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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
August 28, 2012 at 12:08 pm #66502
I just can't believe it . This handsome lover is fucking me wild on his desk, papers flying everywhere. And his tongue on my nipples, Omg i don't think i can hold on any longer, and when i hear him moan hard and breading even harder, i let my self go. My pussy gushes as i feel him explode deep inside me. He is so good and as he carry's me to the couch i give him the look that i need more.
He undress me and discovers my belly piercing and starts to play with it while we kiss. My hands wonder all over his body, mmmm, he is so well build. And his cock is still hard , i put it in my hand and squeeze hard. Oh lover i could use this so much more, i wispher in his ear.
I push him down on the sofa and put my face in between his legs, my pussy i lie to rest in his face, and when he starts to lick my wet slit, i take his love handle in my mouth……
August 28, 2012 at 1:18 pm #66503*knock*knock*knock… I rap on Brandybee's office door, then turn the knob and open the door very slightly, without looking in. “Aaaah, Miss Brandy?” I ask. “I have a few ideas I'd like to run by you. One is a covering shed for the dumpster out back, since we have a nice fire pit and pudding pit now, covering the dumpster will make the whole area more aesthetically pleasing. Someone made a suggestion about adding some bleacher seating around the wrestling pit, that's a good idea, but it will require some building supplies. Also, there is a need for some new storage shelving in the back room.”
I continue, “The mechanical bull has developed a slight rumbling that shouldn't be there. I can order some replacement parts for it, along with the new updated control box that allows for more diverse movement in the bull. Only I'll need your okay to order these things and begin the work… and… do you have a magnifying glass I could borrow?”
August 28, 2012 at 6:43 pm #66504Alita smiles at Jayc as Jane walked in “Ok Jane I'd be happy to try see the Ice House.” Alita giggles a little and ask “Is it made out of ice?” Jane just replies “you'll see, and hey if is isn't your thing you can come back over here and chat up Jayc.” Alita walks out with Jane to go around back to the Ice House, she waves goodbye to JayC and winks. “I'll be back for that free drink, just soo you know I wanted sex on the beach.” Walks out the door with Jane.
August 29, 2012 at 8:21 am #66496The girl from post 353 collects her music and leaves
August 29, 2012 at 5:15 pm #66505Time was still clear and a bit hot on this near end of summer.
Since my return from my vacation, I returned to my working routine. I have lots of projects, my new warehouse is almost finished, and I have to organize the change of place of all my actual stock … and I start, as my customers also returns from holidays to have commands for the Autumn and Winter season.
Murphy's law say that those commands have to be of the stock that just change to my my place…Also my travel to Asia to organize … and that was just what I done today … and it is always an hell to explain that Yes … legaly my gender is Male …
That is why I am dressed like I am : in a Hugo Boss's suit, my breast compressed in bandages with no make up at all … I feel clumsy and awkward in those flat shoes … and my feets hurt.
Well, my new passport is on his way, and I deserve a fresh drink.
Sometime life is fine, for I just pass in front of the entrance of a bar … “Bar&Grill” it said … to me it like a roady's bar … And I have … strages memories about a particuler roady's Bar … But well nevermind ! Past is past, and sweaty as I am, this is like heaven !!!
I park my Smart.
A Girl leave just when I enter … My this bar is a … “cliché” !!! and I just get a look behind me to be sure that a cowboy is not parking his horse, or that an horde or hell's Angels is not on her way to here … well at least I think they got Beer.
I put my bottom on a stool near the desk. Just another customer is around, seem to look strangely on a backdoor.
The desk is dirty … what did I expect ?!? … but some marks are clearly not from dryed beer … yerk !!! This desk may have seem something else than glasses …
A tall muscular man arrive from the backyard, a lumberjack's shirt open on his large pectoral ! He stance at me … for sure … I may be not the usual customer … I can't no more pass as a man … since my surgery … and in spite of my … disguise for administration I feel like a girl transvestite in Boy … well that's exactly what I am … and his gaze … I feel tiny even more.
” What you want to drink?”
… ” Erhhh It is Possible to have a Diet Coke Please ?“
My … what did I said ?? He look at me like I am Alien just coming from Roswell !
“No diet ! We got Coke!”
” Ohhh .. well something sugar free ?”
He smile. Then get a glass and … a bottle of Jack Daniel's !! And pour the glass !!! AT HALF!!! and put it in front of me.
“That's sugar free sweety!”
His smile opens wild.
“Thank … Thank you Sir … “
“Yu'r Welcome Sweety! “
My … I just can't drink that all … first I have to drive to back home … and this much will make me drunk … that will be about four years I stopped to drink that much … four years … May .. time's running so fast …
” 5 A$ Sweety! newcomer's offer!”
Well I might look stupid with my Lollipop wallet …And my just presence get over me the look of the other man. I pay, and now start to feel a bit uncomfortable.
Strangely, the Jack's have fine taste, but I feel not the rudeness of the 40° of alcohol … Alcoholic a day, alcoholic everyday … and I was alcoholic … and not only …four years ago.
