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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
June 5, 2013 at 7:48 am #67518
The two loud reports from what sounds like a large caliber hand gun startles the hell out of me, spewing my beer on the bar and nearby party goers. I crane my neck and see Mooncalf brandishing a “hog leg” she seems to be addressing Covems but I cant make out what she is saying. She holsters the weapon to my relief and my heart starts beating again. I can see Amy smiling as she walks off the dance floor and I get a feeling something is at play here.
Then I see it…….the Chief of police and Satorie, are moving in on the totally unaware Covems locked in a kiss with moonie, then they have him…. in his big ball monkey costume I cant help but laugh.
Just when it cant get any crazier I hear Tango’s booming voice “POLICE”
I spin around to see a wet and naked Mrsexlover and Tango in the “weaver stance” knees slightly bent, a two handed grip on their service pistols drawing down on the women. When the two officers realize the chief of police is present, they stand down and return to the spa and more pressing matters.And just like an old western movie but instead of a piano playing the Bars sound system kicks in and things get back to semi normal. I yell into Stone’s ear “what did he do now?” she leans in and tells me “the three Ms?” I yell back, she leans in again and explains. The smell of garlic and onions fills my nose as I look over at Brandy eating what looks like an onion sandwich.
Then I see Mollie has arrived and is making her way down the bar saying hi to old and new friends. Brandy gets up to greet her and points to Covems trussed and off to the side of the dance floor a group of women standing over him. With the ladies lost in conversation and taking my spot at the bar I move down a bit to chat with Old goat, JD and Joe.
Joe hands me a fresh beer and inquires about Covems perdiciment I explain his misdeeds as Joe pours us all a shot of Wild Turkey. Joe raises his shot glass “to Coves better him than us” we all nod and drink and slam our glasses down hard on the bar.
June 5, 2013 at 3:37 pm #67520I was teasing Karen. Runing my finger tip along her lower jaw and back to her ear, circling the outer rim of her ear slowly. I pulled the chain from my shirt, the key dangling from it so she would see it and probably know what it was ….Maybe not though. “I want to take you somewhere … a little less noisy and populated .. ” I waited until she nodded, watching her eyes lower from mine to the key I dangled from the chain. “Only I will have to blindfold you Karen… ” I was smiling wondering how she felt about me blindfolding her here and leading her from the Bar to some place I would take her that she wouldn't know how to get out of so quickly….
I let my finger tips trickle down her throat before they dropped to my pocket, from that pocket I pulled the black materiel. I held it in front of her eyes smiling tempting her, teasing her with the promise of us being alone together …
I took a quick glance around the bar as I waited for her reply. I saw Brandy and Stone talking quietly and muttering .. then they both laughed .. as though they had just cooked up something between them.
June 5, 2013 at 4:53 pm #67521To my utter delight, Stone accepts my racing challenge and I throw her a small onion to put in her pocket.
J2D2 has the items blown up ready and I take one and throw it to Stone. A Space Hopper with a big cheesy grin on the side. I place my high heeled flippers on and goggles and Stone does the same.
We bounce to the starting line and Jcm is ready with the stop watch. My wasp tail sits nicely on the back of the space hopper, crackling now and then to show its faint electricity current is well & truly on.
I nod my head at Mooncalf, who quickly with others tips Covems chair and places in the path of our race , like a victim waiting for the train to come, half way up the track and in front of the pole.
And Jcm counts us down… 3 2 1 go….
We bounce like the clappers and head straight for Covems. His eyes are wide in his red lipstick coloured face.Stone’s hair and big breasts are bouncing and almost coming free of her furry racoon top. We are neck and neck but need to stream line to jump over the shortest height of the chair, which is the back rest where Covems chest and head are.
I have the advantage of high heeled flippers and edge forwards but Stone shoulder charges and pushes me off balance. She gains an advantage and bounces over Covems head first narrowly missing his head, but cuffing his ear with a gentle touch of the bottom of the Space hopper. Lucky, very lucky!!I have a higher point to bounce over now but what the hell, I bounce to balance on the edge of the chair and as I do so my tail goes up and then down, making contact with Covems upper thigh and a faint low volt of electricity jolts into him. I hear him moan as he feels the force of the low bee sting. I grin, maybe he was expecting more…
I bounce off the chair and chase after Stone. She hears Covems moan and looks back to see if I have fallen, losing some of her bouncing rhythm. Too late, she realises her mistake and I gain some ground, bouncing well into my stride now.
