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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )

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  • #66546

    My !! Did I really said that ? Well yes …

    I feel he firmly hold me tight. And .. ohh my I feel he have some desire … for I have some myself …

    “Thanks for accepting my invite, Eve….all our friends are there, waiting the
    main event but i'm sure the main event, now, is having you with us!”

    My ! Wiil I have to danse on a stage ?  Will I have to expose myself to stranger's gaze on the best parts of myself … but also on the worst parts of myself.
    I don't know, my feelings are fighting inside my mind. Is it a trap to make me been a slave another time? It is just fun ? I am a bit lost.
    And Lord! I feel so bad in that Male's Suit … I dream about my real identity but …
    Is that ok with him if I return to my real myself's dress … after all, he comes to me while I am dresses as man … It is fine for him to discover that I prefer to feel Woman? Will he reject me ? I … I don't know ? I feel both anguish and excitement.

    My” … “Is it a problem if I change ? Sorry but I feel strange dresses like that. Forgive me, Please… but I would like to feel more comfortable. I … I have some of my clothes in my car. Would you mind if I go get them ?

    No he won't. Well maybe he should have follow me there … but I think that just the way he want to make me feel better in that strange surrending for me.
    I took the bag where my clothes are in.
    And I meet him again just in the front of the bar.
    He drive me to a changing room. And let me alone to change myself.

    Well alone is maybe not the word as two girls also changes themselves.
    And Again I feel shy! getting nude here in front of them who are … my! so fully woman.
    Umh… Forgive me Misses … I know it is a girl's room … and well …. ohh Sorry … it!...”
    Hey! What the deal sweety ! It's obvious you're nor a pervert! Feel free!
    Hi hi hi don't you noticed She might be a shemale? you stupid bitch !
    HEY I'm not Bitch! I'm a free girl! you're the bitch !! comm'on shebaby take a seat and prepare yourself!

    I shyly take a seat and take out the clothe from the bag.
    My latex stroking, my panty … no … not my panty. My latex cup Bra
    and a short skirt … I think this will match the night's topic after all.
    My fucking whore! look at the breast she got!
    I quickly put an hand on my breast
    uhhh … just take a look at her tiny dick!! That's sooooooo sweet!!
    Ohhhhh my I feel so much embarrassing!!!
    I, as fast as possible, dress!
    And put my disguise's suit in the bag.

    Then, dressed as the slut I am tonight, and like I feel comfortable to be in fact. I make up myself. Blush, Black Lipsstick, eyelids'farts.
    I know he wait for me. And so I am in hurry.

    Ohhh… one! two … I take a deep breath!
    And open the door.

    Well is is not flleing me shouting for monster !   And in fact he got a wink in the eyes!
    He take my hand and drive me to a stairway. Strangely enough I think about a parody of Deep Purple some king of “Stairway to hell” a mixt between , Deep purple and AC/DC . That make me smile and I feel confident now!

    We cross on a room with a pool, and then to another door.
    My! he put a mask on his face. And myself ? I have none …
    Are you Ready Evelyne?”
    Then he shut open the door. Noises are surrounding us. And most … smell … smell of bodies, the smell of lust.
    That's too late To hesitate.

    I give him my best smile! And make the first step in !


    I go to leave and go back to the mic and say:  “I forgot to warn everyone.  It seems that the dwarves have tunneled out a room underneath the bar room.  Their means of egress is that panel at the end of the bar…. and it seems the little buggers have some sort of a peep hole or some other way of knowing when a lady is present.  Heh, heh… sorry Lady Azrielle.”

    I blushed slightly at Covems' statement about the seven little perverts, and try to remain composed. His warning was perhaps not quite in time for the lass standing near me at the end of the bar. whom I noticed had tried to be modest in her miniskirt. JD sided up next to her, and the two of them seemed to be hitting it off.

    Thank you for the drink James_Dean 

    “Good Evening, I'm Azrielle.” I introduced myself to Lydiarose. “Call me Az, but most peeps just call me Chief.”

