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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
May 26, 2013 at 2:16 pm #67458
Standing watching my Dragon Girl slowly take sexi from behind with a big smile on my face sexi slashes water at me.
Moving over to the tub I can make out the outline of Stray's body in the bubbling water her breasts are just pushing out of the bubbles as she as her head under sexi's pussy as mrsex is filling it. Leaning over the tub I dive my hand into the warm water and find Stray's inner thigh. her legs close shut on my hand but open again as I take her nipple into my mouth and suck on it roughly.Feeling her legs opening my hand move up her thigh and finds her soft lips with the warm water and bubbles covering it my finger slides deep into her soft folds. Feeling her arch her back pushing her nipple deeper into my mouth as my finger works deeper into her.
Using my thumb on her clit as I push a second finger into the softness of her inner sex.Reaching around mrsex and sexi I gently rub my hand up my Dragon Girls body and cup her breast and squeeze it gently.
I feel a hand on the back of my head pushing it down harder on Stray's nipple and into the water of the tub. Keeping her nipple tight in my mouth as my head goes under the water holding my breath as long as I can. Shacking my head trying to get the hand off my head as I start to run out of air. Feeling the hand change from pushing me down to pulling me up I let go of Strays nipple and come out of the water and grasp for air.
Now that I was wet I slide out of my cloths and step into the tub and move between Strays legs taking both my hands and run them under her butt and up her back lifting her body up so her pussy just comes out of the water. As it comes out I lean forward and open my mouth over her lips sucking them into my mouth and tasting her sweet sex pushing my tongue deep between them I lap at her silk lips and run my tongue up and over her swollen clit. Using the tip of my tongue running around it flicking it…………and suck it hard.
I look up and see my Dragon Girl looking over sexi's shoulder down on me with a big smile on her face as she move in and out of sexi in time with mrsex as they both fill her at the same time…
May 28, 2013 at 1:39 pm #67459Sitting at the bar, I drink my House punch watching Lover in amazement as he begins to dress up in goggles, and flippers and the brightest beach shorts over his black panther trousers ever..
JD has the stop watch and he is given the count down for the fastest circuit round the bar. Lover has to jump over and negotiate a few well placed chairs and slip under some tables in the make shift obstacle course.
And he’s off… He guzzles down a pint of fine German lager, turns round 3 times, helped by Old_goat & King Dustin spinning him before making sure he is running in the right direction for his fast fun run to cheers around the bar. JD is keeping the time checks.
Satoire and Pafe are causing a stir as money is slapped on the table for her to complete a bear- assed run on the same course. Even Covems tears himself from his shoulder flirting with ItsAmy123 to slap down some money.
I giggle to Old_Joe as Lover lurches under a table, crawling on all fours determined to set a good time. Old Joe is pleased with himself as he has managed to get Grandma Tango’s phone number and will no doubt be paying her a visit in the near future.
He mentions running short of bar towels and beer mats and I shout over the crowd, that I have some promotion ones in the office of the new band “ Cocks & Roses” in the office. I will get them as soon as Stray is feeling better. She’s in there just gathering her faculties as the alcoholic drink, she had had, had gone to her teetotal head a little too quickly for her comfort.
Old Joe nods and tells me there’s no immediate rush but he will need them soon.
I see Stray exit the office and go next door into the new Massage room. She is going to join MrsexLover and Sexilious in there. She seems to have an excited look on her face, not uncommon here in the good old AB&G. 😮
I stand to go and collect the requested Cock & Roses beer mats from the office but Jayc & Stone beat me too it. They enter the office. I decide to leave them alone for some quality time. They may need it with all the kissing they keep doing. :
I pick up a pen from the bar and go to the notice board, chewing on the end as I look at the newly posted volunteer list for the Bar Olympics, just about to start with Lover . Cheekily, I add a few names for JD to call up in the timed Fast Run round the bar ….. underneath Lover.. I add …
Old_Goat, jcm0824, King Dustin, Pafe, Satoire, Covems, Its Amy123…..
