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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by sexilicious.
August 17, 2012 at 7:06 pm #66458
while Brandy decides whether to take a drink with me, I'm dancing with her, moving my hand gently down her back … over her clothes, and the tips of my fingers brush the skin of his neck. We hugged, we are stuck, breathing next to each other, and enjoying the moment.
The effect of beer make their appearance in my body, my mind, I'm totally uninhibited, “Thanks Brandy, you advised me this bar, and as a result, I am now flying over a cloud.”
I lift my head a little, and greeting iamincharge amicably, the last person who has entered the bar.
August 17, 2012 at 8:07 pm #66459Breathless from my dance with Zoerink , the rose now in my teeth , I grin at him. ” That was some dance ” , I grab his hand and head to the bar . Jayc is serving at the moment and we join. Iamincharge. ” Glad you decided to come in too” I kiss his cheek in greeting.
“Double jack Daniels for iamincharge and whatever Zoerink is having… They are going to need it…. ” I shout to JD. “. Got two volunteers for your bull “. Turning to the new comers grinning …. ” It's getting into a tradition, see if you boys can beat stone's 9 seconds…. ”
I turn to Jayc, ” oh by the way , seems some new office furniture has arrived… My name is all over it … But I was wondering … Negligees & Boidoir shoes? ? ? Is that what you wear when totting up the days takings …?
” Think it's time put up the list for the pudding pit … The girls to pair up and wrestle for the guys entertainment , and , at Covems suggestion, guys to sign up to take on the 7 Dwarfs all at the same time… “
Stone grins at me … ” well, you can put our name on that list, I'll wrestle you in the sticky stuff and I'm sure Jayc will want front row seats to help me shower afterwards”
Laughing at her eagerness .. I pin the guys list and girls list to the notice board … And write Brandy & Stone on the girls list. And on the guys in big bold letters ….. Lover. … Hehehe….
August 17, 2012 at 9:13 pm #66460I turn around and look direct to the bull machine… turn around again, look brandy and ask…
“what can i win if i be there 9 seconds?”
after asking the question, hundreds of things around my head … I look at the mechanical bull, and I think the force should be, can I bear it? I wonder, but I will not know unless I try, I look at it, and while I throw the question to Brandy, step by step, I move that beast on which I have to take 9 seconds.
will I make? I keep asking myself … while i take another beer from the bar.
“Thanks Jayc”
August 18, 2012 at 4:58 am #66461your quite welcome Zoerink as i hand him his beer, turning to Brandy………..what you dont like the sleeper sofa? its top of the line.besides that old couch was uncomfortble, if you know what i mean i wink. and the two 50 inch tvs are perfect for american football season as i proudly display my Chicago Bears jersy. looking forward to the pudding pit battles, let see how many bouts we can arrange. i think i will sit out fighting the dwarves…….with Stone having payback on her pretty little mind i think its in my best intrest to be a watcher this time. Stone give us her “who me?” look. speaking of beating…….how about a game of scabble? Stone says you cheat…….well not this time as i reach for the official scrabble dictionary.
August 18, 2012 at 2:28 pm #66462Finally redressed I lean against the bar sipping on that long deserved beer. The chants for Lover appearance are pretty loud, but seem to fade a bit as the crowd seems to take the opportunity to give some of the dancers private tips. None the less,… giving Lover a chance for his wardrobe choice seems important. We need a momentary diversion.
I signal the bartender over… “9 pints of tap… and a hand delivering..” A curious glance given to me on the order., and I lend a hand carrying them as we head outside to the pudding pit where Covems and his crew are at. Handing Covems a pint, I eye his companions and offer a pint to each of his crew, before pulling Covems to the side.
“We have need of your crew my friend… a short dinersion.” … I lean in and whisper my intent. Covems considers my words, then gives a reluctant agreement. Clicking the glassses we call the group over and fill them in on the details. Then chug our ale, covems and I finishing last as the dwarves put us to shame in draining the mugs.
To the chnt of “Hi Ho's” we head off back stage…. it's a short time before the stage darkens again… then relits with the 7 dwarves on it…
music bursting into “Macho man” as the dwarves do their strip.No doubt a little chaos will follow,… and with a smug smile I head off, back to the pool room and it's secret passage. I have to think,…find a plan to get the last of those responsible for my collaring.
