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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
February 19, 2013 at 8:35 pm #67264
laying bent over the table with sexi kneel on the table next to me.
I feel someone lay over me and then I hear the soft whisper of Jane's voice ” lets see a bit of flesh back here” I then feel her hands undoing my trousers and pulling then down over my ass and down my hips. I feel her soft warm hands on my ass the a shape instant sting and her hand lands down hard and crisp then again on my other cheek. Jane leans back over and whispers” Happy Birthday my love”
My ass stings a little and i can feel the heat in my skin I feel sexi's hand on my massage my shoulders then SMACK SMACK SMACK 3 sharp spanks my eyes open wide at the surprise spanks I hear “Happy Birthday Tango” It's mrsexlover . He must have my new paddle I think
The sting from the paddle goes deep into my cheeks (If the was mrsexlover All_for_you will be next i think to my self)
I wiggle my ass and I feel a soft kiss and the tickle of hair on each cheek I open my legs wider for this soft kisses and a tongue moving around my cheeks my balls and my thighs.
I hear a soft voice my eyes open its Blue my sweet sub twin “Tango, you are a very naughty boy, and I know you are loving this, so here's a surprise”
She bury's her head between my cheeks,she sucking my balls into her mouth, feeling her tracing with her tongue up to my asshole feeling her reach under me and take my very hard cock in her hand and pull it back underneath me, feeling her wank me and lick my swollen cockhead, Then I feel that sweet pain of a flat hand one on each cheek as the sting from her well placed hands build's I hear her say “Happy Birthday”
Taking a few breaths to enjoy the feeling of the pain growing on and in the skin of my ass 4 fast hard SMACKS land 2 on each check I grrrowl at the intense rush of pain and then the soft feel of a cool hand across my hot ass
“Happy Birthday my friend” a whisper in my ear and its All_for_you
The heat from my ass cheeks move up throw out my body as i catch my breath ready for the next wave of sweet pain
February 19, 2013 at 10:07 pm #67171With that special moment now settled, I wander back on my original quest, settling at the bar as I admire the comely figure dancing with J2D2… It takes a moment for me to recognize the woman being Jane,… but damn… she looks good… her figure regained I can only admire how quickly she has regained it.
Stone’s offer of a drink is welcomed,… our little encounter on the floor at this point long a past thought to me. I take it eagerly parched as my throat is from singing, naïve in the cunning of her prank.
A hefty swig of relief,.. And my mouth rip in pain.. A backlash of the swig as I choke on it all.. And the concoction climbs the sinuous channels..
I taste the horror..
Breath it
My eyes watering….as my face contorts to turn inside out….
Stone and Brandy laughing just fuels the frustration of my throat melting…My eyes glare towards them though hardly intimidating as I hug the bar…Stone slides a glass of wtaer towards me,… I glance to Joe… praying for milk… luckily he is ahead of the curve,… sliding a glass of relief towards me with a lemon slice. I latch onto the lemon… sucking the juices hard and quick before rinsing the mouth with the relief of the milk. My breaths hard as I eye Stone backing a bit away from me. She might be smiling but she is obvious in her caution in the moment
I take a moment to collect myself… muttering as I give her the evil eye… “definely NOT baby blue…”
with a mental note to definitely pass Jayc a collar,… he needs to get that one in line…Brandybees laughter catches my attention, and I glance to her, catching that beautiful smile enjoying my predicament. Her lips slightly pursing there as she watches consider of my potential reaction. I am taken for a moment… suddenly realizing how kissable those lips appear…and I shake the thought clear of my head.
“I am glad you enjoyed it…. “ glancing back to Stone. “ Touche Stone,… touche…”
Then return my look to Brandy“So how did you like my gift?”
She looks at me puzzled. “Gift?”
I nod towards the box near the pink hat.. and her eyes widen with excitement, reaching for it immediately. She rips at the wrapping paper… opening it quick… the looks at me dumb founded as she lifts the deflated “O” ring up… looking at me with that questioning eye expression of “wtf”
She carries a puzzled,… confused annoyance in the moment. “what’s this?…Just what were you thinking Bear?” She twists the ring angerly in her hangs…
I wasn’t quite ready for that response…but there again…
“Of an inflateable donut for you? “ I smugly grin.. “That you seemed to enjoy that spanking at the pudding match too much..”
I nod towards the table.. “I figure it appropriate ,…just in case you decide to take spin there…that you can sit comfortably afterwards.”
I didn’t think she could look more disgusted.. but her features seem to twist further in repellence.
I turn to Stone,… “And you missy… I have half a mind to borrow Ruyka’s special paddle and use it on you.”She glances to Brandy’s reaction. Backing from me…
“Bear, I think you are running with half a mind indeed.”
