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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
June 3, 2013 at 12:13 am #67503
Hearing the loud bangs, the guys jump off and grab their guns and race for the main room forgetting to put their clothes on. 😮 Watching as they rush out, I get up and throw a towel around my body and follow out and see Covems tied up with a couple girls around him.
Hurrying over to a secret stash in the back, I grab out a long peacock feather and move up behind Covems. I am so quiet that he doesn't hear me and the girls are a bit busy.
Swishing the feather lightly, the feather lightly brushes against the back of his neck. Flicking it some more, it swirls around behind his ears then on down to where he is bound at the hands.
Winking over at the guys still standing there with the guns drawn not quite sure what is going on, I motion for them to come join so we could continue where we left off in the spa.
June 3, 2013 at 11:27 am #67504Hiya's…
“Satoire and I got this.” I yell across the room to Tango and Mr.SexLover, as they barge in yelling “POLICE” with their gun drawn.
They take stock of the situation, and sensing no danger, they lower their weapons. “Go back to whatever it was you were doing.” I say.
“Pafe”, Satoire says, “it's obvious what they were doing.” She giggles.
Having already smeared a good amount of lipstick on my lips, I settle into Covems' lap. Wiggling my bottom a bit to get comfortable. My coat is still open, and I don't take any efforts to close it. As I wiggle on him my breasts wobble from side to side. He can't help but notice them.
I see he's looking at them. “Are they having any effect on you?” I ask, then reach down with my hand, feeling around his crotch.
“Awww”, I say, “not yet?” And wiggle and wobble some more.
“Moonie?” I ask as she approaches, “Do you have a knife with you?”
“I have a small pocket knife.” MoonCalf answers, while reaching into her jeans and producing a folded knife. She opens it and hands it to me.
I pull the fabric of Covems' costume away from his body and cut it.
“The dwarfs are gonna be pisseed, Short Stuff.” He whispers to me.
“They'll get over it.” I say while closing the knife, and hand it back to MoonCalf. Then I proceed to tear his costume down to his tummy, and yank the head of the monkey suit off Covems' head. My pulling the material over his shoulders exposes his hairy chest. I flick that little nipple ring he has before pressing my bare breasts against him and rubbing them back and forth across his chest.
Then I take his face between my hands, lean my head in and very gently, tenderly, kiss his lips. I allow my arms to snake around his neck, while pressing my lips tighter against his and my breasts tighter against his chest. I now regret tying those bear paw like hands of his behind his back. I do so want them to be holding me in that gentle way, that belies their roughness.
I break off the kiss slowly, then bump my forehead against his and look him in the eye. “Thank you, Covems.” I whisper to him.
“You're welcome ma'am.” He whispers back, smiling. Then he glances down to his crotch and whispers, “That was working.”
I giggle and kiss his forehead, leaving a lip print there, and rise up off of him. Sexilicious, who is wrapped in just a towel, has snuck up behind him with a feather. I giggle again when I realize what her intentions are. She starts to tickle the back of his neck and ears.
“Satoire.” I say. “Your turn.” She gives that crooked smile and moves towards Covems, who is moving his head around, trying to escape the tickling of Sexi's feather…
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeJune 3, 2013 at 2:17 pm #67505Geesh I am late getting back to the bar. I told Brandy and Covems that I would only be gone for 30 minutes. That crazy cyborg of mine took way to long to get back home. Old Joe is going to be grumpy with all of the milk and salt that are behind the bar. Oh well. He will get over it.
I grab my furry costume and hit the door. I am hoping I can slip it on before I get to the bar. I jump in my Chevy and back out of the driveway.
I am sure I look pretty funny as I slip on the suit during the few stoplights between my house and the bar. It is only a few minutes away so I frantically pull it on. The pants of the suit bunch up around my jeans and I can't seem to pull the waist up over my Wranglers. Dang. I'm gonna have to loose the jeans if I am going to make this thing fit.
I throw the truck in neutral at the next light, unbuckle my belt and slide my jeans out from under me. I kick my boots off and slip the furry pants on up my legs and up around my waist. There, that's better. The light turns green and I throw the truck back in to gear and push the gas with my socked foot.
