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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
September 15, 2012 at 3:57 pm #66590
Seeing the lights dim and flicker, i look up from papers on my desk and head out to to bar to investigate. Joe sees me and says its Covems routing power to the pit for the show. looking around. i see the bar is filling up with the regulars and some new faces. i see Lydia has returned looking lovely as always, tango and his crew are chattng and laughing after his great cover song and taking adavantage of Brandy's free drinks offer. in a singing mood i climb on stage and grab the mic. i look at the band and say ok boys lets do this right or not at all. the country boys break into Teen angst an old Cracker song from the 90s
I don’t know what the world may need,
But I’m sure as hell that is starts with me.
And that’s a wisdom,
I’ve laughed at.I don’t know what the world may want,
But a good stiff drink it surely don’t.
So I think I’ll go and fix myself a tall one.Cause, what the world needs now
Is a new kind of tension.
Cause the old one just bores me to death.
Cause, what the world needs now
Is another folk singer
Like I need a hole in my head.I don’t know what the world may need,
But a v8 engine is a good start for me.
Think I’ll drive to find a place,
To be surly.
I don’t know what the world may want,
But some words of wisdom could comfort us.
Think I’ll leave that up to someone wiser.Cause, what the world needs now
Are some true words of wisdom
Like la la la la la
Cause, what the world needs now
Is another folk singer
Like I need a hole in my head.I don’t know what the world may need,
And I never grasped your complexities.
I’d be happy just to get your attention.
And, I don’t know what the world may want,
But your long, sweet body lying next
To mine could certainly raise my spirits.Cause what the world needs now
Is a new frank sinatra
So I can get you in bed.
Cause what the world needs now
Is another folk singer
Like I need a hole in my head.September 16, 2012 at 3:24 pm #66591Setting back a the bar with Jane and Karen we all applaud as jayc finishes his song I turn to Stone “Looks like I'v started something tonight an open mic night
Looking at Jane and Karen “you to have good voices and are happy to sing along with the songs on the radio all the time” I say with a smile.
They look at each other and smile.
I take the last swig out of my bottle of beer and put it back on the bar Stone takes the empty bottle and put a full one in its place “Remember you on a freebee to night tango after your song tonight” Stone reminds me.The girls Keep whispering back and forth with each other
Hehehe i lean back on the Bar and watch the fun and games start.
September 16, 2012 at 9:56 pm #66592I whisper into ssgt ear, Its open mic night think I will go up and give it a go what do you think. “ssgt” tells me to go for it.. Ok i will I get up and make my way to stage climb on to stage , walk over to the band guys do ye know this one,, “Band” we will give it a go.. so walk back to mic pick it up and say this one is for all the guys in here tonight,, here goes
oh baby dulls
I know you like me
I know you do
That why whenever I come around shes all over you
And I know you want it
It”s easy to see
And in the back of you mind i know you should come home with me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha dont cha
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha dont cha
Fighting the feeling
Leave it alone
Cause if it aint love
It just anit enough to leave a happy home
Let keep it friendly
You have to play fair
See, I dont care
But I know she aint gon” wanna shareDont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha dont cha
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha dont chaI know I”m on your mind
I know we”ll have a good time
I”m your friend
I”m fun
And I”m fine
I aint lying
Look at me, you aint blindDont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish yourgirlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha dont cha
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha dont chatSee, I know she loves you
I understand
I”d probably be just as crazy about you
If you were my own man
Maybe next lifetime
Until then, oh friend your”e secret ia safe with meDont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girl girlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha dont cha
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha dont cha
September 17, 2012 at 1:37 am #66593So this is the Achat Bar & Grill open the door for the first time and walk in side, big crowd in here make my way to bar.omg is that who i think
it is up on the stage it is Lydiarose have to say she is hot. stop and look up at her doing her thing on the stage.September 17, 2012 at 2:16 am #66594I walk to Bono. “Welcome my friend. We don't know each other – yet. But tonight it's a wonderful night to get to know us. Let me invite you for a drink and a talk… and afterwards you may take care of Lydia
September 17, 2012 at 5:15 am #66595Walking back into the bar, i see tango and the lady's sitting in the back, Jane waving at me. I wave back and after a stop at the bar i join them. A kiss on both the girls cheeks and a nod to tango before i sit down.
“Hello darling” Jane says “It's open mike night tonight and tango did already do a song, and maybe Karen and i wil do one too if we can think of one”
“That sounds great, you two singing, and sorry i missed your song tango”
“Are you going to sing a song for us too” asks Karen as she comes closer and closer and leans against me
“Maybe i will, but now let me enjoy your company and my drink en see who else is going to perform” and i put my arm around her and kiss her cheek again.
