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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )

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    tango holds the door open for myself and blu, like a true gentleman.  I step inside the front door of the bar and it feels a little strange, not entering and exiting via the pool room.  I walk further inside and I nod to tango, who steps in front of me and says in a loud full voice, “ATTENTION EVERY ONE.  MAY WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!”

    The music went quiet and the voices lowered as I stepped forward.  “Greetings everyone.  Most of you know me already, I am Miss Christy from The Ice House, these are my subs, blu and tango.”  I introduced them as blu curtseyed and tango gave a bow.  “I’m sure all of you have received your invitations now, and I invite you to join us at The Ice House tonight.  The food is being delivered as we speak, Brandy has generously provided all the drinks from the AB&G, and there will be lots of fun and games throughout the night.”  I said looking around and seeing smiles start to appear.

    Continuing, I said, “Bear’s revenge will also be coming to its sexy climax in The Great Hall, and we will have a collaring ceremony as well, and would love it if you would attend.  Finally, we have a mystery glory hole booth that everyone can enjoy.  So please join us!  We are looking forward to having you.  My two subs will lead the way to the side entrance of The Ice House.”  I said, and blu and tango began ushering the patrons toward the door and leading them back to the building behind the bar. 

    I stepped over to the bar where Brandy was smiling at me.  “I love your gown.”  She said.

    “Thanks girl, but I can’t wait to get back to The Ice House, it is so hot under this thing.”  I replied, as she passed me a whisky.  I picked up the small glass and sipped as I watched the patrons file out the door, then looked at Brandy again.  “I can’t thank you enough for all your help.  None of this would be possible without you.”   


    As HB has untied my arms she asks what I'm goin to do…
    I smile to him “Let me coddel you” I whisper… “I will make your nipples harder then ever” i go on talking to him waiting for her reaction as I star to the tits… her  nipples are very erected and i can see pleasure and lust in his eyes. Hm… it seems i also notice some fear… probably she donesnt trust my words?!

    “Trust me” i repeat my words… “your nipples will be harder then they ever have been…” get up and place her on the chair. Looking deep in her eyes as i slowly brush her tits up and down… making sure our audience is seeing everything.

    “Are this wonderful tits?” i loud ask. Whistles, claps and “yeahhhhhhhh” calls are the answer we get. I go behind her and squeeze the boobs… her cock is growing and visible for everyone… so her nipple are. I look to JD. He nods… he knwos what i want. As I go on massaging her tits i notice JD fast going to the console. Moaning into HB ears “mmmmm wonderful tits… enjoy my touching…..” her eyes are closed, i see precum dripping out and hear her moaning…. JD is at the console now…

    Loud i say “They are very hard… and they will be much harder…. NOW!”
    After my last word i jump back three steps and JD starts a big waterfall exactly to the place HB is sitting. Cold water is falling down to her body… her nipples are REALLY hard… hehehehe….

    Good luck we prepared this effect for another act on stage ( you remember the movie Flashdance? A girl wanted to perform this) and HB placed the chair at this place…..

    She jumps up, gasping, fast breathing, blwoing and coughing… Angry she looks around to me… i just smile and make some steps closer to her… hugging her…. she can't be angry any longer and together we turn to the audience and laugh….


    Soaked from toes to head, makeup melted by the cold water and chills running again on my body….Lover's lips pressed on mine and our eyes gazing deep in each other. I was expecting something from Lover, maybe just a little different, but at least he had nicely surprise me.

    Whistles and claps gets loud and we can't hold a laugh turning at the audience: it's the second time i'm totally naked in front of the patrons of the B&G, but this time was my choise, not an accident. Their eyes are focused on us and had enjoy the unexpected show….we bow them, blow a kiss to all and then move to the backstage, where i take the overcoat i had drop on the floor.

    The curtain had start to close when Christy stepped in the bar and make her announce, inviting all to the party in the Ice House mentioning the invitation hidden in the box carried early here in the B&G. When i read the invitation in it, i wasn't interessed in joining it but now, after what happend there with Bear and thinking about the sweet memories i have of that place, i'd really like to join in! But there is a little problem….i need to change but have no time to go back home!

    After entering in the changing room, i look for the clothes i had leave here….black shorts, a red shirt, my hat and the belt of Bear: not so much for a decent outfit. While i think how to solve this problem, i take off the gloves, the boots and the stocking….luckily, boots and gloves are not wet inside and i can use them again after dry up my self with a towel: i start from my legs, moving up slowly….my thighs, my belly and at last my arms. The soft touch of the towel, make me think at Bear and Lover's hands….both of them have a wonderful why of use them, different of course, but i had really enjoy it and i want to feel it more! Gosh, i feel so naughty tonight….

