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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
September 25, 2012 at 10:31 pm #66669
(psst – Congratulations are in order – Blue & HB).
I was about to chug back my beer, when Cathy sat down beside me. I already knew Azrielle was on Maternity Leave, but do you think for even one minute that girl could be found at home? Hell no; She would be one of three possible places. The first would be in her office, albeit highly unlikely. The second would be shopping, and I wasn't in the mood to even try to pick up her trail there. The third most likely spot was with her hips straddling her husband Shaffer somewhere. I was not about to even contemplate interrupting that lovely scenario because I'd want to join in…
… and after the day I just had, there would be only three beers today. There would be the first one, which was about to be nothing but an empty glass. The there would be the NEXT one, and that may not remain empty for very long either. The third and final beer would be the last one, because anymore than that usually ends up with me doing stupid things like doing boob shots with someone until THEY pass out on the floor.
Before I could even reply to Cathy, she was being summoned by some long tall drink of water, that I would probably end up with out my bra… and my panties to boot.
“Wow!” I spoke quietly.
It would seem I arrived at the best possible time, with some entertainment about to start. I Chugged back my beer and slammed the glass down on the bar in a less than lady like manner. Since there was still no one behind the bar tending it, I swung my ass up and over it once again… this time without my pumps… and drew myself a second tall one with perfect head. I slid it back down the bar to where the first glass was parked, dropped some more A's into the Honesty Jar and walked the L O N G way around the bar with maybe just a little too much spring in my step.
September 26, 2012 at 1:58 am #66670His hands are soo warm and he is fondling my legs. I really like it the feel of his warm hands griping me as I press myself closer to his back. I look up and notice Hentai walked me over to where two people are naked and covered with pudding in some spots. I'd like to look away but I can't seeing them and having Hentais warmth of his hands grip me. I feel like I have a little heat growing inside of me too, I think he can sense the heat coming off my body now… I wonder if it was that drink that made me feel like this or was it a combination of everything. Then Hentai says “Get ready….soon we gonna make this event more interesting!” I wonder what he means and I notices he looks over at Covems. And I begin to recall is that the guy that I bummed into when I first walked in here awhile ago. I wonder what they are plotting..
September 26, 2012 at 1:52 pm #66671OOC: Gratz to Blu' and HB on their milestones…
September 26, 2012 at 6:55 pm #66672As we wait for Lover to announce the winner of Brandy and Stone.
I get up and go and look for Tight need to ask him a favor, we talk for a few minutes I shake his hand “I ow you one” I say as i walk over to Covems walking up from behind him standing between 2 sweet pudding covered naked ladies i can't help myself and take a good look at the pair of sweet asses facing me. I stop just for a few seconds to take in this great view then stand at the edge of the pit and tap Covems on his shoulder he leans back so i can whisper in his ear, he nods his head “yeah that good with me” he says as he stands back between this pair of beautiful pudding covered ladies.“Now just one more person and its all set up” I say to myself, there he is walking over to him, we chat and he agrees to help out.
“Great that's it all set just have to wait for Lover” saying to myself with a big smile
Looks at what i'm wearing best put some thing better on then this goes out to my car and finds just the thing looking around in the car lot No one here so i whip off my jeans and boxers and put my tight latex shorts and my jeans back on. I walk back to the bar and wait my time
September 26, 2012 at 7:19 pm #66673The lights go down…. the sound of silence fills the air.
Suddenly everyone hears the sound of a motorcycle… getting loud and louder….
tones of a piano is coming up……flashlight is up on me and Lover starts to sing…
“And I would do anything for love
I'd run right into hell and back
I would do anything for love
I'll never lie to you and that's a fact
but I'll never forget the way
you feel right now oh no no way
and I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
but I won't do that
no I won't do that”The band joins with all they have got….
