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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
July 23, 2012 at 5:31 pm #66273
Lover and JD are moving to the office again…..
“Don't tell me it's another draw!” i think, looking at Lover satisfed face “in round two, we had to drunk ale, what happend whit round three!? Oh goshh…..”I notice the guy expression….worried, he's looking at my face. mmh, probably i don't have a so nice look and i have to admit i feel a little sick. Probably it's just the consequence of the last ride and all the beer i drunk tonight. i gently smile at him
“i'm fine, don't worry……just help me to find a place where i can sit and rest a little…”We head for the pool room followed by his girlfriend and avoiding people who continue to cheering me or Brandy….it takes few minute to reach the room even if it's really closed to the Bully area. When we enter it, an incredible and unexpected view is in front of my eyes: Bear tied up and exposed like a trophy!
I can't hold a loud laugh looking at him
“Ohhh, i never notice a Bear here on the wall…..i had seen reindeer, boar and buffalo….but it's the first time i see a bear….” i say laughing more.
I look at him again and he looks really disappointed “Sorry, my friend, but that's so fun….” i apologize trying to hide another laugh covering my mouth whit an hand.We move on the other side of the room, grinning, and i sit on the pool table border, supporting my body whit my arms. But i really can't get out of my head the view of Bear….ppppff!
July 23, 2012 at 11:51 pm #66274We're coming back on stage. I look around, smile and take the microphone. Nodding to the band. The drummer starts a rataplan.
“When I look at the girls here, the skirts are so short, they have to cordinate the colour of their panties with the shoes
NOW the good message: We enjoyed the competition. The bad message: It's over. We have a winner. It is…………………………………………..
(rataplan is going on………..)THE BULL!!!!
Sorry, I'm just teasing. Brandy and HB, please come to me on stage. Of course your audience wants to see you and I'm sure you will get a big clap for your performance!”
Brandy and HB are lurching forward. Everyone is silent. Just some moaning is heared
When they reach me I take Brandy to my left hand and HB to my right one.
“Ok friends, give them the applaud they deserve!”
Everyone (almost everyone… where is Bear?) is clapping, whistlening and shouting. I look at HB and Brandy, nodding. “Thanks both of you. It was really big entertainment. We all are waiting for your next crazy ideaBut before I have to declare the winner of your bull riding contest.”
Looking at the band I ask for a fanfare. They play “Fanfare for Rocky”. I feel HB and Brandy are nervous, their hands are trembling. Everyone (almost everyone, where is Bear?) is excited, waiting for the decision.As the song is finished I say: Let me finally present you the winner of the “1st Bull riding contest of AChat Bar & Grill”… It issssssssssssssss
JD is coming with a silver cup, looking like a bull and gives it to HB. I turn to Brandy and comofrt her, but that's not really necessary. She also is applauding to HB.
July 24, 2012 at 12:06 am #66275Gritting my teeth, heart sinking … applauding HB with a fixed smile on my face … the alcohol causing me to grin and giggle … HOLY SHIT .. I'VE GOT TO DO A STRIP ……………………..
July 24, 2012 at 5:16 am #66276Stone and I cheer for HB then find Brandy, we give her a big hug for effort and sportsmanship, she mumbles about a strip. not tonite i smile. Stone will drive you home and i will follow in your car
you have had quite the night
July 24, 2012 at 8:14 am #66277Me!? The winner!? I can't believe it! Tears of joy flow from my eyes……i'll take the microphone from Lover hand and looking at all the people in the Bar & Grill, i turn to Brandy, grab her left arm and pull her closed to me.
“Ladies and Guys…..i wanna say thanks to all of you for the cheers you give us all the time! but, most important, i wanna thanks Brandy…..whitout her, the mighty and strongest foe i will ever find, this is never had happend! Thank you so much, my friend!”
I hold her tight and kiss her…..her lips are soft, covered by the taste of the ale we both drunk all night, and her slim body is warm, seems like it's burning! Oh, how long i had wait for this….
