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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
January 7, 2013 at 9:34 pm #67150
welcome to the AB&G Claire
and quick hey to everyone out there just popping around to check forum out
January 8, 2013 at 7:15 am #67151The party winding down I notice Joe and Momma Andrea and Covems sizing up the mess that is our bar. I approach the group and say “let it slide, nothing we can’t take care of tomorrow, lets all head outside and have us a big bonfire to end the year” Covems smiles and props his broom in the corner and summons the dwarves to build a big fire. The rest of the staff springs into action. Joe and Momma load up a cart of lagers and stronger drink. Stone heads to the kitchen and makes Turkey sandwiches. I begin picking up loose wrapping paper lying all over the floor from all the presents.
Nearing Santa’s throne Bear gives me a curious look, “were building a bonfire to greet the dawn and new year” Bear smiles “cold out there better put on a sweater” i smile back “I will if you will “ I lay down the challenge. Our conversation is interrupted by a loud WHUMP and the chatter of the dwarves outside. Bear and myself bolt out to the deck to see the fire blazing and a singed but safe Grumpy. “too much kerosene” Doc says as we step outdoors “your beard is a little burned but it will grow out” as he concludes his first aid on grumpy. “so much for paper and kindling” I shrug.
I step back inside the bar and walk over to the big table, Brandy is chatting with Pafe and Satorire, no doubt about their recent space adventure with Commodore Spock. Leaning in “ladies were going to have a bonfire, why not join us” I see HB, JD, Tango and Jane already walking towards the door with Mr.sexlover and All For You and Sexilicous filing in behind them. Outside Lover his handing out beers and setting up some folding chairs. I head to the office to don my ugly sweater and grab a camera to get some photos. Walking back out the bar is deserted, looks like everyone is in the mood for a roaring fire. I hold the door for Stone and Ssgt and Jenanona who were helping out making the tray of sandwiches.
“hold the door” Thundersax and Mercer join the milling crowd of people all in good spirits. “ok time for a group photo” I yell getting everyone’s attention after some groans and mild protesting we manage to get in a group with the dwarves in front. I set the camera on timer and run to Stones side before the flash. “alright people a big smile!”
Thundersax breaks out his sax and begins to play a soulful version of “Silent Night” I can hear Stone beginning to sing soon joined by Brandy then all the guests join in. looking around I smile warm from the blazing fire and even warmer by the fine companyJanuary 8, 2013 at 2:31 pm #67152As we're all are standing together, singing silent night joined by thunder's sax I feel goose pimples all over. I look around and see all my friends, some are still sad because of Tight, that's ok. Some are meditative, thinking about the last and the new year – what will be? In some faces I can read confidence.
I smile. I'm looking back to a great year. It was a great year because I wanted it and I was determined to make it a great year. I did it my way. But I also know this all would not have been possible without all this wonderful people here. Everyone is crazy, but everyone is also caring and unique in his own special way. It seems I'm sending out a “Thank you” to everyone when I look at them. I'm proud to be part of this group.“Pafe” I whisper, as she is standing right beside me “remember Star Trek. There was one vision, to boldly go where no man has gone before. But there also was a great massage. Peace and love is possible, even between completely different people and nations. We are living this message here. I'm so proud of it.” Saltwater melts in my eye… I'm not sad, it's a tear of love. Pafe smiles says “It's always wonderful to discover new worlds. But it's more wonderful to discover lovely people and share precious moments.” We hug…
I have prepared a last long speech. But I know this is not the time to talk. A good song is like a good pic. It says more then 1000 words can do. And I have the perfect song for this moment. Just as I want to start I notice Claire standing bit outside. “Claire, you are one of us. Join this circle!” And I'm happy to see she does – a bit faltering but then she is with us.
“I want that everyone now takes his neighbour's hand and let's sing together. Watch the bonfire, look around and feel all the love and connection between us. Let's swear to make this year another great year – for everyone. We're friends, some are lovers and we are one big family. No one is alone – never. We are one!”
I start to sing the first lyrics
When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,
Of course everyone knows this song and starts to sing loud too
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm,
There's a golden sky,
And a sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown…Walk On! Walk On! With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone…You'll never walk alone
Walk On! Walk On! With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone…You'll never walk alone. (Gerry live in Celtic) (Celtic – Barcelona, just the stadium)January 8, 2013 at 2:55 pm #67153Walking out into the cold of the fresh air and feeling the warmth of the fire on my face.
I put my arms around Jane and HB Happy New Year you to and kiss them both on the cheek. Holding them both close they both kiss me back on my cheeks.
Thinking to myself “this is going to be a great year”Jayc calls us all together for a group photo groans come from us all be we all huddle up with the dwarves in front. Jayc sets the camera and moves in next to Stone.
The sound of a deep soulful sax fills the air and then the clear crisp sound of Stones voice. Then Brandy joins her more of the crowd join in and the sound of Silent Night fills the air.
Seeing all the smiles in the crowd as the song rings out.
