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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
February 13, 2013 at 12:28 pm #67217
Yay! I'm just in time for cake. I go up to Tango and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Happy Birthday, Captain.” I say to him, then I plant a sloppy wet kiss on his lips.
I reach out and caress HB's face. “Satoire couldn't be here tonight, but she sends her love to all.” I say to everyone.
The music is quite loud and I go around and greet everyone with hugs and kisses. I order up a Tanqueray and tonic. “Shhhh…”, I say, putting my finger up to my lips, “don't tell Satoire.” And I take sip. “She's had problems with alcohol. I don't drink in front of her, so this is a rare occasion to take a nip.”
There are new faces here, and I'm happy to see that. The place is decorated with a racing theme, and there are some Valentine decorations. Everyone seems happy and in a partying mood… the place is fun! I'm going to have to come here more often.
“I'd like to propose a toast.” I announce and raise my glass. “To the Birthday Boy… may trouble never find its way to your door… and may happiness and blessings greet you on your doorstep each day.”
“And to the rest of you… Thank you for being a part of my life.”
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeFebruary 13, 2013 at 1:07 pm #67218AnonymousChin Chin to Pafe's toast, nice to see her of watching tower duty and dropping by here
Slightly bowing to the royal couple of the day, and nodding congratulations to the birthday boy
As I get a piece of the richly creamed cake, I smile mischeavously and think at whom I should lob the first shot………….
February 13, 2013 at 2:32 pm #67219I walk to Pafe, take her glass and put it away. “Enough” I laugh “we better dance”. I take her hand and we walk to the dance area. The band is playing Saphir's “I am alive”.
“Thanks my friend” I hug her, kissing her hand afterwards. “This we also don't tell Satoire” I smile and bring her back to the table. “I'm looking for my girl now, want to ask her something and the perfect day is close.”
As I walk up to Stone with a bucket of beers for the table I see she is in deep conversation with Brandy, and as I suspected she is talking about the “tantrum”. smiling I hand the ladies their beers, and quietly listen to their conversation. Joe wanders up and plops down next to me “is that for me?” taking a beer and taking a long pull off the bottle. “what are those two talking about?” Joe asks.
“Ever since she watched the film “the cool ones” she has been obsessed with a dance scene, and has been driving me nuts dancing around the cabin to 60s generic teen dance music”. Setting his beer down “she has been doing that behind the Bar …,when she is not tormenting you in a dungeon” Joe says with a grin punching my arm. I grin back and give him the finger.
“Here we go” I sigh as I see stone pull a CD out of her purse and pull me to my feet. I stand on the empty dance floor as Stone gives the DJ the CD and her instructions.
The sound system booms to life as the Tantrum begins, twangy guitar and Farfisa organ fill the Bar. Stone begins to Twitch and wave her hands wildly, I respond by hopping up and down bounding toward her with my head tilting to the side to the beat as if I am having a seizure of some kind. The music stops and we freeze like statues………it takes all my will not to bust out laughing. The music starts up again, we thrash and spin trance like, my performance weak compared to Stone’s exuberant moves she is quite the dancer. The music stops and we freeze.
Frozen I hear the familiar laughter of Brandy as she comes into my field of vision, dragging old Joe with her onto the dance floor. The music starts up and we are flipping and flopping like fish in the bottom of a boat. More and more people begin to join us as the Tantrum takes over the Bar.
February 13, 2013 at 11:43 pm #67222The bar is dark as I return from my long , pausing briefly at the door to balance the package in my possession, Fumbling as I slide from the wet duster to hang it on the wall hooks while curiosity of the events unfolding take home. I have to grin, noting the action unfolding between Tango and his luscious pet.
Joe eyes me. Giving me a welcomed smile and silently draws a draft for me, sliding it quick down the counter to me. He looks curiously at the package as I move down the bar.
“Something for Brandy…I comment. Can you hold it back there?”
He nods taking it from me and eyes it curiously as I move away for a closer look. I always find such moments endearing.. Collaring, …a public submission powerful in its genuine declaration. I skirt the stage… openly admiring the throne and give Tango a wink and slide over by the jukebox quietly sipping my beer.