The crowd is noisy…..cheering and chantig for the wild night we had till now….we look at them…, there's lot of people, all having fun…..I look and nod at Brandy, and together: “Ok, friends……the night is long and we wanna hear your voice screaming! LET'S THE FUN GO ON!!”
Cheers and chants gets loud…… is running from hand to hand, smiles are everywhere…..
“oh, i forgot to tell you something, Brandy……if you like, and i know you will, i woud like to create a piece for the Bar & Grill. and, of course, something for you! No matter if you had lost….”
I smile at her, my best foe ever……and a precious friend!July 24, 2012 at 12:38 pm #66278With the bull riding contest over, I jump down from the stage after congratulating both Brandy and HB on an awesome show of sportsmanship. Those were the best rides I've seen in a long time. I hang an “Out of Order” sign on the bulls horns, grab another brew from the barkeep and make my way to the fresh air and the fire pit outside. Passing by Bear, fist bumping him, I say “Nice collar, dude. Have fun with that” Stepping out of the back door, the cool night air hits my body and I immediately become refreshed. I take a seat by the fire pit, gazing at the blue and orange flames coming from the burning embers. This is the life at the A B & G.
July 24, 2012 at 2:46 pm #66279Imputting Female sex creature zoom in … Looking at nails , hand displayed out in front of her, Copy movements … Good Imput
Imputting Saw Horse .. sex creature displayed ..searching .. found .. recognition… Bear .. highly sexed … Imputting .. tied up .. searching … found .. sex creature for sexual pleasure.
Instruction .. Walk to Bull Pit , Imputting … Bear's naked bottom displayed … zoom target .. anus … sit next to target .. Instruction … self lubricate right index finger. Wait Task Complete.
Insert finger slowly into Bear's anus target … searching .. found target. .. Prostrate Gland. Instruction … turn right Index finger into moderate vibrate mode. Massage prostrate. Speed steady. Commense…
Simultaneous , search memory banks for nail inspection. Extend left hand and fingers .. Inspect nails , turning hand slightly .. repeat inspection on each finger of left hand.
Search memory bank .. lift lips and show teeth …. Grin …. Good Imput
July 24, 2012 at 2:58 pm #66280Hello everyone at the Bar & Grill Jane has given me the go ahead to tell you that she had her scan today
she's having a BOYshe and i are very happyJuly 24, 2012 at 3:02 pm #66281Tango, wait….are you talking about a baby!? oh, wow….wonderful! best wishes for you and for jane!
July 24, 2012 at 3:04 pm #66282I rush back into the bar to see what all the commotion is about. A boy!?! Congrats to the happy couple. This round of drinks is on me! and a virgin Margarita for the expectant mother. Congrats!
July 24, 2012 at 9:17 pm #66284Hentai grabs me on the stage, my fuzzy head still trying to come to terms with gravity of the situation, and hugs me.
Her kind words filter through as she compliments me on being a worthy adversary . I smile at her, thinking, one day… one day, I might just get the better of her … She very sportingly offers to do my pictures afterall… “ Thank you so much “ hugging her again for her generosity.
But the here and now moment is Hentai’s and she deserves it … I vigourously applaud and cheer HENTAI – the Bull champion. More drinks are ordered and the night continues….
Tangoracer rushes into the bar with the great news that Tangojane was expecting a boy. Cheers erupt . I slap him on the back , “That’s great Tango, just great.. Tangobabyracer in blue … Have a drink on me to celebrate”
I thrust some money in his hand and wink at him.Jayc finds his way to me and guides me to Stone’s car , time to call it a night .. .. Tomorrow is a fresh day. I mumble and slur about loving everybody and I got to finish Bear off and sort out a Strip routine, before nodding off in the car.. dreaming about a kaleidoscope of events swirling around the centre of the Bar & Grill, which strangely included a dancing Panda and a Robot….
The next morning is not good … I wake up in a bed that’s not mine and 2 heads that shouldn’t be there… My eyes start to focus .. Jayc & Stone…
I groan ..” please tell me .. we didn’t… we didn’t go there “ I prey to my God.
JayC suddenly turns and places his arm around me, his hand resting on my breast. He’s still sound asleep as is Stone, even their snores trumpet in unison. So sweet.