    “Here is your drink”, I say  as i hand it to her.”  I mention to her that I operate the mechanical bull and would love to give her a ride on it.  “I'll be easy since it is your first time on it,” I promise her. 

    “Good Evening to you too, JD.” I mentioned, as if to interupt his very cool moves.

    “I extend an invitation to come join the gala in the Ice House this evening… as my guest.” I offered to Lydiarose.

    “JD, be a gentleman and escort her if she wishes to accept.” I spoke and gave him a wink.

    “Oh… and you may want to take a step or two back from the bar.” I noted as Doc's face appeared once again beneath the bar, and the panel quickly slid shut once again.



    As she turns to face me her face lights up with a smile that almost melts me…. I galdly oblige by ordering us a couple of drinks as Old Joe approaches. She looks very familiar to me, nonetheless am continually distracted by her appearance. My eyes torn between where to look – deep into her welcoming eyes, her pouting red lips, that plunging neckline exposing more than a distracting amount of cleavage, or that toned body framed by that super tight sexy little red dress. Doing my best to not be too obvious about my physical attraction to her, I shuffle my bar stool close alongside hers and Marilyn and I settle into what could be best described as extremely flirtacious chat over the course of the next 4 drinks or so as an hour or so flies by.

    We clearly both are feeling a connection, as through the course of the chat i've shuffled myself even closer alongside her and the body contact increases in frequency. Whether it's when i'm playfully joking around with her and placing my hand on her bare shoulder, and lingering there longer and longer each time, or when she's deep in conversation and wanting to emphasise a point and placing her hand on my thigh to get my attention. Before long we're leaning in close to each other, taking in each other's scent, she's flicking her long black hair back and those pouting lips are drawing me in closer still. Leaning in, sensing no resistance, i plant my lips on the side of her neck, tasting the soft skin at the base of her neck …… she smiles approvingly as she leans in towards me ….. as i slowly begin to work my way up and down her neck, kissing and suckling as i go. I can feel Marilyn's breathing getting deeper as her hand begins to caress my leg.

    Pulling her hair aside I nibble playfully on her earlobe and then pulling back for a second, then lean in to kiss those full red lips. Our lips meet and we kiss for the first time …. her soft lips welcoming mine. Our lips part slightly as our tongues begin to dance together and the kiss seems to go on for ever as it becomes more and more passionate as we completely forget our surroundings and lose ourselves in each other, as our breathing becomes shorter. Thoughts around where to take this next begin to flood my mind … unable to resist the pure attraction we are feeling.

    Then she pulls back slowly … “This is so nice Jay, I want more … but I really need to take a breath and run to the ladies room – must be all the drinking!”, I smile back at her and watch her try to spin around on the stool and wriggle her way off onto her feet. Her tight dress riding up high as she manouvres, flashing me teasing views of her inner thighs. She stands, leans in to kiss me once more and then turns to walk off to the ladies room, pulling her dress down to more modest levels as she walks. I watch her amazing body as she walks across the room.

    Consumed by passion in this moment, and perhaps encouraged by events i witness in this bar the other night, wicked thoughts race through my head. Uncharacteristically, I respond to them, and jump off my stool and walk quickly across the room after her. I reach the ladies room door, look quickly around and then push on it and enter. Once inside i see the cubicle door closing and i quickly reach out my hand to stop it just before it shuts, as the door springs open Marilyn spins around with a shocked look on her face, unsure what was happening. My heart skips a beat ….. what will her response be ….. shock turns to recognition as she sees it's me, which quickly turns to a wicked grin.

    Needing no further encouragement i step forward into the cubicle after her and close the door behind me. She leans with her back against the cubicle wall, waiting on my move as i step forward, closing in directly against her. My body now leaning against hers, pinning her to the wall as my firm hands begin to caress up and down her arms, taking her by the shoulders and holding her against the wall, as i lean in ….. teasingly holding my lips a centremetre or so from hers …. my heart is racing and I can feel her chest rising and falling as her breathing is shorter, she leans forward to kiss me but i'm holding her back, building the anticipation as we tease each other.