New faces abound… some old… all dressed accordingly in the ska scene dress. My head shakes…city folks do the oddest things. At least I have on a black silk shirt blending in slightly….the black 501’s along with that big silver belt buckle with the turquoise inlay.
There is an applause… and like it should the bar explodes into a party. I grin at the music… laugh as I see Brandy towing ol’ Joe out from behind the bar. Stone leads the way as she and Jayc take to the floor…. And hardly anytime passes before more join and packing the dance floor with the spasmic gyrations. .
I can’t help but join in… downing my drink as I roll into the bumping mass of partiers.
February 14, 2013 at 3:48 am #67223Stone is excitedly babbling on about this fantastic dance she saw on TV called “ Tantrum” She’s hardly taking any breaths between her sentences.
I find myself getting swept along by her exuberance and agree to join in the dance with Old Joe.Jayc brings more beers to the table and I am almost thankful for the short silence as she takes a swig. I chuckle at her excited chatter. She then takes off to the House Band with her CD to put the track on for the bar.
The mad music starts to play and actually, it is very catchy. Jayc & Stone are dancing like rag dolls with electricity shooting through their bodies. They are thrashing their arms and legs wildly and their heads and faces seem trance – like, and possessed, yet their moves in perfect time to the beat.
I find myself watching spell bound as they move across the floor and my head, feet and hands tapping on time with the music. Then the music stops suddenly and so do Jayc & Stone, frozen rag dolls in time, only to thrash again as the music resumes.
I grab Old Joe’s hand to pull him to the dance floor. He is surprisingly willing to show off his moves and they are impressive. We circle the floor , twisting and turning, bending and flailing and then stilling like statues as the music halts. Then repeating it all again as the music restarts. We soon part in our dancing, finding our own unique moves.
It’s fun and quite mad . More and more guests join in and the dance floor is soon full. The music stops. I freeze and see an old face on the floor – Bear, he is frozen in his dance, near to Stone & Jayc.
“ Well, well ,well. I wonder if he will sneak off early at this party” remembering his early exit from Tight’s Party, without a word. No thought that his absence would be noticed and cause worry.
I can’t help though, but sweep my eyes over that fine ass in his snugly fitted black 501’s. The guy is just too pleasing to the eye as I take in the trim waist and broad shoulders. The music resumes and my Tantrum dancing breaks my thoughts.
The mad waving continues till the music stops and I find myself frozen next to him, my one leg raised and balancing. I see him staring at my breasts and a button half way through the button hole, threatening to undo at any moment. My nipples peak and harden, Damn. His eyes raise to mine and I see the gleam in them. I find I am holding my breath and my tummy does a roll of excitement. The reactions irritates me.
“ Well nice of you to turn up at last” I chide him, letting him know of my disapproval & vexation.
“ Why? You miss me, Doll ? Bear challenges, sweeping his eyes over me and reigniting that damn fluttering in my tummy. Not even bothering to explain his early departure. That annoys me more.
“ Why? You come back to be my bitch again on stage?” I quip remembering the double BJ with JD. ( I've learnt a lot in the 50 shades wannabe a Dom training manuel
) “ Maybe I should fetch your- ” Made in Taiwan” collar, and chain you to Tango’s throne with HB. A sub for training, ”
I see that insult hits home as his eyes flair…….
February 14, 2013 at 7:30 pm #67224By happen chance I turn in a freeze… my eyes locking to Brandybee’s sultry sexy body. She as normal… stunning in her Ska costume. It’s tight… hugging to that beautiful frame. I can’t help but toss out that flirt, though I am unprepared for her response.
The sharp barb lashes deep, and I break form lean in… like a wolf leering on its prey.
“Interesting talk for one who seems to look for reasons for wrapping her lips onto me.”
Her lips tighten… I obviously have hit a nerve…
Defiant she glares back.
“I am nobody’s sub!’
I snarl back. “Not yet,.. But the night is young.”
The music has already started, yet we seem oblivious locked in our exchange…. Slowly breaking warily keeping an eye on one another. I am inflamed incensed at her words… attracted too. Her defiant look to me holds as we seem to circle there. God… she looks sexy… desirable …As I back away… I can’t help but admire that fiery sense of independence….she oozes sexuality…so hot….
