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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )

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  • #66917

    I look at the clock … oh, it's time, I have to leave behind is a good weekend in this wonderful place, my Sith Lord costume and I got up, recondando the good times these days in ACHAT BAR & GRILL.

    “Thanks Brandybee Thanks for letting me Lydiarose some blood in my body;) thanks for the hospitality Jayc Thanks tangoracer, thank you everybody for the hospitality and for make me feel like at home, far from it.”

    I take the last beer …. courtesy of the home, I drink it in one gulp, and I turn heading for the door, I went through the same for several days to come, and I have taken it out with Lydiarose today to get some air, now take the pier, where reality awaits me, where my day to day begins again, surrounded by the sea, surrounded by sun and stars, surrounded by life.

    See you soon!



    I walk to the bar joe coffee pls  I see that guy  who's name i cant say is still here.I feel like im back to normal after what i can said was a mad weekend.Now i have 2 days to get back home thanks  Zoerink  I enjoy myself with you. It sound like you are off to sea if so I'm not going to the pier to wave you off because I would feel like  keira Knightley and I dont think I would wait 10 years even if  you were Orlando Bloom mm. Time for me to go  bye  to man who's name i can not say. Bye old joe  so i get up and walk out of bar  and head back to the real world   


    seeing Ssgt has returned to his post at the dentist chair i give him a thumbs up, walking up to him smiling feelling better? i grin ……he nods. 'well then how bout one of those pink pussies”  as i flop in the chair. the drink does little to calm my nerves as i wipe my face and go back to our table. to join Stone, Brandy and JD. i see Stone has made me a plate from the buffet. “have something to eat jay' she says with a smile. i pick at my plate just too nervous to eat. 


    Pour Jayc the drink he asked for.  “hope this helps you get the taste out of your mouth and makes you feel better” i say to him.  “let Brandy know that I just got a bunch of jello shots in”  I hand him a plate full.  “see if they like the” I say  He gets up and thanks me and heads back to Stone and Brandy


    “dam” i say to myself.  Grab Skydance. “nice to have you here, this is a  big surprise”.  I grap her and plant a hot moist kiss on her hot sensual lips.
    “This is a  big surprise. have a seat” I say to her.  as sh,e sensually slides into the chair she makes sure she rubs her magnificent breast against me.
    Couldnt help but notice she didnt have a bra on.  “What would you like do drink lovely lady I ask.
    “I dont care”  she says “as long as it is wet and has a lot of alcohol”. “I was hoping this was the placed you worked”.  “Have you seen Brandy” I ask. she says “no”

    I see Brandy and call her over, “look who came to join in the bar”.  Brandy says “Hi sky, glad to have you here.  Is Ssgt taking good care of you”  Sky smiles “not yet but I am sure he will”  Brandy smiles and says “let  me know if he doesnt” she give me a peck on the check.  “Take good care of her you hear,  She is a good one.”

    As Sky sit herself om the chair i mix up one of my drinks called a Sweet Satisfaction.  “see if you like this” I say.  She drinks it straight down.  “not bad but you know I want more than that” she says in her sinfully sexy voice.  I bend over and kiss her, our tongues dancing in each others mouth 
    “Plenty of time for that I laugh”  Enjoy the club and we will dance.


    The night continues, I try to keep the phone call  out of my mind but its impossible, even a slow dance with Stone  does little to calm my nerves. And getting hammered is not a viable option either as im waiting for Stanley to call me back. Wishing the whole thing was an elaborate prank, the night seems to go on forever.

    11:15 pm Old Joe
    Taking a break Joe slips into Covems work shop and grabs the roof key, grabbing the final items needed, he heads up to the roof. Following the instructions to the letter, as Joe works  he can hear the muffled sounds of the packed bar below. His costume makes for a strange silhouette in the moon light as he completes his task.
    Lighting a cigar he leans against the door. He begins to wonder if this is really a good idea. He knows these spirits perhaps better than anyone, having many chats with Grills over the years, but they never had behaved like this before.