I am going to burn up in this thing if I leave my shirt on. Its got to come off too. I pull my shirt off over my head and slip the rest of the costume on. Better but still warm.
I pull into the parking lot of the bar. I slip my boots back on and grab the remaining pieces of the costume and open the door. I grab the key that J2D2 handed me from my jeans pocket and slip it in my boot.
Here goes nothing!
June 3, 2013 at 2:50 pm #67506I'm in the midst of another enjoyable kiss from the lips of Miss Amy, starting to drift on that cloud when all hell breaks loose. There's gunfire, and MoonCalf leaping up for a kiss.
I'm suddenly wrestled and hogtied, then plopped into a chair. I look around at my captives… “munchkins” I think, as not one of them is over 5'-3″ tall. I get a small sense how Gulliver felt. “Oh crap.” I say.
There's giggling and whispering amongst themselves at my somewhat discomfort. I'm relieved when they talk of kissing, that means there won't be a gag.
I look over at Amy and relize that she's in cahoots with them, too. Maybe not with the plan of action, but she definitely knew something.
I go to speak, but Satoire informs me it's best not to… so I don't… but I do look her over. That coat of her's is wide open and my eyes can't help but roam her body.
Then I see it… that damned tube of lipstick… all the memories of being Mollie's captive in the Ice House come rushing back. I can recall the scent of it even before MoonCalf pops the top off of it.
The two naked policemen startle the bar by shouting. It's a funny site, and I was hoping for some assistance, but I can see that's not going to happen.
Moonie sits in my lap and wiggles that fine ass on me. “No erection.” I think. She leans in and plants those lips on mine.
Now, Moonie's a great kisser… she has a way of pressing against you that makes you feel like you don't want to be anywhere else. She's a nibbler in her kisses, too. I feel her pull away with a bit of reluctance. A kiss on my cheek and she's up.
Next thing I know, Pafe is settling into my lap. She also wiggles while sitting. Feeling to see if I'm hard, and sounding disappointed that I'm not. Those awesome tits of hers move and jiggle with each of her movements.
A knife is produced and she cuts the costume away, tearing it and pulling the head cover off. “Ow.” I say when she flicks the ring. Then a slow, gentle kiss. The feel of her breasts pressed against my bare chest, she moves and presses, making sure I can feel those tits against me. I would love to be pulling her in even tighter if only my hands were free.
I'm only human… and I can feel myself becoming erect. My lips follow her's for a moment as she backs off from my mouth and leans her forehead against mine. She thanks me, but it is I who should be thanking her. I tell her that kiss was working as she rises up from my lap. She giggles.
Then I can feel what seems a like a fly buzzing around my neck and ears. I catch a glimpse of a feather flittering by. “Oh crap.” I think… “something else is coming into play.”
“Your turn Satoire.” I hear Pafe say….
Once again I mutter… “Oh crap…”
June 3, 2013 at 3:46 pm #67507The gunshots sounded and I reacted to them even before one of the funniest sights I'd seen since Pafe had run the goggles course. Two naked men with guns saying they are cops. Yeah right!! As they produced more guns I turned, shielding All_for_you from the line of any shots. I hadn't just saved her from falling headfirst in to the bar only to have her shot while I held her still.
After the chaos had did down I smiled watching the three girls tie up Covems and proceed to kiss him one by one … I'd have had the three girls hogg tied and kissed them one by one …. I smiled .. now feeling All_for_you wriggle against me.
June 3, 2013 at 7:50 pm #67508“ Oh my , have you ever seen anything so funny … “ chuckling with Jayc and Stone as Lover flip flop flaps to the finishing line for his time. Time – 0:42:69
We wait in anticipation for the next brave contestant and its …. Pafe .. She is an absolute star in her butt naked run and the guys eyes are watching her bouncing flesh with lusty interest. She falls into Freddie & Jane but he seems to like her softness in his face. Time – 1 :02:43
Then Richard_Wolf , he does an impressive circuit and Stone & I are just double upped with laughter at his waddley run. He is too as he catches sight of himself on the big screen. Time – 1:01:58
Jcm passes me the stop watch, determined to show off his athletic prowess. He places the goggles and Flippers on. I can’t help but admire his physique, half hoping the loin cloth just may flip up as he runs… And he is off like a whipet.. My mouth drops open – he is good. I knew I should have added some extra vodka to his jar of beer.. He romps home with an impressive time – 00:42:59
Jcm looks at the stop watch in my hand and is pleased with his personal best time. He hands me some flippers as a gift, heeled and blue – my favourite. I’d always wanted some, almost as much as Pafe’s coveted Boudoir shoes. I kiss him on the cheek to thank him for thinking of me. :-*
SnowBunny78 is next and she guzzles the beer down like a true pro. And runs for it…. wearing my newly acquired heeled flippers. She is stunning as she gets in to her flippery stride. She finishes in a good time too – 00:45:13
She falls into jcm’s arms and giggles with him before ordering a drink on Covems tab – I chuckle as she returns my heeled flippers back and raises her glass to me grinning.