Then I see jcm and a new girl – SnowBunny82 coming out from behind the curtain by the stage. Jcm has a very satisfied smile on his face. She must have discovered his Scottish ancestry I smile to myself and of course ..add her name to the list…
Still chuckling to myself , I know that list will grow as the night goes on.
Freddie & tangojane dance and then he sings a beautiful song to her on stage. He has a fantastic voice and as we all clap him, tangojane runs to him and they snog robustly. He takes her in his arms and walks her backwards to a nearby table. They are lost in each other and care little as they begin to fondle each other quite openly . I wink at Old Joe , just another night at the bar and going strong…
I walk back to the bar to get a refill of punch, when the large drop down screen begins to flicker to life. Jayc and Stone must be putting the TV on in the office..
Suddenly a very amateurish commercial begins to play that they had apparently been working on with Covems and the Dwarfs to advertise their Blind Date Event. I am crying with laughter at the pandemonium on set. There’s stumbles, and Pachi farting , and smouldering dressing gowns and Lover in the background holding a sign up for Marilyn… it’s all so funny its genius.Everyone is watching , even Lover has stopped mid run to see what’s happening on the screen, quite forgetting he’s being timed.
The footage flickers to the end and then Stone and Jayc exit the office . We all cheer & clap them for their fine performances. The perplexed look on their faces is just as funny as they obviously have no idea their commercial had been broadcast to the rest of the bar.
I go to my now empty office and collect the promotional beermats and bar towels for the “ Cocks & Roses “ band along with the poster to say they are playing soon at the AB&G.
I glance to the one-way mirror showing the Spa Room next door, and then purposely walk over to gaze through it more. I see the troilism of Mrsexlover, Sexilicious and Stray enjoying each other in the spa pool. All are naked and wet in the pool. Mr sexlover is in heaven as the two ladies are licking his massive cock as he holds and fondles their heads on him. Its very hot & very erotic.
I watch for a while with interest and then return to the bar , locking my office door. I pass the “ Cocks & Roses” goodies on to a grateful Old Joe. He places the mats on the bar counter and I go hang up the “ Cocks & Roses” poster for all to see on the notice board.
Tangoracer & HB move to the Spa room and enter to join, Mrsexlover, Sexilicious, & Stray.
I sit with Lsdj, Kristina82, jcm0824, SnowBunny82, Jayc, Stone & Lover again at the bar. I offer to buy the next round of drinks, greet the two newcomers to the party – Kristina82 and SnowBunny82- and watch with interest who takes to dressing in the goggles & flippers for the fast run circuit round the bar obstacle course…….
May 28, 2013 at 2:05 pm #67460Pausing as I entered the bar, allowing my eyes to adjust to the change in light levels. I used my tie, adjusting it slightly so I could take a swift look around the inside. I was dressed in suit shirt tie jacket trousers high polished shoes. Having been invited to come along I made my way to the bar and a stool. I sat there looking at the gathering of people, smiled and nodded at the only person I'd really talked to, Brandybee. As the barman approached I spoke quietly, not shyly, it was a way of making people listen more attentively. “JD, just ice, please mate.” The barman nodded and moved off to the drinks optics. I leaned on the bar and offered my greetings to those who were not otherwise engaged with what they are doing to each other.”Hey hi ….” I leaned back against the bar nodding to the barman as my drink arrived as I had ordered it “Thank you .. ” was all I said. I then just let myself absorb the atmosphere of the place, listening to music and the hum of conversation.
May 28, 2013 at 3:05 pm #67461Sitting in my Queen Bee costume that HB has designed for me, I chat with Lover teasing him about the Sign he held up for Marilyn in the Blind Date commercial… ligging all sneaky like in the background “ Hello Marilyn “ when I notice a new comer arrive in his smart suit and highly polished shoes.