    11:50 pm  my makeup helps hide how I really feel, light headed and nervous. Well its not everyday your waiting for a call from a guy who has been dead 100 years and on Halloween to boot. Its almost surreal  with all the costumes about. My phone chimes, a text. I read the message turn off the phone.  Taking Stones hand I rush her outside to the fire.

    Holding her close she asks “whats wrong jay?” I take a deep breath “we need to go to the roof” she looks at me puzzled “the roof?…. “I don’t have time to explain. We need to get up there now!” I give Stone a sweet kiss and hold her close then we rush back into the bar as I pass by Joe he hands me the key  shakes my hand and looks me in the eye and smiles. It has a strange calming effect on me.

    We make our way through the  kitchen and down the hall. Stopping at the door I slip in the key , the door opens.


    That strange sensation still runnig on my skin but i try to focused on the party to forget about it: the songs, the cheers …. that's the wonderful atmosphere of the B&G!

    This place is always noisy and funny …. it's really hard to find an annoyed face around and probably i'm the only one tonight. Dunno why, but i can't get out of my head that cold graze: maybe it's only the weather change, nothing more. I decided to go to the fire pit to warm my self a little before coming back inside the bar and, why not, eating some fresh meat.

    I jump down my stole and lead for the fire place, when i suddenly have the impression to walk in a cold fluid but i can't see nothing around my legs.

    “What's going on tonight, HB!?” i ask my self “someone will say you have some serious menytal disguise, tonigth …. or maybe all i need is some rest ….”

    I look around again, but nothing seems different …. the same B&G and the same people: Lover, Sexy, Brandy, Tango …. everyone is here and seems no one have noticed something strange. I move back to the counter to meet Old Joe and ask him to prepare me something hot to drink and to  give me the key of the office, so i can lay for little on the comfy couch, hoping this will help me to feel better.

    After had drink an hot tisane, i lead to the office and place the key in the lock. When i open the door, a wall of blood invests me covering all my body …. i loose my balance and fall on the floor: my eyes wide open staring at my hands and what i can see is nothing! Where the blood is!? it had covered me completely, but now i see no trace of it! Maybe i'm going insane tonight ….

    You know what i want ….

    I heard it clearly …. but can't see someone near me!

    “Where and what are you!?” i scream loud.

    Silly question …. you know the answer well!

    My body is shaking and my blood is icy …. i can't understand what's going on around me: the voice is familiar but at the same time so different! I'll try to stand up but i can't …. every muscles of my body is fozen and all i can do is stying there, sitting on the floor waiting for something.
    Something …. but what!? Maybe this is just a joke but who is in charge of it!? And why me!?

    A piece of an old memory come back …. something like this is happend before in the past and, wonder why, it was at Halloween night again! Maybe this can be a hint of what's going on now, but i can't remember all the details, it's like most of them are wrapped in a dense fog.


    Gently I open her legs and see her sweet nectar pot kissing my way up her inner thigh i take a deep breath and my lungs are filled with her sweet sexy aroma. Moving in with the gentlest of kisses my lips touch her soft silk lips and get to taste her love nectar. Letting my tongue run along her lips and up to that magic button. I flick it with the tip of my tongue and feel it swell to the touch of my tongue. I hear soft moan come from Dutches as I kiss and lick her hot sweet pussy.

    Licking her sweet nectar and running my tongue up to her magic button I feel her hands on the back of my head pushing me harder into her nectar pot. Hearing her moan loudly as I push my tongue deep into her feeling for her inner spot with the tip of my tongue. As I found it her body shakes in pleasure and her nails dig into my head. I slide my hands up the out side of Dutches's soft thigh and up onto her soft peach like ass pulling her to the edge of the table I lick right down over her sweet nectar covered lips and down over her tight little star. Hearing her take a sharp breath as my tongue moves over it.

    I move my hand down and undo my pants and let my hard shaft out moving my tongue back into My Dutches's sweet nectar pot. she pulls me in harder and I feel her lips swell moving my head away from her nectar pot. I slowly stand up and kiss her deeply on her lips letting her taste her sweet nectar. As we kiss I gently rub the head of my hard cock along her soft lips with a gentle roll of my hips my cock slides deep into her hot wet channel feeling her inner walls around my hard shaft i move really slow wanting to feel every part of her soft inner walls.

