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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
November 9, 2012 at 3:41 pm #66964
Stepping away from the table and the delicious sexilicious. “I need to make a quick announcement.” I say to her. I'll be right back.
I get on the stage and tap the microphone. “Is this thing on?”
“I have an announcement for those that care. I received an e-mail from Pafe. Her and Satoire are both okay, but Pafe suffered some damage to her house. She lost some siding and some roof shingles. Also the gazebo in the backyard had some damage (a tree fell on it)
They are currently living with Pafe's son in western New Jersey. Pafe's boyfriend works in the construction field and has already begun making repairs to her house.
The power is still out in her area, and according to the reports, the power should be restored by the end of this weekend.
I told her everyone here in the Forum wishes the best for her and we hope to see her posting again soon. I hope I didn't wreck anyone's mood.”
I get off the stage and go back to the table. “Does this thing spin like a merry-go-round? If it does, we could make a game out of this. Ever hear of spin the bottle? How about a game of spin the sexilicious?”
November 9, 2012 at 3:54 pm #66965OOT:
thanks for the wonderful news, Covems! Nothing warm the heart in cold days then knowing our friends are safe!
November 9, 2012 at 3:56 pm #66966OOT:
Great news thanks for postingNovember 9, 2012 at 4:43 pm #66967I finish off my tea, and place the empty cup on the bar , cheering with the other party goers at the good news about Pafe & Satoire delivered by Covems. It surely warms all our hearts that they are safe & sound.
Then my attention is suddenly drawn to a guy jumping out in a lime green mankini .. last time I saw one like that was in the lost property box at the back of the stage , no .. it couldn't possibly be the same one
I look at the body that the mankini is displayed in … not bad, not bad at all … then the false black nylon curly wig and matching lime green head band ..
Giggles erupt from those who can bare to tear their eyes away from the rotating pleasure table.. at the poor guys obvious mistake of mixing up the halloween party from the Kasakhstani Swingers Party.
He blushes and quickly hides his attire by his black leather ” Flasher ” mack and sits at the bar … I smile as he gets served a drink by Old Joe. The guy turns to face me and our eyes meet. I see his face fully for the first time …
” Oh my God – it's my date …. Jay9.!!!! ” I burst out laughing, showing my pearly white vampire teeth. He grins back too, raising his eye brows and cocking his head to one side.
A man has to have a certain kind of confidence to wear that kind of attire in public and strangely, I find that very alluring.
I move towards him swaying my hips seductively in my long vampire leather coat. Open at the front, showing my tight fitting high legged costume covering my ample bosom and curves. My buckled knee high boots clip the floor as I approach him.
Old Joe places a glass of champayne, with a strawberry perched on the rim, at my fingertips as I stand in front of Jay9. I smile my thanks and then turn to Jay9 ” I'm glad your here”
I slowly take the strawberry off the glass and let my tongue , slowly and provocatively caress it's juicy flesh. All the time maintaining eye contact with him. His eyes watch my tongue stroke the small fruit, flicking and sucking its succulent juice, before gently popping it into my mouth.
He mirrors me licking my lips and my tongue slowly protruding to lap up the remnant juice. I bite my lower lip looking at him. He is mesmerized by my mouth action. I wait a moment but he is lost in his thoughts ..
” Hey, ” I murmur, ” Do you want to dance?”
Still looking at my lips, he rises from the bar stool and takes my hand. Then , he leads the way, to the floor, not saying a word.
When we reach a suitable position on the floor, he pulls me close into his arms. Our long coats fall around our outline. Our near naked bodies pressed close and so the dance begins …..November 9, 2012 at 6:33 pm #66968Looking down on my prey she smiles up at me when she hears my words
“I'm not finished with you yet”
Slowly I pull my hard shaft back out from her tightness holding her legs up on her body still I look down just a my cock leaves her body her Little star is not so little anymore. Her Star stayed open as my hot cum started to run out of it. Quickly I drop down and suck my cum out of her gaping ass sucking as much as I could get out of her ass in to my mouth.
Still holding her legs up by her shoulder I lean back over my prey I slide my cock back into her and rock my hips back and forth her mouth opens as she takes a breath as i enter her again. Placing my mouth just over hers and let my cum dribble out of my mouth in one long stream and letting it drop into her open mouth.
