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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
October 5, 2012 at 2:57 pm #66745
Tangos song is a hit as the bar rocks to the tune. Leaving us with parched throats after the lomg session. The flowers and accolades heaped on Brandybee and Stone for the Bars success are well deserved.
As the crowd mingles and folks come forward to congratulate the two I head back to the bar to sneak in a quick drink before the next session.I would have gone for another body shot with Gayle but the line appeared too long. Poor Ol’ Joe… he works his end rather lonely.
“You must be the express lane .” I taunt as I approach him.
“I need to grow tits.” he replies.
I bite my tongue at a retort. After downing the mug he has drawn from the tap I head back to the stage and slip the leather jacket off. I shiver a bit, annoyed of the probability someone must have left the back door to the pit open again. Fall nights here do get rather crisp.As I near my guitar I stop. Eyes locked surprised to the collar and the bee charm dangling from the guitars neck.
She returned it to me?
I lift it from the guitar… lips crinkling as I ponder the meaning.
“I thought that matter already settled.“ I turn at the words and shrug at JD who had approached me.
“Me too.” I answer, muddling the matter..
JD chuckles, “Well I think she would be disappointed if she was the only one who didn’t receive hers in return… After what we did to her strip night.”
I grin back at him nodding, she struck me as one who might have been disappointed if I hadn‘t. Flatly confirming his thoughts in louder affirmation. “Oh, yes, Brandy does want it…. and I will give it to her.”
I pocket the collar and charm. “I’ll just have to find a creative way of getting past her guard and slipping it to her.“… then adding quietly “I am just not certain what the objection here is” JD looks at me puzzled.
I lean forward and add hushly “The thing is I snuck into her dungeon and left it there,… but she gave it back. You know her….why would she do that?”
JD laughs, “She’s a Brit… who knows… have a spot of tea that always seems to work for them in sorting things out.”
I smirk at his comment. I am still not certain what to make of the collars return. Maybe she wants it delivered personally… or it could be she is repulsed by the whole matter in general. I grin, tapping my pocket,,, well there is only one way to test that. For now though, the band gathers and the music flows again.
October 5, 2012 at 3:00 pm #66746The band breaks for a bit and I note Brandy sitting on a stool at the bar talking to Old Joe. As good a time as any I gauge, and I hop down from the stage stalking towards her through the crowd. . Hovering slightly away as I bide time for Joe to be distracted, and for me to slide in., taking the moments to consider how hot she looks there supple and toned… in those tight jeans which hug her frame,… the fit of that pullover which leaves nothing to the imagination..
I step in reaching for the bar on either side of her as leaning close over her shoulder. Seeing myself with an evil grin as I catch ourselves in the perfect vantage point of that reflection in the mirror behind the bar, Our eyes lock together,… mine narrowed, brow bunched in it’s predatory pounce,, and her eyes wide in the alarm of a doe caught in the light of high beams. I can see her trembling there… of expectation or fear, frozen as I whisper to her.
“So what am I to make of this… that you want me to return this to you personally… behind closed doors in a more intimate setting?”
I lift the charm in front of her dangling from my fingertips and note the expression in her eyes as she looks at it. It’s not quite what I expected… more alarmed in confusion than revulsion or excitement. My moment of bafflement giving her a slim opportunity, she ducks under my arm along the bar her cowboy hat brushing off her head as it bumps my arm and falls to the floor.
As she twists to escape me I reach out suddenly moving with her. Clamping my hand to the bar again to prevent her escape. I step closer in, our bodies nearly making contact…face to face…as she backs tight to the bar, the slim margin of emptiness bridging our lips as I close in. I can taste her breath, sweet,… seductive,… hinting of the jasmine as we hold there and our breaths seems to cloud in vapor. Our eyes lock together and I read the fear… yet the excitement of it all. As I speak the breath of my words caress her lips and cheek. “I saw you there last night… watching me…. I saw your wants there… the desire in your passion and …dreams.. Wishing it was you there on the stage… you… wrapped in my arms and power… the center of my focus… teasing you,… urging you… “
I never complete it.