There is a presence and air of authority about him for sure. I wonder vaguely if he may be a new owner of one of the dungeons downstairs in The Ice House. I must remember to ask Bear and Tangoracer when I get chance.
Old Joe serves him and I signal to him the drink is free. All new comers have a free drink on the house – it’s kind of traditional now.
I wonder what he may look like in a wolf costume, seeing as it’s a “ Furry Party “ night and chuckle at the thought.
I wander over to him and welcome him to the AB&G. He smiles and I gently break the news to him …
“ I have just entered you for the fun run obstacle course, I bet you look great in goggles & flippers “
The devil in my angel eyes dances merrily away and I order yet another drink on …. Covems tab.
May 28, 2013 at 3:15 pm #67462I was feeling a like I had a nice quiet corner to sit in and smiled as I saw Brandy stroll over to me with that look in her eyes. I raised an eyebrow as I was told you entered me in a competition… “Wearing what …. ? ” I pretended deafness as I spoke quietly back to you. There was amusement in both both words and voice as I replied for you … “Goggles and flippers … Mmm … Sounds like a muff diving competition to me, Brandy … ” grinning, blue eyes sparkling as I looked in to your eyes.
“And you won't recognize me tonight …. ” there was more than just a touch of wicked pleasure in my eyes at the mention of the furry party
May 29, 2013 at 1:04 pm #67463Sitting at the bar with JCM drinking on my drink, and still thinking of what took place behind the curtains. I could feel my face still flushed and my body tingling from the highten sinsation. I was standing there in between his legs facing him running my fingers across his chest. *smiling devilishly into his eyes as I took a sip* When a commercial begins to play large drop down screen, I turned to see what was happening. We all cheered after it was done.
I went to turn my attention back to jcm when I noticed a poster that Brandybee was hanging up of the band “Cocks N Roses” that was coming soon to the bar. I had to take a second look because one of the band members looked just like JCM. And I noticed it was, I smiled to myself and thought, “mmmm not only is he hot, but he is a band member too? Most def. a keeper and my kind of man.” I looked back at JCM smiled, and said “You didn't tell me you was in a band.” He looked at me and smiled, said “Yeah, something I have been doing for a while, surprise!”
Brandybee got done hanging the poster, and came over and joined us at the bar, and told old_goat a round was on her. I thought that was very kind, and ordered my 4th drink for the night. I could feel myself getting a lil tipsy so I leaned into JCM a lil more. Then that is when Brandybee told us she had signed us up on a list for Bar Olympics. I looked at her and said, “OOOh boy this should be fun!” She said we had to dress in goggles & flippers for the fast run circuit round the bar obstacle course……. I just wondered when my time would be to get up and run this course and hoped like hell I didn't fall flat on my face in the process.
As leaning into JCM his scent just made me disappear into a daydream for I never heard him asking me a question… I snapped back out of daydream and he said, “Did you hear me, bunny?” I looked at him and blushed, 'No I zoned out for a moment” He chuckled, and said well I was asking if you would like to check out the rest of the bar?” I said, “sure, but after I get a lil air from outside” As we walked over to the door… Brandybee yelled out across the bar, “JCM don't go to far you will be up soon for your run…” I laughed as I was going out the door and said “OK” … when I tripped into his arms… He said,”whoa bunn… when I leaned in and gave him a long over due kiss. :-*
May 29, 2013 at 4:11 pm #67464Hiya's…
“Alright”, I say, “I'll do it.” Satoire smiles that crooked smile of her's as I stand up from the table. I walk over to where Lover will be finishing his race and begin to unbutton my coat.
“COVEMS!” I call out. “You better match this fund. Don't make me come looking for you again.”
Covems laughs and raises his glass to me as I slide my hands into my coat and rest them on my hips. I know my coat is wide open, but I don't care.
“Better stretch some Pafe.” Satoire says. “Don't be pulling any muscles.”