MoonCalf & the others move in again and places Covems upright , facing the pole . He must be getting disorientated with all these sudden movements.
We are heading for the pole, and we have to twirl on it three times. Stone beats me again and gets best pole position. She throws the Space Hopper into the crowd. This girl is an exceptional pole dancer.. I watch impressed as she goes high on the pole turning herself upside down and starts an upside down Chair Spin. Her racoon dress rides up to her upper thighs showing her panties.
I throw my Space Hopper to the nearest person. I grab the pole under her and mirror the chair spin the correct way up . My tail cackles a little and my thong tightens in the valley of my cheeks showing my toned buttocks to perfection.
Stone mains the momentum and turns the Chair spin into her second one – She throws her legs wide open doing the slits, showing her muscular inner thighs and cute little black panties, and still upside down , rounds the pole quite easily. She then uses her legs to upright herself..
My second spin is the diva. One leg hooked around the pole and the other pointing out in my spin.
Stone’s last & third spin is pure genius and she uses my shoulder as leverage to push herself round – she does a Peter Pan spin which enables her to jump over me to finish landing on her feet.
My last spin is a body spiral spin , and I complete a couple of seconds after Stone. The race is still pretty much anybody’s.
Stone is a few seconds ahead of me and taking her onion from out of her pocket. She is biting and peeling away the brown unedible layers. I do the same.. Then we are both crunching the white flesh of our onion, scoffing and swallowing it as fast as we can. Our eyes tear up underneath the scuber masks and our nostrils begin to secrete.
We are both sniffing and almost blind as we force the whiffy onion down. We show our empty mouths to the audience to show they are clear of onion and all is swallowed. The Bushwacker trials would be proud of our efforts.
Then the next stage is smearing the red lipstick on our lips. Without a mirror and in a race, we look more like clowns as we pile it on. Then we are off running in our flippers to reach Covems our goal.
Stone jumps on his lap, grabs his head tilts it back, pushes her goggles back, and snogs him. A full blown, snotty, teary, whiffy onion breathed , greasy lipsticked kiss. And he’s got 2 of those to come…
I start to count as I watch her go for it… 1 2 3 4 5 6 … right up to 30 ..
At the count of 30, Stone gets off his lap & I sit astride him for mine, wiggling a little to get comfy .. then lower my onion breath snotty kiss for him too, pushing my tongue into his mouth to get the full onion, garlic and chive sandwiches of earlier..
The girls cheer as I go for a full blown sexy kiss spoilt only by the snot, tears, whiffy breath and greasy red lipstick… and do the count of 30 too…. 1 2 3 4 5 …..
As my kiss ends, Stone & I grab hands and run hell for leather to the finishing line, quite breathless leaving Covems in the capable hands of his captors.
We cross the line together & draw . We raise our hands in victory and wait for our times to display on the big screen …….
June 5, 2013 at 5:06 pm #67522After i enter the SPA following my Master, what i see make my blood start to run wild in my vein……all i can remember is the view of three bodies involved in hot and wonderful games, then i just can remember my Master voice giving me somne orders, tiss suddenly….
Gun's shoots sound fill the air, coming from the B&G main room: Master Tango and Mrsexlover hold their gun and run out of the SPA both naked.
Stray and i look each other trying to understand what's going on when i notice sexilicious following the guys outside, a little pissed off. I stand up and take a look around, walking in the SPA and observing all the mess our little gamehad bring in it: the water of the tub as fallen oon the floor, clothes everywhere…..but my attention is caught from some of them in particular…..cape, mantle….those are the clothes weared by the two hooded figures! So they were Mrsexlover and sexilicious!“mmm…..interessing!” i think, grinning at what i discover “they must have a special reward for their service even, weeelll…….seems they had found one!”
I turn to face Stray, who is taking a look outside the door: her pretty ass wiggling in front of me looks .like it's asking for some attention…..i smirk at that view, sure she's doing it on purpouse to tease me….even if it's the first time for her in the B&G, i notice her reaction when my Master and i entered in the SPA….she doesn't look shocked or worried cause two stranger had caught her in some hot play, she looks pleased by it!
Slowly, i move near her and hold tight her bum cheeks in my hands.“Caught you!” i yell, pulling her inside the SPA and pushing her body on one of the massage bed.
