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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )

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  • #68194

    As the water covers my body and the steam mists up the glass I wash the dirt of the world off my body. As I rinse of the shower gel I see Jinger enter the shower.

    Pulling her to me with one hand our lips meet and we kiss deep and passionately, turning us around letting the hot water run over us both.

    Jinger breaks the kiss and start to kiss her way down my body till she reaches my  hardening shaft. Feeling her lips gently kiss the tip and then take me into her mouth.  With her mouth moving along the whole length of my  hard cock  I feel the growing urge to take her right here in the shower.
    But she starts to move faster and taking me a little deep moving my hips in time with her movements pushing my cock deep into her throat. With a grunt of satisfaction I can't hold back any more and explode deep into her mouth. Feeling her throat pulse as jet after jet of my hot seed hits the back of it.  She swallows every drop I look down at her and smile, her hands move up my body as she lets my cock out of her mouth and starts to stand up. Taking her hands from my chest with my left hand and with one quick movement I pull her back to her feet spin her around and pin her against the shower wall and give her a sharp slap across her wet ass.

    Leaning in against her body “Hmmmmmm My Turn”  I whisper

    Giving her ass a sharp  slap again making her take a deep breath in and try to move away from me but just presses herself harder against the shower wall. Keeping my hand where it landed covering both cheeks gently moving it down letting my finger tips run down between her cheeks. And down lower letting them trace along her wet lips of her pussy.

    Gently I tip her ankles with my foot  “Open your legs for  me” I whisper in her ear.

    Her legs open letting my hand move easy between them as two fingers slide deep into her wetness. Making her gasp as she feels her lips forced open from behind. As my fingers work deeper into her she pushes back against my fingers. Move my fingers around deep inside her warm love tunnel letting them find every magic button inside her. Her body shacks and quivers every time my fingers hit there spots.  Letting my fingers deep inside her flicking each button in turn I move my thumb back up between the cheeks of her ass and let it rest against the entrance of her ass. As it brushes over it I feel her push back  again letting me know she likes that to.

    With a little push of my thumb I feel Jingers entrance open letting my thumb slid into it, making her take a sharp breath as she feels my thumb slid deep into her tight entrance. Working my fingers and thumb as one in her pussy and ass her body starts to shake.


    Hearing her screams I keep slamming my fingers and thumb into her body I feel her body go limp and taking her weight of her body on my hand as I keep driving them into her feeling her pussy tighten around my fingers and her ass clamp tight around my thumb feeling  the rush of warmth cover my fingers as a powerful orgasm floods though her whole body . I keep moving my hand keeping her orgasm flowing through her making her scream with pleasure.

    As her orgasm subsides she takes her  own weight again and turns her head towards me

    “AAHHHHH My Fucking GOD now take me and Fuck me hard”

    Hearing her words I pull her waist and bend her over letting my hard cock rub against the wetness of her pussy and with one hard push it slides right into her forcing my whole length into her tight pussy.  Letting her hands go so she can support herself as I start  to slam hard into her pussy making her gasp and grown with every hard thrust. The hot water covered our bodies and splashed every time our bodies hit against one and other.

    “Take me out side and fuck me I want to see your face as you fuck me” she grunts at me as I drive hard into her

    Pulling out of her tight pussy I take her hand and lead her out of the shower and back into the main spa room as I pass one of the little changing benches Jinger Pushes me down onto it. She stands in front of me and looks down at my hard cock standing up she leans forward and whispers 
    “HMMMMMM My Turn Now”


    Having finally settled in to my new home, I decided to take a little walk down to the local bar and grille. Walking in there are plenty of  people all having a good time. I stroll over to the bar and ask for a Beam & coke as I sit on one of the stools.
    “Old Joe's the name'. Hi Joe, I'm David nice to meet you.


    I quickly finished another drink, trying not to loose from sight people on stage, greedy devouring them all with my eyes. Smiling, I whistled and shouted few times, bursting with energy.

    I felt hot and automatically lowered zipper on my leather jacked, relieving my black, curved bra.

    Taking final sips off my drink, I addressed all who were standing near: “Now that's a HOT show?”

