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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
April 23, 2013 at 8:41 am #67353
OOT: take a look at this guide, jcm0824….i'm sure it will help you!,1405.0.html
April 23, 2013 at 2:25 pm #67354Sitting at the bar chatting with my sweet Pet about my costume for the party the door under the Bar opens and Doc and the boys all file out one after the other and go up on the stage. Lean over and give my Pet a kiss “I better go with them to get it put in the right place”I smile and add “you coming” I say as I flick my head to one side in the direction of the pool room and hold out my hand. My Pet answers “always Master” and takes my hand.
The boys have the throne on it's back and in the air and heading for the tunnel. I walk with My Pet in my hand and follow the boy's down the tunnel and into the Ice House. Doc hands me back my key after he unlocks the door and they carry the throne in and stand it back on its feet and move it into the right spot.
I shack Doc's hand and Slide him a quirt 50A$ “go get the boys same beers” I say quirtly but Dopey hears me and shout “BEER BEER BEER BEER” and as he shouts the rest join “BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER” they all move out back to the tunnel still singing “BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER”
I turn to My Pet “there happy” I say with a smile
“Brandy and Covems wont be when they start to play up in the bar” my Pet say's with a laughI turn to my Pet “all I need to get in here before the party is that great bed you showed me.”
“we can get that Master I know the man that makes them I will phone him for you Master” My Pet say's with her beautiful smile.
I take her in my arms and kiss her deeply ” Thank you my sweet pet new lets get back to the bar and watch the boys have same fun.”We both giggle and head back to the bar with our arms around each other.
April 24, 2013 at 9:07 am #67355Back to the Bar & grill, we sit at a table and order a drink, talking about the bed my Master whant to put in his dungeon: the dimension, the sheet colour and other stuff. Sure is that bed is big and expensive, but it can give us some nice fun when it's in Master's dungeon and i know who i have to call for it. i'll take my cell and make a call.
“Hello, Alan… it's going!?”
“Good to know, my friend……listen, i have someone interessed in the bed, but there is a problem….can you make and bring it where i tell you for this friday afternoon!?”
“I know it's lot of work and less time…..crap, if i know i advice you early!”
“I know i ask you to hurry for the throne too, but you owed me a favor…..this time i owe you one!”
“SAY WHAT!? Two pony suit for next wednesday!? ARE YOU KIDDING!?”
“ok, ok…..understnad….let's make this deal…….”
“Where!? at the Bar & Grill…..i'll be here and then let you see the place, ok!?”
“Thanks, pal…..i'll wait your call!”
Jeez, Alan….nice guy and so skilled but at last we always end like this…..all at the last moment! But it's ok…at last we always get what we need!
I turn to Master Tango who was listening at the call and looking at me with a strange expression on his face. I smile at him and then reassuring him that he will have his bed soon, i kiss him on his cheek and then whisper: “We can test it after the party, Master…..but i'm sure you will like it!”
I sit on his lap, staring at his eyes…..i can see the sight of the beast deeper in them, but it's sleeping now, waiting for the right moment to wake up and play with me: oh, i know how much the beast like to play with me….too much probably, and i know the moment will arrive soon, but not now! I hold him tight, wrapping his shoulders with my arms, then i apologize“I have to go……too many work to do for the party and for us, Master….i'm so sorry!”
We stand up and he hold me in his arms, kissing me deeply, then we move to the B&G entrance when we kiss again before moving away.
April 24, 2013 at 3:12 pm #67356I walk my sweet Pet to the door and take her in my arms and Kiss her deeply I let her slip out of my arms and watch her get in her car and drive off.
I turn and walk over to Doc and the boys ” Right lads I've got a rush job needs doing by Friday afternoon”
Doc Asks “What is it Tango” I roll the plans out on the table and show the guys and point to the room next to the office. “Lets go have a better look” I say as I pick up the plans and walk over to the room.We all walk over to the room all but Dopey he stays and quickly drinks all the glasses of beer left on the table. Doc calls him over and he rushes over drinking the last glass and bumps into Brandy throwing it all over her. She looks down at him with a stern English look Dopey looks up smiles and runs into the spa room and hides behind the wall.