    I dry and clean my face, but leave my hair wet and down, letting them fall on shoulders. I put on some make up, the same i had use performing the song, and put back the boots and the gloves. Now, i need something to complete my outfit….i look around but i can't see nothing i can use when, suddenly, i notice a black mask on one of the cabinet: it have a really particular shape, the nose become a sort of beak and long grey and black feathers cover the ears area. Just for kidding, i wear it and look at my face reflexed on the mirror: it's not so bad and the colour fit my boots and gloves! I leave it on, starting to arrange the rest of the outfit: looking in the drawers i find a black lace collar, perfect with the mask, but nothing more so all i can use are my clothes, Bear's belt and the overcoat.

    While i'm playing with the belt, i recognize an eagle on the buckle and the words of Bear jump in my mind:

    “I'll do, i care too much for that belt!”

    A mischievous grin appear on my lips….at least i want again his attention and the best way to do it, is to make him see where his precious treasure is! I wear the belt, having care to don't tight it so much and make it slide a little on my left flank. I look at my self on the mirror: the buckle cover partially my naked dick, grazing it a little, and the gloves, the boots fit perfectly with the mask and the lace collar. I smile satisfied and, before to leave, i take the overcoat and wear it, leaving it open.

    When i reach the bar, no one is there: they have all left for the Ice House, so this mean the party is closed to start and i have to hurry. I look outside the B&G and see no one again, so i move to the pool room and reach the hidden passage. I open it (glad i  had take a closed look at how Bear had open it!) and walk inside , till i am finally in the Ice House.

    I can recognize different voice cheering up and laugh….yes, the party is started!

    “Time to join the fun!” i say to my self, ready for a new adventure


    Checking out the sound equipment behind the curtains….. all ready for me & the boys for our next set.
    Sounds like they're having lots of fun out front lots of cheering and wolf-whistling …… Everything is ready for our next session. I go back to the room, nice and quiet and plug my Ipod in & chill out..
    I'm just about to go have a look at this “Pudding Pit” I have no idea what it is, but something smells lovely and sweet round the back and I haven't seen the dwarves recently, I wonder what the little mischief -makers are up to but then I notice my  bracelet is  flashing, a blue light, I mutter to myself , I never realized Mistress had me on a bat-phone.. how long has it been flashing? I 've had my arm under a throw keeping warm all the time I was chilling to Bob Seger.

    Shit, now I'm in trouble, I'm jeans & T-shirt, Mistress won't be happy about that, but I better run.

    I come out into the bar and see Lover & HB still playing on the stage…what are those two up to? I give them a smile and a wave, but I better not stop, redheads can be fiery when they're kept waiting!


    As I just wanna leave I notice blue waving and smiling to us. This little hot redhead is exactly what I need now as I'm more horny I thought I would be… but unfortunately she is leaving the bar.

    I look around – we have to clean the stage and prepare the waterfall again. Do we have enought time before the next show?
    I walk into my office to take care for the next events – but also wanna check the bar. Are there enough drinks and food? Oh. what's this? Tight created a new dish he calls “Pudding Pit”. I taste it. Mmmmmmmmmmm delicious…. wow – he has to publish the recipie in the forum of our homepage.

    As I enter my office I feel so… I was horny but now my body is burning.. my horniness is limitless… “concentrate Lover, calm down” I speak to myself “You have to work now”…
    I make the papers and look at my screen… then notice I started to fondle my cock which has grown to a big hard boner…. I lean back in my chair… oh if only a girl would come in now…. I beseechthe gods to send me a horny Lady right now.. I would fuck her here on my table…


    Holy cow… the place is empty.  This is a good time to sweep up.  Stack the chairs on the tables, get out the broom and sweep, sweep… sweep. 

    What the heck is this?  Jizz?  I better mop after sweeping… the back room, too… I don't know what happened in there, and I don't think I want to know.

    Sweep, sweep… sweep.


    A girl walks into the bar & grill from the street after walking by and noticing the music emitting from the bar.  As this new girl walks in she bumps into someone  with a mop and a bucket catching the name Covems on the  badge “Oh forgive me I….” as they  rush off to a room in the back before she can apologize.  The new girl sits down at the bar enjoying the ambiance of the bar wondering if she will make any new friends.  She turns to the Bartender noticing he is busy she tries to flag him down to order a drink.


    Noticing a young lady flagging me down, i walk over smiling………hi there Alita, welcome to the A B & G 1st one is on the house, whats your pleasure?  im Jayc  btw  seems that only  Covems and my self  are working today so forgive the wait.