    Suddenly I felt discomfort bellow my waits, like something was clamped in my trousers. Heat and goosebumps run down my back and I took a peek down, finding that my “interest” in the show I just observed was showing too obvious and my leather trousers couldn't hold it hidden any more.

    I thought to myself “Oh no!” and quickly turned, leaning against a bar counter.

    All blushed, I made gesture to Stone to get me another strong drink.


    I feel Tango’s hand slap my ass sharply, making me take a deep breath in and I as I try to move away I end up pressing myself harder against the shower glass. His hand stays where it landed. I feel his fingers run down between my cheeks and slowly over my pussy.

    Tango moves my legs gently and whispers softly in my ear, ‘Open your legs for me.’

    I obey immediately, although a little shocked at my compliance. I gasp as his thick fingers enter me. My body quakes every time he catches my inner place and as I feel his thumb run between the cheeks of my ass, I push back ever so slightly to let him know I want to feel him in all of me. As he enters me and starts to work both pussy and ass, I feel my climax working through my body, demanding to be released.
    ‘AHHHHH FUCK YES YES DON’T STOP!’ I scream as I am taken over by Tango’s unrelenting fingers. My body limp, I can do little but rest against him as the onslaught continues. As my orgasm subsides I regain my stance and turn my head to face him.

    ‘Ohhhh my fucking God. Take me and fuck me hard!’

    His eyes never move from mine, he just smiles and pulling my waist he bends me over and seems to force his hard cock into me, all in one movement. He frees my hands and grabs my hips as he slams into me over and over making me gasp and groan.

    ‘Take me outside and fuck me. I want to see your face!’ I grunt at him.

    Pulling out of me swiftly, Tango takes my hand and leads me out of the shower. As we pass by a changing bench, I push him down onto it and standing in front of him I admire his hard cock rising before me.

    I lean over and whisper, ‘Hmmmm My Turn Now!’

    I hear cheers and clapping from the bar but play it little attention. I can’t take my eyes away from Tango’s hardness. I straddle him, my foot just touching the floor as I feel him at my soft, wet entrance. Lowering myself further, his cock parts my pussy lips and his hips thrust up firmly to take me deeper inside. I push down further and hear him gasp a little and placing my hand on his taut stomach, I rock my hips backwards and forwards, feeling him deeper inside me with every movement.

    I make my movements small, savoring every second. I know that my climax is near but I want to delay my satisfaction. I feel Tango wince beneath me and realise that my fingernails are digging into the hard flesh of his stomach. The scratches are deep showing pearls of red coming to the surface. He grabs my wrists.

    ‘Don’t you dare stop now!’ as his eyes lock onto mine.

    I rock back and forth, moving quicker, feeling his cock deep in me

    ‘Oh my God, that isn’t going to go any further!’ I gasp as a slight smile spreads across his lips.

    I feel the tightening in the pit of my stomach and bite my lips to try and stave off the screams of passion from taking over my whole body. I move faster on his hard length, feeling it urging my secret spot to let go. Tango still holds my wrists tight, not giving them a chance to back out now and as the shudders take hold of my core, I feel my pussy gush and cover his cock and balls.

    Panting hard, I lean forward a little as Tango releases me I bend forward and kiss him deeply. His hands move to my ass.

    ‘I’m not done yet!’ he murmurs.

    As his hands tighten over the cheeks of my ass, he forces me up and down on his hard member. He rises to meet me, pounding me.  As I explode again, I feel his fingers pinch at my skin. A slap lands across my ass swiftly followed by another, the pain muffled by the orgasm gripping my body. One final slap lands on my thigh. I hear him call out,


    His arms move to my waist and hold me tightly against him, just for a few second and as he lets go, I sit and carefully slide off him. My legs, still wobbly, are just enough to take my own weight. My thighs tremble as I take a few steps away. He grabs my wrist again.

    ‘Where do you think you are going?’