June 5, 2013 at 9:24 pm #67523Satoire hops up onto the seat, straddling my legs. “Nimble little minx.” I think, smirking slightly at the use of yet another “M” word. I get an idea of opening my legs and knocking her feet from the chair, but she assures me that would result in a bad thing. I heed her warning, and press them together.
I watch as she sways her body, exposing bits of soft flesh to my gaze. A man can't help but watch such a bodacious display as Lady Satoire can do. Those dancer's legs look like she could crack walnuts with them, fit… toned.
And when Satoire unbuttons her coat to display even more of her charms to me, I can't help but think that is isn't such a bad predictment to be in at all. That is until she flops down on me like a sack of seed. It's worth it though to watch her roll herself off me, that coat of hers wide open… her body naked… exposed. I want to applaud when she's finished, but… well.. my hands are busy.
Moonie and Miss Brandy circle me in the chair, russlin' through my hair and checking my bonds. Then they wander off back to the bar. My gaze follows them. “A couple of fine lookin' Moms there.” I think.
I see Mollie wandering in, and greeting everyone in her usual manner. Kisses for all. Mollie's never been shy, at least not since I've known her. “Another Munchkin.” I think… “and mature one, at that.” She leans in next to Amy and I can't help think another plot's being hatched.
Then comes one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen in my life. Miss Brandy in her bee suit and Miss Stone in a racoon costume mount what appears to be two Hippity Hops, only these aren't the red ones I'm used to seeing. These have smiley faces on them.
My chair is spun and I'm laid on my back. Then they're off! Bouncing towards me like a runaway locomotive. “Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp” Closer and closer they get. I feel like Penelope tied to the train tracks… I'm expecting them to veer off to the sides, but no… they're jostling for position!
“Oh crap.” I think… “they're gonna bomp on me.” Miss Stone bomps over my head.. and Miss Brandy's stinger grazes my thigh with a little shock. It's not a bad buzz.. I got more shocked from the electric fence… but it's still surprising.
I'm spun in the chair again and placed upright. All the jostling of me has caused my arms and hands to slide around the back of the chair. I'm now facing the pole and watch in complete awe as the two Missies do three phenominal spins around it.
Eating onions and smearing lipstick.. the two matrons of the AChat Bar & Grill approach me… their faces are wet with snot and sweat… their lipstick is smeared and it makes them look like The Joker from Batman.
Miss Stone plops into my lap. “Nice tushie” I think as she settles in, and grabs my head. I await the kiss and Miss Stone does not mess around. I close my eyes to savor it. Messy… wet… greasy… with the aroma and taste of onions. I like it! For a full 30 seconds this goes on. I try to follow her lips as she pulls away. “Wow!” Is all I can say.
Miss Brandy's next, wiggling her bottom on me as she gets herself comfortable. Her lips press to mine… again… snotty… wet… and reeking of onions and garlic. A deep kiss… I like it! I've had cattle and horses sneeze in my face.. a little female snot and sweat is fine with me. It's what is behind the goo that counts. Again, I try to keep her lips on me by moving as she backs off.
I watch as the two of them, hand in hand race to the finish line and a flurry of “M” words race through my mind. “Mom, mother, mentsoli, miss, mum, milisno, mumsy, matriarch, minx, mademoiselle, milf, mature, ma, mama, memom, matron, mommy, mare, mistress, misses, madame, maiden…”
A big grin spreads across my face as I think of one more “M” word. “Marvelous.”
June 5, 2013 at 10:25 pm #67524My back leans against the bar counter, as I sit on my stool and my eyes remained locked on Covems and the three girls. I can't help but smirk, laugh and giggle at the amusing sight. Sipping from my 5th drink of the night, I begin to feel kinda hazy.
Brandy and Stone are seated nearby me. We laugh and giggle together. I grin wide when Brandy offers me one of her onion sandwiches. :
We all sit there watching in amusement and continue to munch on 'em onions. Some of 'em almost come flying out of my mouth when I burst out laughing at the sight of the two cops running in butt-naked with their pistols. I continue to laugh until Satoire and Pafe diffuse the situation and the cops are out of sight.