    Dutches puts her arms around my neck and pulls me tight into her and wraps her legs around my waist and rolls her hips we speed up together and I feel er clench hard around me and she lets out a loud moan. I feel a hot rush of her nectar run around my cock and down over my balls. We kiss deeply right throw her orgasm.

    I move round and whisper in her ear “time for a change I thing”  she moves her head and looks me in the eyes. I glace over to mrsexlover and her eyes widen and a smile comes across her face. Kissing her again I catch mrsexlovers eye and with just a flick of my eyes he know what is about to happen. He rolls his eyes up and down in agreement. I do the same with Covems and he gives the same back .

    I tap the table and we all move back and I spin the girls round one place.  Dutch goes to mrsex ,  sexi moves to covems and i get eva 


    Jayc & I  make our way up the stairway to the roof, sneaking away from the party wondering why we have been summoned up there .  We are both a little apprehensive  as we climb up the narrow stairs.

    My breath catches as I see what  has been prepared.  A fire pit glowing for heat, placed on a large concrete base, blankets and pillows spread out on the floor for comfort, a bucket of ice with champagne  and the 10 red roses in the vase from behind the bar. How did that get there?  Someone has gone to an awful lot of trouble to prepare such a romantic setting under the moonlight.

    “Did you know about this?” I whisper to Jayc. He shakes his head as much bewildered as  me.

    We look round for some kind of clue;  then suddenly we hear  an unseen band  begin to play a waltz, the air turns cooler and I stare at Jayc with wide eyes.  “ Tell me you arranged that “ I whisper.
    “ If only I could” He replied.  The hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand and goose bumps appear on my exposed skin. A smell of Jasmine fills the air …

    We both whisper at the same time,  “ Doris & Stanley” Then they appear in their fine clothes, the apparitions dancing the perfect waltz on the roof top. They are transparent and glide around in their perfect dance steps.  We stare mesmerised by the couple until their dance comes to its natural conclusion. The music fades but continues to play softly – repeated waltzes.

    They approach and stand before us. We must look strange indeed. A vampire biker and zombie biker chick standing with two ghosts dressed in ballroom finery.

    Stanley Grill speaks first.  “Thank you for meeting us here. We have a favour to ask. But before we do, I would like to tell you about us. We chose you because we share something in common. A deep love & understanding that lasts through time, through dimensions, the kind of love that lasts forever. You may not even realise yet this special bond you have, but trust me – you do. 
    The best way to tell you about us , is our way.. may I ? “

    He raises his hands to touch our foreheads. There is no touch, however, just a cool icy feeling where his hand would be.  Jayc & I nod our consent.  “ Please  brace yourself, its a little like a brain upload but although strange, it is completely harmless and there are no lasting effects. Are you ready?” 

    Jayc & I nod again.  We shut our eyes and then it begins.  A couple meeting, memory flashes of deep joy & laughter. Picnics by rivers, of special meaningful gifts, courtship and deep love, Doris, beautiful , dancing in dance halls, her beau, Stanley watching proudly.  The pride Doris has for her successful husband as a respected business man.  The joy and happiness of their wedding day. 

    The feelings are intense that are transmitted to us, Jayc & I find ourselves feeling the joy of their meeting, their first kiss, their courtship, their wedding day. We can’t help but feel uplifted and physically laugh with the couple in our minds eye and the images transmitted to our brains.

    The story continues.  The special moment Doris gives up her dancing for her husband. The day he presented her with the Bar & Grill’s ownership papers. Their trip to England to meet Doris’s family and the wonderful places they visited. All of their wonderful happy moments, there in a flash. We find ourselves smiling at such a happy couple, deeply in love & so very happy.

    Then the Titanic, the dancing, The Band playing, The Baxters,  the terror of Doris leaving her love behind on the ship,  her selfless act of saving Jack Baxter’s life that night, the roses in Doris’s hair and Stanley’s lapel.  The bravery of the Band playing and the couple dancing to try and soothe the panicking passengers.  Then the terror of the ship tilting and breaking in two and the icy water.