    ‘To see Old Joe. I need a drink!’ I reply


    Taking a sip of my drink before spitting it out almost instantly as I hear a woman’s muffled voice yell out “Ohhhh my fucking God. Take me and fuck me hard”! I quickly turn towards the sound, but I don’t see anyone.
    I turn to the lady behind the bar closest to me and ask her if this happened often. She looked at me and said “You’re new around here”, with a little laugh. Yes this is The AChat bar & grille, so you can always expect something sexy going on most nights here.
    “Ohhhh my fucking God. Take me and fuck me hard”! I swivel back around to where the sound came from, Still no one in sight. I realize they must be in one of the rooms behind closed doors.


    She slammed the big wooden gate shut .. there that's the last one in .. she stepped back a little and admired her horses , they were grazing on Hay and making themselves at home …. it had been a long drive and her body was starting to show  signs of the long day she had had .  She raised the back of her hand to her forehead and wiped at the small droplets of sweat , she was ready for a long nice soak and a nice glass of something . She remembered seeing the Bar & Grill sign as she drove in and recalled Sam telling her about it . 

    Since her split with Sam she wasn't sure if she should still take the move to Crystal Lake or not but her choices were limited and she needed out of the big city . She'd bought a Small holding nothing like the ranch Sam had bought but still it was her own and she was determined to make it work and who knows maybe down the line she could build a few bridges . She knew Sam wouldn't mind her presence he wasn't that kind of guy and she wished the best for him.

    She walked over to her landrover and climbing in she started the engine and headed over to the bar & grill .. .

    Stepping through the doors she felt quite nervous , she was wary of what the locals might make of her , she also  knew she didnt look too good after her long day but that wasn't the reason for her nerves  , she had just taken the biggest step in her life , changes for her were a big thing she was different to other folk and this step alone was a very courageous one.  ….. Over the other side of the room was a bar and right now she just needed that drink  .  One drink she had earnt .

    She climbed onto a stool and bringing her purse to rest she waited for someone to tend to her drink . .. The bar staff were friendly .. smiling and chattering with people and it put her at ease a little. 

    Soon she had her drink and was lost in thought .. she often did this her mind would wander to places and people she'd known or knew and events that unfolded , however tonight her mind was on her horses and on the huge step she had taken , she felt a little anxious but very excited .. a new start … her finger traced the top of her glass making small circular movements as she sat alone in thought .


    Feeling out of place, I do my best not to stare at anyone , particular the dancer, since I don't know whether or not a jealous boyfriend might be lurking around, but judging by the attention shes shown the two males up on the stage, its a pretty good guess that one of them, or even both hold that title. Nevertheless, as hard as I try to avert my gaze, I find my eyes going back to her everytime she turns her ass to the crowd, being a sucker for a great pair of legs and ass, I find it impossible for me not to take a quick glance or two as the dancer twists and gyrates seductively up on the stage.

    The sound of a tray being sat down causes me to snap my head around,  I see the burger and mug of beer then look up half expecting to see the old man, but instead catch the sultry gaze of an equally beautiful woman as the one dancing. Momentarily off guard I'm able to regain my composure in the short amount of time she welcomes me and introduces herself, her name strikes me as odd for such a lovely woman, but over the noise of the crowd I reply to her my name with a wisp of a smile and a tip of my hat, then catch a glimpse of the gold band on her ring finger, my heart sinks abit, but decide that if all the women in this town look as hot as the dancer and this bar waitress, I just might have to make an extra trip or two into town.

    She smiles then turns to leave, I watch her go, nearly biting thru my bottom lip as her hips sasshay back and forth provocatively, then recalling shes a married woman I focus my attention on the burger and beer, only glancing up when, judging by the crowds reaction and applauds, the dance has come to an end, unable to see the stage since everyones on their feet, I continue eating till both burger and beer are gone. By now the noise, the crowd and the enclosed space start to make me feel ansy, and I get to me feet, spot the bill for the burger and beer tucked neatly on the corner of the tray and look at it then grab my wallet, pay the amount indicated, then leave half the amount extra as a tip, then head for the door.

    I pass the bar and almost to the door when a familiar scent of perfume touches my nose, though faint, its enough to instantly fill my mind with memories of two warm, sweaty, naked bodies pressed together in the heat of ecstasy, succumbing to the primal desires of love, lust and passion, then just as suddenly, with a second smell of the faint perfume, my thoughts feel with the final memories of heated accusations and ever present undercurrent of the lack of trust that had doomed what had started out as the best relationship I had known. My heart stills for a beat and I nearly stumble, but catch myself and try to pass it off as being just another drunk Cowboy stumbling out of a bar and smile weakly and the few who turn to look at me.