Mooncalf walks towards me and we engage in small talk. She ensures that I'm okay with everything going on. *Awee such a sweet lady* I think to myself. “Hellz yeah girl!” I exclaim.. *Clinking my glass with hers* .. “Think I might have to pay for being in on the plan later though..” I chuckle, winking at her
I go back to watching. Pafe and Satoire are having their way with Cove, who's covered in lipstick. My eyes widen when Cove's costume is ripped and his chest is exposed. I lick my lips slightly. Feeling suddenly thirsty, I gulp down some more of my drink. My mind starts wandering.. with thoughts of me running my nails.. tongue.. and lips along his chiseled chest fill up my mind.
My state of trance is broken by someone introducing them-self. I look up and its this lady, in a hot purple outfit. She introduces herself as Mollie, and I smile. Complimenting her outfit, I continue to grin like a fool. “Heard a lot about you! It's great finally getting to meet ya in person”.
Our attentions shift to Covems, and we both burst out laughing at the sight of him. I offer her an onion sandwich and we giggle some more.
“They were Brandy's idea”, I answer when she asks, still chuckling. I offer her another one, giving her a whiff of my breath. She scrunches her nose up slightly and waves her hand. “Guess those sandwiches did their job,” I say coyly, and we giggle some more. “Here's to being new friends.” I exclaim when Mollie hands me my drink, and we clink our glasses together.
In the midst of our continued conversation, all we hear is James counting down and we turn our heads to see Brandy and Stone getting ready to race each other. I smirk at the sight of Cove being placed in the middle of their pathway.. *Here goes nothing….* I think to myself, as they both bounce off towards him. Stone's in the lead at first, but then Brandy catches up. I cheer, whistle and clap when they both make their way back to the finish line, hand in hand. “You Go Hot Chikas!!” I shout out.
Me and Mollie grin and giggle some more, clinking our glasses together again.
June 6, 2013 at 11:05 am #67525Watching Stone and Brandybee's antics with the Space Hoppers and the way they kiss Covems gets me stirring with anticipation. I cheer wildly… clapping my hands as they run across the finish line hand in hand.
Oh… I just can't resist any longer! “Joe, may I have a wet bar towel? Please.” I ask. I finish off my Black Jack, then I tell ItsAmy123 that I'll be back soon. As Joe hands me the towel I say to him while pointing to my glass, “Refill please, you handsome man.”
Sauntering over to Covems, sashying my hips with a bit of exaggeration. I look at Pafe and follow her eyes down to my boudoir shoes, her eyes get wide and she looks me in the face. I smile and wink at her.
I can feel the gauze of my very thin robe fluttering behind me. Covems' eyes are on me, with that burning look that he has. I can feel his eyes peeling away each layer of what little bit of clothing I have on.
“Well… well…” I say to Covems quietly. “It seem as if you've gotten yourself into a bit of trouble again, haven't you?” I approach him, and stand right in front of his knees… the wet towel hanging from my hand. “You just never learn, do you?” I ask. “Or maybe you just desire the attention.”
I take the towel and wad it up in my hand, then I sit on his lap. “Oh bother”, I say while facing Covems, my legs straddling him and begin to wipe his handsome face. “I want to do so many wicked things to you.” Tenderly… very gently… I wipe away the sweat and the lipstick. “But I can't bring myself to… just look what they've done to you.” I whisper to him. “Tsk, tsk. Poor Covems… in trouble again.”
I wipe his brow and around those beautiful blue eyes. Then leaning back slightly, I pull my top aside, exposing my busom… I hunch myself forward on his lap. Those eyes follow my motions, up and down me they roam.
Pressing my breasts into that wonderful chest hair of his, I slide them back and forth to get comfortable I feel my nipples stiffen. Then I slide my hands along those big shoulders and up Covems' neck, taking his face in them. Beginning to feel a bit guilty about the onion sandwich, my fingers hook behind his ears gently as I pull him towards me.
My lips just barely touch Covems' lips at first. Softly… tenderly. My hands slide around to the back of his head. One goes up into his hair… damp with perspiration… the other along the back of his neck. Our kiss deepens… I press my lips harder on his.
Our lips move against each other, hungry, passionate. I try to count in my mind… 9, 10.. but I get lost in the feel of his lips… lost into our kiss. The room goes quiet for me as all my attention… all my senses melt into the kiss of this man. With a bit of reluctance, I break the kiss, lean back slightly, smiling softly and look into those beautiful eyes.