September 17, 2012 at 11:35 am #66596I stand up howling and clapping like everyone else in the bar as Lydia finishes her song. Not only can she sing she know how to dance and tease all the guys in the room, band even enjoyed. She smiles and says ” Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoyed” in her devilish seductive voice. She reaches out her hand for help getting off the stage. She looks at me and smiles. 3 guys reach for her. I cant see in the crowd, but i can tell some has picked her up and lifted her off the stage. She is laughing and gives him a kiss. She starts a slow seductive walk towards me, making sure everyone sees her.
I reach out my hand for her. ” I didn't know you could sing and dance like that” I say. She laughs ” There's a lot you don't know know about me, yet” I pull her close and kiss her. She wraps her arms around me holding me tight. I look into her eyes ” You love singing and getting all the attention. don;t you?” She smile “yes, I love it. Do you mind” she says. “Hell no” I say, “look around at everyone looking at you”. She smiles. “Jut wait till I get you home”
September 17, 2012 at 12:55 pm #66597Before OnlyGuessed replies, I take her hand, place a kiss on her wrist and lean in to whisper in her ear.
“There's one quick thing I have to do first..”
Without further ado I walk up to the mic which was just elft by LydiaRose. I turn to the country boys, wink at them then cough, asking for attention of the people at the Bar.
“Friends, old and new.. We're all here to have fun wíth eachother.. And for that I wanted to offer some advice, advice from someone much wiser as I am… Hope you'll get the drift…”
The music starts playing and with my deep voice I start the song.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering
experience…I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth;
oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….
You’re not as fat as you imagine.Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing everyday that scares you
Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind… the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.
Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.
Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children,maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t
congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s.Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own..
Dance… even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future. Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard;
live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.Travel.
Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.Respect your elders.
Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.
Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen…
I turn and leave the stage, returning to the table in the corner and joining OnlyGuessed again.
September 17, 2012 at 1:16 pm #66598“Open mic night?! I should give that a try” I whisper to myself as I recalibrate the controls of the mechanical bull. Those power fluctuations from Covems maintenance put them slightly out of whack.
I jump on stage and lower the brim of my cowboy hat to shade my eyes from the bright lights of the stage.
“Hit it guys” I yell to the band.
Hey baby, whatcha doin' this evenin'
Can 'ya meet me down at the railroad tracks
I got Tom Petty playin' in my silverado
And I've iced down, a six packHey Daisy, don't 'ya worry 'bout your mama
Like 007 we can keep it covert
Undercover on the ground by the water
Gonna get a little peace on earth, I sayBaby, what you say we go pickin' wildflowers
I got a spot way back in the woods
Sneak away for a couple of hours
You and me, baby, a pickin' wildflowersHey baby, Mother Nature is waitin' and
Love's bloomin' like a cherry tree
Let's buzz around maybe do some pollinating
And dive in like honeybeesBaby, what you say we go pickin' wildflowers
I got a spot way back in the woods
Sneak away for a couple of hours
You and me, baby, a pickin' wildflowersTake a trail ride if you know what I mean
Hey baby, won't you come with meWhat you say we go pickin' wildflowers
Got a spot way back in the woods
Sneak away for a couple of hours
Spend a little time pickin' wildflowersWhat you say we go pickin' wildflowers
Got a spot way back in the woods
Sneak away for a couple of hours
You and me, baby, you and me, babyA pickin' wildflowers
What you say we go, what you say we go
What you say we go, what you say we go
Pickin' wildflowers, a pickin' wildflowersThe crowd cheers as the band ends the song. I jump down from the stage and head to the bar. “ssgt! Good to see you back” as I give him a fist bump. “You too Lydiarose” as I gently shake her hand. “Great job with the song. I hope we can hear more of your voice back on stage soon” I excuse myself from their presence and grab a beer from the bar. I take a swig to quench my thirst.
I walk over to Bono2012 and welcome him to the bar. “Hope you have a great time here”
September 17, 2012 at 1:47 pm #66599We all clap Tight as he leaves the stage
The stage is empty and we all turn back to are groups and start to chat again.
Karen is leaning on Mrsex Shoulder and I'm lent up against Tango when he sets up turns to Stone behind the bar “Stone you got a pen and a same paper back there” he asks Stone hands him a pen and a note pad. He pushes me off him and he turns to the bar, he starts to write some thing and then crossing it out, write same thing, cross it out .
We all try to see what he is writing but he just brushes us away. After about ten Minutes he turns to me and smiles then gets up and goes over to the band and he chats with them for a few minutes.
He walks over to me and hands me kisses me and say's “here you go I think this will be good for you to sing” and hands me the note pad.and then goes and sets back on his stole and take a big swig of his beer.I read what Tango gave me and a big smile comes over my face. I nod my head as i sing it in my head the smile just gets bigger and bigger on my face .I look up from the note pad its great I walk over to Tango and kiss him fall on the lips “thank you my love I love it”
I turn and walk to the stage the lead singer of the band comes over and gives me his hand and helps me up onto the stage
walking to the mic taking it in my hand i take a deep breath “I would like to thank Tango for rewriting this song for me to sing for you all”
Hit it!