    I can't resist those lips for long though, as our lips meet once but even more passionately this time …..


    hi Azrielle would you like to join us  AZ sit down as she does jd tells me he has to look at the bull to see iif it work good now
    AZ tells me she chief of police.. I be a good girl now for a year now i think to myself and she looks hot for a chief of police
    in the low cut red top she has on just then joe drops down 2 drinks and  tells us the guy over there ask me to give them to ye 
    as joe walks back to bar I ask AZ where is over there.. joe didnt point out where that guy was sitting so we look around
    there is a lot single guys in bar i look over to where JD is to see was it him.. he is working on the bull…so i turn back to talk
    with  AZ


    After few kicks i pull out and fuck her pussy… then switch back to her ass, thrusting my cock dep inside at once… i repeat this little game several times, fucking both of her hot holes… using her, giving her all of my passion and power…
    Suddenly i stop… don't do anything, just holding my cock… she looks at me… “what is wrong?” “Nothing” i grin… her eyes are starring at me… in this moment i go on shagging her like a wild animal…she is moaning, screaming loud…. i feel we both are very close again… “oh babe…” i feel my load wants to cum out

    As he starts fucking me again, after that sudden stop, i start to loose control, i want him to cum deep in me, fill me up with his warm seed. I scream louder and louder, squeezing his hard love handle in my ass.

    OMG, i can't hold it any longer, as i start to squirt so much, it's gushing out my pussy. And with every push he does i squirt more and more, i am trembling and schaking and can't stop cumming. I feel his muscles thightning up and with a big scream  he fills my asshole with his cream.

    We both lie down on the sofa satisfied and full of pleasure, i kiss him passionate and hold him in my arms, both my holes dripping from this lustfull moment we spent together. Time to relax a bit and come back to my senses.


    Two very attractive ladies by my side.  I have to step away and get a grip before I do something I'll regret later, especially to the beauty I have just met.  I excuse myself from the bar and pretend check the mechanical bull.  “Deep breaths dude”, I think to myself, as I give it a once over.  I check back over to the bar and they are still chatting. 

    Regaining my composure, I step back over to them.  “Sorry about that ladies, safety first!” I said with a wink and smile.  “So would you want to have that dance Lydiarose?” “When the song is over, I can escort you down to the Ice House.”  I offer her my hand and motion to the dance floor as the band starts their slow ballad.



    We both lie down on the sofa satisfied and full of pleasure, i kiss him passionate and hold him in my arms, both my holes dripping from this lustfull moment we spent together. Time to relax a bit and come back to my senses.

    I take a deep breath. Have to calm down… wow, it was a hot adventure we both had. We hug…
    After few minutes i say “Thanks Mona.. you entered my office in the right moment. Behind the stage is a small bathroom. you can take a shower and afterwards i invite you for a drink before i have to work again.


    As I stand up and take  JD hand,, I ask AZ if  she will be ok, Backin a mim before she can answer
    I feel  a pull on my hand and I move with JD as he leads me to the dance floor, just as we step
    onto the floor the band start to play a slow ballaf after taking a step onto floor JD turns round
    and pulls me close to him,, I put my arms around him,,he puts his hands on my back and pulls
    me closer to i can feel him breathing in and out slow then he gives me a kiss on the cheek
    as he does he drop one of his hands down on to the cheek of my bottom and puts it closer to him
    are bodys are so close now I can feel his cock next to my pussy,, i can feel it moving in his pants
    god i so want him…Little does he know when at home i love to dance naked with a guy and
    feel they cock rub up and down on my pussy…AS the band comes near the end of there song I
    hope they go straigh into other song.. I dont  want this time to end…


    I take her delicate hand, and weaving through the tables, lead her to the dance floor.  I pull her close to me and wrap my arms around her as the band starts their melody.  As we sway to and fro with the music, our bodies gravitate toward each other.  I kiss her cheek and then move my way up to her earlobe.