“All that time I was gone, Covems.” I say. “Nearly 4 months, I was absent from here… and out of all the friends and acquaintances in my list, there was only one who was concerned enough to have messaged me. “You, Covems… ” I lean in and pull him into another kiss. Breaking the kiss again, I press my cheek against Covems' cheek and whisper into his ear. “… have no idea how good that made me feel when I logged into my account after all that time.” I kiss his cheek. “Thank you Covems, and I want to tell you that I too am proud and very glad to have you for my friend.”
I stand up and straighten my bits of cloth, covering myself and say to him. “Now… behave yourself, Cowboy.” I lean down again and give him another kiss on the cheek.
I make my way back to the bar… I can feel his eyes following me… I retake my position next to ItsAmy123 we clink our glasses together. “Go get him, Honey.”
June 6, 2013 at 12:51 pm #67526Feeling Wolfie running his finger under my chin and around my ear I watch as he pulls a chain out from around his neck with an old key on it. Keeping my eyes fixed on his I hear him softly say
“I want to take you somewhere … a little less noisy and populated .. ” I nodd, lowering my eyes to the key His dangled from the chain. “Only I will have to blindfold you Karen… “he adds
Looking at the Key I think to myself “That's an Ice House Dungeon key But how did he get one you have to be invited to own one of them” Keeping my eyes locked on the key “He must have been give one of the guest Dungeon keys”
Feeling his hand run down my front and the leave my body still staring at the key when a Black Materiel brakes my focus I stare at it and smile at this man in front of me
I close my eyes as I feel the soft Materiel touch my face covering my eyes, taking a deep breath as the Materiel tighten around my head. I feel a the strong arm around my waist turn me and pull me tight into his side.
“Walk straight Karen and I will guide you” he whispers in my ear……….
June 6, 2013 at 4:07 pm #67527[…]
“Caught you!” i yell, pulling her inside the SPA and pushing her body on one of the massage bed.When HB push me on the bed I'm so confused about the chaos of just few moments ago but I'm also horny, so without think about what I'm doing I open my legs and pull HB to me.
June 6, 2013 at 6:59 pm #67528With the Chief standing us down Sexi takes us by our softening cocks in her hands and leads us back into the spa dropping her towel
as she walks throw the door.
We leave the door open to let people join us if they wishAs we walk back in I see my Pet on one of the message beds with Stray's legs coming out from under her. stop and watch her ass move as she slides deep in and out of Stray feeling Sexi moving her hand on my hardening cock I move towards My Pet on the bed and slide my hand over her sweet ass. Letting my finger slide down over her little tight entrances stopping my finger tip over it. I feel my Pet move herself back against it and relax her entrance Letting me slide my finger deep into her feeling her warmth as my finger goes deep inside her.
I hold my hand still letting my Pet move in and out Stray and have my finger slide in and out of her tight sweet ass.
Sexi still with our hard cock in her hand she drops to her knees and takes us both one at a time deep into her mouth feeling her moist lips around my shaft as she takes me deep and deep I can't help but slide a second finger into my Pet.
I look down at Sexi as she moves over to my partner mrsex and take him deep into her throat the look at my Pets ass with my fingers deep inside her
I bit my bottom lip I can't resist it any more I move up onto the bed and kneel behind my Pet taking my Fingers out of her and run the tip of my cock over her entrance feeling her stop moving her hips I push forward and slide deep into my Pet. taking hold of her hips I push her forward pushing her into Stray as I holding my Pet Forward deep in Stray's wetness I pull back letting my cock slide half way out.Pulling my Pet back onto my shaft then pushing her back into Stray after doing this a few times she starts to move on her own sliding into Stray and back onto Me…
June 6, 2013 at 9:12 pm #67529Stone and I are still laughing as Old Joe passes us damp bar towels to wipe the goo and gung off our faces..
Molly snogs Covems in one of the hottest , smouldering kisses yet…. Just as she finishes, a thought suddenly occurs to me ….
“Hey do you know I clean forgot something in all the excitement ” I say to Stone & ItsAmy123
I climb over the bar counter & ring the bar bell….