    Once out in the parking lot I begin to suck in huge amounts of air in order to get the faint scent of perfume from my senses, then curse myself for having been so foolish as to fall so head over heels for an auburn haired Cowgirl as I make my way over to my truck and climb inside, start it up and pull out of the parking lot and head back for the ranch. The few minutes it takes to reach the entrance to the driveway, I force myself not to think, then as I make the turn, I'm taken with the notion of calling the bank in the morning and stopping payment on the buying of the ranch abd going back to the rodeo circuit.


    The roar of a big twin echoes among the trees lining the rural roadway, as the heavy bike  flew towards the local meeting place, the rider was  looking forward to spending some time in the Bar tonight. Cruising onto the highway, I give the iron horse its head and let her stretch her legs whilst on the lookout for the local cops. The big illuminated sign comes into view, the car park was packed with cars. Looks like another busy night at the local watering hole.

    Slipping the bike into the storage shed and locking it down, the bike walks into the AB&G nodding at those I know, smiling at the pretty girls and sizing up the strangers as a bouncer does. I spot one or two that could be trouble. Grabbing a stool at the bar, I sit with Covems and ask Old Joe for a Bundy and ice and whatever Coves is drinking, then I turn and survey the room. Old Joe is wiping glasses and telling me the latest gossip, then I see Jay and Stone come out of the office.

    They wander over and join us having a drink, Stone gives me a peck on the cheek and a hug asking

    “How are you Easy?”

    “Always good Hun thank you, good to see you again” I reply.

    Jay slaps me on the back, causing me to almost choke on my Bundy,

    “Good to see you back”

    “Yea it’s nice to be home,” I reply

    Stone giggles and tells us she plans to corner Brandybee into paying her debt of the lost wager tonight, a strip on the stage and maybe me and Coves would like the lap dances she owes us at the same time. We both grin and nod. That could be interesting.

    Old Joe grins and agrees too, saying he has just the thing for her to wear – a skimpy bikini.
    Jayc and Stone laugh and say she can wear it under her New England Patriots shirt.

    Brandy joins us and we manage to cajole and get her to agree to the show.
    Next thing, Stone is helping Covems and me to spruce up. He looks like every girl’s dream in his cowboy outfit and I have to say, I polish up quite well as a rough diamond bikie.

    We both get some admiring glances off the ladies as we wait on stage.

    “Brandy is just getting ready boys, about a minute to go, relax and enjoy” Stone comments as we seat ourselves on chairs in the middle of the stage.

    Covems and I waited silently for the star to appear, then the lights of the bar dim and Brandy appears between us.

    The music begins and the dwarfs hit the spotlights on the stage. I am blinded by the spotlight aimed at me as is Covems, Brandy has her own spot light as the curtains draw back. The crowd is just a shadowed block though their cheers and catcalls are almost loud enough to drown out the music playing.  Then the room goes quiet. Brandy is flooded by the main spot and she stands dressed to thrill and my heart beat accelerates dangerously.

    She is wearing an oversized white shirt with the Patriots emblem on the back and nothing else apart from black stockings, that skimpy bikini and heels.  I think to myself how lucky we are to have such a woman as our partner.
    The music crashes from the PA setting Brandy into motion and moving sexily around us.

    Red Hot Chili Peppers- Suck My Kiss

    She struts toward us caressing her body, teasingly stops between the chairs bending toward the audience  with her ass exposed to us, Covems and I spank it simultaneously. 
    We both grin at each other, this is going to be one hot little dance number with us as her sexy male props. We certainly have the best seats in the house.

    Brandy continues her dance, as we look at her and spank her on cue to the beat and words of the music.
    We are both mesmerised by her shimmies, sways and delightful wobbly bits. Even more so as more and more of her body becomes exposed by her discarded clothes.

    Too soon the show is over, and we both feel a little disappointed.

    Brandy’s naked body does things to a man, especially as the curtain comes down and she kisses us both before skipping off to the dressing room.