    Stanley removes his hands then from our foreheads and I find tears streaming down my face , that their young lives were cut short so abruptly.  Jayc looks grim too, fighting his emotions.

    Stanley gives us a minute or so to compose ourselves.  Then he continues,  “  The night we died, we found out something else too.  Our bodies were holding hands, together till the very end”,
    Stanley & Doris smile tenderly at each other.

    “ When our souls exited our bodies in the deep freezing waters, we found each other  easily to move on to the next plane together,  but we  found we were joined by a smaller soul,  attached to us.  A kindred spirit.  Doris had been pregnant  with our child, unknown in life at the time.”
    Stanley smiles again at Doris.  “ We would have loved that child dearly” 

    Stanley pauses a moment and then speaks again, “ It has been 100 years since our death, a 100 years since we could hold each other, to touch each other, to kiss each other. Our request is simple, we would like to exchange places with you, for a few hours.. so I can hold my Doris again, to smell her sweet fragrance, to touch the woman I hold most dear in life and in death.”
    Doris then speaks, “ And I would like to hold my Stanley again, to show him, he still means the world and universe to me “

    Jayc and I look at each other, choked by the strong emotions transmitted to us in our minds and the story of this couple.  We both know our answer  and nod at each other smiling.
    “ Yes, we will do it”  Jayc speaks for both of us…..

    Stanley & Doris look at each other delighted by our agreement. Doris grabs hold of my hands and looks into my face,  “ Thank you, Thank you so much”.  The touch of her hands are icy, contrasting with the warmth of the smile, she bestows on us.

    Jayc & I  smile at each other, we both know, this is the right decision.  It just feels right.

    Stanley and Doris stand in front of us.  Doris asks, “Are you sure about this?”
    We both nod.  Stanley continues, “ Are you ready  for our invasion and exchange?”
    We nod again.  Both of the entities then tentatively walk into our bodies at the same time. Slowly merging inch by inch in to one.  Stanley slowly invades Jayc and Doris merges into me.

    The feeling is strange, almost like an unseen  icy cloud seeping into every pore. Invading and taking over our bodies, our breath catches and we struggle for air, fighting in an enclosed space, trying to breathe, trying to find room as we seem to be crushed and conquered.

    And then we are free. Air fills our lungs, we can move freely again. A strong sense of freedom  & exhilaration fills our very being.  A burst into another  plane.

    I look at Jayc, he’s gorgeous, no longer in his vampire gear, but dressed in his sexy cowboy get up, strong, handsome, verile and ….  transparent with a gentle glowing light around him. I reach out and touch him,  but there is nothing to touch. My hand meets his body , I see it but I can’t feel him.
    I notice my hand and arm then, it’s my hand , my arm but it is also transparent with the same glowing light radiating from it.

    Jayc sees me in my  black leather mini skirt, my leather tie front top, stockings and high heels. The way I was dressed on our first date.

    “ Are we ghosts?”  I ask him, in wonderment as my mind tries to understand and assess the situation.

    Stanley answers instead,  “ It’s your spirit, the essence of you, your very being. You see what you want to see,  you see Jayc as you think of him and he of you.  You can go where you want, you won’t be seen. You can travel to the moon if you want, by just thinking it. You can fly and do and be whatever you want.  Enjoy your night together, go places of your dreams. Experience this new plane, this out of body experience.  Not everyone is chosen, not everyone has this chance. “  He smiles at us both and then looks at Doris.  “ Besides we would like  time, private time to ourselves”

    Jayc grins in understanding at him,  “ Come on Stone, shall we try the flying out?”
    He takes my hand and looks up,  “ I always wanted to see the moon and North Star, to see what we look like from up there,  shall we?”

    I grin at him, liking this chance of a new experience “ For sure Batman”  I look at Doris & Stanley. “ Enjoy yourselves, I know we will. See you in a few hours”

    And with that we whoosh upwards , a bit wobbly at first. Holding Jayc’s hand I point out 3 space men  in Thruster Suits heading towards  The Nexus – “ Oh my God  J,  Its Ambassador Spock & Pafe & Satoire”  We wave but they can’t see us.