I feel a nudge at my back just hard enough to edge me across the line. Our lips meet,… not a kiss… but contact. I stiffen, pulling back from her as I internally curse my carelessness in the moment. I wanted her to make that contact…. To come willingly across that miniscule distance… and show me … the admittance in herself of her desires.
As I push back away from her, she moves immediately, grabbing the charm from my grasp and ducking the other way under my arm. She looks at me panting as she backs away,… in consideration of the charm, nervously forming her thoughts as she quickly recollects herself.
“ I never returned the charm to you. I have been waiting for you to return it..” Her breaths steady themselves as she plainly states herself… “Ask Stone,… I said the same to her, curious why you had not given it to me, but…a nice ploy on your part Bear.” She grins now,… twirling the collar on her finger, “Trying to bed me so..”
Indeed I think,… then latch on her words…. I never returned the charm to you… the sincerity of truth in that statement chimed true. It muddled my thoughts,… if not her… I began to grasp for straws of who then.
“Your arrogances in all this… I find …cute” she chirps before turning away, a smug expression on her face as she retreats towards her office leaving me gripping the bar white knuckled.
Cute? The word over rides my thoughts.
My eyes narrow at the word. I see myself as anything but…. “cute”.
Cute… the word gnaws in my soul.
I hear a sharp crack, twist towards the bar and see the empty shot glass sitting there and Old Joe grinning amused, he had smacked the shot glass intentionally down hard to jar my thoughts to reality..
“Shot down again?… Not meant to be Bear… you are so not her type.”
He pours me a drink. I grumble as I reach for it and catch my reflection in the mirror.
“Perhaps…. But I swear Joe… “, leveling my gaze on him in sincerity, “She returned the charm to me. I placed it some time ago in her dungeon.
Grabbing the shot glass I raise it catching sight of myself in the reflection of the mirror and that of a dark male image, behind me. The whiskey burns my throat as I toss it down,… and as I set the shot down…glancing again into the mirror…. Whoever was there had since moved on. I shudder… something very strange is now air.
October 5, 2012 at 6:14 pm #66748Stepping off the stage and moving back over to Jane at her table. Putting my hand on Jane's shoulder “you feel cold my love are you warm enough” Slipping off my T Bird Jacket and putting it around Jane “there you go your the only Pink Lady for me” i say in her ear
Rubbing her shoulders and arms to warm her up I slide my hands around her and give her belly a quick rub.Seeing Jane's Glass was empty “Would you like a nice cup if English tea hun” I ask
With a big Smile she answers “OOOWW that would be so nice baby” as she rubs her bellyWalking over to the Bar I see Brandy twist away from Bear and then see him down a shot. Seeing the line for Gayle's chest shots I go over to Old Joe and ask for ” a nice English Tea for Jane please Joe” As the Tea is being made for Jane I slip to the back stage area to put the box down in the prop area as i put the box down the temperature falls and i can see my breath and the strong WHIFFED of Jasmine turning around quickly I see some thing that was not there when i walk back stage
Taking a second look I walk over to it
It's and old style Baby outfit picking it up I turn back around and the Temperature raise back upWalking back into the bar and Back over to Jane putting the outfit on the table “Whats this and where did you get it” she asked with wide eyes
“It was out the back but it wasn't there when I walked out there”
“What ” Jane quizzed me “What do you mean it just appeared out there”
“Yes it went cold and it was just there” I said and felt a cold wind across my neck and sending a shiver down my back.I shake it off and go back over to the bar Joe had Jane's tea ready on the the bar Gayle calls me over “Tango this one is for you” as she puts a full shot glass into her cleavage and leans over the bar. Diving into her ample cleavage i work the glass out and take the shot in one go dropping the glass from my lips I move back in quickly you Gayle's cleavage and lick down between her breasts licking off all the spilt liquor. Feeling her hand on the back of my head Gayle pushes my head down deeper. Letting me up i looking to her eye and give her a Kiss on her sweet lips letting her taste the Mix of her sweet sweat and the Liquor on my lips.