August 18, 2012 at 10:55 pm #66463watching the curious sight on stage. being a vetran of a couple of Burning Man fests ive seen some stranges things out there in the desert, but this is on the list. i grab the bar camera and take a few pics for the bar wall. then shots of all the other contestants. wheres Bear? off to his lair JD responds. i will get him later. the dwarves take over a table and demand free drink and food. this could get ugly as i look around for Covems
August 19, 2012 at 2:54 am #66464The cab door closes, and he wastes no time speeding off, which is a little disconcerting. I look up at the building in front of me, doesn't look like much, unsure that this is the place. Pulling the business card the bus boy gave me from my pocket, this looks like it, 'Achat Bar & Grill'. Turning it over, there's a red lipstick imprint with the words 'Tell 'em Brandy sent you' underneath. Unsure what to expect, I walk through the door into the Bar.
The room is abuzz with noise – music, loud conversation, laughter, cheers …my eyes are drawn to the stage where the centre of most people's attention is, where i take a double take … looks like seven male dwarfs doing a strip show? Immediately think to myself 'damn bus boy, he set me up as a joke'. Having no interest in a male strip venue, i turn and head for the door. Passing a group of people on the way i hear them talking of girls in a pudding pit … I Stop myself – maybe I was too quick to judge
Pulling up a stool at the bar, I decide to give this place a chance and see what transpires … god knows i ould use a beer right now anyway. Sitting here i have a view of the whole room, and happy to just sit and people watch.
August 19, 2012 at 3:28 am #66465I'm loving the Dwarf strip, nearly crying with laughter at their antics and suddenly see a new friend at the bar, I make my way over to him and ask Stone to get a drink on the house for him ,
I turn to him smiling ” So glad you could make it ” and promptly ring the bar belll … ” Hey every body, this is Jay9 .. he was the runner up in the erotic story contest … if you haven't already read it .. check it out ” Bikini Girl ” Its hot and if I do say so myself .. well impressed he used the Union Jack bikini as his inspiration ”
Cheers erupt over the melee with the Dwarfs and clapping at his achievement.
I grin at him and nod over at the bull … ” You so got to have a go” … and then to JD ” Hey you got another customer .. “
Stone grins at him , ” Well Congratulations .. Whats your poison? “
August 19, 2012 at 3:53 am #66466After having a good giggle at the dwarfs strip show Jane and l leave the table as all 7 head our way.
Moving over to the bar I pull a stall over for Jane she sets and Stone hands her a fresh coke and me a new beer.
Jane turns and faces a new face at the bar “Welcome to the Bar & Grill you picked a strange night to come in. It's not every night you get to see 7 dwarfs stripping” she smiles pulling me to her she say's “l'm Jane and this is my man Tango.” “Welcome to the Bar & Grill” l say as l put my hand out to shack his.August 19, 2012 at 4:27 am #66467You're too kind Brandy
Somewhat embarassed by the attention – was hoping to sit quietly and watch the room for a while – I ask Stone for a beer as she greets me.
Before I know it, some new friends slide up to the bar alongside and introductions are underway. “Nice to met you Jane, and you too Tango”
“I was wondering about that … was this a typical night or did I happen upon this place at the right, or wrong, time !!! Depending on how you feel about dwarf male strippers I guess
” Some friendly conversation follows, around what this place is usually like on a 'normal' night, do you come here often, etc, etc – all the while my eyes are scanning the room, noticing some interesting behaviour, some very amorous couples and people seemingly coming and going into other areas of the Bar I have not yet discovered. Quite the happening place !
August 19, 2012 at 2:13 pm #66468I'll catch Brandy around the bar to talk whit her.
“Seems we have a problem…….Lover is not ready and he need some time….what we gonna do!? The girls wanna see his performance……Don't you hear them!?”
All the ladies in the bar get noisy asking for Lover to jump on stage….we look around ant then back to our talk.
“We can ask to the guys to sing a song or two, maybe!” i suggest her.
Brandy shakes her heads “The singer have some problem and we don't have a replacement….but maybe…..”