    Walking into the Bar & Grill look round its empty apart from a new young lady sat at the bar.
    Walking over to her “hello there is there anyone here” I ask her   she turns ” Hello yes there's a guy call Covems i think out the back” ahe answers
    “thank you” i say with a smile “COVEMS YOU OUT THERE” I call a voice comes back “YES bet right there”
    Turning back to the young lady “Hi I'm Jane he'll be here soon”   and with that Jayc walks out into the bar “Sorry Jane” He smiles “Coke is it” Before he gets to the cokes i say “This young lady is first Jajc” ” Sorry miss what can i get you”he says placing a glass mat on the bar in front of her “vodka & orange please” she asks turning to me she says ” I'm Alita nice to meet you Jane”
    Jayc put the vodka & orange on the mat and hands me a bottle of coke
    “Where is every one Jayc ” I ask  “Miss Chirsty came in earlier with your Tango & Blue and took them all round to the Ice House the party is tonight” he tells us.

    I turn to Alita “would you like to come to the party with me it only round the back of the Bar” She look it me then says “yes it looks like its going to be better then setting on my own ”  We drink up “see you later Jayc” I say as we walk out the Bar round to the Ice house


    A girl walks into the bar,wearing red shorts, a white top and black heels with ankle sox. Her legs are lithe, her waist trim and her features sharp, though softened by youth. She wears her long blonde hair in a braid. Her eyes are red, her lids puffy.  She hands a sheet of hastily scribbled chord structure to the pianist who looks it over then glances up at her.
    Girl: “¾. Melodioso” – the pianist smiles sadly and nods.
    She approaches and adjusts the mic stand. Looking over the audience she whispers “This song is for Pink_Rose”
    Signaling the upbeat to the pianist, she begins in a light and lilting voice

    You call me Sweet Jess and I melt in your arms
    You ply me with kisses and I fall for your charms
    But when you’re not with me You’re the toy of big men
    While u Skype and u Role Play With your Lovers and Friends
    And u tell me I matter, that your heart remains true
    But words aren’t enough To make me feel special to you

    Since the day that I met u In a friends FFM
    Ive counted the hours till Id see u again
    But the hours turned to days And your banner would change
    With words meant for others – Never for me
    And u tell me Im special, that your heart remains true
    But words aren’t enough To make me feel special to you

    Now u have found yet another one
    A Spouse that will fill all your dreams
    All I have left is your memory
    To hug me on meeting
    To spoon me at night
    To hold me and tell me – everything is alright

    My Request is unanswered and my Messages bare
    When I look in my Profile Youre no longer there
    And u said I came first, that your heart remained true
    But words aren’t enough To make me feel special to you
    Your words weren’t enough To make me feel special to you

    The final chord of the piano rings out

    This song is © 2012 to onlyguessed


    As everybody is following Tango and Blue to the party in the ice house, i see Lover getting into his office. Mmmmm that performance with HB turned me on. Maybe if i showed intrest in him he would take me, and god i know i need it now. So i walk up to his office and knock on the door. Enter i hear, and as i walk in, i open my shirt a bit more so he can see me better.

    Hi lover, my name is Monique but you can call me Mona like everybody does around here. I saw your performance with HB and i got so hot, i just needed to see you, and by the look on your pants you need somthing too.

    Before he can say a word i walk over to him and start to take off his pants.


    I fondle my cock and far away i hear someone knocking on my door. Quit lost in thoughts i say “Enter”. The door open and a hot looking girl comes in, her shirt opened a bit.. wow… i enjoy what im seeing

    She is talking to me though in my situation its hard to follow the talk. Suddenly she is close, taking off my pants. I let it happen cause im so horny right now – and it seems she is hot too. As she is going down to her knees I look up – whispering “thank you gods… my prayers are coming true”

    Mona looks up to me – i can see she is confused about my words. I  laugh – “its ok Mona, heaven has sent you” “Oh… i think heaven is not really the place im coming from” she also os laughing but then takes care of my cock.
    Oooooh  i moan becasue she is giving a great blowjob, my hard cock is getting harder then granite. She is knowing what she is doing and i feel her pleasure. I need her now. I want her now. I take her!
    Lifting her up, placing on my table i dont waste time with taking off her skirt … just push it up and thrust my cock beside her panties inside her pussy. Oh god, she is sooo wet and her nipples are erected, i could hang my pants on them.

    The papers are flying around as I fuck her here on my table. I lick her perfect tits… then suck her nipples as im pushing my hips towards her wild fucking her. This tight pussy is squeezing my cock and it feels so great – she is the girl i was begging for.

    Both are moaning and gasping and it doesnt take long were cumming together….

    She looks at me satisfied but her look also says she wants more. I feel the same. It was a fantastic quickie but not enough… I carry her to the little red sofa in the corner. Taking off her skirt and wet panties… smiling… “you dont need this anymore.. i keep it”.
    Then i remover her shirt – oh i see a navel piercing.
    As we deeply kiss i play with it…


    I laugh at Jayc looking a little perplexed on the Scabbleboard when I place House next to His Ice winning the game and using the last of the tiles. “Serves you right for all that new furniture you bought” I grin at him, ” maybe one day, I might let you win. Talking of Ice House,I take it you and Stone will be going to the party in your masks… I got some temporary staff in for the night.. And looks like you can use this new sofa bed in the office, save you going home that night. And check with Christi what booze she requires… I told her We'd supply the drinks for the night.. “

    Jayc smiles back taking his loss on the scrabble board good naturedly.  He tells me Stone and he had got new outfits for the night  and they were looking forward to it and testing the new furniture out in the office.

