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    Aww, big sigh,  clasping my hands to my cheek.  I do like a happy ending…  Looking round for ItsAmy123

    Waiting for her answer ..

    This is so romantic and Covems is  one special guy,  he has many accolades,  runner up in the Erotic Story Contest 4 ;  part of the management team at the AB&G, he helped build the fire pit,  the wrestling pit, helps out in maintaining the dungeons and the equipment there, is even good enough on occasions to try it out,  😮 ;  the man behind our beloved Newspaper – The Achat Tattler ;  and Master to our delightful 7 Dwarfs and not forgetting he is King of Gagaland.  He even invented the Rum donut machine we are all so fond of.

    But most of all, most of all,  he is my dear dear friend …  Kind, considerate, funny and I love him to bits…

    Amy, go catch him girl….    :-*


    Firmly seated on my stool at the bar, my jaw is slightly open, my eyes are widened.. and my expression bears the look of utter surprise and shock.

    “Would you be my AChat Spouse?” …

    Those words keep ringing in my head, as I stay in a dazed state while my eyes stay fixed on Cove on stage. I don't realize when or how his little dwarfs appear around me.. and start carrying me towards the stage. To me it seems like I'm floating towards the stage, to the man waiting for me… and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

    Stepping onto stage, my eyes get a little teary eyed as I walk towards him. He flashes me a smile.. *Oh that smile..* I think to myself, *Makes me melt on the inside every time*…

    As I reach where he's standing.. his arms wrap around me and he whispers, “So whaddya say Sweets? Wanna be mine?”




    I exclaim while grinning like a fool.

    Not caring who's around.. or who's watching us.. I lock my arms around his neck.. and pull us into a deep.. passionate kiss, as the world seems to slowly evaporate around us.



    We all cheer at Amy123's response, Old Joe and myself get busy behind the bar. After much trial and error we have finally concocted a mixed drink to honor our dear friend and coworker…………… THE COVEY PRILLA

    1 1/2 oz Wild Turkey 101 bourbon
    1/2 oz Goldschlager Cinnamon Schnapps
    4 oz sarsaparilla (root beer)
    Kosher salt for the rim

    With Stone and Brandy's help we make pitchers of our creation to celebrate the occasion on the house as always.

    With pitchers and glasses at every table the entire bar stands to salute the happy couple


    Brandy & I  look at each other and grin after the Covey Prilla pitchers are given out. We quickly speak to the Cocks N Roses.

    We gather the dwarfs round the couple, still deeply snogging,  completely unaware of their surroundings.  I grab Jayc  to join in too.

    The music  begins to play softly and the dwarfs & jayc begin their harmonies as Brandy, jayc and I sing and dance round the happy couple.
    Soon all the bar is softly singing the catchy tune –

    Goin' to the chapel
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Goin' to the chapel
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Gee, I really love you
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Goin' to the chapel of love
    Spring is here, th-e-e sky is blue, whoa-oh-oh
    Birds all sing as if they knew
    Today's the day we'll say “I do”
    And we'll never be lonely anymore because we're
    Goin' to the chapel
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Goin' to the chapel
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Gee, I really love you
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Goin' to the chapel of love
    Bells will ring, the-e-e sun will shine, whoa-oh-oh
    I'll be his and he'll be mine
    We'll love until the end of time
    And we'll never be lonely anymore because we're
    Goin' to the chapel
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Goin' to the chapel
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Gee, I really love you
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Goin' to the chapel of love
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Goin' to the chapel of love
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Goin' to

    The couple are still snogging, as we all cheer  and  raise our glasses to the happy couple. “  Covems  and Amy. “

    Brandy looks at me & bursts out laughing, when I whisper,  “ I bet there’s no onion breath and snot in that one “ 
    “ And no Malorts either “   She whispers back.

    I then look perplexed , ”  Hey,  Amy's panties are missing!!  and mine are too!!  “


    Standing close with Marilyn, we're watching Amy – she's really surprised, but now she's running up to stage, jumping into covems arms…
    “Yes YES YES!!” we hear her screaming

    Seems we're having next wedding party here very soon…YEAH! I love a good party and look forward to it.
    Notice jayc and Old Joe behind the bar, mixing a new cocktail. After a few minutes they smile, they have got it. Everyone gets a drink (hm, does jayc pay as its stones birthday or does, as usual, covems have to pay?).
    I don't think about it any longer, as stone and brandy are calling the Cocks'n'Roses. No question we agree with their suggestion and just few seconds later we're back on stage.

    The lads start to sing “Goin' to the chapel”. After a few seconds of gentle tunes we start our own rock version and everybody is singing with us.

    We just finished as stone and Amy are looking for something…I suddenly laugh, noticing they are missing their panties. A thief? A joke? Or was it TKB, still on his mission to get all panties of AChat village?

    “Hey” I look to Marilyn “do you still have yours?” I grin…


    With My sweet pet and Love HB on her knees in front of me sucking My hard shaft on the stage moving her guitar onto my back I hold her head guiding it on my shaft as Covems takes to the mic and cracks some great jokes
    Trying not to laugh to much as my sweet pet keeps sucking me

    Covems turns to him beloved Amy and asks the Big Question “WILL YOU BE MY SPOUSE”

    My Pet stops in mid suck and we both look over at Amy Along with the rest of the Bar. Before she could answer the dwarfs carry her to the stage we watch as she falls into Covem's arm and Kisses him passionately and say YES  YESSS YESSSSS 

    A big cheer fills the bar again Brandy, Stone, Jayc are the first to hug the happy couple and start to sing

    Goin' to the chapel
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
    Goin' to the chapel
    And we're gonna get ma-a-arried 

    The band all look at each other and start to play the turn the whole bar joins in to sing to the happy couple.