Brandy looks over at me “SORRY” in mouth at her and she storms into her office and slams the door.Taking the plans back out we get a better look and walk around the room where things are going to be
“The back half of the room needs a new floor built for the walking shower and hot tub to go on with all the plumbing under the floor. The floor is to be black slate tiles and the walls off the back wet area is to be a nice light cream coloured tile” I tell the boys
“The front is to have nice thick carpet and the walls are to be painted to match the tiles at the back of the room. And the lighting needs to be changed to mood lighting to be able to change colours can all that be done by Friday guy's” I ask them “and if it can there's lots more beers in it for you” I add quickly.
Doc and the boys go into a huddle and came back with a big “YAEH we can do that as long as you get every thing here in time”Doc say's
“Great I'll get onto that right now” I grab my phone and make the call,
“Andy its Tango that stuff I ordered is it ready…….. Great send it over to The Bar & Grill asap please mate……… great see you out the back in an hour then.”
“That will be here in about an hour guy” I say as I hang up the phone
I turn to the large mirror on the wall the backs onto the office wall and take a good look at it. Thinking to myself “do I really want it there or not” I lean on the wall not seeing a small switch that I put my hand on it and the mirror turns into a window into the Office. All the boy cheer and run over to the window and look into the office to see Brandy bent over just in her Bra and Matching panties. I hit the switch again and it turns back to a mirror
I go knock on the office door KNOCK KNOCK “Are you decent Miss brandy” I say with a smile on my face “One minute Tango” comes from the office. then the door opens Just as Brandy is pulling down a Bar T shirt on “Whats Up Tango” she says still unhappy about what Dopey did.
“you better come see this in the spa room” we walk in and the guys all start to giggle I look at them and shack my head.
I tell Brandy to look into the mirror “What am I looking at then Tango apart from myself” I hit the switch again and the office is there infront of her eyes and the guys giggle again. “WHAT THE IS THIS” Brandy looks over at me, all I could do was smile back at her. Then her face changes again and turns to the guy's then back to me “you didn't” I nod “you did” “yes but I didn't know I promise” I say quickly “and I turned it right back off”
Her face changes and starts to go red “We are going to have to sort this out Tango can't have you looking into my office” But then her eyes light up can it be changed around” she say's with a smile.
“I don't know but I will look into it”April 26, 2013 at 10:32 am #67357Friday morning, at last…..and i'm here with Alan in my Master's dungeon assembling the bed: it's big enough to let three people sleep in it and the metal hoops all around it make it really interessing for some play….and i know my Master want it with this purpouse and i know we gonna test it soooo soon! Oh gosh, can't wait for the after party!
Yeah the party…..we really need to hurry if i want to be there before the opening of the Bar & Grill! but i had taken all i need with me and plan to change here in my Master's dungeon…..after all, i was thinking about we need a little changing room here for, you know….., me getting ready to be his dragon girl! And luck want there is a working shower here! I was looking around the room, when Alan's voice bring me to reality.
“Day dreaming, HB!?”
“uhhhmmmm…..just a little….” i answer him, looking back at the bed.
“mmmm….i think you are hiding me something! or am i wrong!?” he say, smirking devilishous at me.
“Who, me!? naaah, why i have to do it!?” starting to feel a little uncomfortable
” don't lie…..i think i know you enough to understand it!”
“weeeelll……you know, this place will be like a second home from now on…..i think…..” i answer, feeling my face burning “…and before you say it, yes, i admit……you was right when you said i would like to be taken in control by someone else!”
With my face burning and red as ever it ever been before, i can see a smirk on his face, but he don't say nothing about this, he move back to the bed and continue working on its assembling. I'm surprised…..he never had lose the opportunity of joking with me in a similar situation, but thistime it's different and don't know why!