Thanking Gayle for letting me jump the cue I take my beer and Jane's Tea back over to the table. She cups her hands around the mug and takes a sip turns and smiles at Joe ” Brandy has taught him well” she say
October 5, 2012 at 6:50 pm #66747Stone & I return to the bar, both of us quite emotional by the ovations of the patrons. Stone mentions something about there being vases in the back kitchen and offered to take my bouquet with hers to display on the bar for all to enjoy. I nod in agreement.
She speaks briefly to Gayle & Old Joe to let them know she would be gone for a short while preparing the flowers.The line to sample Gayle’s boob shots is getting longer by the minute. I laugh at JD and Jayc’s purposeful face wiggles to get in her deep cleavage to find the shot glass with their teeth and sling the amber liquid down their throats to rapturous applauds & cheers by the waiting men.
I exchange a few pleasantries with Old Joe and then leave in search of JD, who I had seen headed towards the back of the stage. I wanted to talk to him about dressing the mechanical bull up as a demon for Halloween and making the bull pit into a scary lair for the imminent party.
I pass the busy dance floor and glimpse Covems in a sweet embrace with Mooncalf. Smiling to myself, guessing where those sweet kisses may lead, warms my heart.
I see JD & Bear talking on their own and their words suddenly still me. Hidden from their view by the curtain , I wait & listen.
Bear is telling JD “ “Oh, yes, Brandy does want it…. and I will give it to her. I’ll just have to find a creative way of getting past her guard and slipping it to her.“…
Incensed by the man’s arrogance, I walk away quickly , “ So he thinks I want him, does he?, thinks he can just bed the boss, just like that, does he? My anger at his assumption makes my red hair flair . “ Guy talk, urggh “My mind fills with different images of strangling him, until it eventually begins to calm and the mischievious little demon on my shoulder is jumping up and down with glee.
“We shall see.. maybe he needs a dose of tease and deny” The demon is giggling full on but on the other shoulder, the little angel is mouthing words of caution… “ but are you sure you are strong enough to resist that charm of his …. “Stanley & Doris watch the scene below as I stomp back off towards the bar.
“ I think he’s made her mad” Doris tells her husband.
“ Perhaps… or … made her aware he’s still about “ Stanley answers
“ Are you responsible for the charm finding it’s way back to him?”
Stanley squeezes his wife’s waist drawing her closer. “ Sometimes, fate needs a little push…” He grins down at her brushing her lips.
Doris shuts her eyes, “ I wish I could feel you like we did in life” She murmurs as they fade and disappear.I join the bar again. Stone is drinking with Old Joe and seems to be guzzling a few shots of Vodka.
“ Can I have a tea Joe?” Joe turns to pour me a mug the way, I like it. I see the flowers displayed at the back of the bar. They do look beautiful and colourful against the dark wood and mirror.
He places the steaming mug in front of me and then is called away by another customer. All the staff are busy serving behind the bar.Bear suddenly appears behind me. We lock eyes in the bar mirror and I feel the “ Shoulder Demon” dancing again ……
“So what am I to make of this… that you want me to return this to you personally… behind closed doors in a more intimate setting?” He dangles the Silver Bee charm by my ear , brushing softly at my hair as it swings – plain to see in the mirror.
My heart rate rockets and beats erratically. Silently thinking “ The charm!!! , last I saw it was around his neck on a collar” .Memories flash back of that triumph.
I turn to him, trapped from escape by his body. He moves in close to intimidate me and closes in inches from my face, lips level with lips. Then he seems to stumble and his lips meet mine, just touching, nothing more. I put my hands on his chest to ease him away, taking the charm from him. I duck & escape his closeness. My hat slips off my head on the floor by Bear, too close to be retrieved. I turn to look at him from a far safer distance.
“ I never returned the charm to you. I have been waiting for you to return it..Ask Stone,… I said the same to her, curious why you had not given it to me, but…a nice ploy on your part Bear.” I grin now,… twirling the collar on my finger, “Trying to bed me so.. “Your arrogances in all this… I find … CUTE ”
With that little sweet nugget, knowing the description would annoy him, I head off towards the office.Once safely inside, I retrieve a small cuddly toy Bear in a display box, out of my desk drawer. I place the Silver Bee & collar in the box, nestling the tiny bear inside it. The black leather , silver charm and brown fluffy bear contrasts with the red satin puckered base of the box. I replace the lid and return it to it’s resting place in the drawer for safe keeping.
