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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by sexilicious.
October 9, 2012 at 6:46 pm #66776
Pulling into the lot, I find a parking spot near the door. I shut off the engine and get out of the car and take the package off the passenger seat. The gravel crunches under my heels as I stand and smooth my short skirt. I adjust my top, then check my appearance in the reflection of the car's window.
It's a little chilly tonight, and I can feel my nipples stiffening, I give them a pinch to help accent them and undo another button on my blouse. “He likes cleavage.” I think as I make my way into the Bar and Grill and go straight to the bar room. It's warm and cozy feeling in there and feels good.
I go up to the bar and motion to Joe, he comes over and leans down to hear my order. “Is Covems here?” I ask. “I have something for him.” I show the package, it is wrapped in plain brown paper and tied with string.
“I'll see if I can find him.” Joe says to me, then asks. “Would you like something to drink?”
“I would.” I say. “A Black Jack would go good right now.”
He leaves to mix the drink. I notice a lot commotion in the middle of the bar. There is a busty woman behind the bar putting shot glasses full of something between her breasts, and there is a line waiting for their chance to take the shot from her cleavage.
Joe returns with my drink and says “I've buzzed him. He should be here soon.” I pay Joe, leaving the change on the bar and contemplate getting in the line. I have a seat on the stool and place my package on the bar, smiling at everyone in line.
I take a sip of the Black Jack, the taste is sweet and warms my throat.
October 10, 2012 at 3:33 pm #66778I enter the bar from the back door. I walk in and the bar is hopping like it always is.
“Excellent work on the bull” Sexilicous says, as she taps me on my chest.
“Easy, my ribs are a bit sore today” I tell her, wincing in slight pain.“A little too much time on the BowFlex machine, eh?” she questions.
“I wish it was that” I say with a coy smile. “Besides, you wouldn't believe me if I told you” I say as I grab a brewsky from the bar and lift it to my parched lips.
I sit down at a table near the rear of the bar, prop my feet up on one of the chairs beside me and continue to enjoy my ale. Brandy comes over with a smile on her face. She's up to something. I can just tell.
“What happened to you and Jane after you carried her to the restroom to get cleaned up from the pit?”
“Brandy, you know me, I don't kiss and tell” I smiled as I replied to her probing question.
“So did you kiss?” she fires back, yearning for more details.
“Can't you tell?” I said with a smile as I sipped the few last drops of my beer.
“Tell me more!!” she begs.
“No, I'd have to be really drunk to let that information be known. It was that awesome.”
I no more than got those few words from my mouth when Brandy got up, and yelled to Old Joe. “One Yard of ale for JD!”
October 10, 2012 at 11:13 pm #66779I grin at JD as Old Joe brings the Yard of Ale over.
“Think you can manage it all in one go?” I tease him, JD smiles at me and taking a deep breath begins to guzzle.
I adore his fighting spirit. I turn to Old Joe. “Hey Joe, Jayc wanted to speak to you, did you get the message?”
Old Joe looks at me questioning, ” Yes, just heading up to the office now. You know what it's about?”
“Spooks ” I laugh , ” I 'll join you in a sec, JD needs to come too but I just want to see his wet t shirt “.
JD downs it in an impressive 6 seconds and I get my reward of a beautiful chest wrapped in a sopping wet t shirt. Very nice indeed.
I take a USB stick from my pocket and wave it at him, “You got caught on CCTV with Jane”.
JD looks at me expectantly, “so you knew all along”
I throw the USB at him, which he deftly catches. “Come on, we got a management meeting, Jayc needs to fill you on a few things and I'd like to hear what Old Joe has to say too. There's some dry T shirts in the office. :-*
October 11, 2012 at 7:23 am #66780JD enters the office puts on a dry bar t-shirt and flops on the couch next to Tango, “the others behind you?” “yeah should be her in second whats up? “wait till everybody gets here” Stone goes to the mini fridge and gets us all a cold beer, we talk about the upcoming party. A few minutes pass then Brandy and Joe enter the office and take there seats.
“Joe you have lived in the realm all your life and worked this bar before under different owners right?” he nods “why do you ask?……”well” I pause for a sec…….“something has been going on around here the last week or so, and we were wondering if you might be able to shed some light on the subject. Again I relate my encounter and what has happed to Stone. Tango, Brandy and JD. Joe looks at the file and Stones notebook but says nothing..