    “Time for a drink,” Covems coughs, trying to gain some equilibrium.
    “I know exactly what you mean,” I laugh, shifting my jeans to become more comfortable from my tell-tale bulge….


    After having another drinks, Jasmines tension begun to fade due to alcohol finding it's way to calm her nerves. Her cheeks became rose, eyes much softer and Jasmine leaned forward to put the weight of her body on elbow of her left hand, while holding a glass with right one. Jasmines voice also changed, becoming more seductive, as she addressed Old Joe:

    ” Joooeee… can a lady have one more drink?”

    Old Joe looked at Jasmine, smiling “Haven't lady had too much already?”

    Jasmine tried to make serious face, but all she managed to achieve, was a light hiccup as she replied: *HIC* Nonsense! Lady having a relaxing time! First in few years I must *HIC* add!

    Jasmine looked so sweet with those pink cheeks and rose nose, plus those hiccups made her even sweeter, so Old Joe laughed for a moment, then took a bottle of brandy and filled Jasmines glass.

    Thank you! *HIC*

    As Jasmine were about to reach for another sip from her glass, a nice girl sat not far from her to the bar, ordered a drink, yet she didn't drink it, instead she got lost in her mind and begun to make smooth movements tracing the top of her glass.

    Jasmine stared at girl (Amethyst) from her current relaxed position for some time, exploring her cloth, hair, trying to find the color of her eyes…


    Snapped from my thoughts I hear the laughter and greets of a few friends and as I watch them taking in the warmth among the group,   suddenly I  feel a little lost and forlorn . Maybe it was the long day making me feel out of my depths here  , I hoped at least that that were the case .

    I decide to head back over to my newly aquired place  and find some comfort from the love for my animals ….I stand up and collect my purse from the bar and whisper a ' thank you ' to the kind old gent who had tended my drink , he nods at me and smiles . Turning to leave I notice a lady looking at me .. .. I offer up a smile and she smiles back , she looks like she's having her own party and I can't help but wish I had her confidence she looks so relaxed and so damn sweet .. a million miles from how I feel right now. 

    Before leaving I head to the ladies room ,  I need to feel some cool water on my face .. .. I turn the tap on and cup the cool water into the palms of my hand then bathe my face for a few seconds …raising my head I capture my reflection in the mirror .. Damn the last few weeks have taken its toll .. I think about the pretty sweet lady at the bar and the many other beautiful women in this place and suddenly feel like I shouldn't be here … I know I'm nothing like these ladies who all seem so in touch with their feminine side and use it fully to their advantage .  My dark  auburn hair looks tussled and my clothes are not the best after todays hike .. old jeans and dusty boots hardly an image any man would want on his arm , My thoughts return to Sam and how we were when we were together , it didn't matter if my hair was a mess or my jeans tattered he had this knack of making me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world , Inhaling deeply I wonder if I'll ever meet a man that will fully understand me ,  learning to love was the hardest thing in the world to do , few had been allowed so close that they touched my heart .

    I step outside and with one last look around me I think to myself ..I doubt I'll come back to this place again .


    Moving my hands back to her waist I hold  her down tight to me as my cock stiffens and the unstoppable feeling inside takes over.

    “AAWWW FUCK YES” I shout

    As I let go the built up tension inside me. We sit still for a few seconds to let our bodies recover with a little kiss on my check she slides off my lap and stands infornt of me and turns to move away grabbing her wrist

    “Where do you think you are going?”

    “To see Old Joe. I need a drink!” she replied

    “That sounds like a great idea”

    I point over to the spa bathrobes and say with a smile 

    “We best put one of them on if we'er going into the bar”

    I watch her lovely shaped ass sway from side to side as she walks over to the robes taking two down off the hocks she throws one over to me as she puts the other around her shoulders and does up the belt around her waist. I do the same with mine as I walk over to her and put my arm around her.