As I start to get the paperwork out to order Halloween decorations for the bar, the radio bursts into life …. Annie Lennox – Love song for a vampire.. I start a little, listening intently but not to the music , but for any other signs … a jasmine scent fills the air …
“ Come into theses arms again, and lay your body down. The rhythm of this trembling heart is beating like a drum. It beats for you …. “
The haunting tune & lyrics repeat over like a stuck record.
“ Are you trying to tell me something ?“ I ask the empty but cold office just as I see my old cowboy hat fall from the hat stand out of the corner of my eye…
“ Ok, that’s too much, that hat fell off by Bear, just , in the bar” I mutter and run out of the office.
Shutting the door behind me and holding onto the handle outside, standing there, shaking a little, trying to recover my composure before mingling with the patrons once more ……
October 5, 2012 at 11:08 pm #66750I knock back a few shots of whiskey followed by a glass of House punch, enjoying the fruity taste on my palate. I need to go back to the office and sort out some paperwork for the Halloween Party. The punch starts to steady my nerves and the warm glow of the liquor gives me the Dutch courage to venture back there.
Even so, my heart rate beats that little faster as I turn the handle to go in.
My hat is still on the floor where it fell. All is quiet, and yet , I still shiver, even though, the office is warm. I pick up the hat & go to my desk to get the numbers for the suppliers and order forms.
I look for a pen and open the drawer with the teddy bear in. The lid is off the display box, the tiny bear lying against the red satin but the collar and Bee charm is …. gone !!
“Now, who would take that,” ? I wonder. “ It means nothing to anyone … except … Bear. “ I smile to myself. “ So, it is sentimental to him after all”
I close the drawer and set about the business of the AB&G. I complete the orders and put them on Jayc’s desk for his information and filing.
I grab my battered hat, setting it on my head and return to the bar.
I see Bear helping to hold part of the bull, as JD seems to be fiddling with the mechanism underneath and fixing some fabric there as part of the Halloween Demon dress up.
I grab a couple of Budweiser bottles for them and wander over placing them on the side for when they have finished.
I close in, unseen, behind Bear, his muscles straining holding the Bull steady with both hands.
I run my finger down his spine, medium speed, to let him know I am behind him.
“ Hello Brandy “ he greets knowing it is me immediately. That 6th sense of his is quite amazing.I tilt my hat back and lean into his ear, letting my soft breath caress him a few moments, my body gently brushing him.
“ Concentrate now, I don’t want you hurting our JD” I murmur seductively “ I know you’ve taken it back, and that you want me” I let my tongue gently brush his ear and gently blow on his neck as I move to his other ear.
Again letting my breath seductively tease, whispering “ Am I your secret desire, Bear? Do you think of me often? Do you picture me naked in your arms the night of the vibrating egg when you touched me intimately? Do the reruns in your mind play it over and over as I come apart in your arms? Can you see me now groaning as you press your hand on my pussy & fondle my breasts? Do you dream at night and get hard with me writhing under you as you take me?
I groan a little in his ear, reminding him of my arousal that night.
I grab his chin and turn his face to mine, my lips inches from his… “ Do you want to claim me Bear mmm ? “
I look him in the eyes and I see the interest there from my teasing .. “ Maybe, I’ll put that collar back on you and feed that secret obsession of yours mmm”
I move closer so our lips are millimetres apart. I sense he wants that kiss, but …. no…. he can just … want. I caress his cheek with my knuckles.
“ Enjoy those dreams Babybear, you sure look cute in that collar “ I walk away then , back to the bar… smiling…..
October 6, 2012 at 9:34 am #66751Marilyn and I go on dancing, just having eyes for each other. We loose time and room and only live this moment. I move my hand under her skirt… mmm what's this? I don't feel any fabric, don't notice any panties… this naughty beast I think to myself and smile… I discover her buttocks, massaging them while I press her stronger towards me… she bites her onw lips, enjoying but scared to make loud noises…
“I notice” I whisper smiling in her ear “you're always prepared… are you a scout?” “If I am…” she answers “I will find the right path to you… or at least your bar” I feel her hand moving from my neck above my chest, down to my pants. She is rubbing above them… “mmmmm” I moan in her ear “you almost found it” “or is he finding me?” I hear her giggling before she is wanking my growin cock through my pants.
