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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )

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    With the small box in my pocket, I ponder on who CBJ can be, when it suddenly dawns to me. I grin “It can only be those three that erected this. he should give me a tour.. CBJ.. Christy, Bear and Janine.. Management is in strong hands..”

    I find Brandy at the bar just as she's about top leave and place my hand on her shoulder. I rbing my mouth close to her ear and whisper..

    I Need to get ready for my strip.. as i understand I am on the list.. but I think I have to congratulate you too.. I hear you are the first that will fight in the pudding pit..”

    Without waiting her answer as I see a shocked look distort her face, I turn and walk out of the bar.. People to meet and places to go if I don't want to make an utter fool out of myself.


    I make my way to the bar and to Hentai  &  Lover, doing last minute camera & mic  checks.  I tell Lover,  Jayc is on first and the others will follow his lead.. as the night progresses…  we raise our glasses, looking forward to the night ahead and the usual shinanagins at the AB & G.

    I turn to Lover, looking him up and down suggestively ..  ” You going to join in and tantalise us with that fine body of yours.. ”  I tease, ” There's still time you know ….”

    He grins back, non committal …. ” Maybe I can tantalise you ….”

    ” Oh you do that so well already”  I say suggestively and then whisper closely in his ear ” And I may just have the chamber for you to do so even more… “

    Tight appears and I grin widely as he approaches me in greeting…  ..  ” mmm God I cant wait for him to show me that delectable body”  I think to myself..

    Then his whispers in my ear … suddenly strike the grin from my face and is replaced  with one of shocked horror ….  OMG ,  wrestling in a pudding pit … you cant be serious… but hes already walked away to prepare for his dance …


    Having done all that was asked of me in the Ice House i went back to the B & G have got changed out of what as now a dirty Mustard shirt and black pants now wearing blue jeans cowboy boots and a black waist coat and still with my bow tie on. Sat talking to Jane i hear Miss Brandy call me to the bar handing me an envelope a bottle of whiskey and a box of scones and tells me to “Deliver them to Miss Chirsty immediately” I head to the pool room and back into the Ice House walking up to Miss Christy Door a catch a look at myself in one of the mirrors
    STOPPING died I hear the voice of Miss Christy “Dress Code” going back to the Tunnal  and stirp now naked all but my bow tie i walk up to Miss Christy door  holding the box with the envelope on top of it in onehand and the whiskey bottle at it base in the other taking 2 deep breath to calm myself i knock on Miss Chirsty door take a step back bow my head focus on the floor and hold my hands out.


    early evening at the bar, light headed and a little nervous as the nights events grow near. i set my bag in the office, and head out to the bar. i ask Stone for a extra large house punch and a cold beer…….some liquid confidence  i smile at her. she serves me up and returns the smile. ready there? she teases me. she comes around to the outside of the bar and sits next to me.  looking at my watch we have a few hours before the contest i sigh…….i take her hand and pull her out on to the dance floor  i need a warm up, as we join the other couples on the dance floor


    As I return to the bar the time seems perfect… Jayc and Stone  dancing lost too each other as usual. I slip out back, moving to Pachi’s cage, dropping the night bolt to secure him in the cage. Satisfied he is safe and secured I slip back into the bar, reaching into my back pocket for the Tights flyer,  and roll it into a tight straw. Grabbing the first woman I see and spinning her out into the dance floor.. . We glide thru the crowd even with her objections fairly loud at my presumptions… I was counting on that.  We bump into Jayc and Stone,… disrupting their dance.  I instinctively reach out… steadying Stone… as Jayc eyes me..  I give  him a wink and a nod. The turn to my partner and escort her apologizing of my abrupt behavior, leaving the  straw formed flyer  behind me  neatly slipped  into Stones magic flute in the brief chaos of the moment

    I slide back against a wall near the offices watching carefully what developes on the floor. Jayc leans in whispering something to Stone. I can see her beam, nod… and they break as Jayc moves off to the bar. Stone holds that grin of anticipation as she wanders back towards the office… pausing briefly at the door as she glances back towards Jayc.

    I slip a couple of zip ties between my teeth and then reach back to pull the item bulging in the rear pocket. Palming the ball gag as I close in on my target. I pounce quick… one arm grabbing her around the waist lifting her from her feet as I cover her mouth with the other working the ball easily between her surprised gasp.