Stone breaks the silence…..“Joe did you know the grills?…….Joe looks up smiling “just how old do you think I am Stone?” he breaks into his heart warming laugh soon the room is full of laughter…….“It not what I meant” Stone protests, “just came out wrong”
As the room gains composure again Joe says well Stone is kind of right…I met the Grills in 1975 he reaches into his coat and gets out his cigar case like he always does before a good story I smile to myself.
Ahhh 1975 Joe begins “I was in my 40s running this bar for the Zoccos who really didn’t have much interest other than the weekly receipts“ things were fine for the 1st few months then odd things began to happen… desk drawers rearranged, keys would vanish the show up hours later , one morning I opened up to find coins standing on edge along the length of the entire bar!……..then the same things your seeing now, the scent of jasmine waltz music cool breezes.
Like you have done, I went to the library and did research. Then I asked my Grandfather about the Grills and he filled in a lot of the blanks I had in the story. As you have figured out the Grills went down with the Titanic but there much more to this story.
The Grills were a very close couple, Stanley met Doris on a trip to New York and it was love at 1st sight for both of them, she was a famous singer and dancer from the UK, they Married and she retired from the stage to be with her husband.. They were happy and held lavish parties at the Achat Hotel where she would entertain the party goers with song and dance. Then the hotel burned down ……….Doris was crushed she lived to perform.
Then on her birthday…so the story goes…. Stanley gave her a rolled up scroll with a single rose…….., the scroll were the plans for a saloon and dance hall with a stage………all for his Doris….in early 1910 the Bar & Grill dance hall opened……….it soon became the place to be, with acts from all over the country playing during the weekends. And there was always Doris the bell of the ball and the dapper Stanley not a bad dancer himself.
Then in 1911 they went to England so Doris could introduce her American husband to her family. Friends gave them a great send off……..little did they know, they would never see the couple again.
To be continued
October 11, 2012 at 12:38 pm #66781A dwarf comes padding up to me. “You have package.” He says, holding his hands out.
“There's a payment be made.” I say to him. “Call it a delivery charge.”
“Come with me.” The dwarf says and takes my hand. I get off the stool and he pulls me along, not giving me time to straighten my skirt.
“Which one are you?” I ask.
“I am Happy.” He answers.
“I can see that, but what is your name.? I ask again.
He laughs and says, “That's my name. My name is Happy.” Then he adds, “Wait here.”
I wait by the storage room door. Covems appears out of nowhere and I hand him the package. “Thank you Mollie.” He says, Happy is standing behind him.
Covems leans in and give me a deep kiss, bending me back slightly. “I'll meet you at your shop later.” He says after breaking our kiss. “Look for me in about 3 hours.” He turns and just as suddenly as he appeared he and Happy are gone.
I go back to the bar and finish my drink. “Have another?” The bartender asks me. “Hmmm.” I say. “Too much alcholol makes my clothes disappear, but what the heck. Sure, another Black Jack.”
I'm not really sure how this is going to work, but I get in line for the boob shots.
October 11, 2012 at 6:44 pm #66782Still waiting on my food, i wish the service was a bit quicker here.
Drinking my beer and just as i finish my glass, i feel the temperature go down and there is a sent of jasmine in the air. Behind me i hear some music, i turn around but i don't see anything, but i do feel a presence at my table.
I turn back to the table, just to see a big plate with my food order slowly hovering a inch above the table accompanied by a new glass of beer. As both come to rest on the tabletop, the music disappears and also the sent of jasmine, the temperature goes back to normal, and the smell of that lovely steak fills my nose.
I Look up to see is someone has witnessed this strange things, but all are to busy to have noticed. I must talk to Brandy about this, but let me first eat this dinner, it looks and smell good and i am starving.
Strange or not the steak and patatoes are perfect
October 11, 2012 at 8:24 pm #66783Leaving the office walking back to the Bar just to see a stunning Young Lady being dragged down the Bar by Happy I turn and watch her fine body as she's dragged off.
Turning back to the bar “Hay Gayle slide me a beer down when you have a moment and a mug of tea for Jane please” I say with a big grin “and I'll have one of your shots to” raising my eyebrows I turn and see Mrsexlover sat at his table I nod my head to say hi.