I rub down between her buttocks, finding a warm and moist slit.. gentle touch her, playful moving around a sweet entrance… I hear soft voices coming out of her mouth while she is opening my zipper….. her hand disappears in my pants, finding my cock, placing her hand around. She doesn't do anything, just hold it and squeezing a bit… it feels so good…As if we had tallked about both start same time: She starts to rub my shaft as my finger slides in her pussy… turning our heads, starting a pasionately kiss… our tongues wrestling…though one thing is sure, there will be no looser…
October 6, 2012 at 8:42 pm #66752After a long time, my boat come again to the town where i have my preffer bar, ACHAT BAR & GRILL.
I walk in the night, the port is empty… noone is here, but i can hear the music…. is something unmistakable sound coming through my ear and makes me smile, it's been a long time since I came through that door, and I miss it.
Step by step I approached the door of the bar, the open … ohhhh, that aroma is unmistakable … party in here and I like it.
Hello eberybody, lets drink something, i want a big and cold beer also, the same that brandy is drinking, her face look like is so nice whiskey
October 6, 2012 at 9:10 pm #66753“Welcome Back Zoerink” I call over
“That beer is on me Joe”
October 7, 2012 at 1:33 pm #66754I return to Old Joe and see a welcoming face return from sea. I smile at Zoerink and place a bottle of Bud next to Tangos drink.
” Good to see you back again. I like you keep popping back between your trips out at sea.” I tell him , ” Now , I hear Sailors like rum but have you tried one of our Yards of Ale? , holds about 2 1/2 pints of Ale that you have to drink all in one go in our special glass there”
I nod to Old Joe to take the Yard glass off the wall, its about 3 feet long and bulbous at the end. ” You up for that challenge? ” I grin
October 7, 2012 at 2:41 pm #66755During the hot kiss with Marilyn I feel her hand around my shaft… mmmmmm… her other hand on my ass…. and also some fingers tickling my neck…. I frighten. How is it possible? Stop touching her pussy, also stop kissing and turn around – no one behind me.
Marilyn stops… looks at me with a questioning face “did i do something wrong?” “No, sorry…. you did everythign right…but…” what should i say? I decide to say nothing, probably she might think i'm crazy…
We go on kissing, I smell her sweet perfume and her heat. Again she takes my cock, squeezing it, rubbing her thumb above my head… I moan in her mouth… with both of my hands I grab her ass…knead it as one finger slides in her pussy….
she also is moaning as I feel a special scent of jasmine flooding the room and hear soft voices… but it's neither her nor any other couple making them… i open my eyes…. see another couple dancing around…but they are TRANSPARENT? As i wanna look more exactly… they disappear….“Lover” I hear Marilyn's soft voice, “are you distracted by all the other beautiful women around?” “ Marilyn…but perhaps it's better to go to the table in the dark corner over there.”
I take her hand and we mov é to the table. We sit down and at once continuing our fhot kiss… she opens her legs and my finger rushes in, fingering her for some time.. before i pull out and, part her lips and discover this lovely hot button…. rubbing above it…October 7, 2012 at 4:53 pm #66756i take the yard of ale that brandy give to me… and i drink in one…. WAOWWWWWW…. all my universe around me start to turn around my head… i give brandy and tangoracer a big smile….
Thank you… is so nice glass…. may i take another one please?
Night start so nice.
October 7, 2012 at 7:23 pm #66757After a nice breakfast, and shower, Stone and myself head to the Achat city library. Parking in the lot we enter and go to the main desk. I introduce myself to the cute librarian,
“Hi, I’m Jayc ,I spoke to you this morning”….
”oh yes I have the documents you requested” she smiles “if you two will follow me please” She leads us to the research room………’Some of the documents you asked about, are on the library server, the rest is on micro film sorry to say” She opens the door to a small room with a desk , PC and a micro film viewer set up.