    We fall back into the office and I kick the door closed behind us spinning with her across the room  to the desk. She bites on my fingers. Eliciting a curse as I yank my fingers away. Her response is immediate as she reaches back grabbing her flute, bringing it to her lips  frantically trying to play to Pachi . The shock of it’s soundless response. With the air holes blocked by the paper it makes task easier to reach about and grab her wrists, securing a zip tie then yanking her arms behind her to bind her .my pull the back and slide the straps of the gag over her head.. She fights me ,… no doubt terrified  and we grapple briefly, but her lithe  frame no match for my power… I work her wrists behind her back,,, and moments later have the zip ties securing her arms behind her.

    I spin her around… let her eyes meet my resolve in this as I slip the bandana off my neck whispering…

    “Oh I have so looked forward to this….”

    Wrapping the bandana over her eyes and  tying it off. Now blinded… gagged and secured as I lift her to the desk leaving her trembling. I pause and reach in to my pocket pulling out two more items I place on the desk before pulling away.

    Whispering as I move…“I’ll be right back…”

    I cross back  the door, my  intent now that what to follow is not to be interrupted..

    I pull her skirt down to her ankles,…

    In the desk drawer i find a feather and begin to tease her legs and thighs tracing the outline of her legs,…

    Reaching into my pocket i pull out a pair of very sharp scissors and cut her panties off and pull the cut silky fabric off her body and toss them in the trash.

    Stone is writhing in terror and anger.

    I lean close to her ear and whisper “Sometimes you get the Bear, sometimes the Bear gets you”,

    She collapses in relief as she hears the voice of her lover. I remove the bandana and gag and smile at her wickedly, cut her loose and give her a deep kiss and whisper “your quite lucky the Bear is a gentleman and is out side watching the door letting us have some quality time together. and kiss her again deeply and place the 2 charms the bear and the stone into her hand.


    I stand guarding the door…insuring Jayc and Stone of their privacy in their moment not that any might approach as I carry a menacing look on my face at the moment. But for one… Brandy sweeps towards the office  making to push politely by me before my arm snaps out to the door jam blocking her path..

    My eyes narrow as I speak to her, “I don’t think you should go in there at the moment.”

    She gives me baffled look… then eyes widen as she hears the soft feminine cries from within of Stones voice.

    “Again?… Those two are like rabbits. And just what are you doing here?….”

    Her eyes fall on me suspicious and wary. I  turn slow to her backing her against the wall as my other arm reaches out to the wall behind her cutting off  her escape. I lean whisper…. Knowing sooner or later Stone will find her two charms setting there on the desk and spill that to Brandy

    “Three down … two to go”

    And I pull away,… crossing arms in patience as I resume my duty at the door, …smiling as I hear the two lovers find their joy in each other.

    (and thanks to Jayc for adding his own words to this…letting that smile dip into a devilish smug grin)


    Brandy wrote

    … He grins back, non committal …. ” Maybe I can tantalise you ….”

    ” Oh you do that so well already”  I say suggestively and then whisper closely in his ear ” And I may just have the chamber for you to do so even more…

    I look at her and smile… shes looking so sweet and sexy and when I wachted her riding the bull I almost wanted to take her at once… but now it's not the time for… I know we will have fun soon but now we have to prepare the striptease.

    Time is running, tangoracer, jayc and bear arrive… 

    Few hours later
    Meanwhile also our friends and guests arrive. As even the last chair is taken we turn down the lights, stop the music….

    I enter the stage
    Ladies and Gentleman, friends and guest of AB&G, let me proudly present you the hottest and if say hootest i mean hottest, the hottest and most exciting men strip show of the worls.. what do i say.. in this universe…… first man on stage..JAYC  call his name

    JAYC                      JAYC                                        JAYC                          JAYC


    I arrive at the back of the B&G in a small van, looking out the blinded window to see if anyone has spotted me. I sneak in the back of the grill and find myself entering behind the stage, pulling Lover on his jacket from behind. As he turns, I place my finger over my lips, whsipering as he leans in.

    “Shh, I'm here, let me know when I'm on. I'll be outside in the back”

    Quickly, unnoticed, I slip out the back of the B&G and climb back into the van, tapping the wheel, waiting for Lover's announcements


    This is it , God I hope I can go thru with this. I stand off to the side of the bar outdoor deck the fire pit is loaded with logs and burning brightly……the song I have selected is cued up and ready. I gulp down the last of my house punch . I hear Lover addressing the crowd.