I turn slow maintaining the eye contact with Brandy, her unpredictable talents for getting the upper hand on me far too well demonstrated. In this pack mass of dancers accidental contact is a fact…. tough I was hardly prepared for the music to stop as I turned bumping into a dancer,… instinctively reaching out … as I noted her bent and suddenly off balance by our contact. I hold her in that freeze,,, an attractive bottom pressed against my thighs just below my crotch.
I can’t help but think.. Well this is interesting… raising my eyes slow from those fine features to look into Jayc’s eyes… his face suddenly puffing , as he tries to restrain a laugh… then looses. But an instant I am perplexed till I glance down to note the raven hair of the woman pressed to me. She is laughing… oblivious to the true nature of what tickles Jayc’s humor.
I pat her bottom… “Are you trying to tell me something Stone?“
She stiffens at my words,… her head swivels back to look,… shocked surprise taking her as she immediately pulls away stumbling back into the safe zone of her spouses arms. Jayc does his best to maintain a sense of composure. I grin mischievous as I turn away/
God I want a drink, glance to see the moment right at the bar where J2D2 is tending in Joes absence.
As much as those two love their office play,.. I make a mental note to offer Jayc the use of that fine gold chain and red collar. A simple fact,…Stone would make a magnificent desk ornament. That trim toned body naked but for a red collar and pumps chained to a desk. I think black is just too generic. The collar has to reflect a bit of the personality.
As I wander back to the bar my mind continues its cold calloused curious contemplation of idle drifting thoughts.
Well,…baby blue… imprinting the nakedness admired during Tights party to collar and pumps in that color… sexy… speaks a bit of innocence,.. mmm , now lavender would work magnificently too…
The night is young… this party has only begun.
February 14, 2013 at 11:21 pm #67225Marilyn and I just wanted to dance as Stome started the Tantrum dance. As the music suddenly stops, we're staying sitting on the table and shake our heas and upper bodies when the music goes on. It's funny and crazy, watching everyone moving and stopping.
It reminds me on a silly game we played as children, called “stop-eating”. We were eating and when the music stopped each move had to stop too – no matter what you're doing. As we're all were eating, you can imagine it looked silley when you just was putting the fork into your mouth…As the dance is over I look at my watch – almost midnight. I look to Old Joe and nod – he smiles, knowing what he has to do. Then I look around, see bear and nod to him. He also nods and disappears behing the stage. Few seconds later the lights turn off and the bar is just a dark place. As the lights turn on again, we all see bear and the band on stage.
Bear is looking around, saying he needs some couple on stage to join him, dancing while he is singing. Stone and jayc at once get up, followed by Brandy and JD… I even notice Covems taking eva and Tango with HB. I look at Marilyn, take her hand and we also join the stage.
We're all looking at bear, asking what's coming next, waiting for his start.Carefully I turn Marilyn a bit, so she is looking at bear and not to the audience. But I'm watching them and notice Old Joe is going around, giving some candles to every table and talking to the people.
As he finished he gives a sign to bear and me. The show can go on….
February 15, 2013 at 12:17 am #67226I am half way to my goal when I feel Lover tug on my sleeves,.. In the quiet of the interlude between songs he whispers to me,… and I can’t help but beam a smile at his request and the why. I nod… detour backstage to make arrangements with the crew of this simple moment.
The old guitar is still there… and I flex the fingers drift on stage and arrange myself .
“HB… Tango please come forward…I need some others also…my eyes dart thru the crowd… Jayc and Stone… join me please on stage…“ catching sight of Covems…”Covems and Eva… Lover and Marilyn…mmm… one more couple…”
My eyes catch Brandy and JD in tight intimate discussion…
“JD… Brandy please join us here. “
The couples slowly mill onstage as I work and flex my hands., then lean forward to the mic.
“I have sang this before… but never in so important a moment…”
Again.. The fingers dance on the strings… the sweet Spanish melody of a prelude… as the lights slowly dim… and a broad spot light covers the couples here onstage.And I sing….
(Bryan Adams… to really love a woman….:“To really love a woman
To understand her – you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought – see every dream
N' give her wings – when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a womanWhen you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
– really really ever loved a woman?”I nod towards the crew offstage…signaling them to narrow the spotlight focused on the couples dancing onstage, and gradually the wide beam begins to narrow.