She looks at me with a strange expression that i've seen other times: she has something in mind!
“You can sing whit them….i know your voice is ptretty good, i had hear you singing sometimes and i know you can do it!” she say pushing me to the changing room “you can use all you want….i think you will do a great show!”
She leave, closing the door behind me….”Great idea, HB….and now!?” i look around, thinking on my situation: i had sing before in front of my friends, but in front of the entire bar….geez! oh well, let's see what can i do…..uhmm, i have a song in my mind but i need some clothes….
I'm looking in the closet, on crutches: a little black dress and gloves, a tie …. a top hat, and then a man's overcoat! Perfect, it's all i need!I'll change my clothes and adjust the make up….when i'm ready i meet the band behind the curtain to talk about the song.
Luckily they know it and we prepare the instruments and when ready i make a sign to the guy who must open the curtain. While it open, the tension start grow….hundreds of eyes will set me for all time i will be on stage.Lost in my thoughts, i hear the guitar start…….i swallow and sing
“Man! I Feel Like A Woman! – Shania Twain”'s go girls! Come on.
I'm going out tonight-I'm feelin' alright
Gonna let it all hang out
Wanna make some noise-really raise my voice
Yeah, I wanna scream and shout
No inhibitions-make no conditions
Get a little outta line
I ain't gonna act politically correct
I only wanna have a good timeThe best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little funOh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!The girls need a break-tonight we're gonna take
The chance to get out on the town
We don't need romance-we only wanna dance
We're gonna let our hair hang downThe best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little funOh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun (fun, fun)Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!I get totally crazy
Can you feel it
Come, come, come on baby
I feel like a womanat the end, i'm there, on the stage, with the top hat throwed somewhere and overcoat pulled down to my elbows, waiting for a response from the patrons…..
August 19, 2012 at 3:00 pm #66469Standing up at the bar with Jane and Jay9 the ladies all start to cheer for Lover again now that the Dwarfs had left the stage.
HB and Brandy disappear into the changing room Brandy comes back out Quickly thinks that's “Strange” Brandy goes over to the band and the move back onto the stage.
ALL the ladies are still cheering for LOVER to strip for them
When the lead guitarist starts to play I smile knowing the song instantly. HB APPEARS from behind the opened curtains
With the first line
LET'S GO GIRLS COME ONThe hole Bar cheer as HB starts to sing and all clap in time with the song
ALL the Ladies sing the line MAN! I FEEL LIKE A WOMAN!
Putting my arms around Jane I whisper Man I feel like this woman again. She turns and Kisses me “not again tonight mister” and kisses me again
standing behind her i feel her and reach behind her and run up my inner thigh and up onto my fly of my jeans she turns her eye wide and say's “STILL” I just smile down at her.HB finishs her song and the hole bar cheers and claps and start to cheer HB HB HB HB HB
August 19, 2012 at 5:22 pm #66470The lights are switched off… there is the sound of a bell far away… again, bit louder… again… louder… and louder… most recognize it’s “Hells Bells”
(“Hells Bells” AC/DC )As the guitar starts to play I enter the stage. I wear a white suit, white shoes and a white shirt with golden stars and buttons on, a band collar, the shirt is opened until my navel.
Fast I walk above the stage, then jump down to the screaming crowd. Turning around, showing my back, bending down till my head reaches my feet. Looking trough my legs, sending a devilish smile as Im shaking my ass.
Flipping over, landing on my hands I slide down to my belly. Turn around to my back, spread my legs and place my hands on my lap. Take em away and hold em against my ears… I hear everyone screaming and clapping.
In front of me I see Stone sitting on a chair. I wave and she’s coming over. Offering her both of my hands, she takes them and pulls me up. As I’m on my feet I quickly turn her around and into my arms. Embrace her, give a kiss on her neck and leave her, making my way to Brandy.
Just as I’m right in front of her the music stops and the lights go down. It’s silent and dark for a moment. Then a new song is beginning… Elvis himself is singing “Fever” )
I move my hips in rhythm of the song and sing the first words of it.