Good idea, I think, and begin to do some squats and bending at the waist. A couple of side lunges and a few forward ones to stretch out my hamstrings. Satoire comes over to give me a few pointers. “Remember to spread your feet out sideways… like Charlie Chaplain did.” She says to me. “I danced in clown shoes, and that's how I did it. It's a bit uncomfortable, but you're only doing it for a minute or two.”
I practice turning my feet sideways and moving. It is uncomfortable, but not unbearable. I'm ready and just waiting for Lover to finish so I can have the fins and goggles.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeMay 29, 2013 at 4:42 pm #67465I watched from my corner as Pafe got up and did her warm ups. I sipped my drink quietly watching Pafe bend and squat twisting and stand with her feet out sideways like Charlie Chaplin then walking. I was tempted to say you looked like a penguin the way you moved around with your feet out … Maybe you had a plan there though.
I lowered my glass to the bar and swirled the ice around slowly rattling it. Maybe if I dropped a cube of ice in to your panties then you would run a lot faster. I chuckled to myself at that thought glancing to the barman and nodding “I believe Brandy owes me a shot …. ” sliding the glass with a casual flick of my fingers, to the bar keep.
I decided I'd watch at least one person do the obstacle course before I attempted it …. Or .. and this only made m want to laugh .. Make it a three legged competition with the flippers and goggles, cuffed to a partner. Maybe I'd talk to Brandy … So long as she kept that sting pointing away from me.
May 29, 2013 at 4:46 pm #67466While kissing mrsexlover, I wiggle against HB and reach back cupping her balls and softly twisting them in rhythm with the movement in and out getting faster and faster. Squeezing more on her cock at the same time, I feel her starting to struggle in keeping a tight reign on her orgasm when tango suggests moving over to a more comfortable area in the spa room.
HB sighs in relieve as she was getting so close and pulls out, and we all head over to the area. I grab many cushions and lay them on the floor. Grabbing HB, I lean in and kiss her softly on her neck. “Sure glad you two joined us.” Reaches down and softly rubs her cock while twirling my fingers around the tip.
May 29, 2013 at 5:46 pm #67467Now that Sexi stopped kissing me, and keeping me pinned down in the tub, i jump out. Water is splashing all around and Tango looks at me while i make a mess of his spa.
I can't help it as i grab Stray by the hand and lead her to Sexi and HB to continue the party on the cushions
May 29, 2013 at 7:16 pm #67468Following mrsex and the girls over to to the cushions I smile to myself ” have an Idea”
“HB my Dragon Girl lay down on you back” My Pet smiles and say “Yes Master”
she lays on her back I smile at Stary “your next” She looks at me and smiles, Standing over my Pet she lowers herself down onto my Dragon Girls hard shaft. I put my hand on her shoulder and slowly lower her down onto HB. They kiss as Stary lays down onto her I smile a mrsexlover and wink at himHe Just smiles back and nods his head he moves in behind Stary and gently slides into her,
“Your next ” as I look at sexi ” On you get” I say as I tap Stray's back
She steps over Stray sits down on her and lays down on her back.
I move down to where all the girls heads are and get on my Knees my Pet ans Stray stop kissing, I move and give them my hardness placing it between the lips Feeling both there mouths on my shaft I feel sexi's hands on my ass pulling me closer to the two egger mouths.
I look over at mrsex and see his hips moving in a steady rhythm
May 29, 2013 at 7:39 pm #67469“Hey buddy, I sent the “Come home” command to you over an hour ago. It's a fifteen minute walk from the bar. You must have been busy there.”
**Scanning retinas….*** Facial recognition complete! Match… Owner!
“I've been hearing some complaints about you.. um.. tasting metallic and a bit on the oily side from some of the ladies. I've come up with a con-cock-tion… get it.. cock-tion…. oh.. I wish I built you with a sense of humor.”
“So what is your solution sir?”
“I'm gonna need to shut you down for a bit. Initiating shutdown sequence in 5…4…3….2…1”
(an hour passes)
“Running start up processes sir.” “All systems nominal.”
