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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
February 18, 2013 at 4:11 am #67249
Old Joe tends the bar and makes sure the new customers are looked after … I keep an eye on the Bull . JD and Covems seem to be enjoying themselves every time the bull tips forward and exposing a little more of Pookie's cleavage.
” She's doing well keeping that top on ” I muse as I go greet Zoerink with Sexi and the other people at the bar.
” Hey sailor, glad you have popped back in again, its always good to see you” I punch Zoerink's shoulder playfully, ” Hey sexi, what do you think … think Jontas & Zoerink can handle the ” Yard of Ale ” … Hey Joe set them set up for these two fine fellows. “
Old Joe grins & gets the glasses off the wall.
( If you want to see how its done in style )
And slapping Thundersax & KingDustin on the back ” We have enough Ale for you to try it too” .
I greet Nat33 ” Hey girl, welcome to the AB&G .. I'm sure JD and Covems would love another volunteer on the bull after Pookie has finished enjoying her ride ” Grinning at Sexilicious, Pafe, Tangojane and All_For_you & mrSexlover ” and I'm sure they would welcome you fine people too, Go on dare you ” 😮
I lean over to Sexi, ” I'll get the Dwarfs to set the Rotating Pleasure Table up ” I wink at her and do some special knocks on the bar counter.
After a short wait, Happy pushes open a hatch and I explain whats needed. He nods and he and some of the other dwarfs are soon getting the table dusted , oiled and ready for action when needed. They also get the dentists chair ready nearby to try cocktails & food with a difference.. eating and drinking off a human body .. if anyone is game or drunk enough..
“Just another day in the AB&G” I chuckle to myself as I arrange an array of food on the table by the Dentists chair, bananas, cream, strawberries, icecream, yoghurt, ice cubes, sparkling wine, chocolate spread mmmm …
February 18, 2013 at 11:50 am #67251“Yeah Pookie,” I say, as a little more of her breasts are exposed. “I bet you don't see those feet when you're standing…”
“Yer doin' it JD.” I say as Pookie slips ever so nipply from her top. “Increase fff… bucking speed.”
“Pookie. I've seen girls back home ridin' the bull.” I say to her, “and I've seen ladies brought almost to orgasm while one one.”
“Fff… buck her harder JD. Yer doin' it… yer doin' it.”
“Now lets fff… buck her hat off.”
Can I get a Yeeee Ha!February 18, 2013 at 1:36 pm #67252*Grins and nods* yep sure think they can handle the yard of ale
*watches as the table gets all cleaned up and look up to see tango. walks over to him and leans down* Tango, I still owe you something come on *pulls his arm up and leads him to the rotating table while looking around the room catching many of the eyes and beckoning them to come join. places tango on his stomach on the rotating table and secures his feet and hands. getting up on the table beside him and gently rub his back and butt gently with my hands. smack. warming his butt up a little. SMACK SMACK SMACK.* Never did get your birthday spankings
so come on everyone step up and lets give him all his spankings now and if he is a really good boy maybe a little fun on the table afterwards
February 18, 2013 at 2:18 pm #67250I see zoe, sexi and Nat getting free drinks from Lover. I approach them and smile. “Welcome, girls. Hope to see you soon dancing on the dancefloor. I've noticed some eyes on you already.” I wink.
February 18, 2013 at 2:33 pm #67253Standing at the bar with my sweet pet on my arm and Jane on her stole in front of me
I feel a hand on my arm and then “I still owe you something” I hear in my ear. Its Sexi
She pulls my arm and leads me to the spinning, waving her arm to bring every over to the table with her.
I look at her with a smile as i know what's is coming my way. I look around for my new boss seeing her i shake my head and mouth to her “It's not my doing” she just smiles back.Sexi lays me stomach down over the table and the dwarfs help her secure my hands and feet.
Sexi climbs up onto the table and stands over me feeling her soft hands on my back and then down over my butt.
Then a gentle snap of her hand on my butt Then the sting of 3 hard SMACKS together ” I NEVER DID GIVE YOU YOUR BIRTHDAY SPANKING” she announces “So come on everyone step up and lets give him all his spankings now and if he is a really good boy maybe a little fun on the table afterwards.
I feel a soft hand on my face it's my sweet pet I smile at her “I'm OK my pet Sexi wont let anyone hart me”
A big smile comes across her sweet face and then a glint in her eye.February 18, 2013 at 4:00 pm #67254After a nice talk with sexi about our similar passion, i go to the mechanic bull… i like it and remember me last day i feel all my bones crying, but a couple of beers and some tequila can fix it.
I go to the music selector and choose a song for my time in the bull machine, afraid to be recorded by covems, i go up, and play the music and the bull… (BATTERY (METALLICA).
February 18, 2013 at 4:29 pm #67255Sitting at the bar with Tango and his new pet our good friend comes over and takes Tango by the arm and leads him over to the mad table that is the spinning table. She lays him down over the table with a little help from the dwarfs.
I watch as Sexilicious climb up on the table and then spanks him. I laugh out load then Sexilicious call everyone over to came spank Tango.
I slide off my stole and move over to the table to be first in line.
leaning over Tangos body i whisper in his ear” lets see a bit of flesh back here” I reach around him and undo his trousers and pull them down just enough to bare his ass.