“Wow, have not seen one of those in ages” I walk up to the machine.
“know how to use it ?” She asks. She shows me how to change cartridges and the controls. “if you need anything else I will be at the main desk” she closes the door.Stone unpacks her laptop and a thermos of coffee and one of tea ,we sort it all out and get to work. Stone on the PC looking at property deeds, and various public records.
I settle in behind the viewer and begin looking at old Tattler Newspapers, starting from the 1st volume dated 1905. Silent as we study, save for Stone’s annoying tap of her pen and the whirl sound of the viewer cooling fan.
Stone speaks first…”Found something” reading out loud “A Stanley Grill applied for a building permit to build the Ice House in 1907.Finding nothing in the early Tattler editions I go to 1907. The paper seems to come out twice a week now but still no mention of him or an Ice House ,clicking page after page, almost in a trance, when I see it. Its hard to make out, the washed out sepia image , but that’s it… that’s the Ice House. The caption is torn a little in the photo copy but I can read Grill’s Ice House has opened and the business hours but that’s it….
“Here he is again! “Stone perks up…..’Deeds buying all the surrounding lots! “ I look at the old photograph and try to make out the man standing there.
After 8 hrs of internet, archives, public records. We call it a day. Its late afternoon on a fine October day and we decide to take a walk and clear our heads. Spotting the café we order tea and sit on patio.
“Ok this is what we found out” I flip open Stones note book
Stanley Grill was a business man with many interests
Met his wife on a trip to New York not sure of the date
Doris Grill, nee Bar, was from Southhampton in England, a famous dancer and entertainer who moved to New York in 1907
Stanley builds the dance hall and saloon next to his Ice House in 1910 to bring live entertainment to Achat City and for his adoring wife who loved to sing and dance.
Then in late 1911 on a society page in the tattler , the Grill’s announce they are going to England to meet Doris’s family.I take a deep breath and read the last line.
They booked there return trip on the maiden voyage……..of the Titanic.
Stone reaches for my hand under the table and squeezes, “This is kinda spooky” she says in a whisper. “so whats the plan Batman?”I shrug my shoulders……..”let’s just go back to work keep our eyes open , and see if anybody else is seeing or hearing things I guess, don’t ask, let them tell you, don’t want to put ideas in people minds”….
After working the day shift Old Joe clocks out and wanders out to the roaring bonfire the dwarves have built.He pulls up a chair, lights a cigar and has a seat. He smokes and gazes at the fire.
A cool finger runs along his neck and a voice in his ears says “I would die all over again just to taste and smell that cigar”
“Oh Stanley I hated when you smoked those dreadful things“, Doris chimes in Joes other ear. They appear in front of Joe.
“Well good evening Joe “ Stanley says with a smile……with no fear in his voice
Joe says “ah Mr. and Mrs. Grill I was wondering when you would show up with new owners and all “……
Doris lets out a light laugh “We have been here for awhile Joe, Mr. Grill always checks in on the new owners”“So I can expect your usual mischief ? Joe asks …………after a brief silence
Stanley responds “For the time being, but there a few people who interest us”……………….. we will talk again Joe …….”
And the Grills wave goodbye and vanish as a couple comes to sit by fire. “Who were you talking to Joe? “ the young women inquires.
“Just thinking out loud that’s all” as Joe gets up and heads for home, a little uneasy after his talk with the spirits…..