This ain't no disco
And it ain't no country club either,
This is A ChatAll I want to do is have a little fun before I die
Says the man next to me out of nowhere
It's apropos of nothing he says his name is JD
But I'm sure he's jayc or Tight or Covems or LoverAnd he's plain Gorgeous to me, and I wonder if he's ever
Had a day of fun in his whole lifeWe are drinking beer on a Sunday afternoon
In the bar that really a cool place to be
And the good people from Achat
Are popping in and out on their lunch breaks
Dancing and hugging as best they can
In jeans and shorts
And they drive their shiny Nissans and Mercs
Back to the police station, the crime lab, too
Well, they're nothing like JD and meAll I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over
Achats Bar & GrillI liked a good beer buzz, early in the morning
JD likes to peal the labels from his bottles of bud
He shreds them on the bar then he lights up every match
In an over-sized pack letting each one burn
Down to his thick fingers before blowing and
Cursing them out, he's watching
The bottles of bud as they spin on the floorHB and Adera enter the bar
Dangerously, close to one another
Stone looks up from her want adsBut,
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over
Achats Bar & GrillOtherwise the bar is ours, the day and the night
The Bear Pit, The Mechanical Ball too,
Buds, and the Pretty and Stunning guests,
The sun and the moon ,But, all I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling the party has just begun
All I wanna do is have some fun
I won't tell you that you're the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over
Achats Bar & Grill
Until the sun comes up over
Achat Bar & GrillI stand up on the Stage and clap my hands to Tongo for a great Bar & Grill version of Sheryl Crow's All I Wanna Do
Walking to the edge of the stage I put my hands out for tango to come get me. He walks over to me and puts his arms around me I kiss him again as he picked me up off the stage and we walk back to the bar
September 17, 2012 at 2:49 pm #66600Seems like the night is turning on a sort of singing contest….lot of skilled people are singing on the stage and this is a really good thing.
Well it was if my headache will stop soon….at every high notes, my head seems like is gonna to explode! The good thing is it seems like my head hurts a little less .
When my tea and biscuits are ended, i lift the suitcase from the floor to the table. I open it and take some envelops with different names written over them: Sexilicious, Bluedenim, etcetera. I give them and the price list to Old Joe and then i ask to him for eventually new submitted requests.“No new one, HB!” he answer me.
“Thank goodness….to stamp those one, i don't had sleep after the party! If someone need me i'm in the pool room….i have some work to complete!”
After had salute all, i move to the pool room….no one is there and, with the door closed, the music is low. I open my laptop and turn it on: time to complete the project of my new apartment and then….all i need is someone really good at building the stuff i need!
September 17, 2012 at 4:11 pm #66601I walk on stage, and talk to the band, “boys this must be more familiar to you all, it's country time”
As i walk up to the microphone i feel my hand palms sweaty, i never done this sort of thing, but here it goes.
“Hello ladies and gentleman, my name is Mona and i would like to sing this next song for you from our own Dutch country singer Ilse deLange about love between two people on the crazy world we live in these days and it's called World of Hurt”
Day one God smiled,
Gave us all the wisdom of a newborn child
by the time we take our first step
We've already begun to forget
What the heart knows the heart sees
We're just as much the forest, as we are the trees
Every little seed trying to find Where the light comes fromAnd it's a world of hurt, nothing works
It's a lonely little planet made of dust and dirt
Who'd ever think that in the midst of all this
Somthing as beautiful as love exists
And when I hold you, and you hold me
Heaven doesn't seem like such a mystery
Darling in a world of hurt
You make me feel so goodDay one of our love,
Two heartbroken people scared to trust too much
Oh but here it comes that feelin' again
That every lover swears will never end
We thought we'd been there, done that,
But when we kissed
We knew we'd never been here..
We've never done this
All the walls come tumblin' down
When you love someoneAnd it's a world of hurt, nothing works
It's a lonely little planet made of dust and dirt
Who'd ever think that in the midst of all this
Somthing as beautiful as love exists
And when I hold you, and you hold me
Heaven doesn't seem like such a mystery
Darling in a world of hurt
You make me feel so goodI take a deep bow and walk form the stage
September 17, 2012 at 4:39 pm #66602As sstg and I go to sit back down I see someone that I have not see in a long time, Looking at ssgt i whisper in to his ear love give me a min just see someone I have to talk to,,he say ok. I turn away and walk to where he is stand with lover and jd. I walk to the back of Jd,I whisper into his ear how are you after other night just before he can answer me i say hi to lover and if it is ok if i talk to Bono..lover and jd walk to the bar.”Bono” long time girl. yes i answer, so what bring to the bar bono, tells me just in town for a few days and he love my song. ty have you the gultar with you, its in car lydia, go get it and do a song for me like the old times,he agree to do it,Before he gets it I show where im sitting with sstg in the cowboy hat.I make my way back to sstg and sit down. Hope Bono will come back and sing.