November 9, 2012 at 6:44 pm #66969Thanks Covems
That great news they are both Ok
November 9, 2012 at 7:46 pm #66970Thom let out a soft moan, and I took him into my mouth. I sucked gently at first, licking up and down the shaft getting it thoroughly wet. Then more forcefully. His breathing became heavier, and I reached back into his pants and fished out his balls. I continued to stroke with one hand as I sucked, and fondled his balls with the other. He moaned ever so slightly as I wrapped a finger of each hand around the belt-loops at his hips and with one quick thrust pulled his pants down giving me full access to that beautiful cock. It glistened from the sucking I had already given it. Again I took his member into my wet mouth but deeper this time. I pulled his rod deep into my throat and held it there for a moment just taking in the sheer pleasure of having Thom’s cock buried between my lips. As I held it there my mouth was filling up with wetness. My saliva was running down the shaft and onto the balls I was still playing with his balls causing him to moan even louder.
I had almost the whole length of his cock in my throat. I started sucking even faster now. I bobbed up and down on that amazing prick sucking my heart out. I could hear him moaning louder and breathing heavy and this only turned me on more.
I redoubled my efforts and began sucking with raw abandon. I was going to give him the best damn head of his life. I was like an animal. I forgot about everything else except sucking the throbbing prick in front of me. Rapidly I raised and lowered my head on the meat in front of me. I'm not talking about nice and neat either, I'm talking sloppy, dripping saliva everywhere, down his shaft, all over his balls, my hands, my face. I became animal controlled only by lust. A sex-crazed slut put on this earth to do two things alone, suck cock and drink cum.
I stopped only for a moment to look up at Thom, saliva drooling from my mouth and connecting me to his cock with thin strings of wetness. I could tell that seeing me this wild, this completely lost in lust was driving him over the edge. I took his sopping cock back into my mouth and went in for the kill. The taste of precum was driving me insane. I could feel his cock getting larger. It pulsed with blood and raw power. His legs started to tense up and his cock began to buck wildly. There was no stopping it now. I sucked him in deeper again and again until I thought my jaw would fall off. With so much saliva coming from my mouth my actions were making loud slurping noises which only made us both more excited.
My mouth wasn't the only thing dripping, my juices were flowing incredibly. The harder I sucked the wetter I got. Any control I had before we started was gone long ago. I moaned loudly; a moan from deep inside my slutty soul, moaning like a wild animal in heat.
I had found a primitive rhythm and I just sucked and slurped away. “Oh, god.” Was all I heard before it happened. With one final intense thrust he exploded into my sloppy mouth. The first burst came so fast I didn't even think I just swallowed but it kept coming and I swallowed as much of the sweet cum as I could. Only a little escaped, dribbling down his shaft and the corners of my mouth. I continued to gently suck and lick his prick clean until he lost his hardon. Then I looked up at him again and smiled licking the cum from the corners of my mouth and swallowing it.
“I need a chaser for that shot.” I said as I rose up and straightened my costume somewhat, not caring if anyone was watching or not. I made my way to the bar and ordered yet another Black Jack.
November 10, 2012 at 1:18 am #66971Seems my embarassing entrance has won over a fan
As Brandy approaches me, her laughter sets me at ease.
Very quickly my entrance is forgotten as i find myself mesmerised by her seductive play – teasingly playing with that luscious strawberry…. those lips, that tongue. Not sure how long i was staring at her, when i hear her voice … what's that … dance, sure. I take Brandy's hand and lead her out to the dance floor.
We reach the far side and i stop, turn and pull her in close to me. Both of our long coats falling open, as I slide my hands in under her coat, firmly placed on her back, i pull her body in closer to me, as we begin to slowly move to the music. My firm hands now slowly roaming all over her back, feeling every inch of her body, running over that sexy sheer outfit.
Our bodies brushing more firmly against each other now, as I can feel the heat of her body against my bare skin. Her full breasts pressed into my bare chest, rubbing as we slowly rock to the music. Gazing deep into her eyes, as i slowly lean in closer, our faces now barely an inch apart, as we teasingly hold position. My eyes switching between those soft, full lips and back up to her eyes, that are fixed on mine. She pouts seductively … doing everything in my power to resist kissing her at the moment …. as she slowly licks her lips, collecting the last traces of strawberry flesh from them.
Our warm breath felt on each other, as i more firmly pull her body forward against mine. My hands wandering all over her body, up and down her back and venturing down to her ass, as i caress her. Can noticeably feel her nipples pressing into my chest now through her sheer fabric, as i push my hips forward into hers, unable to hide my growing excitement in such a barely-there mankini.