I shift out, careful not to wake them , naked as the day I was born .. thats so not good either…
I get up and steal some of Stone’s clothes … she’s such a fat knacker but they will have to do.
I grab my things and see a kettle .. just what I need a cup of hot tea to hit the road…. and my car keys, spotting them on the side.. then … Oh God …my memory begins to slowly come to life .. shopping to get my costume for the strip show because I LOST … and vivid memories of gobbling Bear .. in public .. OMG .. blushing …
First though , home, a shower & a brush & clean.
July 25, 2012 at 12:33 am #66285GREAT NEWS TANGORACER
Let's have a drink and talk about the sleepless nights you're going to have soon
It's not the first AChat baby but it's YOUR! And we are part of it.
July 25, 2012 at 2:21 am #66171Shopping all done, costume on , lighting sorted, the staff had all worked hard for this moment. Standing behind the big blood red velvet curtains , I wait, heart beating as I hear Lover take to the stage and announce my act… the music begins to play by the Country Boys .. After Dark (Tito & Tarantula) The curtains open, my heart rate rockets and the spot lights are on me..
“ Just Breathe” I instruct myself, “ Just treat it like the private dance you do for your special man “
In my mind’s eye, I see him, Neo, my imaginative lover, I see him there , anticipation and excitement dancing in his eyes and I smile … suddenly …..I know I can do this …..
I am dressed with plumes of feathers on a head dress, oranges, and yellows and reds of a fire , a fire of passion, a burgundy & gold full length cloak ,and on the back a magnificent embroidered black and yellow bee, enveloping my body.
My feet are adourned with burgundy boudoir feathered shoes.
Underneath the cloak a black half cupped lacy Basque and matching high legged panties with side bows, black stockings and suspenders and black long length gloves…
I step onto the stage, swinging my hips sexily, taking one long purposeful step after another. My body moving in the rhythm of the music, my mind totally engrossed in that same rhythmic beat and eyes of my imaginative lover, Neo, watching me.
I swing the cloak wide to cover my body totally except for the headdress, as jets of fire shoot up a couple of feet in height , at the corners of the stage .. announcing the presence of a Warrior Queen paying her dues.
I hold the cloak position for a few titillating seconds before flinging it open , my arms held full length , letting the lighting and unseen eyes feast on my full curvy figure for a few seconds before flinging it off to pool at my heels behind me, throwing my head back a little, jutting my chin out and opening my mouth, my tongue slightly protruding from my mouth and breathing deeply, sexily, letting the sensuous feelings wash over me, looking out under lowered eyelids . Very very seductively, and a woman very confident & bold in her sexuality.
My body sways in waves backwards and forwards, up and down, as I slowly push my fingers through my long hair at the sides of my head , jutting my butt backwards and thrusting my chest forwards my arms out to entice Neo and the audience to follow me with their eyes… my lips pursing, open a little , inviting erotic thoughts of lovers enticed to a bedroom for the promise within.
My arms held out to my sides, swaying up and down alternately , my body twisting at the same time writhing sexily to the music, one leg bent seductively in front of the other, slowly, controlled, breathing and oozing sexuality… lips still pouting, breathing deeply for Neo, eyes full of want, of need, of seductive primitive lust.
I bend back thrusting my breasts out to the audience hair tumbling down my back, twisting up, turning to face the front and stepping forward, thrusting my hips, writhing my body, letting my hands stroke my hips, my thighs , my sides as I walk forwards, provoking the thoughts of intimate lovers touching and exploring.. My arms rise to caress my ears and hair, still dancing to that potent sexy melody, eyelids and eyes constantly teasing for a reaction… every now and then my arms out front, fingers hinting at a beckon .. to back up that tease.
My body is writhing, losing myself in the moment, enjoying the sexiness of the moves and slowly building my own passion, little moans escape my lips as erotic thoughts of Neo begin to fill images in my mind.
I move to the front of the stage and place a leg on a Tango’s shoulder,
Still moving my body in rhythmic waves I tell him to remove one of my shoes ….. with his…. teeth. He blushes at the attention but manages to do much to the delight of the crowd.Covems is the next chosen victim to remove the remaining shoe, again with his teeth. Another cheer as he completes the task.