“To really love a woman
Let her hold you –
til ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her – really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Ya know ya really love a womanWhen you love a woman
you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her
that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really –
really really ever loved a woman?You got to give her some faith – hold her tight
A little tenderness – gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman…”My fingers over the strings… as the guitar solo takes over…eyes wandering to the couples on stage… Jayc and Stone huddled close… they make a sweet couple. Tango and HB.. Starting their new life together… Covems and Eve, a sure sign love will find a way in the future.. As I glance at Brandy in JD’s arms.. I feel find a twinge of regret. It catches me off guard, because the woman infuriates me at times with her wit…I take a steadying breath in the guitars interlude, blow out as I sing again…
“When you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a womanWhen you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
– really really ever loved a woman?”The fingers slide quiet… the spotlight on the floor has narrowed into a tunnel illuminating but one couple. Mariyln and Lover…
I make a simple request…“Folks light your candles please…” Wait briefly until the darkness of the bar is illuminated by the flickering candlelight.
With my heart beaming in hope in the moment I simply state….“Lover, the floor is yours….”
February 15, 2013 at 1:06 am #67227“Interesting talk for one who seems to look for reasons for wrapping her lips onto me.” Bear leans into me and snarls in response.
His aftershave teases my nostrils, wild & woody, the smell of the outdoors. And damn him… its smells wonderful . At the same time my brain registers his glorious scent, his words invokes the memory of my naked body knelt before him sucking on his cock at Tight’s Party. Again not a good thought when balancing on one leg in a freeze posture.
I press my lips together, and narrow my eyes at the irritation before me. “ I am nobody’s sub “ I hiss at him.
“Not yet,.. But the night is young.” Bear snarls back. We glare at each other.
He’s annoying, he’s irritating, he’s arrogant, and …. he’s exciting. I am startled by that hidden assessment worming its way to the forefront of my thoughts. Those amazing eyes hold mine and then I break first, determined to dismiss him.
The music seeps into my senses again and I am thankful for the sporadic dance moves ironically named Tantrum. “ Damn Him” I cuss under my breath and throw myself wildly into the moves to expel the irritation.
Another freeze in the dance, and I find myself searching him out in the statuesque dancers and my irritation is back. He’s there grinning at Jayc over his doggy style stance with Stone. And he has the nerve to slap her pert bottom!!
I purposefully avert my eyes. I am not NOT going to give that man another thought tonight.
The dance finishes and most of the dancers burst out laughing , it’s such a mad dance and it just lightens the mood all round.
I make my way to the bar to get more refreshments. Old Joe follows behind me to return serving at the bar. He pushes a whiskey in front of me, “ Looks like you need one” He grins looking at me and then at Bear sitting at the opposite end of the bar in discussion with Lover.
“ I’m sure I don’t know what you mean” I tell him, just as JD joins us.We greet each other fondly and I buy him a beer. He looks amazing in his Ska suit and pork pie trilby. But then again, JD is such a good looking guy, he could wear a sack and still turn the ladies heads.
Lover calls Old Joe over to him and after a brief chat, I see Old Joe go to the storeroom and then emerge shortly afterwards with several small boxes of candles. He distributes them to all the guests at the tables. Bear heads off towards the back.
Bear suddenly appears on stage with his guitar. He is a stunning man. He calls couples on the stage including JD & I. JD smiles at me and takes my hand. It seems we are going to Dance. He leads me on stage with the others.
My heart lurches as I hear the song, a personal favourite of mine….. JD takes me in his arms and guides our dance steps expertly as the lights dim and we dance in sync with Jayc & Stone, Tango & HB, Covems & Eva and Lover & Marilyn….
Bear’s romantic lyrics and attractive tones are delightful as he strums his guitar and sings … “To really love a woman” …..
February 15, 2013 at 9:00 am #67228It's quiet as a church mouse in bar now, just the candles and the spotlight give a wonderful light, an amazing mood. I turn to Marilyn, take her hands, also take a deep breath and look deep into her eyes…. then I talk loud and clear.
“Honey, we know for a long time now. We had some issues to overcome but they just showed our true feelings. Within the last days, with each day passing by, I felt more and more how much I love you.”