“And some days it don't come easy
and some days it don't come hard
some days it don't come at all
and these are the days that never endAnd some nights you're breathing fire
and some nights you're carved in ice
some nights are like nothing I've ever
seen before or will againMaybe I'm crazy
oh it's crazy and it's true
I know you can save me
no one else can save me now but youAs long as the planets are turning
as long as the stars are burning
as long as your dreams are coming true
you better believe itThat I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
but I won't do that no I won't do that
I would do anything for love
anything you've been dreaming of
but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
anything you've been dreaming of
but I just won't doAnd some days I pray for silence
and some days I pray for soul
some days I just pray that the god
of sex and drums and rock & rollAnd maybe I'm lonely
that's what I qualified to be
but just one and only
one and only promise I can keepAs long as the wheels are turning
as long as the fires are burning
as long as your prayers are coming true
you better believe itThat I would do anything for love
and you know it's true and that's a fact
and I would do anything for love
and there'll never be no turning backBut I'll never do it better
than I do it with you so long so longAnd I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
but I won't do that no no no I won't do that”The lights turn to Blue…. floating in on a swing…
I undo my hair and let it fall across my face……..
and I sing….Will you raise me up?
Will you help me down?
Will you get me right out if this Godforsaken town?
Will you make it all a little less cold?I can do that!
I can do that!Will you make me some magic
With your own two hands?
Can you build an emerald city with these grains of sand?
Can you give me something I can take home?I can do that!
I can do that!Will you hold me sacred?
Will you hold me tight?
Can you colorize my life I'm so sick of black and white?
Can you make it all a little less old?
I can do that!
I can do that!He looks at me and I throw my hair back and grin at him
Will you cater to every fantasy I got?
Will ya hose me down with holy water–if I get to hot–?
Will ya take me to places I've never known?I can do that!
I can do that!After a while you'll forget everything
It was a brief interlude
And a midsummer night's fling
And you'll see that it's time to move onI won't do that!
I won't do that!
I walk over to Lover and we stand hips together…
I know the territory I've been around
it'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down
sooner or later you'll be screwing aroundI won't do that no I won't do thatAnything for love
but I won't do thatWe're standing very close as the lights turn down again…..
*Meat Loaf – (i'd do) Anything for love*
September 26, 2012 at 8:39 pm #66674We're standing very close as the lights turn down again…..
We get big applause, everyone gets up and cheers us, some shout of encore… Blue and I hold hands, bow low and and wave to everyone. Turn my face to Blue, hug and kiss her, I whisper “Thanks for the great show”. She smiles and kisses me. She also seems to say something, but it's too loud, I don't understand it.
The mood is as great as it was before and it's the right time to announce the winner of the wrestling. I look to JD, he comes to me, giving me a piece of paper. I look at it – and laugh….
Ladies and Gentleman, friends of AChat… I slow look around, see Stone and Brandy looking to me… mmm they are so sweet and sexy and I want everyone to have more time to enjoy watching them… now we have a result and I tell you the winner of this funny competition I nod to the band… a rataplan is starting we have seen a wonderful fight. Both of you, Stone… Brandy…. has given her best. So it's just fair to present yourself here on stage. Please come to me
Brandy & Stone come to stage. Brandy on my left side, Stone on my right.
Acting for every happy guest here I thank you for the pleasure you gave us. Your show was unique, amazing and absolutely fantastic. It was a hrad decision for everyone to vote for one of you. This clap is just for you
I start to clap and everyone joins the applause, again standing up. We hear whistling, claps, shouting… it seems they blush….Now there has been a voting. Winner is the one with most bottles. In my hand I hold the official result. Now…
Brandy…. you got 7 bottles….. and Stone…….The rataplan is as loud as possible now….
Stone…………. Stone, you have got………………………………………………….
not 5, not 6, not 8…… you have got 7 bottles too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We HAVE A DRAWI look to Tango. What are we doing now?
September 26, 2012 at 9:05 pm #66675Mesmerised with the delicious view, I don't notice Tango walking up to me until i hear his voice in my ear. As he whisperes, my smile starts to grow and with a quick nod I accept his request.
Then Lover comes and claims the girls to make their appearance on stage and to show themselves off and accept the applause they well deserved. Their path is marked by drips of pudding, the pit drained with all the sticky goo thrashes around.