All_For_You is up next. It’s good to see her back and joining in the fun . I know she misses and hankers after our mutual Country Boy friend. I glance at his stool. It’s always going to be there in case he pops by and needs to rest his weary feet & grab a beer or three.
Then she’s swallowing her jar of ale before sprinting towards the pole. She stumbles in a heap at the base of the pole which hurts her time, but in true AB&G fashion, no one cares as they see her top go transparent where the beer spillage is soaking onto her wholesome breasts. She gets up & starts back, her boobs jiggle in motion to her run. She stumbles again, right into Richard_Wolf’s arms. Time – 01 : 46 : 63
Covems is making googy eyes at ItsAmy123 on the dance floor. Freddie and tangojane are snogging again.
I turn to Old Joe and nod at Old_goat, asking if he wants a refill. He smiles and nods. “ Set the round up again for me, Jayc , Stone and Old_Goat over there. “
Old Joe tops up our drinks and I smile at Old_ Goat. “ Compliments of Covems over there “ gesturing at the googy couple.
I’m feeling a bit tipsy and daring . I move to J2D2 who has returned to the bar from, god knows where.
“ Hey J2D2, how’s your blow capacity ?” I see his computing eyes glaze over while he checks his robotic capabilities . He spouts up some cubic numbers which mean absolutely zilch to me.
I try again, “ Just tell me, can you blow two of those up? “
J2D2 assesses the things being pointed at on a shelf of the lower bar . “ Affirmative”
“How long will it take you?”. More calculations and then his answer “ 5 .2 seconds each “
“ Get ‘em done J2” He nods and does as I ask. “ I’ll collect later “I then call out to Old Joe, “ Hey Joe, you got some of those delicious cheese, chives, onions and garlic sandwiches left, I feeling kind of peckish”
Old Joe smiles as he hands me a plate full and I grin back with adoring appreciation and tuck in.
“ mmmm” I munch away happily.My onion heaven is suddenly interrupted by gun shots “ Bang Bang” My mouth opens in delight, showing the half eaten sandwich. MOONCALF ! When did she ride into town ?
She pulls Amy out of her clinch with Covems and moves in for one of the most sensuous snogs I’ve seen in a long time.
Amy comes to join me at the bar grinning, shes in on it too then, …and keeping my eyes on Mooncalf, I offer my plate of onion sandwiches to Amy to take one …
Then all hell breaks out and I continue to munch on my onion sandwiches like popcorn, watching all the exciting happenings in front of me.
Even Stone reaches out to take one of the sandwiches, as she too is mesmerised by the action acting out in front of our eyes.
First in action is Pafe, then Mooncalf, then Satoire and suddenly Covems is hogtied in a chair in the middle of the dance floor. The gunshots have everyone staring at the lovely ladies .
Then the hunky figures of Tangoracer and Mrsexlover come bursting & running out of the Spar Room, stark bollock naked with their cocks as erect as the revolvers in their hands.. ready for action and to lay down their lives to protect the good folk of the AB&G. “ POLICE “
They are so heroic !! The Nympomania Sex Poilce Dept ( NSPD ) at their best !!!I carry on munching in pure excitement, crunching on all that thick onion in my sandwich.
I look to Pafe , The new NSDP Chief of Police and Satoire, her side kick to see what she will decide.
Pafe tells her men- very brave officers, “It's okay. Satoire and I got this. Go back to whatever it was you were doing.”