    Opening the door back into the bar I look around seeing who is here just to see Sam walking out the bar door. We walk back to the bar to find Woody and Coverm stood having a cold beer. Tapping Woody on his back

    “Good to see you again my friend, Did we miss something”

    Before Woody had a chance to answer I catch Old Joe's eye and order us a cold beer and cider and black. I point to one of the booths

    “Can you bring them over when you do them Joe”

    “Sure not a problem”

    Still with my arm around Jinger we walk over to the booth and sit looking at each other. Only a few minutes pass till Joe brings over our drinks

    “Cider and Black for you Jinger and a cold one for you Tango”

    Joe walks back to the bar and leaves us to drink our drinks


    I feel exhilarated after my dance and still naked snog both of the hot men on stage, Covems, the sexy as hell Cowboy and AusWoody, the dark bikie Angel. No doubt their muscled physiques sure helped the dance to be a success.

    They watch me leave the stage as they both head off to get a well-deserved drink from Old Joe.

    I head for the dressing room and pull on my old trusty jeans, tight T shirt and boots.

    “Great Dance,” someone whispers in my ear.  I turn round, the smell of jasmine suddenly in the air and my breath becomes wispy swirls as I feel the temperature drop.
    “Doris? Stanley?” I ask in the empty room and look around.

    An unseen being chuckles and I feel goose bumps rise on my skin. “They are still around too” the same voice says.

    Nobody is in the room!

    I look back in the mirror to continue to refresh my make-up.  There standing behind me is a faint see-through image of an old friend who makes me smile. His image begins to become more pronounced – jcm0824 is standing there in his cowboy gear and drum sticks.

    “I’m still around in spirit,” he whispers. “Tell my girls, I’m still in their hearts”
    “I think they know,” I murmur.
    “Tell Blue I loved her story,” He says. “I read it often.”
    “I will,” I answer him. “Thank you for the bequeathed gift you left for our village”
    He smiles and begins to fade, “Spend it well Miss Brandybee.”

    “We will. You will see. We have plans to run a contest soon,” I tell him, knowing time is short.
    “Now why doesn’t that surprise me” he answers. “See you all around the bar. Look for me by the drums when “The Cocks N Roses” are playing.”
    “I will, your drums and stool are still there,” I nod.

    He fades out then and suddenly a bunch of yellow roses fall on the dressing table and a number of jcm0824 rodeo belt buckles.

    “A rose of friendship for each of my girls, and buckles for the Band and friends,” his voice echoes softly in the background and then the jasmine is gone and the temperature rises.
    “I’ll make sure they get them,” I promise him.

    I finish off and finally ready to leave, I pick up the roses and place each in a box. I address each one to the girls – Cheya, Bluedenim, Sexilicious, Stone and Snowbunny78.
    And one I keep for myself.

    The buckles are wrapped the same and addressed to the band and friends – Dirish, Covems, mrsexlover, Freddie, Lover, tangoracer, Bear, jayc, and hentaiboy69.

    Then I call out to Bashful working outside by the stage.
    “Make sure these get delivered will you?”
    Bashful nods and takes all the boxes from me.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Introduce yourself > Saying good Bye,2692.15.html

    I return to the bar and pass the Spa room. I grin as I hear familiar grunts, growls and groans.

    Covems & AusWoody are waiting with the others.
    “Great dance!”  Stone claps me on the back, “Buy the Girl a drink Joe” 
    Old Joe smiles and pours me a fresh cup of tea.

    “Seems we have new arrivals in town,” I nod in the direction of Sam_Hawke, jasmine_t, Amethyst, Loving Sir. 

    I go to greet each one in turn round the room where they are sitting and introduce myself as the owner and my management team – Covems and the dwarfs, Jayc, Lover and james_dean (JD) who is out of town at the mo.

    The local house band, Cocks N Roses – mrsexlover, Freddie, Lover, tangoracer, Bear and hentaiboy69


    Old Joe as Head Bar Keep, Stone as Head barmaid, AusWoody as the bouncer and handyman who helps Covems fix things, Momma_Andrea – waitress extraordinaire and the other regulars including tangoracer – the local police and owner of the Spa Room attached to the bar, mrsexlover – Chief of Police, ItsAmy123- one of our dancers and Bluedenim- lead vocalist and dancer.

    Sam tells me he is about to buy a ranch at Crystal Lake but is in two minds.
    “You should go ahead,” I encourage. “It’s the best place around here to live. Most of us have cabins there.”