My eyes narrow… shifting betwen the two women, sensing a sisterhood of hostility towards me in the moment, settling on Brandy… wondering to my self… am I missing something here?The crowd at the table begins to cheer and my attention is pulled away… I glance away ,momentarily distracted at the commotion, then look again to Brandy there, seething in her thoughts…and I can't help but catch my own recognizing in that moment… how,… even angry… she is stunningly attractive…
so close,… my thoughts suddenly turning to jello as I see her…. actually see her
February 20, 2013 at 3:10 am #67265I chat with Stone making some of her “Bloody Mary’s “ for the guests experimenting with some new flavours. They seem to enjoy her creativity and voice their approval .
We giggle when a cheer indicates that Pookie has shaken out of her top. Covems and JD can be very determined at reaching their goal over such things. Zoerink watches with interest as he awaits his turn on the bull.
I show Stone the paddle Old Joe had given me to take my turn at Tango’s table . The queue is quite long so there’s no rush standing in line yet.
I take my drink about to go watch the bull action, when Stone tells me to hover, Bear is approaching the bar. She looks like she is up to mischief as she mixes one of the Bloody Marys and I watch intrigued.
He nods his thanks & takes a gulp from the offered glass. I see his face and ears go blood red. Tears form in his eyes as the super hot sauce ingredient hits the intended target, those lovely unguarded sinuses and the tender flesh at the back of his throat and on his tongue.
I wince a little thinking …. “wow, that must have been some hit to cause such a sheen of sweat on his ears “ Then promptly start to giggle uncontrollably.
It must be a bad sting, he refuses the iced water preferring Old Joe’s remedy of a slice of lemon and half pint of milk. He bites on the lemon & drinks the milk with relief and I just double up, fitting with giggles as Bear turns and glares at me all angry and mean ….. with a milk mustache!!!I manage to compose as he too starts to control the raging heat in his mouth.
He speaks to Stone, “I am glad you enjoyed it…Touche Stone,… touche…” She eyes him warily and backs off a little as I do, wondering what his reaction may be.
He still has that aura of authority about him, those stunning eyes, that stunning body. Suddenly I want to lick that milk mustache away.. the thought unexpected.
His words break into my thoughts, “ So how did you like my gift?”
Bear bought me a gift! He thought of me after all! I begin to feel guilty about being mean to him, but then realise, I haven’t received a gift off him
I look at him puzzled. “Gift?”
Bear nods towards the box near the pink hat behind the bar.. I smile delighted, excited. Bear got me a gift after all. My spirits lift, the guilt at my initial greeting, deepens.
I grab the box and feel like an excited child. I tear the paper off and open the box and it’s…. a blow up ring, as deflated as me. My excitement plummets… is it for swimming?
It’s an O! Oh my God, is he plaguing about the Orgasm and the vibrating egg!! I blush remembering the thrill of being naked in his arms, touched intimately …. but then… I feel the indignation rising… and anger at myself for recalling that thrill and expecting his gift to be … well … more.
“What’s this?…Just what were you thinking Bear?” I ask, wanting an answer that means something… more.. tender, personalising the gift even … I hold the ring up hooked on a finger at him.
“Of an inflatable donut for you? “ Bear asks & grins in an annoyingly smug way.. “That you seemed to enjoy that spanking at the pudding match too much..”
He nods towards the Tango table.. “I figure it appropriate ,…just in case you decide to take a spin there…that you can sit comfortably afterwards.”His words infuriate me, Of all the damn cheek … urhhhhhhh !!! The public spanking Stone had instigated in our wrestling match, Was he one of the crowd who had stepped forward to spank my naked bottom?
He says some smart comment to Stone and I see her bristle at his words, provoking her. She backs away a little more and looks over at me … Had we pushed him too far?? ..
“Well not far enough” My defiance barges forth. My eyes blaze in anger , sparks flying, and I square up to him , putting my face right up to his, noses touching…
“ You want a battle Mr, you want to take me on in a battle of wills? Then let the battle begin“
And with that, much to my surprise as his, I grab his head and snog him, deep, hard, punishing his lips with mine. Pulling his hair as I control his head, my tongue invading his mouth, letting him feel the power of an angry woman, the seductive Alpha Female devouring her prey.
I release suddenly, the kiss shaking me a little, the strength of my anger in the moment diminishing and the horror of my boldness semi replacing the hostility.
But there is something else there, something strong, something that I don’t want to recognise … a strong attraction for a virile man … My eyes blaze at him and then I turn and reach for the pink hat… determined to hang on to that anger.I place it, sweetly controlled, on his stunned head, “ Pink suits you,” leaning into his ear “ And being my Bitch does excite you … I can tell… “
I pick up the AB&G spanking paddle. Now I’m in the mood for Tango’s birthday spanks seeing that the waiting line had decreased conveniently .I walk away from Bear, half frightened to look back at him, but catching Stone’s amused look. Out of his view, I smirk at her, eyes wide as if to say “ What the hell did I just do?”