    As I play my Pets Bass guitar she gets back to doing what she was doing before the great news


    “pssssst… Grumpy… you and Bashful,” I whisper, “I have a little job for you two, if you're willing.”  They come close, and the four of us huddle together.  “BzzbbzzzzbBBbzzzzbzbbzzzzbzbzb,” I continue whispering.  They both nod in agreement and hustle off to the other dwarfs. 

    Bashful and Grumpy scamper off to the fire pit, while the rest of the dwarfs begin to move around on stage.  Suddenly the lights go out and the bar is plunged into darkness.  You can hear banging and clanging coming from the stage.  Sounds of guitar strings being plucked and the drums being moved around.  There's a cymbal crash… then silence… except for the moaning and sounds of pleasure coming from the members of Cocks and Roses with their loves.

    A sharp spotlight pierces the darkness, illuminating Dopey, who's seated at the drums… sticks in hand.  Dopey hits the snare rim three times, setting the beat “RAP!”      “RAP!”      “RAP!” A G chord comes ringing from the guitar that used to be in Bear's hands.

    The stage lights come on shining on each of the five dwarfs, and they begin their song.

      This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

    The bar goes silent… all eyes transfixed on the dwarfs and the shenanigans of the Cocks and Roses

        “This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

        This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

        This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “

    “Amy.” I whisper, taking her by her hand.  “This is our chance.  Follow me.”

        “This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

      This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “

    We go through the storage room door, and I open the secret panel, which leads to the Ice House passage shutting it once we pass through.  We're between the walls of the stage area and the Ice house… we can hear the muffled voices of the dwarfs as they continue to sing

      “This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

    We can hear voices yelling….  “Noooooo…  noooooooo!  Make them stop!  Somone… please…  “

      This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “

    Amy and I emerge in the hallway of the Ice House and slip into the pool room of the AB&G.  Just a short trot through that room and we're out by the fire pit, where we meet Grumpy.

    “All set?”  I ask him. 

    “Yes.”  Is Grumpy's reply.  “We put in a couple of logs of each… oak… maple… birch… walnut… locust… cherry… and apple.”  He smiles as he says it.  Bashful just nods in agreement.

    “And the blankets?”  Amy asks.

    “In the front seat of the truck.”  Grumpy answers.

    “Thanks fellows, you're the best.”  I say to them.  “Thank the rest of the gang for us, will ya?”  They nod and open the door to back in the bar.

        “Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “

    Amy and I run for the truck, we peek in the bed and see the firewood then climb in the cab.  I start the truck up and hit the gas, buckling my seat belt as we leave the parking lot.  Out on the road, I step on it, and Amy and I head back to the campsite by Crystal Lake.

    Fair warning… this is a version of the song, for those of you brave enough to check it out.  But be careful, as I'm sure you know, the song and the tune can get stuck in your head for days.


    OT: Hey all I'M BACK!!! anyone miss me LOL


    OT  we all missed you sexi MMMWAHHHHHHHH


    OT Sure we have missed you..silly question


    OT: missing you!? i never notice you was away……  :






    kidding……far from the eyes of most here, but not from mine!


    OT Brandy you can pin this up over the Bar



    Time I was back on the staff then! :p


    This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “

    The  song by the dwarfs goes on and on and on and worst , I am singing it with them.  I chuckle to myself as I knew it was going to be stuck in my brain for a few days to come.

    Bashful suddenly tugs on my shirt as I am on my third glass of  Covey Prilla  He had been hanging the new sign Tango had given me behind the bar,  – I look down and he whispers in my ear.

    “They are huh? That’s what they think, “   I chuckle and whisper instructions to him.  He smiles back at me and joins the other dwarfs, whispering to each one. Each in turn nods and continues playing the song.

    I walk over to jayc, Stone, JD, J2D2, Old_Goat, Old Joe, Momma_Andrea & Mercer78. They listen to my plan and get ready to burst into action.

    Next I recruit the Cocks N Roses & their ladies –  Bear ;  Jcm0824, Bluedenim & Snowbunny78 ; Freddie & tangojane ; Mrsexlover , All_For_You & sexilicious (Welcome back, we missed you ) ; Lover & Marilyn.

    I wander round each table –  Pafe, Satoire, Mooncalf, Mollie, other guests of the AB&G. All nod as I whisper our plan and they are in full agreement too. 

    Little do they realise, as  Covems & ItsAmy123 hug each other and make their sneaky way out of the bar to their loaded truck,  all eyes on the bar are on their retreating backs.

    The minute they exit the room and the truck heard to  leave…  the bar bursts into actions.  Trucks are filled with booze, the new covered pitchers of Covey Prilla and food ,  a large picnic table,  plates, cutlery , glasses , musical instruments and equipment  and people giggling in anticipation of an all night party.

    Lover gathers his special robes for symbolic occasions from his office.  We are all amazingly ready in the magic of Achat time …

    We all get loaded on the trucks & I lock the doors of the AB&G.  I  walk over & stand in the door of the lead truck … “  Ok everyone, we need the silent approach when we get there…  no lights or wheel spins…  agreed? “

    “ Agreed “   The AB&G  villagers respond.

    “ Ok “   I  grin at all of them,  “  Crystal Lake, here we come “    I sit in the car with Old Joe & Bear  and my thoughts are ….

    This is the song that doesn't end.
        Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
        Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
        And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “

    That bloody song !!!!


    Always is a pleasure back to the Achat Bar and Grill and see that everybody is fine, enjoying the beers and having good feelings here.

    Kisses to all

    I  can go, i can back, but a part of my heart will be always here with all of you!!!

    Kisses to all again, and hugs, and a lot of smiles.

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