    I grin at him, knowing the kind of testing he'd got in mind,  “I best check on JD,he's had a bad throat lately, make sure he's going to the party too. Do you know if Covems & Tight got the pudding mix sorted,  apparently it's one of Tight's special  family's recipe… Hopefully the pudding pit night will be renowned soon across Achat & Nymphomania once the wrestling night takes off”

    Jayc beams back, ” oh yeah,  Tight & Covems  are on the ball and the delivery will be here soon enough…. Can't wait for Stone to get covered, I'll certainly enjoy cleaning her up” He looks past me at the sofa dreamily…

    I roll my eyes and click my fingers to attract him back to reality   ” oy, we have a lot to do for us to have a night off, for Christi's party,  make sure we have enough booze and food ordered, clean sheets for the office for you and Stone, the outdoor showers up and working for the pudding pit,  pudding delivery, and I need to get hold of HB to fill in for Lover while he prepares for his strip …. it's go go go ”

    I leave him to make some phone calls while I return to the bar, to make sure Stone is coping with the bar. As usual she is doing an outstanding job welcoming new customers … I nod to Jay9  , iamincharge, Alita,  Sexilious, onlyguessed & Dutchslut19…  ensuring they have all had a drink on the house.

    I walk over to JD at the Bronco to make sure he's recovering but seeing him eyeing the girls and trying to shake them out of their clothes still tells me, he's doing good.  He tells me he is also looking forward to the Icehouse party and has also got a new outfit to go with his mask. Zoerink approaches the Bronco and robustly rides the Bull. He does real well to stay on for 7 seconds and I grin at him for being game. I signal to Stone to give him one of my special house punches on the house.
    I congratulate him and kiss him on the cheek ,”  Stone's got a special drink for you, careful though, it has one hell of a kick.”

    I spot HB,  and walk over to him,  “you can sing right, you're on next… Lover needs a few more minutes… I know you can do it”. HB looks a little shocked but is game and sings fabulous rendition of  ” I feel like a Woman ” Every one claps and cheers at such an unexpected treat. And I give him a standing ovation,  then. Lover arrives and begins his strip…  Oh he is good and I love it when he approaches me to rip his shirt off.

    My heart races a little as I see his muscular and toned chest. mmm.  He teases the audience until he is completely naked and everyone cheers and claps as his dance and strip ends.

    As I join some of the regulars for drinks , Tango, Allforyou, mrsexlover,  tangojane, medjai , suddenly the curtains open again for a little extra show by Lover & HB… Very erotic , very sexy and the water cascading on HB at the end a great finale – the audience go wild with appreciation.

    I look round, the AB&G  in full erotica mood, everyone seems to be having a good time.  I shout to Stone to put a jug of my special punch on every table in appreciation for their custom.

    The next night, the bar is in full swing as usual and there is a buzz of excitement around the place , everything is in place for the party night Christi arrives in a beautiful gown and I make my way over to her as she announces the party opening at the Icehouse.  I smile at her, “you look wonderful , I love your gown”. She smiles and thanks me for my help with everything, ” No problem, I enjoy it too, and thank you for nominating me to be an owner for the dungeon… That I'm looking forward to too.” We drink to the opening and new members ..

    “It's going to be a good night” she promises …….

    We high five as we both go to get ready grinning widely….

    I go to the office to collect my clothing to take down to my hareem room… The party is just about to begin and I can't help but feel excited by it all …


    I swept and mopped the entire AChat Bar & Grill, and emptied all the waste bins, except the ones in the offices.  The dumpster out back could use a covering shed, to make it less of an eyesore.  I should run that idea past the ownership… also, the storage room could use a new shelving unit.  I'll put in a request for some material.

    I come back inside and go up to the bar… “Hey JayC, do you have a magnifying glass back there that I could borrow?”


    I cram my hankerchief in my back pocket just in case I get the sniffles again.  Strep had me down for a few days but I am nearing 100% JD again.  I check the bull to make sure everything is in order for the party.  Everything appears to be in order as I close the control box.  I walk over to the bar and see some new faces.  I introduce myself to the newcomers.  Onlyguessed just finished a beautiful song on stage.  I see Zoerink wants to give the bull try.  I open the control box as he climbs on the mechanical bull.  7 seconds.. not bad at all.  After his ride, I head to the bar again and grab  a beer waiting to see what is going to happen next…

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