I make sure Brandy's Robe is put in a save place and wink at Jayc to do the same, then we both stare at the girls on stage. The lights from the front chissels their luscious forms out and the crowd has good reason to go wild. The drizzles of pudding sliding down their bodies and puddling at their feet is clearly seen, even with just their profiles visible.
I shrug my shoulders and focus on my task at hand. I crawl to the back of the pit while the crowd is completely focussed on the girls showing themselves off, and start to jerk the handle that closes off the hose connected to the pudding vat in the storage room. Slowly the valve starts to open and a small drizzle of pudding starts to flow from the nozzle. Unhappy with the speed of the flow, I push hard aganst the handle and suddenly it shoots out of my hand and turns the valve completely open.
With a loud hiss the hose fills with pink, fragrant, sweet and sticky pudding and suddenly gushes from the nuzzle, spraying pudding all over the girls and Lover from behind, giving them another coating and him his first. A spray of pudding hits the crowd as well and globs of the sticky stuff covers faces and disappears in cleavages.
With a quick pull I shut the valve again, then start opening in slowly until the pudding flows from the nozzle gently, filling the pit back to its first level of goo. I try and stay in the shadows, not to be recognised as the one causing the shower of pudding, but soon I am spotted and treated to a shower of pudding myself, thar what I caused to spray returned to me with an uncanning enthousiasm. Dripping with pudding I stand at the edge of the stage, whiping my hands off before I take Brandy's robe in my hands, ready to slip it on her as soon as she has been celebrated for her fight with Stone..
September 26, 2012 at 9:23 pm #66676“well well well….seems i was rigth, afterall!”
I'll make my way for Lover avoiding the crowd around the pit and after joining him, i make Alita get off of my back. I kiss her on the cheek and the look at Lover and at the girls……wonder if they gonna like my idea! Grinning, i expose my idea.
“During war, the infantry was usually supported by the cavalry……now, in modern wars, this doesn't happen, but we know this is not a normal fight!”
I take off my boots and step into the pit, reaching Brandy and wink at her.
“So……why we don't repropose that ancient battle style!? Two vs two, four ladies in the arena, but it's not a simple tag-team match…..”
I'll take a breath and look around…..all seems perplessed by my words. “Good…this gonna be really funny and appreciated!” i think noticing the satisfied expression of Bear: he have probably understand what is the goal of my words. I look back at the crowd and continue
“One girl gonna carry the other on her back and the winner have to make fall the “rider” into the pudding! Of course, the rider can only attack the other one, but that does not mean the “horse” can't try to attack the other “horse”!”
I move close to Brandy and wink at her and whisper “Of course, i'll fight with you, my princess!” than turn into the direction of Alita and point my index finger to her
“I fight at Brandy's side…..are you ready to fight for Stone!?”
She look surprised but after few second she nod. I grin satisfied and take of my shirt, staying half naked again in front off all, but i don't care: less chance to grab me i give to our enemy, more chance we have to win!
“Come on Alita……join us for this girls fight!”
September 26, 2012 at 10:37 pm #66677We are kneeling in the middle of the pink pudding, pitting our strength against each other, pushing and writhing with our upper bodies. Breasts squashed against breasts, cheeks against each other trying to grind for advantage. We are both breathing hard with our exertions and trying to get the better of each other.
Brandy suddenly slips , her knees sliding backwards on the slippery floor and landing face down in the gloopy pudding. I immediately go for advantage pushing her face further in, and slide over her body to trap her shoulders.
I hear Covems count …. 1 … 2
Suddenly she brings her knees to her chest tipping me backwards & stopping the count. My legs are bent under me and splayed out. The pink goo contrasts with the dark trimmed pubic hair on show for all to see.
We both raise at the same time and we circle, glaring at each other. I see Bear approach her and whisper something in her ear as he grabs her. She looks shocked, yet, thrilled I think.
We circle more, our slimy bodies on display to the cheering audience, every now and then going for a headlock, trying to overbalance each other to no avail, before circling again. Our shiny bodies and hair are drenched in the thick pudding. Every now and then the gloopy mixture drips and sends a trial down our bodies to the floor.