I munch more onion – it’s totally enthralling …
The girls lipstick up with the brightest red lipstick in the world, I know this colour … then the penny drops .. It’s Mollie’s favourite !!
Last time I wore that colour, I do believe I had my lips around Covems massive cock. My taste buds salivate at the memory and the onion in my mouth. I take another bite with relish.
Mooncalf snogs Covems leaving the red lipstick all over his face and when she has finally finished, the other girls take a turn.
Mooncalf ambles her way to the bar grinning in my direction…and we burst out laughing ..
Covems should know better than to challenge a half pint country girl and then insult her and others with … mmmmm…. the 3 M words….
“I know you got in line for a Cove kiss. Go get him.” She says to me. “Oh… and don't worry none about the ceiling… those were blanks I shot off.”
I chuckle , “Hell, Moonie with an entrance like that girl, I’d frame those bullet holes and ensure “MOONIE IS BACK “ gilded in gold letters underneath it.”
I breathe on her and she nearly blanches with my onion and garlic breath “ Good huh?” I ask checking if I should need any more.
She laughs out loud, “ Go get him “ handing me a spare red lipstick.
“ After you ma’am” I motion her to go first as I follow close behind. We join the kissing, tickling girls intent on teaching our target a valuable lesson in M etiquette ……..
June 3, 2013 at 8:32 pm #67509“My turn!” I say coyly with hint of mischief in my voice. I wait for Sexilicious to stop her tickling, then I hop up onto the chair that Covems is sitting in. A foot on each side of him, firmly planted on the chair seat.
Covems grins that grin at me and starts to slowly move his thighs outwards. “Uh uh”… I say to him. “I wouldn't do that. If I lose my balance, I might step somewhere where neither of us would like. Well… especially you.”
He winces at the thought of it, and his legs squeeze tighter together. “That's better.” I begin to sway my body in front of him, dipping and moving so my legs take turns peeking out from under my coat.
I undo a button at the top of the coat, and bend at the waist. I kiss his cheek, leaving a print on it. Then I unbutton the coat all the way… slowly, bending and swaying with each button that gets undone.
My body's tight and fit from years of being on stage and dancing. I have Covems' attention as I take my finger and rub it around my lips, smearing some of the gaudy red lipstick on my finger tip. I put a dot on his forehead with it, then take the rest and rub it around my pussy.
Bending backwards, I can almost get my hands on the chair seat, but the seat isn't long enough. I bend at my knees and press my crotch close to his lips and say. “Kiss.”
Then suddenly, before he does, I kick both my feet out and land firmly into Covems' lap with a slap. He winces and moans as all my weight lands on him. My coat is wide open as I lean in and wrap my arms round him, pulling him tight against me.
Lowering my head, my lips are on his in a grinding, heated kiss. All the while I'm humping my body against him, moving back and forth on his lap. My tongue slips across his lips and I kiss him even harder.
Pulling back, I'm almost breathless from the feel of his kiss, I lean all the way back on his lap, my back flat against his legs. My coat wide open and hanging down the side of the chair. In one sqift move I reach back and put my palms flat on the floor and with a little kick, flip myself up off of his legs onto my hands, and complete the move by tucking my body and landing on my feet.
I grin at Covems and wink. Then say…. “NEXT!”
Sexilicious begins to tickle with that feather again.
June 3, 2013 at 8:46 pm #67510We watch the scene unfold in the bar. It seems the girls are having their way with Covems. I spot the new chief, looking hot underneath that coat that is opened wide. She orders us to stand down, she got the situation under control and to carry-on with what we where doing.
Sexi slips past us to see what the fuss is all about, and spanks our bare bottom as she passes. Then she rushes off to some place we can't see but she comes back with a feather and walks to Covems to tease him.
Tango and i watch the scene in the bar forgetting we are bare naked, but when sexi returns she grabs both our stiff rods and pulls us both back to the spa.
Maybe now that more have seen that we are also having a party there, they would come and join
June 3, 2013 at 8:59 pm #67511I finish tickling Covems and hands the feather to the closest person, so he won't see it was me who started it.
Sneaking off, I grab Tango and mrsexlover's stiff cocks. I whisper in their ears while stroking them so softly, “Let's go back and join the other two.”