    I can feel cold chills rushing through my body as my lungs fill with the tantalizing smell of her  perfume mixed along with the faint aroma of the cucumber-melon body wash she showered with.  I continue my kissing trail down to her neck.  I bring my hand up from her waist to run through her soft locks and brush the curls from her beautiful eyes, exposing the sparkle that could melt any man's heart.

    Still moving in time to the music, my hands move down her body, from her shoulders, down her sides, to her firm and oh so cute ass.  With a gentle grasp of her ass cheek, I pull her closer to me, pressing my erection closer to her.  She smiles at me coyly, knowing full well the effect she is having on me. 

    I grab her waist and gently spin her so she is now facing away from me.  I wrap my arms around her tight tummy, and she reaches back and holds the back of my  head as we continue our dance.  I move in to steal another kiss on her cheek, but she moves her head, making sure I plant my lips squarely on her soft supple lips.  Electricity pulses through my body as we kiss deeply, swapping each others tongues.  As we kiss, she grinds her ass into my hips, rubbing my rock hard member through my jeans.  She knows the full effect she is having on me and she is driving me absolutely wild.  I can feel her hand reach back between us to verify my hardness.  She gives it a gentle squeeze to let me know she found what she has been looking for.

    We break our kiss and I gently turn her back around so her firm breasts are gently squeezed between us.  My hands are slowly roaming her body, exploring her soft delicate skin on her bare arms to the small of her back. I cup her face in my now warmed hand and kiss her again.  As we kiss, I peek at her.  Her long eyelashes are covering those sexy bedroom eyes of hers. 

    The band finishes their ballad and we are the only couple left on the dance floor, hoping they will start another slow love song, so we can continue our dance.


    I pull into the driveway, the scent of roasting meats and the loud sounds of laughter fill the air. As I exit my dusty vehicle the scent intesifies as does the sound. Upon inspection of the exterior I decide this is indeed the place I was told about. Walking across the gravel that ordains the parking lot and making sure to lock my car with a *beep* I begin to approach the doors.

    My stomach grumbles at me as if annoyed that I took too long to feed it. As I open the door then head inside I walk to the corner of the bar where there are fewer people then sit down. I am lost in my thoughts for quite some time but am pulled out of them by the bartender who asks me what drink I'll have. I inquire if there's meade. The barkeep points to a wall with several brands and I take my pick of an old looking bottle.

    Just a few short  minutes later an ice cold stein filled with meade anda plate  wings are placed before me . I eat my meal in silence….


    as we hold each other we hear next song in 10 mins,JD takes my hand to walk back to AZ..I pull on his hand he look back at me
    can you wait for a min I have to tell you something..this is hard for me to tell you I have to leave the Bar for a bit. something has come up that
    I have to fix..and could you tell AZ that I hope to see her again soon. I look into his eyes I can see this is hurtin him but be the kind of guy he is, he know that I have to do this and will not ask me why,So I kiss him long and hard so he will not forget me I turn and walk to the door I hope I can make it outside before I start crying I walk out into the dark night cross the car park where I see a guy getting out of  a dusty vehicle so I look
    down at the ground as I pass him, so he cant see the tears run down my face as I get to the far end of the car park I stop turn round and take one last look at the best Bar & Grill in town I turn and walk into the dark night with the tears running down my face. 


    The song ends and I lead her back to the bar where Azrielle is sitting.  “Wait,” she says, tugging my arm.  “I need to tell you something” she whispers.  “NO, it is ok.  You don't have to explain.  I completely understand.  Do what is in your heart and take care of what you need to.  If you still need a friend, I'll be here waiting.”  With my words, her hand slips from mine and she makes her way to the front door of the bar.  I respect her for her decision although I am saddened to see her leave so quickly.  Deep in my heart, I hope she will return, even just to visit.  She slips out the door and out of my sight. 