“There, that should help things out a bit, but after every encounter you have, you will need to drink one cup of milk and chew one salt tablet. I will have Old Joe keep them behind the bar, just for you.”
“I have information for you sir, and this key. I was told to tell you that there seems to be a wolf in the hen house.”
“Interesting information. I'll have to figure out what all this means on the way back to the bar.”
May 29, 2013 at 7:56 pm #67470Pressing my shoulder against Amy's once again, causing her to lean to her left again. “Oooops.” I say with a smile. “Didn't mean to bump you.” I take a swig of my sarsparilla as I press against her even harder until she starts to press back. We look at each other as we set our drinks down on the bar and continue to press our shoulders together, I can see there's a look of determination in her eyes.
Miss Amy is taking up the challenge and pressing harder against me. She's small… petite… and I can feel her moving as I press harder. She shifts her weight and props a foot out, pressing back very hard now.
This is the moment, and I step back, slipping my shoulder away from Miss Amy. All her weight was pressed against me, and my sudden movement causes her to lose her balance and she starts to fall in front of me. I reach in with both arms and scoop her up into them, cradling her… her arms wrap around my neck as she was reaching for something to break her fall. Looking her in the eyes I say, “ooopsie daisey.”
She fits well in my arms, and I'm tempted, very tempted to plant a kiss on those lips, but there's a fire in her eyes and an expression that I just can't read as she realizes that all of this was planned. “So… ” I continue… moving my mouth closer to hers… “does…”
“COVEMS!” Pafe calls me, “You better be serious about matching this fund.”
“Pafe.” I call out, and while still cradling Miss Amy in my arms, I walk towards Pafe and Satoire. “I'm as serious as two dogs fuckin'. You run that race bare assed and I'll send you a copy of the check… better yet… I know where you live… I'll come put the check in your mailbox and you can hand deliver it.”
Pafe breaks into a big grin and her and Satoire talk. “I'll do it” Pafe says and go over to the starting area and begins to stretch. I head back to the bar, still holding Miss Amy.
“Are you going to put me down?” The She-wolfs asks.
“Oh….” I reply… “yes Ma'am… I reckon at some point I will…. but I'm… I'm taking quite a liking to this… but you just say the word, and I'll set you down.” I smile to myself as I feel Miss Amy adjust her arms around my neck. “Does…”
“Cove”, Joe says with a big smile on his face, “have you seen your bar bill?”
“Not now Joe. We'll settle it all up later.” I move to lean my back to the bar with the She-wolf in my arms… “You should run the race, too.” I say to Miss Amy. “Wolves love to run… and howl… does… “
“So tempting…” I think… “so tempting” … and I press my lips to hers…
May 30, 2013 at 12:29 am #67471I giggle at the look on Wolfie’s face , “ Goggles & Flippers “ he repeats.
I raise my eyebrows , cock my head to one side and nod at him. He has twinkling blue eyes, I failed to notice before. They are quite stunning in his handsome face.
I can tell he’s amused as he quips about muff diving.
Just at that JCM and SnowBunny get up to go for fresh air before their run around the bar. I remind them they will be up soon .
Wolfie signals to Old Joe about me owing him a drink. Old Joe looks at me quizzically and I nod my head and mouth “ Covem’s Tab “ and move my head down and to the side to scratch it so it’s all very secretative, eyes looking up to make myself look as innocent as possible.
I spot several bottles of milk in a glassed doored fridge behind the counter.
“There’s a lot of milk there, for my tea Joe, You been over ordering? ““ Don’t ask, “ Old Joe moans, “ I got stocks of salt tablets too “ His attention is drawn to another customer requiring to be served.
I frown, ”Maybe it acts as viagra “ thinking to myself, “ He could be hoping where Grandma Tango is concerned..”
Cheers are sounding. When I turn, I see why. The not-so-shy Pafe has started her warm up exercises for her turn at the race. Her fur coat is wide open displaying her gorgeous nude curves. The guys are enjoying her stretches and Charlie Chaplin wobble dance.