    “Welcome to Ladies Night at the Achat Bar and Grill……..1st up  you all know him and I know someone loves him, Lover winks at Stone. The Operations Manager  of the Achat Bar and Grill  JAYCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Live Wire by AC/DC  begins to play…

    The bass  plays a single note over and over, wearing a dark grey leather trench coat I stand in the military style “at ease” stance leg spread hands behind my back my head hidden by my grey stetson as I look down at the floor. ,…… a simple guitar riff joins the bass line I begin to nod my head in time with the music building the anticipation. The drums join in I begin to move my body, slowly, sensuously, seductively.

    As the full band joins in I  pull the coat open to reveal my  muscular, taut body, shirtless.  Muscles ripped, hard, and toned.  Standing, legs apart, arms held wide , my  eyes to the skies for a few seconds for the ladies to look and eye my body before moving again to the music.

    I have on tight camo pants, “combats”, as Stone calls them , flashes thru my brain.  They cling to muscular thighs, firm buttocks, a trim waist and enhance my toned and trained six pack abs.

    I toss off the coat and do a line strut back and forth in front of the fire. I turn facing the fire showing the ladies my ass and  strut and grind. Swaying suggestively, writhing and thrusting my hips.

    Reaching into my pocket I produce a small squeeze bottle of body massage oil, strawberry flavored.

    I spin around and offer the ladies a squirt of the oil into there open hands. A few ladies have a palm full, taking up my offer.  I turn and kneel in front of them.

    Brandy goes 1st rubbing the oil into my shoulders and collar bone, I grin enjoying her touch and she rubs gently , taking her time, feeling my traps, my shoulder joints and pecks. Her eyes watching the movement of her hands transfixed. I flinch my pecs teasing her and winking.

    Karen & TangoJane are next working the oil into my arms as I flex & I indicate for them to lick and kiss my biceps. They  take up my challenge with enthusiasm, swirling their tongues, tasting the strawberry flavour , teasing me provocatively and the watching audience . Then both finish by kissing my biceps gently..

    I turn and point at  Stone, beckoning her out from the crowd, encouraging her to touch and caress me too. Stone covers my chest and stomach.  Her touch sending shivers through my frame. Eva steps up too and feathers my back in oil, rubbing and scraping her nails down my back.

    I like all these ladies far too much and feel my body reacting and remember Bear’s very sound advice “ BANANA SLUGS .. Big, grotesque , slimy.

    I move out of reach and continue my dance round the room as my body calms.

    I gyrate to the music  and then stand,  my movements less ,  small teases and, thrusts, and then I suddenly rip off my tear away camo pants to reveal a pair of tight camo boxers.  The crowd cheers as they see my muscular thighs.

    Moving to the ladies again I squirt  more oil into their waiting hands and they enthusiastically oil my legs . Their touches are  a mixture of feathery light touches to downright gropes and squeezes

    I jump up, dancing in the fire light, the flames reflecting in the oil on my body, licking and teasing my contours.

    I take off my hat, moving to the rhythm of the music and cover my groin area, smiling as I rip off my boxers and show the ladies, twirling them around before throwing them at Blue grinning.

    Hat still covering me I move into the crowd of women and shimmy up to Stone.

    Laughing and blushing Stone, encouraged by the crowd, oils up my junk behind the hat, teasing me, She smiles as I react to her touch . Banana Slugs will never work when she looks at me like that.

    I climb back on the make shift stage , bending over to give them a good look at my ass as I shake, and  grind,  and flex my ass muscles.

    As the songs nears its ending I  put the hat back on to my head, then slowly, deliberately,  face the crowd  and show the ladies what they want to see.

    All oiled up, glistening in the firelight , naked for their enjoyment, my excitement for my lady showing impressively .

    As the music begins to die out , I walk between the parting crowd and reach for Stone, pulling her  back onto the stage with me. I put my hat on her head, picking her up  and throw her over my shoulder. Waving to the crowd , I strut off  to their cheers and applauds, my performance complete, for them at least.