Undoing the towel, I drop it to the floor in the bar and grab their cocks again leads them back into the spa room. Sashaying my body giving all the guys a good view of the back, I giggle softly thinking if they want more of a view they have to come join.
June 3, 2013 at 9:44 pm #67512Walking back to Covems with Brandybee in a close follow, my phone beeps that I have a message. I get it out of my vest pocket, read the message then text this in reply:
Covems trussed up. Get here quick.
I press send then put the phone back in my vest.
June 4, 2013 at 10:59 am #67513Rummaging through my closet… “where is it?” rummage… rummage… “where the … is it?”
“Wait!” I say to myself. “The shop!” I fly down the stairs to my shop and head straight to the little vintage clothing section. There's a bureau there… I yank open the top drawer. “YES!”
I get a message on my mobile: “Covems trussed up. Get here quick” I strip off all my clothing, tossing them onto a divan that's nearby. “No time for folding”, I say. I rush through getting the fur on. It's not a real furry costume, but one of the only things I have with fur.
Examining myself briefly in the mirror, I then rummage through the shoes. Good thing I haven't told Pafe about these yet and find a pair of matching boudoir shoes. The fur is slightly different, but I'm sure no one will care. I slip into a Mac to cover up… and a kerchief for my hair.
Locking up… I go to the garage and start the MG. It's not supposed to rain, so I leave the top down. Pressing the remote the garage door opens and I drive out. Stopping only to make sure the garage door closes.
I brief drive to the Achat Bar & Grill… getting out of the MG, the soles of my boudoir shoes crunch the gravel in the lot. I toss the mac and the kerchief into the MG. One last check of my fur, to be sure all the bits are in their proper place… I then enter the bar…
It's loud… noisy… full of laughter and good cheer. “Ahhh…” My thoughts slide through… “just the way I remember it… very cheery.”
I spy Old Joe behind the bar. His eyes light up when he sees me. I grab his face and pull in him into a kiss. We linger a moment and I press my cheek to his. “Welcome home Mollie.” He whispers.
“Thank you Joe.” I whisper back, giving him one more peck on the cheek.
I look around… new faces… “Who are you?” I ask a hunky fellow sitting at the bar. “They call me Old_Goat.” He says… I lean in and give him a soft, bit of a lingering kiss.
“Hello… I'm Mollie.”
I go down the length of the bar, introducing myself and grabbing all the men by their cheeks and pulling them into a kiss. Jayc, JCM, Richard_Wolf. I kiss the ladies on the cheek, that little pecky kind of kiss… Snowbunny… All_for_you… Stone… TangoJane…
I just catch a glimpse of three naked people heading off to a new room. “Hmmmm… going to have to check that out..” are my thoughts.
I lean in next to ItsAmy123… “Seems MoonCalf has the Cowboy trussed.” She giggles and offers me an onion sandwich. “Oh joy!” I say, “I am feeling quite famished.” I happily munch the sandwich. “Who's idea for the sandwiches?”
“Brandy's” ItsAmy123 answers. We both start laughing… a bit of sandwich drops from my mouth. We giggle at that, too.
Pafe and Satoire are standing next to Covems in that chair, and MoonCalf is next to her. Brandybee is applying some of that bright red lipstick. I wave to them all with a big, beaming smile.
I suck the crumbs of the sandwich from my fingers. “Another?” ItsAmy123 offers. “Thank you.” I say as Amy breathes at me… “Wow!” I say, waving my hand and we both break out laughing again.
“Joe.” I call down the bar. “A black jack if you please… and something for my new friend here.” ItsAmy123 and I smile at each other and clink our glasses….
June 4, 2013 at 4:31 pm #67514Feeling the strong arm around my waist looking into his eyes he takes the goggles from my face and the soft feel of his finger rub over my forehead taking the hair from my face “I Wolkie” she say in a deep whisper.
“I'm All_for_you but everyone calls me Karen” I say in a soft voice *BANG* *BANG* to gunshots fill the Bar my new saviour pull me call shielding me from harms way. Putting my hand on my hip looking for my pistols but it not there in this outfit “thinking to myself there's nothing in this outfit but me” Feeling his arm pulling me closer.