Turning back to the bar Gayle comes over” here's your drinks Tango and Here's your shot” as she slides the glass deep into her cleavage and leans over to me driving right in there I take my time I reach the glass and pull in out in my lips flicking my head back I empty the glass into my mouth I let the glass drop from my lips then lean forward and kiss Gayle letting her taste the shot from my mouth as we kiss over the bar. We brake the kiss and both swallow and smile at each other. “Now that's the way to drink a BOOB SHOT” I say to Gayle with a cheeky grin.
I take Jane's Tea and my beer off the bar and walk over to Jane, half way there i feel a cold shiver and the slightest whiff of Jasmine I spin round but these nothing there. I smile to myself and walk over to Jane we set and chat about what was said in the office.
My phone beeps a message laughing as i read it to Jane “you need to tell the no to every one” she say's laughing and holding her belly
Jumping up on the stage and over to the mic tapping the mic to see if it was on
Hi every one just a quick joke for you i say
I was visiting my son and daughter in low last night ,when I asked if I could borrow a newpaper
“This is the 21st century,old man said my son “We don't waste money on newspapers.
Here, you can borrow my iPad
I can tell you that bloody fly never knew what hit itI leave the stage and go back to Jane
October 11, 2012 at 11:00 pm #66784Old Joe pauses in his story of the Grills looking at the intent faces waiting for him to continue.
He smiles and asks for a fresh coffee, I pass him Jayc’s , who frowns but accepts it, this is no moment to leave the office.Old Joe sips it thoughtfully and continues his tale. “ The Grills met the Bar family and he was an instant hit. They spent a wonderful few months in England, meeting all of Doris’s family & seeing all the famous sights. They had the most wonderful time there. It was a second honeymoon for them.
As a treat for his beloved Doris, Stanley booked their return journey on the RMS Titanic, a luxurious passenger liner. It was considered by many at the time to be unsinkable and was making its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. Stanley intended to take his wife shopping in New York and stay a few days there before returning to Achat, Nymphomania.
On April 10 1912, the Titanic set sail from Southampton. Doris and Stanley stood on the deck by the railings of the ship, waving to their loved ones on the dockside. Crowds had turned out to see this wonderful ship set sail. It was quite an event that day. The crowds cheered and there were streams of paper thrown into the air as the ship embarked on its infamous journey.
The ship was very luxurious. There was a dancehall and dining hall and Doris and Stanley had a wonderful time. They would dress up and dance most nights, their favourite being the waltz. They would dance in perfect rhythm to each other and their steps were unfaltering. They made friends with the band who played , and with a young family, Mr & Mrs Baxter who had a 7 year old daughter, Rose, and a 13 year old son, Jack. They were delightful children.
Then on April 14, tragedy struck. The ship hit an iceberg and began to take on water, sinking….”
Panic and disbelief had slowly spread through the ship as the passengers began to realise the ship was indeed going to sink and the icy water would make survival unlikely. The crew were shouting out instructions for loading people in to the life boats.
Doris and Stanley were standing with the Baxter’s. The band, nearby on the deck, continued to play to calm the worried passenger. They waited calmly for their turn to climb in the lifeboat .
Stanley squeezed Doris’s hand to reassure her everything would be alright.
The Baxter’s in front of them were stopped by a member of the ship’s crew, “ I’m sorry Sir, it’s women and children only”, halting Mr Baxter and Jack from passing. Mrs Baxter began to cry as she realised , her husband and son were going to be left behind on the sinking ship. She hugged her little girl Rose, begging them to allow her boy, Jack ,to go with them. Mr Baxter tried to negotiate unsuccessfully with the crew member that he was only a boy, not yet a man. His pleas fell on deaf ears.
Doris was pushed to get into the boat by crew members and Stanley’s encouragement.
Stanley saw Doris’s face, “ You have to go my dear, I will get on another boat when all the women and children are safely on. You see, “ he waved his arms towards other boats being loaded, “there is plenty of room for everyone. I will see you soon” He kissed her cheek as he helped her climb in.She sat next to Mrs Baxter & Rose who were both crying inconsolably for the men in their family being left behind.