Suddenly I feel fingers tracing a line in the pudding on my back and as I turn, I see … No, not… Scary Bear standing at the edge of the pit looking at me. He licks his fingers suggestively and arrogantly looks me up and down… Adrenaline is already rushing through my veins and I am incensed at the cheek of the man, in front of my Jayc too.
Suddenly the shock and indignation of his actions is replaced with a cheeky mischief. Brandy must be rubbing off on me. :
I grab two handfuls of pudding and before he can back away, one fistful is rubbed into his face and the other into his crotch. His face is a picture!
I hear Brandy laughing behind me and I turn to her to continue our fight & move away from Bear hastily.
She is doubled up at the shocked sight of Bear.
I take advantage of her weakness laughing and try to put a backwards headlock on her. Her breasts & sex juts out in the move towards Bear and Jayc and I bob my tongue out at both of them. I immediately taste the raspberry on my lips. Brandy slides out of the hold before I can lock it and immediately puts me in an arm lock, bending me double.
She bends to my ear, We are both breathing hard. “ I don’t know about you… “She says gasping for breath “but I think we are too evenly matched for a winner to be declared tonight and …. I can think of better ways to expend some energy…. “
I look at her, then at Tight… then at my Jayc and grin at the obvious thoughts spinning in her head and now…. in mine too.
“ Deal “ I tell her…. and so she releases me to walk to her corner. I walk to Jayc. They hand us our little white face towels, grinning like Cheshire cats at our pudding coated , naked bodies.
Watching Brandy wearily, we both wipe our faces and then she mouths 1, 2 and at 3 , we both hurl our towels into the centre of the ring. The crowd cheers. Its seems that is what they wanted too.
A draw.
We both do a circle of the pit in a naked , gooey tribute to the crowd. We clap over our heads at their support and appreciation of our contest before we return to our corners.
Jayc wraps my robe around me and suddenly picks me up in his arms snogging me deeply. I smile at him, biting my lip. I know that look in his eye….
The crowd in the bar cheer even more as they realise Jayc is going to make his spouse very happy indeed….
Special Congratulations to both Hentai & Blue for your number of posts.
Brandy & Stone xxxx
September 27, 2012 at 1:32 am #66678I giggle to myself for a moment “Well maybe let me watch first and see how the game is played” I sit in a chair and lean forward with a slight grin on my face. “Plus I'd hate to get covered in pudding…” As I reach down and scoop some of the pudding up on my finger “…Without someone to lick it off me.” As i lick the pudding off my finger and smile.
September 27, 2012 at 10:44 am #66679Watching Brandy and Stone try do get a winner they part and go back to their corner turn to each other and hurl a towel in to the middle of the pit so its a DRAW
As the ladies walk around the pit taking the cheers and whistles from the crowd
I get up and grab some of the straw bails and put them in a square nods my head that will do as a holding pen
Looking over at the pit Tight had done his bit and filled it right to the top I nod my head at his as a thanks Tight and Jayc help there ladies out and place robes back around there shouldersI get to the edge of the pit ” Good fight you to” I congratulate them.As i stand there I pull off my waist coat and white T-shirt in one move turning I throw it them back to Jane as I turn i hear a load GASP from Brandy as she is the large red welts across my back turning to her “don't worry Brandy they have stopped stinging now” I say with a big smile. I pull my boots of them down come my jeans showing the crowd for the first time my skin tight latex shorts they leave nothing to the imagination.
I step into the PIT and the pudding is right up just above my knees i stand in the middle of the PIT
“COVEMS GET THEM OUT HERE” i call out to him
Covems comes out from the back of the bar with his team of devils running around behind him. He stops them “YOU WANT THEM YOU GOT THEM” he shouts turning back to his faithful crow “GO take him down. ALL you have to do is get him under the pudding for 3 seconds and you win BUT if hid hold you under you out and into the holding pen for you. NOW GO GET HIM”
They all turn and face me Doc puts his arms out to hold them back “WAIT” he shouts and walks over to the pit shaking him head “This is for you youngerns I'm to old for this” he say and walks over to the holding pen. GRUMPY follows DOC shaking his head “I'M NOT DOING THAT” and turns around and goes back into the bar.