She is taking up Satoire’s Challenge of the bare assed run, much to the delight of Covems who is paying up his promise, making his way to their table with the She-Wolfed Amy cradled in his arms.
She snuggles into his neck, but then who wouldn’t do that to a handsome guy in a big balled furry monkey suit.I turn to Wolfie, “ You know, before your fun run, you should try one of Stone’s Bloody Mary specials – They are wicked .. ”
Stone and jayc grin at him, nodding their encouragement too …
May 30, 2013 at 4:36 am #67472As I'm about to take a sip from my 4th drink of the night, I notice JCM and Snowbunny making there way back to the bar. I smirk whilst noticing JCM's big grin, getting a good idea of what they have just been upto. My eyes meet Snowbunny's and I wave and smile, as a friendly gesture.
In the midst of taking a sip again from my drink, I'm interrupted by a shoulder pushing my shoulder again. “Oooops… Didn't mean to bump you,” he says coyly. I smirk to myself secretly.
I try to take a sip for the third time, but his shoulder pushes mine again. This time harder. I set my drink, and resort to pushing back. I finally look into Cove's eyes, glaring at him. Putting on a strong front, I push back… Not being one to back down from a challenge. Knowing I'm much smaller in size, I press back with all my weight.
Suddenly, he steps back. Not expecting this, my heart almost jumps out of my chest as I predict a nasty fall. Little do I know, I fall right in his arms. He scoops me up as I quickly wrap my arms around his neck. Slightly panting, my heart races, and my eyes lock with his again. His eyes are intense and take me into a trance-like state for a few seconds.
I then realize I have fallen right into his trap, as this was all planned, and glare at him. Not that I mind being in his arms. I actually feel pretty comfortable in them. But I wasn't going to let him know that. My ears perk up as he is about to ask me that question he's been meaning to for a while.
“COVEMS!” .. Both of our attentions shift to Pafe. He walks over to her. I barely pay attention to what he's saying and unintentionally start to nuzzle his neck for a second. I quickly stop and my attention shifts back to Pafe. “Damn!” I think to myself.. “Now thats one ballsy woman”. I send a smile her way before she heads over to the starting area and begins to stretch.
He makes his way back to the bar, with me still in his arms. Still putting on a strong front I ask, “Are you going to put me down?”
He replies, “yes Ma'am… I reckon at some point I will…. but I'm… I'm taking quite a liking to this… but you just say the word, and I'll set you down.”
I feel those same butterflies making a return to my stomach, as my heart starts to race again. I fail to say a word and instead adjust my arms around his neck, maintaining eye contact.
I smirk, trying not to giggle when Joe mentions Cove's bar bill. I sneak a quick wink to Brandy before Cove's eyes shift back to mine.
He says something about running. But I'm too distracted to fully listen. My attention focuses on his eyes… and his lips. I keep staring.. shifting between both. Before I know it, his lips press to mine. Reluctant at first, I eventually give in to the kiss.. and start returning it.
As he places me on the edge of the bar countertop.. our kiss deepens. I lock my legs around him, our lips moving in perfect sync… one hand at the back of his neck.. the other grazing his back, gently scraping.
Kiss continues to deepen.. passion building. I wrap legs tighter around him.. bringing him in real close. Tongues flicking.. then entwining, twisting and turning together. Our lips fused.
His hands start to roam, maneuvering down my curves and cupping my cheeks. I slowly start to writhe and squirm.. as his hands continue to explore my petite frame. Breaking off the kiss.. I whisper into his ear.. “I think it's time we make our way to the dance floor… ”
I reach for my 4th drink… gulping it down in one shot. Before hopping off the counter.. I clink my glass with Brandy's, smirking and sending her eye signals :
I grab Cove's hand.. Placing it on my shoulder.. Fingers interlock with his.. and we make our way to the dance floor.
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