    And then, gaining confidence as we fly, we head out to the Moon and North Star……


    Sexi moans and twists her thighs in front of me, and wraps her legs around my head to pull me closer. I lick with pure passion and in a gush of fluids she is comming in my mouth. I try to suck it all in.

    In the corner of my eye i see tango nodding, he likes the turn the table, i give him a signal it's ok and when he turns i see Dutch moving to me with a big smile. I stand up to kiss and welcome her and when i do she immediately grabs my cock and moans, i'm more then wet enough, now i want some hard meat in me.

    I smile and as i feel her hands guide me into her soaking wet love cave. Moving my pelvis slowly i enter it and feel her warmth around me. Still kissing her and with my thumbs rubbing her pointy nipples, i start moving in and out. giving ourselfs over to the passion we have for eachother


    The smell of jasmine surrounds me, almost to a point where a purple haze fills the air.  I can make out faint images and hear slight laughter.  All of a sudden the jasmine is replaced by a repulsive smell… smelling salts?  My eyes open, snapping me out of my brief outage. 

    My eyes try to focus on the things moving around me.  The bright light seems to burn my retinas. 

    “He's waking up!” I hear from a familiar voice.  “Kill the lights for a minute” the voice says.  The lights dim, and my eyes can refocus.  Brandy is hovering above me.  “Are you ok JD?” she asks. 

    “Wha..what happened” I murmur. 

    “From the looks of it, well.. you passed out” Brandy quips.  “From the yard of ale to the dentist chair, it looks like you had a bit much.”  “Did you eat anything before the yard of ale?” she questioned.   

    “No, I certainly didn't.”  I replied, trying to shake the buzzing from my head.    “How long was I out for?” I chuckled as I asked her.   

    “A few hours” she said as she helped me to my feet.  “We moved you back here to the pool room so the alcohol could wear off.” 

    “It seems like I've been out for days” I joke as I steady myself in my boots.  Sexilicous hands me some coffee.  “Welcome back to the land of the conscience!” she says.  “Thanks for taking care of me while I was out, ladies.  Although I am quite surprised I am not undressed any more than I am”. 

    I glance at them both and they both wink at each other and walk out. 


    I'll try to focus on my memories but i can't remember nothing. I try to stand up and look at my reflex in a near mirror …. what i see it's me and there is nothing strange in my image except the make up i had use for my costume.

    I lay an hand on the mirror looking closely at my reflex again: everything looks fine but i have the impression somthing is missing in my costume.

    “I really need a clawed arm …. and those clothes ….” i think staring at what i'm wearing.

    “I can help you …. but you have to listen me ….”

    “why not ….”

    Following the instruction of that voice, i reach the changing room and enter it. Here, i find a bag on one of the chair and open it: insiide it, i can see all i was aiming for just a minute ago in front of the mirror. Faster as i can i undress and change all my clothes, even the accessory i'm wearing to complete the demon costume: in few minutes i'm ready and i leave the changing room, stopping again in front of the same mirror.

    What i see surprise me with pleasure: a long black dress cover my body leaving free my arms, a metal black corset with red decorations tightening it around my waist and, naturally, biggest horns and wings completed it. A slit on the left side reveal my leg when i turn around to admire it on the back: the dress it's opened from my shoulders to my bum, lightly exposing a part of it even if it's partially covered by a tail. On my left arm, a sort of organic glove cover it till my hand, forming a three claws ones. Last things are some jewels similar to the corset, just to complete the whole costume.

    “Really nice ….” i say to my self staring at the mirror.

    “We are ….” the voice answer.

    “WE” …. yes, now i know …. that voice came from deepest inside me …. it's my lust, my irrational side i usually tend to stop. But tonight it's different, it's Halloween, the night where ghosts and witches are free to walk in the human world, so why i have to stop it!?

    “Time to have some fun …. mmmmhmm!”