    I return to where AZ is sitting and I tell her that Lydiarose had to leave and hopes to chat with her again soon.  AZ asked what happened, but I told her I won't get into it.  It is just water under the bridge at this point. 

    I start downing the beer that was waiting for me.  It has warmed to room temperature so it was a bit bitter to drink.  I push the empty bottle onto the bar and it slides to a stop.  I fold my hands on the bar, reflecting on what just happened.  I notice a red little light flashing on my watch.  “Oh no.. not this.. not now!” I exclaim.  I jump from my bar stool and head to the Pool room.  “Execute Ghost Protocol” I whisper to my watch.  I fling open the Ice House hidden door and head down the dark corridor.


    I head over to Old Joe at the bar …  he has done a sterling job making sure the bar has been kept running while the staff and regular customers have been at the party.

    My head is still a bit thick, from all the good food, drink , and very good company from The Ice House party.  I had showered but my body still ached a bit from all the activities of last night …  My, it was indeed a fabulous party and who would have thought some of the things that had happened there….

    It will be a party talked about for some time that's for sure….

    Old Joe smiles at me  ” You recovered yet?

    The light is still a bit bright and I grimace & squint my eyes at him,  ” Not quite yet Joe. Any chance of a nice cup of tea or 3 … Thanks.  Are Jayc & Stone up yet?”

    Old Joe makes me a fresh brew and looks over to the office, ” No,  not heard hide nor hair of them yet.” 

    ” JD or Covems, The Country Boys?”    I blush at the memories of Tight…

    Old Joe places the welcoming cup in front of me.  ”  No, no ones turned up yet, you are the first. They all going to be as delicate as you this fine morning? “

    I grin,  ” Probably – Christi sure knows how to host a party… ”  I sip my tea, the first one in a  morning always tastes the best. I shut my eyes , savouring the taste of the good English beverage ” mmmm”

    ” Have many volunteered for the pit wrestling? ”  I ask him

    Old Joe answers … ” A few have shown interest , there's you and Stone,  Tangojane and Karen, maybe Sexilious although I'm not sure if they are planning to wrestle each other or have someone else in mind ”

    I groan , ” Arhhh , yes .. Stone, ”    wondering how that will turn out.

    I finish my cup, and gesture to Old Joe for a refill.  ” Will you remind me to remind Tight to post  the erotic story competition details on the notice board.? We may have customers interesting in entering “

    “Sure”  he smiles, writing a post it note and attaching it to the wall behind him.  ” Business as usual then? “

    I grin at him ” Oh yeah, business as usual …  just keep the tea brewing for a while…. “


    Walking in with confident stride, I look around the room, and see a few people, one older gentleman behind the bar, some people sitting at the bar.  One woman who looks a bit hungover asking for a cup of tea is there also.

    “A cup of tea would be marvelous.”  I say to the bartender and having a seat at the bar.  I adjust my skirt and make myself comfortable.  “May I have a cup please?  Any kind is fine as long as it is caffeinated, with a wedge of lemon and a bit of sugar too, please.”  I put up a 5 dollar bill then I place my purse on the bar.

    The bartender puts the cup of tea and sugar in front of me.  “I'm looking for a guy named Covems.”  I say to him.  “I was told he is usually here.”

    Sipping my tea and looking around the club.  I note an interesting layout.  Stage, dance floor, pool room.  I spot a mechanical bull.  “Haven't been on one of those things in a long time.”

    I finish my tea and pull a calling card from my cleavage.  I bring it up to my nose and sample the aroma of my perfume from it.  Handing it to the bartender I say,  “If you see him, would you give this to him and tell him Mollie was here.  Thank you.”

    I pick up my purse and get off the bar stool, leaving my change on the bar.  “Tell him I have something for him.”  I say to the bartender.  “Something he'll enjoy.”  I walk out of the bar room and leave.


    Walks thru the door and heads straight to the bar.  Takes a seat, motions to the bartender and says ” can I get a drink?”

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