“Never how much I love you
never how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that’s so hard to bear”While I’m singing I take her hand to my shirt and show her to pull. She does with one jerk and my shirt jumps off. Again I take her hands, put them on my breast and lead her way down to my trouser. At once she wants to open the button, but I push her away.
Blinking to her I go back to stage, shaking and waving my hips and ass. As Elvis is singing “And you know I’m gonna treat you right” I tear away my pants, showing my white briefs.
I show Sexiliscious and Blue to come on stage. As they are close to me, one on the left and one on the right side, they take my briefs…Elvis sings “Daddy, o don’t you dare…” they pull hard and I loose my briefs.
I kiss blue’s lips and lick above Sexis while my hands hide my manhood.Again I turn around and circle my ass, slowly moving my upper body around, smiling to everyone. Take my right hand and blow kisses to the girls, then turn my body to the left side and also blow handkisses to the Ladies on this side.
“Now you've listened to my story
Here's the point that I have made
Cats were born to give chicks fever
Be it Fahrenheit or centigrade
They give you fever when you kiss them
Fever if you live and learn
Fever till you sizzle
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn”Now I show my front side, my hands on my manhood. In the moment the music stops I take away my hands…. And the lights go down.
August 19, 2012 at 6:38 pm #66471AC DC, Elvis… nice songs… i feel good hearing so nice music and start to dance, step by step… walking to the bull machine.
I put out my t shirt… I ride the beast, and close my eyes.
I hear that in five seconds the beast begin to bounce and bounce, as my whole body. I grab the straps, put my legs, everything is ready, the countdown has begun. I close my eyes … I hear background music, ever further, I'm focused, tense, feeling the air coming through the door caressing my face, my bare chest, I want this beast and I are one … missing two seconds, one … mechanical bull and starts dancing, soft first feel my buttocks bouncing in the saddle, it hurts, but I endure well the first 2 seconds.
Suddenly, the beast begins to throw stronger and stronger, more and more powerful, my body flies, and we are not one, we are two and one has it very, very wrong.
After six seconds, a blow to my nobler parts makes me lose my breath, loosened a bit and go flying … for 3 seconds, my body goes in perfect harmony with the air, with the breeze coming through the door and rubs my skin, my eyes are closed, and a sharp pain through my body, my weapon to be father has been hit hard , and that hurts.
I fall to the ground for a few seconds, my breathing was choppy. These shots are painful .. I look around and I see some humor … I think I was not the first to fall.
“JayC, get me another beer please … and some ice, I need”
I say no to just move … “The next time you want to bet, I prefer the pool” I say, laughing, cheerfully taking the insufferable damage I have in my balls.
August 19, 2012 at 7:37 pm #66472WOW WOW WOW
What GREAT night watching all the sexy guys of the Bar & Grill striping for us girls
And then watching to 7 dwarfs do there bit to
and then to have HB sing Man I Feel Like A Woman
And then Lovers GREAT strip
Not thinking the night could get any better I turn to Dutch and say ” time for a strong drink” I get up from our table and walk over to Jane & Tango.
Not getting all the way to them the wooden door of the Bar opens and in from the packing lot walks a GORGEOUS face I turn and SCREAM MEDJAI and run over to him and JUMP into his open arms kissing him deep on the lips and raping my legs around his waist
Whispering in his ear “you made it my love” holding my tight I feel his hands slide down from around my back and on to my ass.
He see's Jane & Tango and carry's me over to them, Tango grad's a stole so Med an put me down. I don't Let him go keeping my arms around him as he kisses Jane and shacks Tango's hand
Pulling him back close to me again resting my head on him chest he puts an arm around me and rubs it up and down my back.
Stone ask “whats it going to be Medjai” he answers “just a beer to start with thanks” sliding my hand down his front and he starts to drink his beer
my hand goes down and stops on his belt and I try to undo it with out him feeling what i'm doing
He looks down at me and smiles “what do you think your doing” I look up “who me” and bats my eye lids and gives him my best panda eyes
“Not here my love Not stood at the bar” I stand up taking Med bye the Hand and take him off into the pool room almost closing the door behind him
I turn to Med and kiss him again “its been to long my love” kissing him deeply again i pull him over to the pool table opening my legs wide i pull Med in between them and rap my legs around him. -
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