Tango’s bottom is nice and red and I whisper in his ear “ Happy Birthday Tango” and bring the paddle down, medium hard on each cheek. 1, 2 & 3 times… then pat him on the back.
The spanking has a cathartic effect on my mood. “ Hope that didn’t hurt too much” I apologise to him.
Then I throw the paddle towards Stone for her turn. She raises her hand to catch it ……
February 20, 2013 at 12:59 pm #67266“Hang on Pookie! Whoaaaaa… there goes the bra!” I lean in to JD again… “Heheh… nice job fff… bucking Pookie out of that.”
“Okay Pookie… JD is going to get you off… he's going to fff… buck you so hard you can't help but get off.”
“Do it JD… get Pookie off.”Helping Pookie up I give her a kiss on the cheek. “Great ride, Pookie.” I say to her. “You really hung in there. Now go give JD a kiss for fff… bucking you so good. Then you should take a turn on the table.”
I go to the bar. “This calls for something strong… sarsaparilla please.”
February 22, 2013 at 6:27 pm #67267Stepping into the bar was like sliding on a pair of old jeans. Gliding past the heavily carved wooden door my nose filled with the familiar aroma of old wood and smoke. I eyed the room and saw the familiar faces. I took a seat at the first table I saw kicking my boots up on a chair, keeping my head low so my face would be shrouded under the brim of my hat. I raised my head only long enough to see Bear enjoying himself before a waitress stopped by asking if I wanted anything.
“Macallan 12, neat.” I responded.
The waitress disappeared and I saw across the room that there was some commotion. When the crowd parted for a moment I saw tango getting a spanking. The familiar smile on his face spoke volumes to me. Then I remembered. It was his birthday. I rose to my feet and glided over watching people take their turn with him bent over the table. I took a place near the front of the crowd and waited until there was a break so I could take a turn.
After a few more people had stepped forward to warm tango’s ass, I stepped forward into the light and took my hat off, letting my long red hair drape over my back. “Hello tango” I said to him.
His head immediately swung around to see me. A look of confusion on his face quickly flashed into a smile.
“Miss Christy?” he said, as he dropped to his knees before me. “Is it really you?”I stroked his cheek with my hand and felt his face press into my palm. “I missed you tango.” I said. “I’m glad to see that you are well.”
After another few moments I noticed that things had gotten a bit more, quiet behind me. Glancing up I noticed a few stunned faces among those watching. I looked for blue, but did not see her. Perhaps I would find her later. There was much to explain, and much to plan.
In the meantime, “Well then tango, I’d like to give you my present. Bend over the table again please.” I said. And as he bent over I reached around his waist, slowly unbuckled his belt, feeling him begin to swell as I did, and I removed it, wrapping the buckle and half of its length around my hand.“Are you ready tango?” I asked?
“Yes Miss Christy.” Came the reply.
“Then pull your pants down and count the strikes.” I replied.
He reached for the back of his pants and exposed his naked ass to me. Immediately I raised my arm and gave him a strike across his already red cheeks seeing the flesh begin to raise up and become red as blood rushed to the area of his body under attack.
Wincing, he said through his teeth, “One Miss Christy.”Raising my arm again, another strike.
“Two Miss Christy” he said, this time beginning to relax as the pain gave him the release he craved so much. “Three Miss Christy, Four, Five, and on to Ten.” His ass now glowing red around a central stripe that was beginning to turn purple.
Leaning forward, I whispered into his ear. “I will be in my dungeon tonight. I hope you will join me. And if you see blue before I do, give her this.” I said, slipping a sealed note into his hand. “It’s good to see you again tango. I’ve really missed you.”
I laid the belt on the table next to tango’s panting face. And put my hat back on as I walked back to my table, past what were now, obvious stares. Sitting down and putting my feet back in the chair, I picked up the glass of whisky that was waiting for me and raised it to my lips. “Good to be back.” I told myself, and took my first sip. God, it was good.
February 22, 2013 at 11:47 pm #67268A kiss is never just a kiss…. there are kisses from mothers to newborns,… loving and tender… a promise to cherish and protect forever..
The kiss of that of a small child to parent…full of admiration and adoration…
That first romantic kiss long cherished in the memories which chronicle our time, or that of long time lovers, full of confirmation of our feelings
and then there is THE KISS:
Full of fire and the flow of emotion,,….and when Brandy's lips touched mine, I felt it all, her anger unchecked,
Raw…soft lips against mine moving as emotions flowed like a current between us thru their touch, to grow…transform,…touching deep within the spirit of the soul. As she held me there I relished it…lost myself in the moment of the honest emotion. I felt it buckle slight… Softening as something more built there,, and as I raise my hand to cup her cheek, she pulls back, a small look of confusion on her before her resolve took hold again and she storms away blasting with her final comments., not looking back.