The Jack's ran into my throat without I think about it … In fact I was lost in my past memories and found myself with an empty glasse …“It is possible to have a glasse of water Please?”
Too late now to take my car again … still I have time, but … I take my cell phone …
The bartender serve me a great glass of clear water. I gladly welcome the moisture that form on it … Lord … That's what I deserve !
” I am not Here, if you want to may leave a message, I'll try to call you later … or not ! Bye!!”“ Sis, that's me ! I will be late, don't worry, Take the salad on the fridge or order sushies ! Kiss and be quiet! “
Well that's unexpected, but I think I will get a free evening outside … Lord !!… I remember that I am dressed like a punk !!! hi hi hi
But I have my … normal dress in the rear of my Smart … and no place to change … I surely not visit the toilets of this place ! !August 29, 2012 at 8:10 pm #66506“Hey Covems, ” I greet him as he enters the office. He explains some of the needs for the AB&G. “Sure, no problem. Order what you need, and me or Jayc will ok it. You have a good eye for things and well I just love your work and ideas” I smile at him. “you know, I don't know what I'd do without you round the place.. And dont ever stop telling those jokes… You never fail to cheer me up “
Covems chuckles and asks for a magnifying glass… I look at him puzzled and reach in the desk to give him one. I' m sure he'll explain when he's ready.
As he turns to leave, I ask , ” did you hear that girl singing … Onlyguessed … She has a beautiful voice , the song she sang was very haunting … I liked it. Ask her if she would do the honour of having a regular slot at the AB&G… With everything going on here the last few days, I didn't get chance to speak with her. Oh and are you going to the Icehouse party ? I reckon you would look hot in a Tux and Cumberband …” I wink
I leave with him, slapping his bottom as goes in the other direction and blow him a kiss as he turns round to grin at me.
I join JD at the bar… He offers me a bottle of Bud which I gratefully swig … ” you got your outfit for tonight?
He nods grinning.
“then let's get ready to party, see you there”. I beam wickedly……
I see chine-lubrik walk to the bar , I nod to her in welcome, ” first drink is on the house.. And you have to have a turn on the bull … It's great fun.. JD here will vouch for it … Hehe…..”
August 29, 2012 at 8:18 pm #66507Well that's unexpected, but I think I will get a free evening outside … Lord !!… I remember that I am dressed like a punk !!! hi hi hi
But I have my … normal dress in the rear of my Smart … and no place to change … I surely not visit the toilets of this place ! !HEY!!!I resent that comment!! I keep this place sparkling and so clean you can eat your honey off the floor! Or anywhere else you want. Except the bull is makeing a rumbling noise… I gotta fix that.
*******************************I pull an old newspaper out of my back pocket and examine a picture with it. My jaw drops… my shoulders slouch… I can feel the color draining from my face.
Putting the newspaper back into my pocket, I look at Miss Brandy, and hand her back the magnifying glass… “I'd like to… but I'm not sure. I need a stiff drink.”
I head to the bar and say to JD. “I need a drink… Root Beer… no… wait… something stronger. Make it a Sarsaprilla.” I down it quickly. “I need to take a walk and clear my head.” I slip into my jacket and leave the bar.
I poke my head back into the bar. “I did hear her…. beautiful singing voice and nice to look at.”
August 30, 2012 at 4:31 pm #66508HEY!!!I resent that comment!! I keep this place sparkling and so clean you can eat your honey off the floor! Or anywhere else you want. Except the bull is makeing a rumbling noise… I gotta fix that.
Don't be upset Mister Covems, my comment was not about what I actually saw in the bar, it is a comment about what I though it was, my pre made idea of it. And also, I may add that my comment was not about hygienic purpose, but more about a possibility to be cought in the toilet while changing myself.
The only comment concerning the cleaning was :
The desk is dirty … what did I expect ?!? … but some marks are clearly not from dryed beer … yerk !!! This desk may have seem something else than glasses …
But that quote went from :
I just can't believe it . This handsome lover is fucking me wild on his desk …
Sorry if I upseted you
*******************************” first drink is on the house.. And you have to have a turn on the bull … It's great fun.. JD here will vouch for it … Hehe…..”
I take a look on the mechanic bull … part of the image I have of this bar when I did come in . A Mechanic Bull !.! I just saw one before … on a movie …
I appreciate the glass of water, but … the Jack or not … I feel more and more uncomfortable on the stool … Fortunatly, the place is not crowdy … and I think no one see me wriggle … my! I really have to change myself …
August 30, 2012 at 11:34 pm #66509*pokes my head out the door and glance around. Seeing no1 around, I make a mad dash to the showers carrying my clothes. Slipping inside the shower after placing the clothes nearby, i quickly shower and rinse the rest of the pudding off my body. Putting on the cheerleading outfit again, I walk on out looking around for everyone. Grabbing a quick snack, I remember they had the party out back in the warehouse. Waving to the few inside, I slip on out and around towards the warehouse.