” Ladies & Gentlemen.. it seems like we have some special people in the bar tonight … News is in on the Winner of the Erotic Story Contest 4 – First Time. our very own …… JAYC …. who just happens to have a birthday too …”
Loud cheers erupt from the people during the interval of the Covems flloor show and a Happy Birthday Jayc rendition fills the room. Jayc holds his hand up to acknowledge the crowd looking a little bashful
The birthday song finishes to hip hip horrays and then after a short while, I continue by ringing the bell again…
” And we also have the runners up of the contest …. Mr Covems over there and Ms Momma_Andrea “
Again there are cheers and rounds of applause. I clap my hands too and as it all begins to die down … I shout ” May the games continue , a round of drinks on the house ” and more quietly to Old Joe … ” On Covems Tab ok ”
June 6, 2013 at 10:16 pm #67530All_for_you
Watching you look at the key, then glance up in to my eyes … back to the key. I saw that smile on your face as you looked at the blindfold in my hand. I lifted the thick black materiel slowly placing it over your eyes and around your head. I tied it in a single knot that could quickly be removed if needs must.
I took a hold of your hand and placed it around my waist, tucking you against me “Now Karen … I'll keep you safe. You just walk straight and I will guide you safely to our destination…. ” I started walking, blindfolds to me are a thing of trust and I wouldn't allow you to loose the trust you had just placed in my hands.
As we started walking I gave directions, “There are steps coming up … There ..” pausing so you could ready yourself “Three steps down … there down … down .. down … ” Out side now in the parking lot I guided you around two cars and around the corner “Some on left a horse out here .. ” Guiding safely around the horse. I opened a door and led you through it and along the corridor. I felt colder in here and I felt you shiver and gave to you a squeeze ti pull you closer.
(To Be Continued on another page ….))
June 7, 2013 at 3:16 am #67531I clink my glass one last time with Mollie's, as I gulp the rest of my drink down in one shot. I hop off my stool, just as Brandy diverts everyone's attention with her announcement.
My eyes remain locked on Cove, as I make my way towards him. My hips sway with each step I take towards him.
Just as everyone finishes singing Jayc 'Happy Birthday', I stand in front of Cove. One hand cups and fondles his cheek, the other hand on my hip. “Why hello there..” I whisper, smirking down at him. He smirks back.. a spark of mischief stemming from his eyes. “I was wondering when you'd make your way back to me”, he replies.
I settle myself down onto his lap, snuggling in real close.. deliberately pressing my breasts against his exposed chest. “Congrats on coming in second…” I continue to whisper, as I nibble on his earlobe. “Absolutely loved your story”.. I go on to say whilst planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, my eyes meet his gaze. “I've been munchin' on them onion sandwiches” I murmur, as he begins to lean in. “I like onions”, he whispers back coyly.. and our lips meet again.
My arms tighten their grip around his neck, pulling him in closer, as my fingers comb strands of his hair. My other hand maneuvers to his hands, untying his restraints. They quickly wrap around my waist, locking me in tight against him. Soft, gentle and tender at first, our kiss slowly turns into another long, passionate, lingering one…
June 8, 2013 at 11:11 am #67532Standing at the bar I get my drink orders from Old Joe who notices I look glum.
“Who shit in your corn flakes, Darlin'?”
It took a second for my distracted mind to process that.” WHAT?!”
“What's wrong, Andrea? I need you alert with this rowdy crowd.”
I waved him off. “Its my guy, he left town, sudden like. AND Lover wrote a song and wants me to sing it with him.”
“Guys have business, he'll be back. As for Lover, You don't like to sing?”
“Have you heard me sing?” I yelled over the ruckus, implying I was terrible.
“Everytime you're happy. I can only guess why that is.” Old Joe gave me a wink.
The old man mad ME blush. I do sing the next day after… I never thought anyone was listening.“Well I got drinks to deliver” my face red, I picked up my tray and left Old Joe in a hurry.
June 8, 2013 at 1:34 pm #67533Standing at the Bar feeling the blindfold being pulled tight over my eyes, I hear his soft calm voice “Now Karen … I'll keep you safe. You just walk straight and I will guide you safely to our destination…. ”
We started walking and in his soft voice gives me directions, “There are steps coming up … There ..” We pause at the top to ready yourself “Three steps down … there down … down .. down … ” I step down on his command. Feeling cool air on my face and wet breasts “We're out side Where is he taking me” I think to myself”, I follow is every word only walking in straight lines turning twice I then hear a horse. Feeling him take my waist, “Some on left a horse out here .. ” He guides me safely around the horse and tells me to “Stop” I here a door open and he leads me through it. Walking into the Ice House I feel the cold air I shiver as it gets colder the further into the Great Hall.
I feel him pull me close to him to let me feel the warmth from his body, “I think back to the last time I was in here the opening night and what I saw happen here”
(To Be Continued on another page ….)
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