    I move on to Amethyst. She says she is passing through. “You should stay too. There’s a nice little cabin at Crystal Lake, going for a song. It just needs some TLC to make it ship shape again.

    Next is Jasmine_t,  a biker who delivers things. “We always need deliverers,” I grin at her. “Hope you stay around.”

    I walk over and smile at LovingSir. He tells me, his name is David.  I tell him, “I’ve seen your face around the village, welcome to the AB&G, glad you decided to venture inside”

    I return to Old Joe and Stone, waving to Lover and FoxyRoxxy as I catch their eye and raise my eyebrows as I see tangoracer and jingerbird finally exit the Spa room looking a little tussled.

    “Make sure they all have a good supply of drinks,” I tell Old Joe.
    “On Covems tab?”  Old Joe asks
    “But of course,” I giggle.


    Wow, it has been ages since I have been here; and if I recall correctly it was only two times then. Its a little odd coming here without the hubby; but hey a girl desires one of Old Joes fancy cocktails. So I move forward to enter and enjoy the atmosphere while waiting on Joe to shake up my very own MMC (Marilyn Monroe Cocktail)

    I asked if he remembered the recipe and he looked me over and gave me a smile, then said that it had been far too long since I've been in there; and came around to give me a hug. I had agreed as we embraced.

    After the salutations were exchanged, he did tell me to remind him of the ingredients; promising not to forget again…as long as I promised not to stay away so long. I smiled and nodded with a smile. So Joe here are those ingredients…

    The Marilyn Monroe cocktail: 2 parts Three Olives Marilyn Monroe™ Strawberry Vodka * 2 parts cranberry juice * Splash of half and half * Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a strawberry.

       As Joe is whipping things into shape, I sit and take a glance around the place as a sense of familiarity comes over me and brings forth a smile. I see some familiar faces as well as some new ones. Its always nice to be able to return to a place feeling a bit like home. 

    Wow, in no time Joe has whipped up my cocktail making it even more delectable then I had even imagined it to look like…mmm mmm mm I cannot wait to taste how delish it will be. Just look at how wonderfully Joe has rewarded me with the making of my favorite cocktail.
    There's definitely no place like home especially when you are greeted with such love. I take a sip and enjoy its tastiness traveling all the way down, and politely thank Joe with a kiss on the cheek following a warm thank you.

    He replies to me not a problem Leigh; but you must remember your promise to me about returning more often. I giggled a bit, said that  I hadn't forgot, and I would make a better attempt to come more often; at least to say hello to him over one of my cocktails.

    Decided that I wanted to dance, which I needed to hear some music; that was going to put me in just the right mood to do so.
    So I go to the jukebox taking a look at the selection; hmm what am I in the mood for? I am wondering should I put on some twerking music?

    Include all the ladies in on how to do it? Should I put on a line dance song and everyone can join in and do it; or should it just be something signature that is only meant for me? Hmmmm, I keep strolling thru the choices and I have decided that, at least today, it will be a line dance that everyone can enjoy all together.   

    I have decided to go with one of my favorite line dances and its not too hard to learn either, so here we go… The Wobble Line Dance ah shit got the whole bar up and bumping, shaking all that momma gave'em, hell yeah do it y'all!!! I see you Jinger ahhh shit break it down girl…don't hurt'em now (giggling)  ut oh here comes Brands do it ms thang. Wait wait wait a minute is that the Big Guy rolling up behind Brands and busting out with his version of the wobble? AHHH HELL YES do it big bro put a lil biker into it…HEYYYYYY!!!!

    AHHH yehhh wobble baby mmm hmmm oh yeh…I turn to see even Joe is doing the damn thing behind the bar!!!! I yell to him to shake it. He shakes it a little harder and even throws  in some of his own moves…ahhh go JOE GO JOE..

    AHH but hold up who is this behind me trying to keep up and mimic my moves ahhh shit heyyyy bust the move mmmm hmmm. I turn to see who is behind me and to my surprise its Sam I Am; adding some of his cowboy moves and keeping up with my own twists and grinds. OHH SHIT YEAHHH oh is that Tango? jumping on in the mix…strutting to the beat ahh oh yess you go boy mmm hmm,  Ah shit!!! I see ya Jinger, locking that ass up make him back it up lol.