I look to HB, immdeiately he hands me a bunch of roses which I offer Marilyn.
“When I go to bed, my last thought is on you. When I dream, I dream of you. When I wake up, you're the first in my mind. And during the day I think of you. Everything you say, everything you do … is wonderful to me. You're my friend, my lover, my teacher. You're my sweet angel and my hot devil too. You talk to me, when I need someone to talk and you listen to me, when I need someone to listen to.
You are so much for me – you're everything for me. Just one you are not at the moment. And this one wish was growin more and more inside of me: You also shall be my wife.
Do me the honour of agreeing to my humble request. Do you want to be my Spouse?”
February 15, 2013 at 1:09 pm #67230I have the biggest smile on my face as Marilyn is talking to me. I'm happy and feel perfect. Just as she wants to hug everyone I move my hand back and bear hands me the rings he kept for me.
I take her hand, put on the ring and we kiss deeply….
She now hugs everyone and so do I. Afterwards I say “Thanks to everyone, helping to make this surprise. Special thanks to bear for performing this great song in his own way.” I look around “And of course, all the drinks tonight are free!”
The crowd cheers, clapping and shouting. I take Marilyn's hand and as we leave the stge I whisper “They all are happy too. I just don't know if they are happy for us or because they get free drinks…” We laugh.. I look at her “You wated to show me something words can't express?” I devilish grin…
February 15, 2013 at 5:05 pm #67231The B&G is full of cheers and chant for Marilyn and Lover: i can see on their face the happiness of the moment while everyone is trying to make them their congratulation. I'll take a close look at Marilyn and i can me at Tango's birthday party in her expression.
My mind immidiately run to the moment when my Master pronounced those words “….KNOW FROM THIS DAY FORTH THIS DRAGON GIRL IS MINE….” and how i was feeling…….a part of me was ready to jump on me in front of everyone and kiss him, but that was something i can't do in my position, not till he will order it to me!
And when he order me to sit on his lap, i was feeling my heart bumping wild,without any controll! and the, his passionate kiss and the touch of his hands on my body had made me melt till the point that was really hard to obey to his order and don't cum while he was stroking our hardness togheter! I bite my lips till they bleed to resist to the temptation to cum but it was just a temporary solution because noticing i was in trouble, my Master increase the spped of his hand around our rods.
I was so close to give up when Page join us to the stage to congratulate with Tango and her kiss interrupt for a moment his concentration giving me some time to calm and regain control.
“That was close….” i said to my self “disobey to my Master when he had just accept me….i must remember to thanks Pafe properly!”
Master's voice bring my attention back to him: “Where we was, my pet!?” he ask with resolute tone
“You don't had allow me to cum while your hand is working on our rod, Master…..” i answer immidiately.
“You are right, my pet…..but it's not enough! I want to be inside of you!”
That tone, that light in his eyes….the beast is totally awaken now and want me here and now! I swallow nervously…'s not the first time we things like this in front of the costumer of the bar, but this time i can feel the pressure of my situation of slave…..if i disobey to my Master or i make something wrong, i can be punished in front of all my friends…..oh gosh…..
He make me stand up and turn: everyone can look at me while my Master is workinh on the zip of my panties opening it all and slapping my bum cheek one, two, three time and at every hit he increase the strenght he put in it. He wasn't do it to punish me but it was to teach me the rules and to imprint deeply in my mind who is the only one who can create and modify them at every moment: him, my Master Tango!
Two more strong spank hit my bum before he pull me down over his hardness: the tip rubbing on my hole was a real torture….the excitement was running wild in my veins and i can't deny i was anxious to feel my Master's rod inside me! I ad the impression he had understand itbecause more the excitement was rising in me, more his hardness hesitated to enter into me, continuing to tease me and push me to the limit. I was sure he will never goes on when he sunndenly push me closer to him , kissing and licking my shoulder, rising along my neck till he reach my ears and whisper
“This is enough for the moment…..”
Marilyn's hug bring me to reality…….i see her smile and i can imagine how she feel: happy and a little confuse at the same time but i know Lover will take care of her from now on! I hug her back and then move near Lover and hug him tight: this is his and Marilyn night here at the B&G……another great and wild night!