Tears ran down Doris’s face. She looked at the face of her husband, and the two brave Baxter men on the deck as their life boat began to lower and suddenly, she knew what she had to do.
“ Jack, Jack,” She shouted to the young Baxter boy. He ran to the edge of the ship, hearing her cries. Doris grabbed his arm hauling him into her seat and jumping out.
“ You look after your family now, you be a good boy to them, they need you ,” She shouted to him. Jack looked at her in bewilderment before being hugged by his mother. Tearfully she looked over his shoulder at Doris.
“ Thank you, Thank you so much “ was all she could mouth, knowing the sacrifice, Doris had just made for her family. And the lifeboat lowered to the freezing sea below.
Doris ran into the arms of her husband and Mr Baxter hugged them too. “ May God show mercy on you both tonight, I need to try to get to my family, Thank you , thank you , for your selfless act Mrs Grill “ He kissed her hand and with that he disappeared into the crowds in his futile search for transport.
“What have you done?” Stanley cupped his wife’s face.
“ Rather a few more precious hours with you, than a lifetime without you” Doris told him and they held each other tight for a few moments.“ Would you like to dance, Mrs Grill? Stanley asked in her ear , “ There’s a band over there playing just for us”
“ Why, Mr Grill, I can think of nothing better, than being in your arms” Doris replied.
He took her hand and led her to the playing band on the deck. Stanley saw a vase of flowers tipped up on its side. He stopped by it and took a red rose and smelt it before giving it to his wife & putting it in her hair.“ Beautiful, just like my wife” he whispered. Doris smiled at him and also took a red rose from the same flowers and lovingly attached it to her husband’s lapel.
“ Now , we match “ She whispered back.
“ We always have” Stanley kissed her hand, “ The perfect match “They walked to the playing band, Mr Wallace Hartley and his 7 musicians. “ Gentleman, are you taking requests?” Stanley looked each of them in the eye, each man knowing the bravery of the other this fateful night.
“ Of course, Mr Grill. “ said Mr Hartley, the Bandmaster. “ What would you like?”
“ A repeated waltz, Gentleman please” Mr Grill asked taking his wife in his arms and dancing with her. The red rose prominent in her hair and his, in his lapel.
The chaos around, just a a small disturbance in their little world.The band played and the Grills danced to soothe the anguish of their fellow passengers until the ship sank in the deep of the icy sea April 14 1912, courage and compassion joined, making the heroes complete.
1500 passengers & crew perished that night.”
Old Joe paused again looking at the faces in front of him.
Brandy and I had tears in our eyes as the selfless act of Doris sank into our thoughts – giving her life for that of the teenage Baxter boy, and the unwavering love that the couple obviously held for each other.
The men were better at hiding their emotions.“What happened to the Baxter’s “ I ask Old Joe, finding my voice.
“ Mrs Baxter became a widow that night , but she and her family lived a full life and Jack & Rose married others and had children of their own” Old Joe answered.Brandy ‘s face suddenly went thoughtful, “ You said your Grandfather knew the Grills?”
Old Joe smiled, “ Briefly. He found out their story… My grandfather’s name was ….. Jack Baxter. “
As soon as Old Joe finished saying his Grandad’s name , the lights in the office went out and everything was plunged into darkness, startling the occupants . The room temperature dropped & there was a distinct smell of Jasmine in the air. Then just as quickly the lights illuminated again.
Everyone looked at each other a little bewildered.
Then their eyes were drawn to the single red roses , one in the lap of Jayc and one on my lap ……
October 13, 2012 at 1:51 pm #66785Taz pulls up a chair at the bar and orders up a icey mug of cold beer and admires the scenery…
October 13, 2012 at 2:16 pm #66786OOT: wellcome back Taz! really long time had passed from your last visit!
October 13, 2012 at 4:19 pm #66787I leave the office, my thoughts full of Ghosts and The Titanic and Waltzes and the Playing Band and Roses.
Its certainly an enthralling story and made me feel a bit happier that Doris & Stanley may be acting mischieviously, but they certainly didnt seem to mean any harm.
I join Gayle behind the bar till Old Joe and Stone return.
Then, I spot an old dear friend walk in with that black stetson of his. I grin as I serve him an icey mug of cold beer.