When my 2 colleagues jump out of the spa shouting *POLICE*naked as the day they were born with the pistols in hand ready for anything. Chief turns to them and stands them down ” We got this go back to what you where doing”
Feeling myself tight against Wolfie as we watch the ladies taking it in turns to leave lipstick on Covems
I hear the soft whisper … “I'd have had the three girls hogg tied and kissed them one by one”
Hearing the words coming from him I wiggle hard against him….June 4, 2013 at 9:50 pm #67515I smiled, no dust , just a lot of smoke from the guns the girl in the cowboy outfit had fired. I realized then that the gun shots had been blanks. I grinned at my reaction. “Well Karen … I'm pleased to meet you … ” Feeling you wriggle against my body I relaxed my hold on you but not that much you could wriggle free … You would have to ask me to let go of you.
A girl came in ..introduced herself with a kiss to your cheek and a more familiar kiss to my lips … “I'm Mollie ” she announced as she walked around kissing everyone in sight
I spoke in that same quiet voice for your ears only. “I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this place Karen .. ” I smiled paying little attention to those around me for now. I looked in to your eyes smiling faintly …June 4, 2013 at 10:08 pm #67516I follow Moonie to where Covems is sat tied up and being teased to death by Pafe & Satoire & Sexilicious with her feather. I walk slowly round the chair, seeing the knots are well tied, the red lipstick smeared on his face, his open cut monkey suit and bare chest & large furry balls hanging down between his legs. The girls are flashing and kissing him deeply.
I nod to myself pursing my lips – it might just work. Satisfied I whisper to Mooncalf and she chuckles too.
I ruffle Covems hair and return to the bar, spotting Mollie kissing all the men at the bar.
I greet her in delight, “ Hey girl, I’d kiss your cheek but you know… “ circling in front of my mouth grimacing & shaking my head in whiffy overplay. She chuckles and nods holding up a sandwich of onion she’s just bitten into too. We both burst into laughter. She orders another drink and we both say to Old Joe in unison “ Covems Tab “ causing us to giggle even more.
I move on to Stone, .. “ I hear you like to Dare people ..” I tease her
“ I have been known.. “ She grins back .
“ Good, so let me tell you this” I move over to her and the music and rumble of the bar loses my words except for her ears …
Stone nods every now and then, smiling and chuckling and says “ 30 whole seconds” I nod and continue..
After awhile, I stop talking, step back, cock my head to one side, eyebrows raised questioningly and wait for her answer……
June 5, 2013 at 3:39 am #67517I was sitting at the bar enjoying the races and teasing the hell out of JMC. When out of no where *BANG BANG*I didn't even get to turn around to look when JCM grabbed me and tucked me behind the bar. Then I heard the words POLICEI was thinking wow it is getting crazy up in here now.
Then I hear a lot of laughter, I peeked over the bar to see what was going on and the girls where taking turns putting red lipstick on and just placing all these red lips over Covems. I *giggled* to myself, well and this just funny. JCM put his arm around my waist and piulled me in closer, he started to lean down and kiss me. As I smile up at him when this girl came by and turned him around and kissed him and then kissed me on the cheek and introduced herself as “Mollie”. JCM inroduced hisself and then intoduced me. I was looking at her outfit… *thinking to self that is very cute and I love the color purple* I smiled at her thinking she seemed very friendly, as she continued to make her way around the bar kissing everyone.
As she started to make her way around the bar, JCM leaned down and whispered in my ear, “this perfect time to go finish our tour of the bar,how bout it sexy bunny”, as he pulled back after whispering that into my ear, he got this big smile on his face and winked. I agreed with him as I finished off my drink I had, and I asked for one to take with me. The look in JCM eyes told me I would need one. He grabbed my hand and we scurried away unnoticed. I don't even remember where we went, I just remembered pulling him back towards me as we was walking and gave him a kiss sliding my tongue past his sexy lips as we pulled apart. I smiled at him with a devilish smile… “I have been waiting a while to do that again”, as I took a sip out of my drink.
“Tell me baby”, as I looked up at him” where are we going??” He smiled.” ooooh you will see my lil bunny its a surprise.” *damn * I thought to myself he is so damn fine. mm mmm mmmm! “Lead the way I will follow” I said to him.
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