    Time for my Lady to show her appreciation for my efforts



    The B&G explodes with noise as the last notes of the song are played. Whistles, applaus and cry outs for more, thunder through the entrance and backdoor of the place, the performance of Jayc a clear succes. Nerves start to wash over me, clenching my throat, finding myself gripping the wheel so tight, my knuckles turn white. Then I hear the voice of Lover, having difficulties with overpowering the roar of the girls gone wild, thinking to myself. “Hmm, must have been quite something.. Hope I don’t mess it up”. Then I hear Lover’s voice more clearly as the noise of the crowd dies down.

    “Ok ladies, this is your night. Now for your delight, though you might find it hard to rip your thoughts off Jayc’s body, here issssssssss… Tight!”

    With a sudden click, all lights in the Bar and Grill go off. Slowly the room starts to fill with a mist that creeps over the floor, wavers upwards and around the ankles of the girls around the stage, kissing skin with lips cold as the blood of a demon. In the back of the room, a moon start to rise, full, colored red, shards of clouds passing by until it reaches its highest point. The long stretched howl of a wolf  echoes through the room, glasses on the tables start to tremble as the thumping beat of a base starts to cascade through the room.

    In the darkness, the room subtlely lighted by the full moon, naked feet start to run around, faded forms and shades move from left to right, in between the ladies watching, a shreek heard when a cold hand clutches an uncovered neck. The beat of the base increases in volume, complimented with the whispers of a soft wind, dispersing the shards of mist that hug the floor. The entrancing sounds of the wind swell louder and a voice is heard, deep, dark and eerie, the words almost spat out against the walls that seem to start to enclose the crowd on the floor.

    “Darkness falls across the land
    The midnight hour is close at hand
    Creatures crawl in search of blood
    To terrorize y'alls neighborhood

    And whosoever shall be found
    Without the soul for getting down
    Must stand and face the hounds of hell
    And rot inside a corpse’s shell”

    Spotlights flood the stage and my figure, as I rise up from a kneeled position and reveal my outfit. Tight, red leather pants, a red leather jacket with a V across the chest over the shoulders, white socks and low shoes. The melody of the song ‘Thriller’ starts to mix in with the thumping base and my foot starts to tap in the beat of the music. Slowly I start a semi circle, looking each girl in the ey, as my hand slides up and pull down the zipper of the leather jacket, revealing a black tank top underneath. As the first chorus starts, I walk up to the edge of the stage, grab the hand of Karen and pull her in my arms, lip synching the horrid words of the song in her ear. I step in behind her, slide my arms around her waist and grab one hand with mine. With a quick pull, I twirl her around, then slowly help her off the stage, locking her eyes in with mine as I move away from her.

    With a quick twitch of my head, I turn towards Brandy, falling to my knees on stage, bringing my face as close to hers as I can while I sing the song in husky whispers. I move my torso to and from her in jerky moves, my face going from side to side, the words whispered into her ears. I raise my amrs, arch my writst and spread my fingers, before rushing them down, only to end an inch away from the soft skin of her face. I open my arms, arch them back and let the leather jacket slip off my arms, revealing my bare arms, the tank top tightly stretched across my chest.

    In a fluent move I hop back on my feet, jump off the stage and dance through the tables and chairs, my hands and face close to the girls, scaring them with my threatening moves, synchronised with the words of the song. As I lean in behind Sexi, whispering in her ear, I push my butt backwards, where Christy and Adera share a table, slowly wiggling it from left to right, the re3d leather tightly spun across my tight ass. But before they can be tempted to squeeze or slap, I quickly move away. I dance through the narrow isle that leads to the bar, slip behind it and grab Stone’s hand, dragging her out into the dimmed light. I dance around her, pushing against her teasingly until the refrain ends and the music slows down.

    From all corners of the Bar, 4 male dancers appear from the dark shadows, their faces grey, the hollows of their eyes black, clothes torn and smeared with dark unknown substances. Screams are ehard from the audience as they move to the beat and slowly tighten the circle around the girls, moving like zombies on the beat of the music. As if trying to escape, I run from one corner to the other, stopped when a zombie raises his arms, the jerky moves of their hands as they claw at me. When I reach the third dancer, the black top is caught, shredded to pieces by raizor sharp nails and ripped off my body while I dash back to the stage.