” Well well, its about time you got around to turning up” I tease, placing the beer in front of Taztexan, waving away his offering to pay ” House rules, first drink is free “
I lean over , kiss him on the cheek and pull his hat over his eyes in a playful, affectionate way. ” You know, we got a Halloween Party starting tomorrow – the 14th goes on till Hallow's Eve on 31 Oct. Hope you will come and wear a scary costume ”
” It is good to see your smiling face again Taz , Welcome, my friend, to the AB&G ” I grin at him.
October 13, 2012 at 6:52 pm #66788My turn, as I get to the bar in front of the busty barmaid. “Instead of a Sambuca”, I say, “would you pour a Black Jack? It's a shot of Yukon Jack and Blackberry Brandy. Sweet and powerful.”
Leaning into the bar (I'm not very tall) I have to reach my body over to get to the shot. I press my hands against her breasts to steady myself and I lean in further, totally aware that my skirt has hiked up past my bottom, my lacy, red knickers in full view.
I lick her breasts on each side of the shot glass and look into her eyes. “In case you might have spilled some.”
Then I wrap my lips around the shot glass, and moving her breasts apart with my hands, I lift my head up and back in one quick motion. The warm, sweet liquid fills my mouth and I swallow it with the shot glass still between my lips.
I pop back down to the floor, take the shot glass from my lips and place it on the bar, then I smooth my skirt down.
Reaching across the bar I stroke the barmaid's face. “Thank you.” I say, “That was quite nice.”
I move out of the way for the next person.
October 14, 2012 at 12:37 am #66790Old Joe looks in the mirror and puts the last touch of make up on…….he grins in the mirror. Wild hair and ashen skin ………..he looks like Beatle juice. He puts on the rest of his costume and sits on the bed . Still troubled by the encounter in the office last night. He opens his bed side drawer and pulls out and old photograph………the Grills he found it in the 70s one day when he explored the shuttered icehouse.
Driving to the Bar his mind ponders the meaning of the roses. The Grills liked to play games and had done so many times but this was different……….“think Joe think”……..what did the roses mean? Stanley was fond of giving Doris flowers……….but why Stone and Jay ? Were they the people of interest Stanley had mentioned by the fire?
Taking a deep breath he decides to find out what the Grill are up to. Pulling into the lot he sees Jayc and Stone are already here. Making his way around back Joe enters the building thru the kitchen saying hello to the busy staff preparing for the party. With no one noticing he grabs a ring of keys and finds the one labeled “roof”…….he climbs the stairs and unlocks the roof door and steps out into the warm October air.
STANLEY…………DORIS………..Joe calls out, leaning against the wall he fishes out his cigar case and light one up and waits. I few minutes pass then the smell of jasmine fills his nose. The Grills are floating by the side of the door.
“What can we do for you Joe” Doris says . Well you two can start by telling me what your up to” Joe says firmly………”Oh Joe” Stanley laughs……. Whatever do you mean? not liking the answer Joe frowns. Joe tries another question……….”do you mean harm to Jay and Stone?” the spirits laugh……..oh Joe you think we would harm those two? Doris answers………shall we tell him now Mr. Grill? “Well we will need his help Mrs. Grill”
Joe listens as the Grills tell him of there idea
October 14, 2012 at 2:34 pm #66792I arrive at the AB&G bar room with my costume over my arm. ” Oh wow, the place has transformed into the perfect Halloween Den of Iniquity” I think to myself, truly amazed by all the hard work of the staff. I see some of their costumes and fancy dress and have to do a double take of some of the staff & guests to recognise them. They are absolutely frightening.
I see, Old Joe behind the bar and grin at his ill fitting wig & Beetlejuice outfit, but somehow, it just so suits him. A perfect choice.
Jayc & Stone are looking good & ghoulish as scary vampire & zombie bikers.
I wave to them , to let them know I’m about and go into the office to change. A short time later, I emerge as ” Lady Vampira”
Old Joe looks me up and down as I approach the bar, ” Nice shield” he murmurs looking directly at my chest …..
October 14, 2012 at 3:00 pm #66793After finishing my meal, i see the staff is changing in there halloween costumes, i better change into mine then, it going to take some time tough.
After a hour i walk back in, and see some people a little scared by my looks, but i assure them that i'm only interested to assimilate some beers
OOh and maybe a girl or two, to add into my collective
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