My eyes followed her…half disappointed she did not give me an obliging glance back. I knew she felt something… and the sting of her words indeed left me slightly muddled and confused. There was no denying the power of that kiss,… at least until my eyes settled on Stone's amused expression
My eyes locked to Stone… narrowing as iritated my mind swarms to a diverting thought. I climb up the bar and slid over towards her. Stone backpedals, no doubt in fear her lips next to catch the attention of mine..Her retreat though is cut off… backed by the rear counter as I closed in,… seeing her glance about for anything to fight me off with.
I reach out and I grip her shoulder…her look going franic and paniced.
“Little Oak… Little oak…” she sputters as I lean down close and look hard at her. Then
reach up for that pink hat and sliding it over to push it down on her head. I cock my head back and forth in consideration before straightening.“No, a pink collar won’t work” I mutter, before twisting about… heading to the table in pursuit of Brandy.
February 23, 2013 at 1:35 am #67269Still bent over the table of pleasure catching my breath and feeling the pain in my ass pulse through my body.
Then I hear it the voice the voice of pay back Miss Brandybee “Happy Birthday Tango” pay back for the pudding night.
Then 3 fast snack like sticks on each cheek fast and sharp and then I feel her lean back over me “ Hope that didn’t hurt too much” she whispers
The pain is like venom as it runs through my body my legs tense as I feel the heat burn in my ass.I feel the ropes holding me down loosen and sexy get off I grab my trousers and pull them up just as I'm about to stand hear the one voice that stop's me died in my tracks ” Hello tango” I turn my head not believing my ears I can help the smile on my face as I drop to my knees at her feet “Is it really you”
I feel her hand on my cheek I push my face into her hand wishing it would last longer “I missed you tango I’m glad to see that you are well.”
after a few seconds Miss Christy speaks again“Well then tango, I’d like to give you my present. Bend over the table again please.”
as I bend back over the table I feel Miss Christy undo and take my belt out of my trousers.
“Are you ready tango?” Miss Christy askes?
“Yes Miss Christy.” I reply.
“Then pull your pants down and count the strikes.” I replied.
I wince as the first strike land “ONE Miss Christy” I count
“Two Miss Christy Three Miss Christy Four , Five and up to Ten
Feeling the burning from the ten lashes running through my hole body and controlling my breathing not to scream
Feeling Miss Christy lean over me and whispered into his ear. “I will be in my dungeon tonight. I hope you will join me. And if you see blue before I do, give her this.” she says, and slipes a sealed note into his hand. “It’s good to see you again tango. I’ve really missed you.”
I look over my shoulder and watch Miss Christy walk away back to the bar as I watch I feel sexi move back onto my back there was no need I wasn't going to move an inch as my ass throbs from Miss Christy's sweet gitf.
February 23, 2013 at 11:20 am #67270I Walk into the room looking around, noticing an empty table in the back, kinda a dark location but suits me just fine. I sit down with my back against the wall, taking note of his suroundings. Being new to the area I sit alone, not making any noise, just watching….possibly waiting….
February 23, 2013 at 11:39 am #67271welcome to the Achat Bar & Grill treetrunk99
the first drink is on the house and enjoy the party and have same fun
February 23, 2013 at 11:42 am #67272*nods at Tango* Thank you, I was told this was good place to hang out.
February 23, 2013 at 11:53 am #67273I'm a bit tied up at the moment
Yes its a great place feel free to join in
February 23, 2013 at 12:01 pm #67274*nods once again* I figured I would sit back and feel out the suroundings, possibly meet up with someone…thinks about ” her” slightly…And being tied up isnt always a bad thing…Just as long im the one doing tieing.
February 23, 2013 at 12:04 pm #67275On my way around I notice a new face and walk to him. “Hi, I'm Lover nice to meet you. You're here in the right moment. Usually first drink is for free, but tonight we have two partys. Tango's birthday and my wedding with Marilyn. Everything is for free – almsot everything” I laugh and wink.
“I hope you have a great time, here and in our little city at all. Think about introducing yourself”
Organizations & Events/Introduce yourself,22.0.htmlHave a great time. Beware of some girls here, they bite and tease… but in general they all are nice
February 23, 2013 at 12:15 pm #67276*Nods at lover* Thank you, and congrats hope you guys have a great marriage. Did you say Birthday?…looks around the room for Tango….Happy Birthday Tango hope you get all the presents you desire. *continues to sit at his table, slightly glancing towards the door every so often*
February 23, 2013 at 12:23 pm #67277Smiling, looking at the table Tango is lying on… “He gets what he deserves – and he likes it. Thanks for your greetings, let's have a drink”
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