“Hey Alan… that really you!?” i ask staring at him, doubtfull.
“Of course…..”
“You look different…..what happen!?”
“Nothing….just happy for you, that's all….aaaand this damn work is killing me! so, what about helping me!?”
We back to work and finally, the bed is ready! It takes most of the day to complete it and the opening time of the Bar & Grill is near now….i must hurry and change, but first i lead Alan out of the Ice House and properly thanks him for his hard work, offering him a drink at the bar. We talk a little and he ask me about my new “experience”: i tell him all, he's a good friend afterall, and i can see him really interessed in my words, till the last one.
“Wow, that's incredible!” he say, finishing his drink “seems like you are really caught in this story….”
“I am, yes…….like never it ever happen before!”
“heh…..i'd like to know him, soon or later…..and give him some advice about you!” he say, grinning.
“WHAAAAT!? Advice him about me!? are you nuts!?” i yell at him
“I'm kidding, HB……but don't forget about our deal…'s time for me to go! more work to do!”
“Oh, don't worry Alan…..i'll do my part….had i ever break a deal with you!?” i say, a little pissed off.
“Never….that's why i like to work with you! Say hi to your Master from me!” he replay, moving out the Bar & Grill.
Alan…..sometimes the best guy in the world but other times he is a real dumbass…..oh well……this is how he is, afterall! But no time to think at this now….
I move back to master's dungeon and get ready for the party: after a full day of work, an hot shower help me to relax and get strenght back, ready for a new intense night at the B&G! I open my bag and pull out the costume and all the accessories i need for it…..some adjustment at the make up and i'm ready for a wild night! I move backi to th B&G and when i enter in the poll rrom, i can hear voices coming from the main room.
I step out and look around: the main room is barely filled by every type of furries costume and more are coming in from the entrance! Impressie, the quality of the costumes is high and a lot of variety here! Seems like it will be a great party tonight!
I move to the stage, trying to don't hit someone with my three tails….the hell, just one make it difficult…why i had add two!? But a last, i can say i made a nice work…..a little fox ready for hunt! eh eh! I take the microphone and wait for the band to end their song, then turn to all the costumers in the place.
“Few words, don't worry….first, a warm wellcome to old and new friends for another of the great party of the B&G…..we all love this place and we have to thanks the management team for all the hard work they made! And now,…..let's the first Furry Party begin! enjoy it!”
A big cheer fullfill the B&G, sounds of full glasses hitting each others follow it….yes, it's started! and it's time to have fun! I leave the stage and lead for the counter, where i order a Bayleis. I sit on a stool waiting for my master, sipping it slowly
April 26, 2013 at 11:43 am #67358WALKING into the Bar Friday Morning hoping the Boys had worked there Magic in the spa room
I walk to the door and Doc meets me “Tango I hope its what you wanted we worked all night for you we know what this would mean to you to have it done” I walk into the spa “WOW GUYS What a great job you've all done” I say with wide eyes
Doc takes me round and shows me every thing“Willl Tango is it what you wanted” Doc asks
“It the best You and the boys have surpassed yourselfs this time guys its great thank you for all your work I owe you all one” say to all the guys
The boy all go to the Bar “Joe give them anything they want and let them take it down to there hangout”
the boys all order beers and snacks and head off back to there hideout.I look around the bar “Its going to be a great night just hope my pet has that bed” I thick to myself.
Right time to get my costume and get ready.April 26, 2013 at 12:16 pm #67359I pull up out side the Bar & Grill after a hard day out on the road, I need a shower and to get into the party.
I go into The Ice House and in to my Dungeon the air is thick with the sweet scent of my Pets perfume I take a deep breath filling my lungs of her sweet scent. Turning the lights on “YES” my sweet Pet has done it she has got that great bed. I lay my costume out on the bed and strip off and jumping to the shower. After 5 minutes I come back out and get my costume on.Making my way down the tunnel and into the pool room still smelling the sweet scent of My Pet. I stand behind the door and take a deep breath throw a small smoke capsule open the door and walk into the BAR
My Pet is sitting at the Bar looking straight at me with a loving smile on her face.