August 31, 2012 at 12:53 pm #66510I returned after about 3 hours and made some alterations to the donut machine. “Hey JayC… check this out. I made a modification to the donut machine… Let me have a bottle of rum, will ya?” He hands me a bottle. “You open the bottle… throw the cap away… place the bottle in the holder like this.” The bottle goes in inverted. “Now you set the new dial on the front to the rum setting… press the button, and Wingo! The donuts come out rum soaked and the creme filling is now rum infused.”
I taste one… “Whoa…. this is even better than I thought… I swear I just saw an angel flutter by heading toward the showers. I better not have any more of these.”
“Know what I forgot? We need a PA system for the pudding pit out back… so we can have an announcer… you know… 'In this corner….'” I hand him a material list… “I need an okay to order all this.”
August 31, 2012 at 3:00 pm #66511A bit dazed I make it back to my feet. Pudding is dripping down from my naked body, covering the clean patches of skin, the areas that sexi cleaned so hungrily and eagerly. After the door went open and she stepped into the storage room of the B&G, she didn’t take long to strip, kneel ebsides me and start to lick my face and neck clean. With glistening eyes her soft tongue slid over my cheeks and chion, travelled down my neck, licking and sucking the weet cream off my skin. Her hand slid down and started tugging on my shirt and as i took it off, she quickly opened my pants as well, pulling them down with my boxers
Her enthousiasme overhwlemed me a little, leaving me naked and with a growing erection, in a puddle of pudding. Kneeling besides me, her hand tightly gripping my growing member, Sexi lifted herself upwards, smearing pudding over her chest with her free hand. The look in her eyes did not leave much for the imagination and I leaned in. She pushed her chest forward and offered me her breasts, her nipples hardened as she coated them with the cold substance. As my tongue flicked and twirled around her nipples, she started stroking my shaft, lathering it with pudding until it dropped my shaft. With her breasts now cleaned, she turned slightly, bent down forward and licked her tongue over the rip of my member, moaning with delight as she scooped the pudding off.
Her hips turned towards me, she started smearing pudding on her butt and inner thighs, looking back before sliding the head into her mouth and sucking on it gently. With a smile on my face I laid back, grabbed her hips and pisitioned her over me, drips of pudding landing on my mouth as i moved in closer to her damp sex. The scent of her excitement mixing in perfectly with the smell of the pudding, her lips opened and wet, her juices mixed in.
I started licking her pussy clean as she devoured my shaft, sucking on it hard as she slid it down her throat, making sure she collected and swallowed every drop of cream, before moving her head faster and faster. My lips folded around her clit and i sucked on her little button in the same speed as her bobbing head, twirling my tongue around her hardened clit. Her hips rocking against me, pushing her wet sex against my face, her hips touching my pelvis as she pushed her face down as far as she could, slipping my member into her throat.
The swallowing motion of her throat sent me over the edge and as my semen spurted into her mouth, I forced her sex against me, penetrating her with my tongue while my noises of pleasure tremored against her clit. Her legs started trembling as she submitted to her own orgasm, gushing her juices over my lips and chin, the taste of her desire perfectly complimented by the taste of the pudding.
Satisfied she let my shaft slip from her lips, whipe the corners of her mouth and suck the last reminants of my desire off her fingertips, then winked as she stood up and grabbed her outfit.
“I’ll see you at the Ice House”
Before i could answer, she had disappeared, leaving small footsteps of pudding behind on the concrete floor of the storage room. With the aftershocks of my orgasm still rippling through my body, I manage to get up and get a hold of the firehose. Quickly I start to wash the room, clearing the place of pudding, before stepping outside and showering myself down with the ice-cold water. Dripping wet, naked I walk to the cabin of the truck and find a towel. Quickly I dry myself off and take my wrapped tux off the back wall of the cabin and find my way to the restrooms of the B&G. I change quickly and with my hair still wet, I walk into the poolroom and open the not-so-secret-anymore-passage to the Ice House, hearing the noises of a party in full swing echoing through the hall.
August 31, 2012 at 3:16 pm #66512hello new here..pls tell me its not a country and western bar
August 31, 2012 at 3:25 pm #66513Well, Lydiarose, the starting idea is that……we have a mechanical bull, a pool room and a stage for performance! and of course a country band, for the pleausure ow the owner, Brandybee!
But, of course, not only western performance here…..we had a nice strip show last week and some , weeeell, not so programmed entertaiment!mmmh, i had forget the pudding pit……and it's not so new, thanks to Tight and Sexy!
August 31, 2012 at 5:56 pm #66514Hey!
Me and the boys don't just sing country, we sing Western too! lolz
Actually we cover a lot of R & B and the occasional rock number too.
come & listen, you never know, I might do a romantic ballad…..
August 31, 2012 at 9:08 pm #66515After the bull… while my bones creak, Stone give me a drink and drive me a little high… WAOWWWW is just what i can said after drink.
I look to stone eyes and smile… drink was ok, but after so many beers, i think is a moment for a change. I ask for another one.
Brandy kiss my cheek and i can only give her my smile and say thank you.
Im so far from my house… and all of you make me feel like at home…
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