February 15, 2013 at 6:55 pm #67232Surprised as everyone else we join the other couples on the stage as per Bear’s request. After his fantastic rendition of the Bryan Adams classic the bar goes silent as Lover begins to speak. I pull Stone in a little closer my arm around her waist. Marilyn looking into Lovers eyes as he states his love and adoration brings a lump to my throat and I squeeze Stone even closer. Time seems to stand still as we wait for her answer. When she says yes …………you can feel the joy in the room. Their kiss is greeted with cheers and whistles as hugs and handshakes are exchanged.
Ole Joe reading my mind has the staff bring out iced magnums of Dom Perigon champagne to all the tables and bar as its time to celebrate this wonderful evening.
As if on cue the Country Boys break into Some kind of wonderful
I don't need a whole lots of money,
I don't need a big fine car.
I got everything that a man could want,
I got more than I could ask for.
I don't have to run around,
I don't have to stay out all night.
'Cause I got me a sweet … a sweet, lovin' woman,
And she knows just how to treat me right.Well my baby, she's alright,
Well my baby, she's clean out-of-sight.
Don't you know that she's … she's some kind of wonderful.
She's some kind of wonderful … yes she is, she's,
She's some kind of wonderful, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhh …When I hold her in my arms,
You know she sets my soul on fire.
Oooh, when my baby kisses me,
My heart becomes filled with desire.
When she wraps her lovin' arms around me,
About drives me out of my mind.
Yeah, when my baby kisses me,
Chills run up and down my spine.My baby, she's alright,
My baby, she's clean out-of-sight.
Don't you know that she is … she's some kind of wonderful.
She's some kind of wonderful … yes she is,
She's some kind of wonderful, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhh …Now is there anybody, got a sweet little woman like mine?
There got to be somebody, got a, got a sweet little woman like mine? Yeah!
Can I get a witness?
Can I get a witness?
Can I get a witness? Yeah …
Can I get a witness? Ohhh …
Can I get a witness? Yeah …
Can I get a witness? Yes.I'm talkin', talkin' 'bout my baby. Yeah.
She's some kind of wonderful.
Talkin' 'bout my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
Talkin' 'bout my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
I'm talkin' 'bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
I'm talkin' about my baby, my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, … my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
Talkin' 'bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
I'm talkin' 'bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.a big congrats to Tango and HB and to Lover and Marilyn
February 15, 2013 at 7:28 pm #67233Sitting at the bar talking with Tango and Brandy when the lights go out I grab Tangos arm when the spot light lights up the stage.
A large box slides out from behind the curtains and stops in the middle of the stage. Tango gets up on the stage to look at the box he pulls on a rope and the front of the box opens. It's a black throne with ruby red eyes in the back rest.
Brandy,Stone and Jayc go up and look to they all take some steps back when a dragon comes out from the back of the box.
WOW its HB she looks stunning dressed as the Dragon Girl she has a collar and a chain she moves to be in front of Tango and offers her to him as his pet. I feel my heart jump knowing how they feel about each other I know the answer that Tango will jive before he says anything.
hearing him tell all his friends “…FROM THIS DAY FORTH THIS DRAGON GIRL IS MINE….” I smile knowing what this means to Tango
He takes a key from his pocket and unlocks the chain they Kiss and then set on the throne watching them up on the stage just want to run up there and hug them both.
Turning back to the bar I see J2D2 behind the bar and smile at him and give a little chuckle “hows your head” I ask with a smile
He looks back at me tilts his head and then smiles as he goes back throw his data banks to our first meeting in the ice house “Yes Jane my head is fine.”Stone gives JD a CD to play and drugs Jayc to the dance floor the crazy music starts and they start the crazy Tantrum dance.
My foot starts to tip I grab J2D2 “come dance with me” he come out from behind the bar and we join in the crazy dancing.The craziness ends and we all cheer and clap Beer takes to the stage with his guitar and starts to play Bryan Adams… To really love a woman and calls all the couples up on to the dance floor. I grab J2D2 and pull him back to the dance floor and we dance in each others arms as Beer finishes his song.
Lover drops to his knee and asked Marilyn to be his spouse with a big kiss she says YES we all cheer and clap.
I Give Lover a Hug and a kiss to congratulate him and Marilyn.
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