    I'll take a glass of red wine from the counter and walk between the table looking around in search of someone i can join. Sipping slowly the wine, i notice a little group around a table: i recognized three of them, Sexi, Mrsexlover and Tango. I approach their table and watch at them for a little, then when they exchanges partners, i move close to Tango and spank his ass.
    When he turn his face to me, i gaze at him like i want eat him.

    I'll gonna wait for a more interessing dance, Tango, i had notice how you was staring at my tail …. don't keep me waiting so long!

    I lean on a table next to their continuing to observe Tango and Eve, sipping my wine and waiting ….


    At the table of fun I lean on it with both hands one ether side of Eva. Looking into her big Blue eyes I study her smooth body  lift a hand and run it down the side of her body Its warm to the touch and she pushes herself onto my hand. As my hand moves over her smoothness I feel a slap on my ass I brake my gaze at Eva and turn to find a stunning looking lady taking a second look HB wow is that you looking her up and down dressed in a stunning Black dress with a long slit down one side showing her leg as she stands there.looking back up over her body the Black metal corset shows her  small waist the wings on her back and the horns on her head finish the out fit.

    “I'll gonna wait for a more interessing dance, Tango, i had notice how you was staring at my tail …. don't keep me waiting so long!”

    She whispers in my ear. She moves back and sips her wine moving around me I get to see the back or lack of a back to the dress and she still has her tail seeing it I smile. She leans on the table next to us and watches what is going on.

    Looking back into Eva's eye I can't help it but i have to Look back to HB and the look of want in her dark eyes fills my body with same thing I hadn't felt in a long time. Leaning down I take one of my hands off the table. Bending down I kiss and lick my way down Eva's smooth body, but my eyes are drown back to HB . With my free hand I take my cock in my hand its still nice and hard watching the way HB's lips on the glass as she sips her wine. I bite my lip wishing they where on mine.

    I feel the LUST build deep in me I put my hand on her leg and start to slide it up higher the soft skin of her leg make me want more. I can't take it anymore…………. I stand “sorry Eva” I say 

    In one swift move I take HB's glass from her lips and put it on the table. Sliding my hand down her back I pull her to me feeling the fire in her. I move my lips to hers and we kiss, a kiss fall of lust and passion are tongue's fight each other as the passion flows between us. My hand goes lower and slide inside her dress grabbing that soft sweet ass I pull it hard towards me pressing her body hard against mine as we kiss deeper.

    I break the kiss and whisper in HB's ear “I'm up for any sort of dance you want”


    Stanley  &  Doris look at each other and they smile.  They don’t see the Halloween costumes this night. They see each other in their ballroom attire, handsome, beautiful & elegant.
    Now alone, Stanley’s attention is on Doris. He takes hold of both hands and they both watch in wonder.  Stanley  entwines his fingers around hers and runs his thumbs over her hands.

    “I feel you”, Doris whispers  awestruck.
    “ Me too” Stanley murmurs , mesmerised by the hypnotic circling of his thumb on her soft hands . He turns them over and circles his thumb on her inner wrist. 
    He looks into her eyes and steps in closer, lowers  his head and kisses her gently at first. He enjoys the feel of their lips as they meet and then , as he feels Doris respond to his advances, he deepens their kiss, his tongue softly invading her mouth. He holds her head and  explores and enjoys her, encouraged by her soft whimpering.

    As he finishes the kiss,  She looks at him and then  up at the moon and sparkling stars, just perfect  “ Did you turn those on for us too?”
    He smiles, “ Of course, Did you think I’d forget?” and pulls her over to the fire. They half lie on the blanket as he opens the champagne  to fill the glass flutes and a punnett of strawberries. He places a strawberry on the edge of each glass.
    He raises his glass to hers  “  To my beautiful wife”
    Doris smiles, “ To my handsome husband”

    They drink for awhile, enjoying the fruit and heat of the fire, enjoying the luxury they had missed for a 100 years. Every now and then they touch each other,  giggling, remembering  new senses, not quite believing their luck this Halloween night.