I kiss Jane and HB again and squeeze them bath
As Silent Night ends Lover asks as all to stand in a circle and join hands and he starts to sing
AND we all join in with the fire burning in the center of the circle I look around it and It makes me proud to be in such great company that i can call my friends.
January 8, 2013 at 3:51 pm #67154The song is winding down, and I can't but help wondering if we're going to sing “Kumbaya” next. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of giggling… and looking towards the wrestling area, I can see the dwarfs have huddled up. Then they go marching by and into the bar.
We all pose for some photos and everyone looks as a rumbling sound is coming from the bar and getting louder. Soon we see the great “Santa Chair” rolling around the corner being pushed by 5 of the dwarfs. Doc and Sneezy are in front of the chair guiding it into place before the camera.
They motion for “Santa” to sit in his chair and Bear does, with everyone gathered around him. A photo is taken. Everyone is smiling and happy, even though our hearts are a little heavier with the departure of our friend Tightfit. Everyone greets Clair and welcomes her into the crazy goings on in the AChat Bar & Grill.
I spot Grumpy and Dopey chatting with Miss Stone, nodding their heads. “Okay.” Grumpy says. “Miss Stone would like a picture of her and Jayc in the chair. Happy and Dopey, you two stand in the front since you have your elf suits on. The rest of you dwarfs gather around the chair.
Jayc sits in the chair and Miss Stone sit on his lap. The dwarfs all pose and the picture is taken.
“Now!” Grumpy yells. Stone jumps off of Jayc's lap and the dwarfs pounce, in once quick, well coordinated move Happy and Dopey each secure one of Jayc's legs to each front leg of the chair with a strap that was hidden behind the leg. Doc secures Jayc's left arm to the arm of the chair, utilizing another hidden strap. Sneezy straps down Jayc's other arm to the chair. Grumpy and Sleepy wrap the torso strap around Jayc's body, effectively immobilizing him into the chair.
Stone laughs a sort of manicial laugh while Jayc starts to utter words of protest. Dopey jumps up and stands on Jayc's lap and takes Jayc's face in his hands, plants a big, cartoon kiss on his lips. “Smmmack!” I wince at the kiss. Next Dopey stuffs a piece of cloth into Jayc's mouth and Grumpy slides a sack over his head.
The dwarfs gather around the chair and unlock the wheels. “We're ready to take him to your place in the Ice House, Miss Stone.” Doc says as they start to move the chair.
“Take him away.” Stone says with a wave of her hand.
I’m standing next to Pafe and she turns and says to me, “What do you think she's going to do to him?” As the chair and it's prisoner goes rolling by.
“From the looks of it Pafe,” I answer. “Anything she wants to.”
The dwarfs and the chair go around the corner into the pool room and through the secret door… a song starts up.
“Heigh ho, heigh ho… it's to the dungeon we go… We'll take him there and strip him bare, heigh ho, heigh ho…”
January 8, 2013 at 6:06 pm #67155Sitting on the chair with my Stone on my lap and the dwarves gathered around I smile as the camera flashes…………suddenly im “bush Wacked” by the maniacal band. I struggle to no avail, these little guys are a lot stronger than they look. Dopey hops on my lap…..”hey! watch the sweater!” I cry out before he plants a wet sloppy kiss. My arms secured I give up the struggle as a bag is placed over my head. As they wheel me into the bar I learn of my destination by the song Covem’s boys are singing.
Blinded and bound I accept my fate and muse the reason. I have been waiting for this payback since the early days of the Bar………the 5 charms incident when I abetted Bear in his revenge of his captors. The one night I let my guard down she strikes.
Well played Miss Stone………well played
January 8, 2013 at 9:45 pm #67156Enjoying the atmosphere I think to myself what a fantastic place this is and to think I stumbled upon it completely by chance. Plus the fact you'll never alone is one of my favourite songs of all times and never fails to bring a lump to my throat.
January 8, 2013 at 11:56 pm #67157Standing next to Brandy in the circle i take her hand and squeeze it TIGHT she turns and Smiles at me.
As we start to sing My mind turns to the image of My King Walking Alone into the night and the tiers start to flow down my cheeks and my voice breaks as i start to sod as i try to keep singing.
Looking around the circle throw tier fill did eyes I see mrsexlover with tangoJane on one side and sexiliciouse on the other side.
Letting go of Brandybee's hand I move quickly over to my great friend and throw my arms around his neck and cry uncontrolably on his shoulder.Feeling his arms around me I snuggle into him and just keep crying.
January 9, 2013 at 4:52 am #67158As we stand around and sing is see my great friend All_for_you moving over to me tears in her eyes no that her King has left. I Hold her in my arms as she starts crying more. I pamper her in my arms giving her the comfort she was looking for.
As the singing stops i take her face in my hands and give her a sweet kiss on her cheek. Come darling lets leave this place, i'll bring you home so you can rest. I move her in my arms to the parking place and onto the passengers seat. As i move in on the driversside, her head i back on my shoulder, crying but i don't mind.