Our hips grinding against each other now as our nearly naked bodies enjoy the touch of each other. Licking my lips, i ever so slowly lean in towards her, even closer. Our lips practically touching as the expectation of that first kiss almost becomes too much to bear any longer ……
November 10, 2012 at 3:20 pm #66972AnonymousI've driven around the block four times looking for a place to park! And that's in addition to the three other trips around, deciding if I really need to put myself through the drinking and sleep deprivation I suffered at my last hang-out!
The problem is that these places are highly addictive… you get used to seeing familiar faces and hearing familiar stories.. and it becomes almost more important than getting home at a decent hour. Or, in some cases, even getting home at all!!
I get out of my car, throw my coat and tie in the back seat and walk toward the door. Just before I open it, I realize I didn't lock the car, so I start to turn around. Wait.. screw it! If somebody wants the stuff, at least they won't break my window.. and all they get is stuff I don't really care about anyway. So, let's get this over with.. I know only too well what's about to happen. It always does.
I look around briefly as I enter, then walk to the bar with two things on my mind.. a cold pint, and a nice Jameson served the only way it should be.. neat.
November 10, 2012 at 5:30 pm #66973welcome to the Bar & Grill luke
The first Jameson's in on the house and the second is on me look around and hope you like it and have so fun
November 10, 2012 at 5:43 pm #66974Welcome Luke… nice to see new faces. Just jump in, the water's fine. Here's the advice I was given: Don't be afraid to post, remember, we're all here to have fun.
To all: “Is the Halloween Party over? Should I change from my costume?”
November 11, 2012 at 11:48 pm #66975Smiles up at Covems as he goes to make his announcement. With the loss of his tongue and mouth, my pussy feels quite empty and so wet still. However, I leave my legs spread wide open knowing he would be back very soon, so anyone who glances over gets a perfect shot at the delectable pussy dessert.
Listening to Covems announcement, I clap hearing that Pafe and Satoire are ok. Yelling loud, “WOOHOO soon they will be back. Covems only wrecking you would do is not returning to your dessert.” Giggles and winks at him.
Smiling as he returns to the table, I smile even bigger at his questions. “Well, wouldn't we need more guys to fill the empty spots around the table to play 'spin the sexilicious.' Otherwise might end up with no1 there when it stops, but if you are game for it, I am too.”
November 12, 2012 at 4:12 am #66976Hey Mollie, maybe you can change to your birthday costume and join us at the table of fun
, there is room for more girls before we start to play spin the girls. and as Sexi said also for some boys
November 12, 2012 at 11:12 am #66977I greedy swallow Tango's cum till the last drop and i really enjoy that barely salty taste!
But what i like more is to feel his hard rod again inside me…..his cum help him to get deeper in me more easily and i can feel his balls hitting my ass. The way Tango is penetreting me is wild, almost rude, but he is driving me crazy and my body react in the same why: wild shiver of lust run long my spine reaching every cell of my body and making it twist for the great pleasure tango is giving me!
“Oooohh…mooooore! MOOOORE!”
Is all i'm able to yell while i try to move my self to lay on my left flank and lifting my right leg over Tango's shoulder, trying to offer him a better way to push his rod more vigorously….and he do it! Tango had turn completely into a beast hungry for sex and he want me! And i want him…..i like the way he had gain the control of me, the strong pleasure he is giving to me……
Tango's movement are getting faster and i can hear a sort of grunt coming out of his mouth…..and more his movements get faster and stronger, more his grunt get loud! I can't explain it to my self, but his grunt is rising my excitiment and i can't wait to have his load inside me again!
November 12, 2012 at 11:40 am #66978“mrsexlover, I like that idea.” I say as I pull the straps from my shoulders and walk towards Thom, taking him by the hand and and guiding him to the table. “Luke. Don't be shy, we're going to need more lips and tongues.”
I push my costume down and step out of it, my hands move naturally to my breasts and give them a quick rub, then they move down between my legs, pressing slighlty. I'm leaving my stockings, heels and half-gloves on.
I notice out of the corner of my eye some movement and a speedy dwarf runs through and snatches up my costume and quickly disappears at the end of the bar. “Wow, they can be fast when they want to be.”
I hop on to the table across from sexilicious, lay back and get myself comfortable. “I hope you don't mind if I join the fun.” I say to her… “but, I should warn you, I'm a moaner and a screamer.”
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