September 17, 2012 at 7:40 pm #66604After turning off the main road leading to the centre of town, I park my car in the lot at the B&G. Seems the place is booming, with finding just a few open spots. My professional eye discovers several shady vehicles, but as I am here in a hunch, I decide to ignore them.
This Friday evening, something will happen in the B&G, a meeting of some sorts and the place will be staked out by me and Jonathan. But I always try and get a feel of a place and the environment by driving around the neighbourhood and casting a look inside if i can. Besides, Jonathan is too well known in this town and in places like this, he is sure to be recognised. He’ll be in the car a few houses away during the stake out next Friday, and I will be inside to survey the bar.
As I get closer to the entrance, I hear one singer end, and a new singer start, two different voices. At least there is live music. A good sign, a nice way to hide in the back as the focus will be on stage. I wonder what other featurtes they have. I push the door open and step right into the noise of a full house, the crowd cheerful and loud, the band playing a country song.
My eyes move from left to right, feeling a little out of place in my ‘office clothes’, as if I have a big sticker on my forehead stating “COP”. Quicly I adjust my bra, open the top buttons of my top so I show a nice cleavage, and hike my skirt up to just under my buttocks. I mirror myself in one of the doors and wink, atisfied with my sexy look, then walk confidently to the bar, finding a stool at the far end and looking around, getting a sense of the place. When the barkeeper leans in, I order a martini, shaken, not stirred. Taking my first sip, letting the sweet-bitter-sour liquid slide down my throat, I take in the atmosphere of the crowd..
(This character was created, and is directed by Tightfit74, as part of the story “The caper of the Capricious Coitus”. She does exist in game as well, but will not be active. She might hold a clue perhaps, to solve the riddle in the story. This information is presented so there is no confusion caused or anyone lead on)
September 17, 2012 at 8:17 pm #66606I make my way to car park,stand there looking round to see where i park, there was not the many cars here when I park my one,There she is old red, open door pick the gultar up of back sit and make my way back to bar, what song will i sing in I go, look round to see where Lydia and the cowboy are sitting, o there they are so make over to them,pass lover and jd at bar, then to lydia; so you got it then up you go, ok going.I make my way up on to the stage,”Band” its ok I will do this one on my own, go have a drink guys, Walk to microphone blow on it strummed my gultar 1,2,3, 1,2,3, hi there my name is Bono O girls not that Bono only the same names thats all, I would to tank Mone forthe last song,But one thing Mono its not a lonely little planet tonight. Here goes this song is “The Acid Song”
The Acid Song
I had not taken acid for twelve years
But one night last summer I did
I was adrift in a bar room
Acting like a jerk and a kid
I knew we were asking for trouble
Trouble was what we would get
Five of us dropped into the girls” room
Psycadilisized insane quintetWell that bathroom got crowded in no time
Out minds were all blow in one flash,
Everyone in there got ugly
We exited out of there fastBack in the bar we were happy
Feeling great, no problem
Back in the bar we were fine
Till johnny tunred into Nazi,
And Lydia threw up all her wineWell in no time we all were ejected
Soon we were out on the street
The sidewalk began to perspire,
We had gless and dog shit at our feetWe went over to Lydia”s apartment
come on!
To listen to the Grateful Dead
On the way there we lost johnny
He had opted for Bellevue insteadWell I”m really glad we did this, it feels great
Just like the old days I love this
I know my hair”s on fire, its like incense or somrthing
you know your face is melting
It is all the colours of the rainbowHey you wanna hold some fruit?
Come on ,hold some fruit!
It breeds, it really does,
Have a cantaloupe, come on
Ah no I dunno where Donovan tape isWell I had to get out of the city
Bobby was bringing me down
Me and my darling young Lydia
Said so long and we drove out of town
Driving on acid is east
Driving on acids is a breeze
Just keep the car on the highway
Don”t laugh and dont fart and
don”t sneezeOh we get to my house in the country
The tress were all throbbing and green
Lydia was sure she had cancer
I was sure I was james DeanWe down to the lake to go swimming
Down to the lake to swin
Lydia said “water cures canter”
I asked her to place call me jimYes acid is usually dangerous
The mind-mannered can quickly turn mean
LSD can surely derange us
Unless you possess Thorazine!So next time you wanna go out there
When you feel like fitting your head
Think twice before dropping acid
Hold out for mushrooms instead.thank you so I got down of the stage and made my way back to where lydiarose and the cowboy are sitting
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