I see JD in the crowd and beckon him on … he hesitates but does so. I place my leg on a strategically placed chair on the stage. “ Take that stocking off”, I instruct, “ slowly. He undoes the suspender belt and slowly peels it down , caressing the length of my leg, rolling the stocking free and keeping his prize.
I see lover, and beckon him with my finger .. to take the other one off. He gets on stage and undoes the suspender belt fastening, lowers the nylon in much the same way, holding it up to the crowd as they cheer him off.
Next I spot Tight, and indicate my glove, he jumps on stage and I caress his face before making him loose each finger tip with his teeth before, he can role it down and keep the glove.
Jayc, next , to do the same with the other glove. Teasing his mouth, pushing my thumb inside his mouth, pursing my lips in blatant sexual behaviour, before allowing him to peel the glove off to keep.
Moving back on stage, I writhe and grind and begin to undo the laces of my basque, each one allowing my breasts to push free a bit more, until finally its ready to come off.I turn my back to the audience and tease as I open it away from them, before tossing it away showing the perfect contours and lineage of my naked back. I tease the audience by looking over my shoulders, pouting sexily. I turn with the music, crossing my arms, covering my naked, free breasts but glimpses of the orbs peaking our clearly seen. I step forward swinging my hips , one foot in front of the other, before flinging my arms open . My breasts spring free much to the delight of the crowd but my nipples are…. covered by tassels.
The only things left now as I dance semi naked is the headdress, the suspenders , the tassels and high legged panties. I shake my breasts a little to the music, causing the tassels to twizzle and tantalise. My hands stroke my body as I writhe and grind and caress my waist, my hips, and breasts, moaning for Neo in my mind’s eye.#
As I squeeze and knead my breasts, I throw my head back to thrust out my chest, hair tumbling down my back. I squeeze and pop the tassel off one then the other breast, hiding my nipples underneath my hands , before holding the moves a few seconds to tease. Then I fling my arms open , free and naked to the gaze, I throw the tassels into the audience.
I step and twist my body again to the beat, walking and thrusting my hips to my cowboy hat at the corner of the stage, thrusted breasts noticeable as they rock in their unrestricted movements.
I step off stage and sway suggestively , each step pronounced with the hip thrusting and to Bear still at the Bull pit, still tied up. I see a cowboy staring, mesmerised by my naked breasts. And I prise his drink bottle from his hand, stealing it. But no resistance there, as I sway a little to give him a show, rocking my breasts and making him salivate.
I approach Bear and tease his mouth open,… with my toes. Once my toes have invaded his mouth I tease , still dancing, ensuring he can see my scantily clad body and curves
.I then begin to pour from the bottle, seductively from the top of my leg .. the liquid travelling down to his finding its own meandering pathway to his mouth.
I see his eyes flair with male interest at the intimacy of drinking from someone’s body and he laps the beer and sucks my toes provocatively, some of the beer trickling from his mouth. Mmm , my eyes flair back with an answering interest to him. After the tease is finished, I again, sway and rock my back to centre stage.
Holding the cowboy hat in one hand, I bend double, placing it on the floor in front of me, I show my buttocks to the audience and suggestively undo my suspender belt from around my waist. I pull it slowly free out of my panties, enjoying the graze as it does so against my sensitised skin. I stand and turn swing it round and out into the audience, still swaying to the music.
I move up to centre stage, still dancing seductively, hat in hand. Place the hat in front of my feminine centre and undo one of the bows at the side, the panties drop half free . Using the other hand with a flourish, I slowly undo the last bow, and final item of clothing. The panties drop to the floor, the cowboy hat hiding my final blush and the fact I am immensely passioned by this experience
I dance and sway to the music as it starts to end, turning slowly round to show my bare buttocks, firmly toned and rounded and tantalisingly the promise of a little more between my legs as I bend a little to tease and look backwards over my shoulder sucking my finger very suggestively.As the music starts to end, I sway and dance and then fling the hat to the back of the stage – proud, and nude , except for the firey feathered headdress. My breasts, my nipples, my buttocks, my trimmed pussy for all to see. And especially Neo , smiling with desire in my mind’s eye …… The Warrior Queen is as naked as the day she was born ….