    “ Stand up for me” Stanley asks her, “ Let me look at you” Doris does as he asks, giving him a slow turn,  glowing in the firelight.
    “ You look exquisite” He remarks, looking at her from head to foot.  He stands and joins her, holding her close. He caresses her back and slowly undresses her.  He unzips her dress and tugs it gently off her shoulders. He rains tender kisses on her  bared skin. Doris moans in response revelling in his gentle lovemaking.

    He tugs more and the dress, falls to her feet, then he slowly  unhooks & pulls her bra away, her panties and stockings, removing each shoe. Soon all she is wearing is her smile.

    He stands her by the fire, stepping back, and takes his fill of her.  The flames from the fire pit casts sensuous  flickering shadows on her nudity. Doris has a beautiful slim figure, ample round breasts with rosebud nipples. She has dark brown hair, that falls just passed  her shoulders . She has round full hips and the dark pubic hair frames the promise of what’s beneath

    “ You look exquisite” He repeats.  “ Stay there so I can see you, while I undress” 

    He slowly undresses under Doris’s watchful eyes.
    He is soon naked and her breath catches at the sight of him and his big, throbbing erection.
    He reaches out for her hand and she walks to him, slipping her hand in his. They stand in the middle of the picnic rug and kiss again, their naked bodies pressing into each other.

    They slowly sink to the rug and pillows and Doris lays on her back as Stanley explores and ignites her inferno. He strokes her breasts, her belly, reaching down to the apex of his thighs. She in turn caresses  his neck, his shoulders and back. All throughout he kisses her mouth and suckles her breasts enjoying her body as she enjoys his.  He moves down and intimately kisses her pussy, lapping her & drawing out her wetness.  He ensures, she is wet and willing, stroking her breasts and finger fucking her. Doris groans and bucks onto his fingers.

    Satisfied she is ready, Stanley rises and hovers his upper body over hers, prodding her opening with the tip of his cock. They look  deeply into each other’s eyes and Doris smiles her encouragement.

    He enters her with a low growl and she accepts him moaning his name. He stills feeling her tightness holding him. Both enjoy this special moment of their union. Then Stanley can hold back no longer, the temptation too great. Doris moans again in pure pleasure as he starts a slow rhythmic mating dance which soon builds to a lusty fuck mode.

    In his excitement he rams into her deeply and greedily. Fast, hard, and meaningful.  Nature taking over, both losing themselves in the pleasure. Doris’s breasts brushing his chest, tantalising him. Both breathe heavy in each other’s ears.

    And then the pleasure reaches it’s crescendo and they both dive into the abyss of sexual  wonderment. Their orgasms rack their bodies simultaneously and they both cry out their names in the stillness of the night.

    Stanley collapses, from the sated  bliss, on top of his wife as she relishes his weight and her own fulfilment . They hold each other till their breathing and heart rate return to normal.

    Doris whispers in his ear,  “ I love you Mr Grill, you are still amazing”
    He smiles back , “ I love you Mrs Grill .. and so are you..  and… this is just the start “  They both chuckle. 
    “ I think this possession is going to be very very successful” Doris ponders cheekily.


    Some time  later, I stir finding myself entwined with Jayc lying beside me. My body feels sated with a happy buzz in my blood. I stroke Jayc’s face and he opens his eyes. 
    “Hi baby”, he murmurs.
    “ Hi Baby” I repeat.

    We lie back looking up into the morning sky and stretch lazily before sitting up. Beside us on the pillows are two white roses.  Doris & Stanley’s thanks for their 100 year night.

    “ Do you think we will see them again?” I whisper to Jayc

    “ Who knows, but I’d sure like to visit that North Star again” He replies.




    Stone wakens me as we find our selves on the roof in the early dawn,  the night before like a distant dream.”Brrrrrrrrrr im chilly” stone nuzzles into me, pulling my pants on “lets go down to office a get a few more hours of sleep baby”Stome wraps a blanket around her self as we gather our belongings and head down the stairs. the bar dark, empty and quiet. hand in hand i lead her to the office i quietly open the door and have a peak, “we in luck baby nobodys in the sleeper sofa. i turn on the lights and propped up next to my desk is a painting………”omg stone look!

    Stones eyes widen  “its  Stanley and Doris”

    Happy Halloween everybody

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