worm postion, cause I'd like my money back on that one.  But if you gave your money for some pics, i have alot to say on that, but I'm trying to point out to Bobbycat that I can be nice .”


    any one else find it odd he's not coming back to answer us?


    Maybe he is still searching for his money


    Maybe he's just realizing he's been fooled and there's not a chance he'll get any help. Without an official policy on matters like this, the AChat team owes us nothing.
    Keeping us happy is in their best interest though as they would end up without cash eventually if they didn't.

    Janine Dee

    Actually Bouli another economic model works on the idea of continuously attracting new clientele. Then one's older client base can be more or less ignored as long as all contracted services are rendered as they were promised at the time of contract.

    Like when an ISP spends more on advertising to lure in new customers then keeping their tech able to handle the increased demands the new customers they are seeking out will make.

    Yeah I'm looking at you Microsoft Network I have neither forgiven nor forgotten.


    Yea, absolutely. But I am under the impression that the main way people find their way here is by word of mouth from current/old users.
    I think we've derailed from the main topic though.


    Honestyly, what the hell was the topic?  He never truly explained it.  The title had me thinking he wanted to add pissing to Achat.  I'm still lost at why he is pissed.


    He tried to buy sex and was scammed. Simple as that.
    A seller's market to be sure.


    Ohhhhh.  Well I'm sorry, can't feel any sympathy. 


    It would have been strange enough if he is a new member. But he writes “

    I have been a member of Achat for sometime now,

    He must know there is no reason to pay.

    But for all dupes, I am the first official BOC, the Bureau Of Complaints.

    Opened 24 hours a day. One room, one table, one chair, one big garbage can


    It would have been strange enough if he is a new member. But he writes “

    I have been a member of Achat for sometime now,

    He must know there is no reason to pay.

    But for all dupes, I am the first official BOC, the Bureau Of Complaints.

    Opened 24 hours a day. One room, one table, one chair, one big garbage can

    a cross, a pilori, some handcuff ? No ok

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