We leave the parking place and i drive to her place. On the way over i start to notice she has been crying herself to sleep on my shoulder. She must be exhausted from all the emotions she had to go thru today. At her place i stop and take her head of my shoulder, she keeps sleeping so i walk around and search in her bag for her keys. When i found them i lift her up and carry her in.
Laying her on the bed, she keeps sleeping, so i take her dress off, noticing she is not wearing a bra , so i lay her just in her panties back in the baed and pull the blankets over her.
I can't leave her alone like that, not after tonight, so i go and sit on the chair in the bedroom and watch over her while she sleeps. After some time my eyes get heavy and i fall to sleep in the chair
January 9, 2013 at 7:30 pm #67159Waking up in the warmth of my bed under my blankets.
Wondering how I got here and who undressed me, my eyes focus and i look around my bedroom and see my sweet spouse asleep in the chair.
Sliding out from under my blanket I pull it of the bed and walk over to mrsexlover and gently lay my warm blanket over my sweet kind man.His eyes open as I tuck the blanket in around him I smile down at him “Thank you my love for bringing me home now lets make you more cumffy”
Pulling the blanket back of him I take his hand pulling him up and over to my warm bed. Setting him down i undo his shirt and take it off and then undo his pants taking the off over his feet. I gently lay him back just in his boxer short. I lay down behind him spooning up tight to him I pull the blankets back over us and snuggle into him kissing the back of his neck we full back to sleep
January 11, 2013 at 12:17 am #67160The lights in the bar slowly grows darker making the atmosphere feel more shady, especially the stage.
I step up onto the middle of the stage and can't be seen in the darkness, someone was very quick in fitting a stripper pole to the stage in the darkness and I assume an initial pose against it.
The song Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls starts booming out of the speakers, a spotlight turns on behind the stage only making the audience see my silhouette and I start to dance around the pole to the music.
Slowly, smoothly and suggestively I dance around it, making a few twirls around the pole that shows of my silhouette nicely.
Then the light changes to a spotlight in front of me so that they can see me as I dance around the pole and the looks full of suggestive promises I throw the audience.
They can now see that I'm wearing a pair of really high black stripper heels with a transparent platform and heel. The dress I'm wearing looks as if it can barely hold together the small pieces of cloth in the back and front, it's barely covering my body and almost leaving nothing on the sides. I've got a dramatic make up on, my hair is falling nicely in long blond curls and I've got glittering accessories around my wrists, ankles, neck and fingers.
I lick my lips as I slide down the pole with it between my breasts and thighs, all the way down to the floor, turn around and then ooooh's silently as it brushes between my buttocks when I rise up against it.
January 11, 2013 at 3:32 am #67161I walk into the bar, back from the fire, feeling melancholy. The singing outside round the fire was very moving and All_For _ you's tender display had bought a lump to my throat. Looking around at my friends here and the atmosphere was very special this night and then, the dwarfs springing the surprise of Jayc's kidnap for Stone lightened my mood.
I smiled to myself as I saw her throw a triumphant clenched fist in Covems direction, then she follows the Santa Throne, and the dwarfs in their fine regalia singing merrily. Looks like Jayc's come uppance has come to fruition.
I reach the bar and clink bottles of Bud with Old Joe. I turn round when I hear the music burst into life. The lights are mellowed by the stage and then flood lights cleverly positioned to show the beautiful silhouette of a lone dancer on the stage at a pole. Her form is beautiful and elegant and then she moves gracefully and very sexily to the music .
The bar begins to fill to watch the exotic dancer strut her stuff and I position myself on a stool to watch. I am going to enjoy this unexpected surprise & by the look on Old Joe's face, so is he
January 13, 2013 at 3:43 am #67162I let go of the stripper pole and slowly walk towards the edge of the stage with a sway to my hips while letting my hands slowly and sensuously slide over my body.
I slowly sit down on the edge in a sinuous move and then jumps down onto the bar floor where I start to walk around in the audience giving the men challenging looks. As I pass between the tables I let my hands touch men on their shoulders or necks… though not without feeling a hand or two on my butt.
I spot Lover and decide to pay him a visit, I lock my eyes with his and walk towards him sensuously to the music. Coming up to him I slowly circle around him while letting my hand slide over his body, then stopping on his side I throw a leg over his lap, puts my arms on his shoulders, smiles at him and dances to the music by rolling my hips and twisting my body to the music.
Then, moving back a bit I turn around so my backs to him and continues to let my body shift to the music, letting my butt brush against him a slightly. Leaning back against him I lay my head on his shoulder as I arch my body.
I feel a hand of his on my leg so I rise up, turns around, wags a finger at him… though my eyes are glimmering of excitement and I have a smile on my lips.
January 13, 2013 at 10:15 pm #67163Just a quick hey to all my friends on here. Miss ya bunches.
January 15, 2013 at 11:19 pm #67164Sad news today :'(
no i'm not leaving or anything like that. My much beloved giraffe from work is no longer with us.
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