April 26, 2013 at 5:00 pm #67360After a busy day with plenty of work I take a shower prepare myself for the party. My girl wanted to come too but she didn't tell me which costume she will be wearing. “Hm, do I have to kiss everyone to find her?” I speak to myself and laugh.
I'm looking forward to the party. Had a busy week and just want to dance, sing and drink tonight. And perhaps… my dirty mind is dreaming, hot sex with my spouse in a dark corner of the bar.
I call a taxi. Just few minutes later I hear his horn and walk out. The driver is starring at me. Lol.. no wonder, as I'm wearing my puma costume. “Don't be surprised if you see more crazy people tonight. There is a party in the bar” I tell him. He nods. “I have heard about. I'm sure it will be another crazy party like always” he smiles.I reach the bar and walk in. As usual I'm one of the first. I welcome tango and hb, old Joe and the dwarfs. This time I don't have anything to do – just to enjoy and have fun
I sit on the bar and order a beer. Smiling. Tango and HB prepared everything well, the party can start now. Especially as I'm here now…haha..
It's puma time
April 26, 2013 at 5:26 pm #67361Early Friday afternoon
I spend the morning getting the bar ready for HB’s FURRIES PARTY, the bar takes on a forest theme. on the stage we have put up a large mural of trees with mountains in the backround. We test the sound system which will have sounds of the wild playing in a loop when no music or performers are on stage.Looking around I am satisfied with our work, the kitchen has been working since dawn on the buffet goodies and the bar is stocked and ready for thirsty critters. Its been a hectic week with the spare office renovation into a spa, as if reading my mind Tango whistles to get my attention and waves to me to come take a look. Walking in the work takes me by surprise. Looking around all I can say is “well done boys” Tango takes his leave saying he need to get dressed when it dawns on me I have no costume !!!!!!! Stone will not be pleased. I am relieved she is out shopping with Brandy.
“hold the fort Joe. Need to go home for a bit” I rush out of the building and hop in my car and head to the cabin to see what I can come up with.
1 hour later I smile at my creation and send stone a pic to her phone.
April 26, 2013 at 10:15 pm #67363I enter the bar, giggling with Stone. We had had a brilliant afternoon shopping and spending wads of dosh. Luckily our spouses adore us, and even if they are an itsy bitsy mad at the damage done to their bank balance, we both figured, we could get on their good sides , especially when they see the designer underwear from the Jeanona, Prias & TightFit collections
The bar is full of Furry animals as the party guests are arriving in full costumes. KingDustin looks great in his cuddly Lion king costume. Nat33 is drinking coffee at the bar & I tell Old Joe to pour her one of my special punches
HB & the bar staff had organised it beautifully. The bar looked like a hot erotic forest. The food prepared looked tasty and succulent. The Country boys house band were dressed like scantily clad natives with strategically placed cuddly furry toys on the stage and on their instruments.
Stone & I hurry off to get into costume. HB had sent me a beautiful costume as a gift the day before , well made, thoughtful and exquisitely stitched.
The workmanship is outstanding on the Bumble Bee costume. I enter the bar from the back of the stage and twirl round the pole used for erotic dances to test out the balance of the tail. It's just perfect.
Pleased with the effect, I make my way to the bar , greeting friends along the way. I join Stone, Jayc, Lover, Tango, and jcm. They all look stunning. Jcm orders us all a drink & I stand with him and clink glasses to show my gratitude. Shopping sure is thirsty work.
The Country Boys start singing an Old Favourite and raise their glasses to toast in my direction. I begin to wonder if that joke will ever wear out and raise my glass back good naturedly to acknowledge their teasing ….