    Each step brings the zombies in closer, while their hands are brushing hair, laid on naked shoulders and faces lean in to highten the scare of their appearance. On stage I dance quickly, moving to the beat and following the increasing intensity of the music, the zombies climbing on stage as they made their way through the crowd. Surrounded, enclosed by the zombies, my movements become smaller and smaller, the bodies of the male dancers collapse on top of me as I press myself to the floor, curled up like a ball. The eerie voice rolls through the room  as it goes dark again.

    “The foulest stench is in the air
    The funk of forty thousand years
    And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
    Are closing in to seal your doom

    And though you fight to stay alive
    Your body starts to shiver
    For no mere mortal can resist
    The evil of the thriller”

    A long stretched, terrifying laugh ends the poem of horror, the music starts to swell back to full volume and suddenly the stage is bathed in light again, exposing me and the four male dancers, naked except for a tiny g-string that only barely covers our jewels. Simultaniously we start to dance, each move bringing us closer to the first row near the stage. My face has changed, now, my skin pale is white, my eyes deep and black, fangs flicker in the light of the spot as I raise my upper lips. Moving like zombies, synched with the beat of the music, we step off stage and straddle the hips of the 5 girls in front, our lean, muscular bodies moving snakelike in front of them, our packages grinding against a chest here and there.

    We move through the room, paying attention to each girl, dancing around like a mob of zombies. The music starts to fade out, slowly but surely and as it quiets down, we move back to the stage. A last time the howl of the wolf is heard, mimicked by our movements, throwing our heads back and opening our mouths. The full moon starts to burn brighter in the back of the room while the other lights slowly die off, and with the last beat of the song, 5 hands move simultaniously, ripping 5 g-strings off and tossing them into the audience, leaving us completely naked. We turn, face the crowd and let the girls take in the sight of our erected cocks, then suddenly the moon dies out with a deep thump, leaving the room in deep darkness.

    In the back, near the bar, the spots in the ceiling come on and slowly start to light the room, the stage empty, the mist gone, the bar silent for a few moments.. On the wall behind the stage, a picture is shown, clear as day in the obscured Bar..

    (lyrics written and performed by Michael jackson)


    Walking onto the stage with it in darkness dressed as a construction worker (big boots ripped blue jeans held up with a belt and brasses skin tight white T shirt and a hard hat) carrying a bucket of water and babyoil placing the bucket right at the front of the stage. I walk to the back of the stage stand with my back to the ladies. Placing my feet shoulder width apart and holding my arms out start at shoulder level palms up. My right Foot starts to tap to the beat of

    Turning around still with my arms out up to the bucket twisting my hips in time with the music bring my right hand in and sliding it under the right brass and letting it full to my hipThen doing the same with my left hand now with both brasses down around my hips .

    walking up to the bucket I standing with my legs 2 shoulders width apart bending from the waist and putting both hands on each side of the bucket i stand holding the bucket over my head and letting it pour down over me. The oily water makes my white T shirt go see throw. Giving the ladies the first look at my body putting the bucket down I grad my shirt and rip it open and throw it out into the crowd.

    Running my hands down over my chest down to my belt undoing it I pull it off in one swift move and drop it off the stage.

    Jumping down off the stage I walk over to the ladies first to my lovely Jane taking her hands and place them my chest she rubs the watery oil into my skin then to Blue she do’s the same with no help from me taking Janes hand I put it in my waist band at the back and took Blues at the front and with one swift pull from them both my jeans rip in two leaving me just in a black leather thong.

    Taking the bucket and pouring the rest of the oily water over my body I bend over right in front of Miss Christy wiggles my ass CRACK her hand lands on my cheek turning to her I wiggle again this time she grabs my THONG and one hard pull she has them in her hand.

    Making my way back to the stage as the song finishes and the lights go out


    showered and dressesd  Stone and i head back to the bar and catch tights finale. the place is in a state of female frenzy as the ladies scream and swoon. as tight walks by i shake his hand and hand him a cold beer. seeing Tango geting ready i give him a high five as he gets on stage. stone runs back out to the crowd to watch the rest of the performers


    Sitting in the back up a bit to get the best view possible of the stage and all the men doing their act. Watching Jayc do his act, all the girls seem to go in closer to the stage trying to reach him. Stretching out in my space, I grin thinking how I got the best place plenty of room and a great view to watch the guys. 