July 25, 2012 at 4:54 pm #66286A BIG CHEER fills the room as Branby go's out of site CALPSfrom every pair of hands in the Bar as we all stand
Looking around the room I see Jane walk in I meet her at the bar where Stone is handing her a glass of coke and ice
I put my arm around her and kiss her cheek she turns and kisses me back Stone hands me a beer and Congrats Jane on the news of the baby being a boy. Jane turns and thanks Stone “I have same copy's of my scan photo's here and puts them on the bar. [img]http://baby 1[/img] [img]http://baby 2[/img] Jane passes them to Stone she takes them and smiles. As the girls get all babied up i walk over to the bear pit
lean on the wall and watch the panda eat it's bamboo I turn to Stone i feel lucky tonight is Pachacuti up for his first loss
Stone turns AND say's “He will never loss” and loughs ” What you want to get your ass KICKED Tango”
I turn to Jane and smile she shacks her head ” your not as fit as you were 10 years ago your going to loss and get hurt”
I smile “I'll be just fine ”
i walk over to the Bear pit and rub the panda on its head.
Stone Asks Jane “What are Tango's stats” Jane answers “6ft 220lbs 50in chest 34in waist and a reach of nearly 7 foot “
“So he keeps in shape then” Stone reply's “yeah his in the gym twice a week and his back down to his fight weight” Jane smiles the reply
“Fight weight” Stone questions “He yest to be in the England TEA KWON DO team for 3 years and has being training hard to get back to his fight weight again” Stone's eye's open wide.I walk passed Pacha and take off my shirt hear a couple of wolf whistle from the bar area.
I turn and smile and start to stretch and warm up stretching my arms out side ways with my back to the room. roll my joints cracking each one as i stretch out every muscle in my arms and shoulders, bending at the waist i reach down and place the back of my hands on the floor stands back up and pulls of my cowboy boots stands and works my feet onto the dirt of the bear pit turning to face the room I bend over again and put my head on my knees on standing back up and stretching my arms over my head i see Brandy walking towards the pit i put my hands up and ask her to “Stop and stand just there” i smile and say my turn and in one quick move i gently rest my carff on her shoulder I take her hands and put them on my knee smiling at her i say “slowly walk backwards” she do's and as she do's i keep the foot on the floor still and end up in a full splits turning my body to Brandy i lay flat down my leg. I hear a soft “WOW” from Brandy. i lift my leg of her shoulder keeping it up high i turn around and lower it right at Pacha then put it down
turn to Stone and Say ready when you areJuly 26, 2012 at 5:46 am #66288i watch Brandys performance smiling and applaud loudly at the finale i run out to the car and get Brandys cloths from the night before and return inside. i spot her on the side of the stage and nudge JD watch this i tell him……….i walk up to Brandy and tap her on the shoulder when she turns i embrace and plant a hot wet kiss on her lips. that was great last night i whisper in her ear…….you need to spend the night more often, heres your cloths you left………….see ya later i wink and walk back to JD who has a puzzled look on his face. chuckling softly i tell him its not what you think grab a few beers and come out to the fire and i will explain. we sit and i tell him the story. Brandy was so wasted last night stone drove her back to our cabin and i drove Brandys car. when we got home Stone got off her beer soaked cloths and got her settled in on our couch, then we went to bed….im not sure what time it was but brandy must have got up to use the bathroom and then walked into our bedroom she must thought she was home and tried to climb into bed with us, she was still drunk and half asleep. Stone and i tried to talk to her but she was making no sense and was soon fast asleep again. stone said just leave her be im too tired to deal with this, i agreed and went back to sleep. in the early morning i felt her stirring and get up, peeking at her she had the look on her face like omg what happened. she grabbed some of stones cloths made some nosie in the kitchen and left shortly after. i owe her a little payback so i thought i would mess with her head tonite. she is going to think twice berfore pounding down a yard of ale again
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