“MMMM thats two down ” I think to myself
as i watch Grummy walking off one of them runs at me a dives head first into the pit turning quickly to see him come up in the corner covered in pudding it Dopey he has a great big grin on his face and a big spoon in his hand “PUDDING” he shouts and digs into the pudding shoveling spoon after spoon into him mouth. As i'm watching Dopey one of the dwarfs jump on my back turning round I see the other 3 standing around the pit
and i one move they all jump in sending pudding every where.
Holding onto the guy on my back think” his out of here” I just full back with big slash under he goes
JD runs over “1…2….3…his out of here” i hear him shout
getting up I grab the dwarf and drag him over to JD “one down” I say has JD drags him kicking and screaming over to the pen
Turning back to the pit seeing the 3 left they 2 rush in and grab my legs trying to get me over as the third climbs out of the pit and take a short run up and drop kicks me in the chest with the 2 holding my leg over i go sending a big wave of pudding over Dopey and out of the pit“1……2.”I hear and sit up now covered in pudding i grab one of the dwarfs on my leg and roll over onto my knees holding him down by the shoulder i look over at JD “1…..2…..” as JD gets to 2 one of the little devils grabbed my shorts and pulled them down that made me let go of the one i was pinning. I get up and kick off my shorts now standing naked in the middle of the pit.
I grab Happy as it was him that grabbed my shorts throwing him over my hip i land on him with him totally under the pudding 1…..2…..3…..
i hear from JD I grab his collar and belt i toss him out of the pit and his slides over to the holding pen.SLAP i feel right in the middle of my back ARCHING my back as the sting rushes right over my back I grit my teeth hard as my mind rushes back to last night at the hands of Miss Chirsty. I turn round to see Sneeze standing in front of me he has two hand fulls of pudding throwing them in my face then rushes in giving my a good rugby tackle i wobble and grab him around his waist flipping him in the air so his back is down, and down he goes slat more pudding flies out of the pit 1….2….3.. comes from JD again. Thats 3 out of the for I turn round and and theirs Dopey still eating he way throw the pudding and theirs Bashful the last one
He stands the looking at me and points at me shaking his head as i move towards him he moves back to the edge of the pit and climbs out turns and runs to the holding pen .JD stout ” WE HAVE A WINNER TANGO ”
Standing in the middle of the pit i lift my arms up over my head in victory
I turn around to Dopey and pick him up and set him on my hip and carry him over to the holding pen sitting him on one of the bails I turn to the crowd put my hand up to thank them.
I walk over to the outside shower and stand under it letting the water run over my body and washing the pudding off standing naked out in the bar and grill garden of all to see
September 27, 2012 at 12:17 pm #66680I look at Alita, tryng to understand what is really running in her head and, don't know why, i have the impression she is just teasing me!
“So, Princess… are scaried to get dirty!?” i say, approaching her “or maybe you are worried about all those eyes looking at you!?”
Now, just the pit border is between us…..i smile at her, friendly, but suddenly with a kick i trow at her some pudding, who land over her whole body, even on her face. I step out the pit and move closed to her and hold her in my arms, licking slowly the pudding, moving my tonuge from her cheek to her left ear and then whisper:
“Everyone will be happy to help you to clean yourself……but first, everyone will like to see you enjoy the fun!”
I hear cheers and chants getting loud and i turn back just to see Covems and the dwarfs coming out for the next event. I turn back to Alita and smile at her.
“Seems like you have some time to take your decision, Alita….” i say her gently kissing her lips.
September 27, 2012 at 4:41 pm #66681Hey everyone … got an extra seat at the bar for me? … would like to have a beer if that’s ok
September 27, 2012 at 4:55 pm #66682as old Joe returns behind the bar he spots a new customer. with a friendly smile joe walks up to Hothiro……..what you have? 1st one is on the house. wiping the pudding off his hands with a bar towel. “you just mised one hell of a show out back at the pudding pit” but better late than never” as he slides Hothiros beer to him and winks have a look around, i think you will like our little bar.
September 27, 2012 at 5:38 pm #66683WELCOME Hothiro to the Bar & Grill the first drink is the house then come out the back and watch the fun in the pudding pit
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