    Next up, I see Tight get on the stage after the mist cleared up some. Seeing Tight walking his way through the crowd getting closer, I can't help but feel my heart speed up. As he approaches me, I can't help but reach up and gently place my hand on his cheek smilling big at him. Then he was gone on to finish the rest of his act.

    Then, I see Tango get up and do his act and I couldn't help but smiling at another one of my friends doing his act. Thinking the whole while, it sure is good to have such great looking guys in my life; I could sit here all day watching them.  Leaning back into my seat, I watch the rest of his act and wait for the rest of the show.  With all the heat and action going on around the room, I can't help but smooth out the cheerleading outfit smiling in remembrance of how I got it. Thinking, girl get a grip of yourself now isn't the time to get all hot again.


    Looking at all the preformers on stage, i walk to Karen and Jane inbetween to acts.

    “Where did you girls get me into, i am not as good as that.”

    “Ooh don't worrie my love, your body will talk for you, not matter what you do” Karen reply's and gives me a big kiss on my mouth. “Now go and get ready you are next after Tango”

    Still not feeling uncomfterable i sneak out and go into the back of the crimelab van, In a hurry i grab some things and go behind stage, just to see Tango finish his preformance. I take a deep breath, ok this is it, and i step onto the dark stage.

    As the music starts ( and the sound of The Who's “Who are you” goes trough the room, the lights go up. There i stand dressed in a suite, mirrored sunglasses, my CSI field kit in hand.

    I put the kit down and start to dance, making all the usual moves. Then my jacket goes off, revealing that this is not my day to day outfit, the shirt has a closed front but the rest is fishnet and no sleeves.

    I get a cheer from the lady's and with more courage i make more suggestive moves. Then it's time to pull my shirt off, showing my well build chest and sixpack, i grab something from my kit and go off stage between the girls.

    Dancing on the floor between the girls i give a wink to Karen and Jane, and just as i told them earlier, they both grab one side of my special pants and then tear it away. There i stand dancing between screaming lady's in northing more then a thong with a big bulge in the front. Then my eye falls on sexi, standing all in the back in her hot cheerleader outfit. Time to dance over to her.

    Just before i arrive i use the thing i grabbed from my kit. It's a can of whipped cream and i spray some on my chest. She does not hesitate for a second and starts to lick it off. Now more girls want that, so i use the can some more and while the girls lick off the cream i dance in the direction of Azrielle.

    There she sit's our Superintendent of Police, and my boss, between all her baby presents like a the queen she is on her throne. I climb up on her chair, moving my pelvis just in front of her face. She looks suspicious to the big bulge in front of my thong, and i encourage her to pull it off me.
    As she does, she looks surprised, there is a big cream filled round donut with sprinkels on it surrounding my thing. I whisper in her ear, “all for you chief” and a cheer goes through the crowd as she takes the bite.

    As i notice that the song is getting to the end i dance back to the stage, twisting and wiggling my body, feeling many hands on it on the way.

    Back on stage i am just in time to make the thing move like a helicopter as Roger Daltrey cry's his last “So tell me who are you, you, you, you, youuuuuuuuu” On the last not i get on my knees bending backward and i hear the girls cheering as the lights fade out.


    Relaxing at the bar with the boys, we're done for tonite, watching the “strippers” and giggling.

    I saw Bear bundling Stone into the office and then JC with a smirk wide as Frisco bay pulling the door closed behind  him.. That Bear! He has an agenda and  I know what it is….. don't know what he has planned for the party tho, but he keeps giving me a grin every time it's mentioned.
    See Hentaiboy give her a hug & kiss, grab a stool next to her and ask how she enjoyed her tour.


    I curse… of all times and equipment failure. right before I am to go on stage.  I look at the broken angel wing… realizing there is no immediate salvage, and toss it to the side. Eyes search frantic backstage… scrambling… as I sort thru the odds and end… a trench coat,… my cowboy boots… a  curious ly familiar  pink cowboy hat….. Not much to work with. I peel the rest of the angel costume away tossing it to the side, readjust the thong strap and slip on the duster… slide on my boots,.. digging for something other than the that pink hat… squirming  for a solution… A minor idea flars… and I sendi a quick message to HB  requesting to talk to the dj about a change in the song… glancing over I see  HB and Blue giggle as they read the message…

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