I step back from him and rub his bare butt lifting my hand high and bring it down fast with a sharp crack my hand lands and leaves a nice red hand print. I raise it again and down it comes leaving a hand print on the other cheek.
leaning back over tango i whisper Happy Birthday my LOVE.
February 18, 2013 at 5:48 pm #67256I cant help but smile as jane takes Tango's trouser's and pants down … he certainly is going to enjoy his birthday spanks as people start to line up.
As I work down the line I remind people of the Erotic Story Contest that is open for story submissions at the moment and pin the poster on The AB&G notice board.. an interesting way to earn a little extra A$ cash.
Full rules, prizes, submission dates, how to submit can be found in the below topic :-
Forum Home page / Organisations & Events / Contests / EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ” FIRST TIME ” – THE RULES.,2196.0.html
I return to the bar and watch with interest as Pookie rides the bull, and Zoerink and some others join the queue to have a go. I also watch Tango and wince a little at the sound of the spanks and his reddening bottom. Then the dentists chair wondering if anyone is brave or game enough …
Old Joe pours me another punch and hands me a paddle with the AB&G logo on … wiggling his eyebrows . I chuckle … looking at the paddle and Tango's bare backside … mmmm ……
February 18, 2013 at 9:15 pm #67257*Sits back on my heels watching everyone gather around the table. While Jane starts to deliver her smacks to Tango, I gently massage his shoulders. Looking around watching all the sights now and then before returning my gaze once more to Tango. Leaning into his ear, “Happy Birthday again Tango. Hope you enjoy your present.”
February 19, 2013 at 4:33 am #67258All for you and me get in line for Tango birthday spanking, then she asks me why i'm smilling so much.
I show her what i have behind my back. See love, it's a paddle i borrowed from Bluedenim. As she sees the paddle she smiles at me and whispers in my ear “I hope tango is not the only one that gets to feel that
As we approach the spinning table i show sexi the paddle and she smiles too and makes gestures she want also to play with it later.
Happy birthday Tango, as i leave some red marks on his ass and hand the paddle to All for you
February 19, 2013 at 7:59 am #67259]Standing behind All for you, I listen to her & mrsexlover as he shows her the leather paddle he asked to borrow from me. I smile as I hear her question, supposed to be a whisper but loud enough for me to hear and I feel an itchy heat in my ass. I was hoping to use it on Tango myself, but I think it may be busy…… Ah well….
Then my daydreams are interrupted and Tango's ass, all rounded and very red is waiting for me to give it it's birthday spanking from blu. He doesn't know it's me, but I think from the way he's wiggling it, he enjoyed my paddle. I lean over and kiss him soflty on each cheek, my hair stroking & tickling his red butt and he opens his legs wide in invitation so I shake my tresses down onto his balls and up the inside of his thighs, then I whisper “Tango, you are a very naughty boy, and I know you are loving this, so here's a surprise”
I bury my head between his cheeks, sucking his balls into my mouth, then tracing with my tongue up to his asshole and lingering, teasing I reach under and take his very hard cock in my left hand and pull it back underneath him, wanking him and licking his swollen cockhead, Then I spank him with my right hand flat & hard once on each cheek and say “Happy Birthday” and leave him happy but frustrated.. he isn't mine to play with and I need to find someone to take care of me now. xxxFebruary 19, 2013 at 1:59 pm #67260“Yeah JD… you've fff… bucked her hat off. Fff… buck her harder… knock those boobs out of that bra.”
JD increases speed and fff… bucking motion of the bull. First one… then the other come popping out.
“Keep going… hang in there Pookie! Don't let him fff… buck you off.”
Almost done here.
February 19, 2013 at 2:34 pm #67261A roar of approval & cheers resonate round the bar as Pookie loses her hat and her large breasts shaken free at last by the expert handling of the bull by JD & Covems. Even Tango, excited by his reddening buttock smacks , cant help but admire Pookie's very fine assets…
I'm sure the guys are enjoying it … take your time Covems… take your time..
February 19, 2013 at 3:08 pm #67262Anonymousthe bouncing boobies got my attention and sent signals down to my groin.
Taking my drink in hand, I look around to see who's in and seems in the mood for more intimate chat
February 19, 2013 at 3:40 pm #67263Standing holding Mrsexlovers arm as we wait to give Tango his Birthday Spanking I look up at him and see him with a cheeky grin on his face “What are you sniggering about” I ask him
From behind his Back he shows me a paddle “I borrowed this from Bluedenim” seeing the paddle I lean over and whisper in his ear “I hope tango is not the only one that gets to feel that”
As I whisper Iat Blue standing behind us. She smiles back at my wink.
As we get to the table Mrsexlover shows sexi the paddle to and her eyes light up I step to one side and mrsexlover steps up
“Happy Birthday Tango” he says as he step aside and hands me the paddle.
As I look at Tango's reddening Bluedenim moves in and gives Tango a great Birthday a very special present and TWO spanks one on each cheek.
As Blue moves away before anyone can move in SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK the paddle lands hard on Tango's ass cheeks his cheeks glow nice and red. Leaning over him “Happy Birthday Tango” I say with a kiss on his cheek I rub my hand over Tango's ass cheeks and feel the heat coming off them “Happy Birthday my friend” I whisper again.
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