    OHH HELL YES here comes Stone with Jayc ooh my! work it y'all do it ooh yessss, ooh shit Jay took it down to the floor- you go ahhh shit do that there oooh yes. Stone shaking things up right along with Jay, um he is a bit dazed and mesmerized by Stones hip action (giggling) you go miss thang do it hahahahah

    AHH do it Coves yeah don't hurt ya self. Oh did he just do it like that? Oh oh ok Coves. 
    MMM HMM Roxxy you got it girl; Lover is tripping over his tongue with all your movements; he is overheating I think hehehe work'em giril and I see all the others doing the damn thing….WOBBLE BABY WOBBLE BABY WOBBLE BABY WOBBLE  AHHH YESSS Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Phew wee the song is finally over and everyone is laughing and having a good time; whatever was bothering or hindering them, has been put on the back burner as it should be. 
    A line has formed at the bar, as requests for something cold is inedible-after all that shaking and baking; clearly I can understand that. I reach down in my purse and see I still have the hubbies credit card and guess what I'm going to do???

    YES!!!! you guessed it I am going to buy this round for the whole bar!! I stand up and yell this round is on me! Everyone is having a good time talking and drinking and asking me what the next dance is going to be.
    I smiled and suggested something more laid back for this round and it wasn't quite what they were expecting.
    But I went and made the selection I had in mind for us. We will see then once it starts to play how they feel about it then. I put the necessary amount of money in the jukebox and up came….
    Righteous Brothers – UNCHAINED MELODY 

    Once the music began, I could hear the crowd scream and give shouts of approval. Everyone grabs their special someone and begins to slow dance closely to one another. I go back to the bar and have another one of my cocktails and enjoy the music wailing on the jukebox.
    I am sitting, enjoying, and watching how the guys are trying to sing the song to their fair maidens…and its a bit funny to watch them trying to hit the high note of the song.

    I have to giggle and of course I do. Just as I am sipping my drink, a familiar face appears out of the dim lit room and joins me at the bar; as he orders a cold brew for himself.
    I turn to him and ask why isn't he dancing, and told him don't tell me you cant dance. I reminded him, that he was just following behind me pretty well lol. His reply was kind and sweet.

    He said, he would rather sit and chat with a friend who looked like they could use a friend at that moment. I smiled and told him thank you; as he gave me a hug I fought back my tears and emotions. Then he said to me, “Leigh its ok to cry we all are your friends here..”
    I told him I appreciated it but I didn't come out to be a buzz kill or to be crying in public (can do that all alone at home by myself)

    He smiled again and said that it was ok, and not to be ashamed to express those emotions. I looked at him and I could see Aus looking at me as well giving me the “are you ok” look .
    I force a smile and begin to feel a bit better and respond to both that I am ok.
    Someone else is playing the jukebox and I could almost swear its some Lynard ooh yes it is. They have chosen Simple Man. Good choice I thought to myself…yes good choice. 


    Drinking my drink quietly with Jinger after such a hot shower with her in the spa.
    When Leigh puts the Wobble Line dance on Jinger drags me to the dance floor to join in. After looking at her with disbelief I follow the moves and dance the line dance.

    As we dance our robes open showing we are naked under them I just smile at Liegh as she see's my naked body under my robe Not trying to cover my body as I move to all the dance moves

    As the song ends I smile over at Leigh and retie my robe  around my waist Taking Jinger's hand I lead her back to our table and wave over to Joe for some more drinks


    Sitting at the bar I watch as most of the patrons head towards the dance floor as a country song starts playing from the jukebox. Most seem to know the steps, a few trying to follow the knowing in front of them. I even notice a couple in bath robes having a go at it. OOPS he doesn't seem shy that his robe has opened and is not wearing shorts of any kind under it.
    The barmaid return and ask if I would like another beer.
    ” So new to town guy, I'm Stone the head barmaid here. Are you just passing through or have plans on staying for awhile”?

    I say I have just moved in to the village recently for my job and introduce myself as David. “Nice to meet you Stone”.

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