“ Look for the BEAR necessities, the simple Bear necessities
Forget about your worries & your strife
I mean the BEAR necessities, Old Mother Nature’s recipies
That brings the Bear Necessities of life…”April 26, 2013 at 11:55 pm #67364I got up early today so I would have time to make it to the party, get my costume on
and entering the Bar, I see HB at bar looking gorgeous as alway. Tango come out of the dungeon with awesome costume on, looking like a badass. I reach into my pocket to get my in inflatable Throne, I'm not much of king with out my chair now am I
filling it up with air i sit down slowly as not hurt my self. My wounds form battling the Evil Gnomes Of the north are still fresh. Relaxing in my Chair i watch everyone coming in one by one.
Lover entered the bar in his black panther costume think it was perfect match for him, next was jayc with cheshire cat costmue. His smile gave me the creeps. After was lovely Miss Stone and her pretty costume Racy Racoon. Following her was the Gorgeous Lady Brandybee, watching her sport her sexy Bee costume. Giving a wave to the two fine ladies as they come out with costume on.
not to far behind i see jcm0824 entering the bar as well. Dressed a Spartan with a Cat face. It was very nice costumeSiting on my throne Enjoying the pleasant atmosphere that only friends and family can bring. As we all partake in drink, song and dance together. tis was a truly a wonderful time
April 26, 2013 at 11:58 pm #67365I was roaming about the village where I have just moved and saw the most interesting poster for a furry party. I went home researched the party theme. Seeing that this may be a outstanding way to meet new friends. I selected the tiger costume to match my personality. (Calm, Cool, and Aware) and made my way down. I finish my smoke as I was entering the bar. As I opened the door I seen the party in full gear lights flashing and music blasting. Looking about trying hard not to stare at the amazing costumes I see. I slowly stroll to the bar. The bar keep introduces himself as Old Joe.
Joe slides a 7N7 across the bar to me as I reach for my wallet Joe say “on the house, consider it a welcome to the village.” Joe I say your a hell of a guy thanks. I turn and see a group of seemingly cool people standing by a table joking and laughing. I make my way over and introduce myself ” Hello in DJ I'm new here my I buy you guys a drink?” As I offer up a smile.April 27, 2013 at 2:33 am #67366Greeting the new comer to the party, I get off my throne to stretch my legs
letting everyone marvel at my costume.'' Greeting lsdj, tis a fine party yes.''after meeting with lsdj thinking to my self ( there are lot of cats at this furry party).
April 27, 2013 at 6:01 am #67367As i wonder into the bar is see the party on it's way,not so many people are here yet but i hope it will change.
as i wonder to the bar i great the friends i know and the new faces i see. After getting my drink from Old Joe i'm heading to my good friend Tango, greeting him with a
Nah… What's up doc?April 27, 2013 at 7:27 am #67368I moved my Throne to the bar after Greeting new guy, Ask Sir Joe for a Large strawberry Iced Brandy with honey. In the corner of my eye I saw small purple figure running in to small door.
I turned my head looking at jcm0824. said out load
''was that a Gnome?''
turning my focus back to my drink, taking large sip.
''Gnomes are evil you best beware jcm0824, there nothing more evil then a Gnome''
finishing my Drink I got up holding my side where the gnome King stab me. I gave jcm0824 a friendly pat on back to reassure him that every fine.
I walk over to greet Tango and HB. Giving HB gentle warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. I turn to Tango giving him a Nice big Lion king hug lifting him off the floor, regretting it as pain was intense. I hid the pain away as I congratulate HB for setting up a wonderful party.I also congratulate Tango On the massage/spa room. I whisper to them both that I over here there meeting and took a peek at it before the party started. I told him It looks fantastic.
In celebration of new the room, I had my head craftsmen at my Keep make a pair of large solid gold breast for you as a gift, there in the massage/spa room as we speak. I Leaned in to whisper just for tango to hear those pair of breast belong to one of are fine ladies in the village. If you can fine and get her to admit those are hers, I will give you the full body version
Now with your permission Tango, I would like to borrow HB for a bit. I offer my hand to HB asking her for a quick Dance before my wound take it toll on me.
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