October 7, 2012 at 7:57 pm #66758Sitting at home with Jane the morning after a great night we sit looking at the old style BABY OUTFIT
“How old do you think it is?” Jane asks
“I don't know but it must be about 100 years old” I reply
“Wow but how did it get there?”Jane questions again
As we speck about the out fit the temperature drops and we can see are breath. Jane looks at me “WHATS HAPPENING”
We look at the out fit again and the radio turns on with old time waltz music ,We both look at each other “WHATS HAPPENING” Jane holds my hand tight this is spooky.” It mush be same thing to do with that old baby out fit I'll have to look into,” I say getting my Laptop out and turn it on as it boots up I make Jane and myself a nice cup of tea and sit down at the Laptop.Clicking on the NSPD DATA BASS LAND OWNERSHIP
Typing in Achat Bar & Grill
Opened 2011 OWNER Miss Brandy Bee / Miss Stone
Typing in Achat Bar & Grill old names and owners and opening dates
1867 Saloon The Gambit Brothers
1873 Couch Inn Mr J Wayne
( Burnt to the ground in 1880 After the own had left a fire burning )1888 Rebuilt and Opened as The Stage Couch
( Burnt to the ground 1902 Arson Attack )New Building Plans submitted
1910 Dance Hall and Saloon Mr Stanley Grill1975 Bar & Grill Mr D Zocco
2011 Bar & Grill Miss Brandy Bee / Miss Stone
Taking a sip of my tea I look at Jane “well that's all the dates and owners of the place”
“Was that Mr Stanley Married” Jane asks “Dance Hall would go with the music and the baby out fit is about that age”
“MMM your right and i my have same clues down in the Ice House but that will have to wait till later” I answer JaneWe finish are Tea's and head off to the Bar to talk to Brandy and Stone to see if they have had anything happen to them.
October 7, 2012 at 9:21 pm #66759It's just after 1 AM in the morning when I wake up in my hidden room with MoonCalf snoring lightly on my shoulder. My stirring wakes her. “Did you fart?” I ask her, while sniffing the air.
“SMACK!” She slaps me on my bare chest whith her open hand in a playful way. “Covems!” She says while giggling, “Don't be fresh.”
“Well, it smells like jasmine in here.” I say, “…and I know mine never smell that way, so it has to be you.”
“Stop.” She says, while climbing on top of me. Her naked form feels wonderful in my arms. She kisses me lightly on my lips then picks her head up. “It does smell like jasmine.”
“C'mon.” I say, “You did fart, didn't you?”
“Oh shut up.” MoonCalf says and kisses me harder.
“I knew you did.” I mumble through the kiss. Her hand moves between us and finds my genitals. I start to grow under her warm touch.
She giggles and her tongue snakes into my mouth as my arms wrap around her and my hands find their way to her wonderful bottom. The “throes of passion” begin to overtake us and we meld into one. I swear I can hear someone giggling, but I know the room is known only to the dwarves and now MoonCalf. I roll us over onto MoonCalf's back and take a quick look around. Seeing no one there, I rise up at arms length over her and gaze into those beautiful eyes.
“Would you do me a favor?” I ask her.
“I would do almost anything you want.” She answers.
“Would you fart again?” I ask, “Because I really like that jasmine aroma.”
MoonCalf laughs. “You're a nut.” She adds and pulls me down into another deep kiss.
October 8, 2012 at 1:35 pm #66760I pull into the parking lot in my truck with the box of Halloween items from my latest shopping spree. I lower the tailgate and slide the box out. “I hope this demon outfit will fit the mechanical bull” I murmur to myself as I carry it into the closed and empty bar. I glance at my watch, the hands say 1:30am. “I need to get the bull dressed in this costume before I can get out of here for tonight.”
I gently drop the box by the bull and do a “Lock out, Tag out” on the control box so it won't automatically come on while I am working on it. Double and triple checking that the power connection is disabled, I get started on taking the saddle off. The costume is a blood red color with a long forked tail and evil looking eyes.
I make my way around the bull, tugging and securing the fabric so it won't come off during use. All of a sudden, I get a sense that I am being watched. I look around the room, the bar is empty. I smell the faint aroma of jasmine in the air. “Strange” I say. I shrug it off as get back to work.
I pull the mask of the demon costume over the head of the bull, securing it under the neck. As I smooth out the wrinkles, the bull lunges forward, bashing me straight in the chest, knocking me to the mats and taking the wind from my lungs. “What the hell!?!” I exclaim, looking directly into the eyes of the demon bull. The eyes were glowing for a brief second.
I jump to my feet. I check the control box and tug on the lock that has the power coupler in it. “How in the world could that happen?” I question myself. I grab the box of leftover costume accessories and leave the bull disconnected for tonight. “I'm going to go over those controls in the morning” as I shut the lights off to the room. I drop the box of in the office as I lock the back door behind me.
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