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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
June 13, 2013 at 9:15 am #67550
My body tremble, chills run wild on my spine…….my Master's hard shaft push deep inside me and Stray warm pussy let me enter inside her…'s heaven!
I know this feeling, the same i had the first time at my Master's home with Jane and him in the shower! But there is something different this time…….the affinity within me and Master has grown a lot and i had learn how to go along his moves and the the max pleasure from them! Pleasure that hit Stray with all its strength at any push of my Master……so intense, so wild to push me close to cum too much faster! I bite my lower lips trying to resist and enjoy more the wild chills running in my body when suddenly i hear a growl coming from behind me: i know what's it, even without looking over my shoulder….the Beast come out to play, he want me…..he looks for me to take his pleasure from my body and i like it!
I feel it……his trust get wild, his breath on my neck…..and under me, i can see the pleasure running wild on Stray's face…..her closed eyes and her mouth open wild, moaning loud ….i know i can't resist to all this too long! I let the excitement take the full controll of my mind and my brain, getting lost in this heaven of sense till i reach the limit…..
I'll try to push my shaft out out of stray's pusyy, but the weight and trust of the beast block my body against her: her body is soft and sweaty, so sexy to make any man want it…..“Sorry….” i whisper to her, just before exploding inside and filling her sweet pussy. My body looks heavy now…..with my seed , all my strenght flow away of it and leaning over her, try to catch some btreath back, but my Master's movement force me to her, in a little slow but continue penetration, till i feel my Master seed filling me: it's hot, copious and it's getting deeper inside me… fill my hole, i can feel the warm of it unning from i to my stomach…….oh gosh…..
Then i see……it's not only Master's seed……stray has cum too, i feel it around my shaft and on my belly……i bow on her face, kissing her gently as Master kiss my neck, my lobe….
“It's time my pet…..” he whisper “my dungeon wait us……”
I look at him, then Stray and then to Mrselover and sexilicious: taken by the rapture of the moment, i had completely forgot about them two! I look at them having fun for a little, then turn to Master
“bring them with us, Master……i want to thanks them for the nice cerimony!”
“of course you can come too, if you want….” i say turning to Stray, who stare at me a little confused.
I smile at her, standing up and taking four bathrobes from the lockers of the SPA: i hands them to all, eccept me…..i knee in front of Master Tango, my eyes down to the floor, waiting for his orders or any other action.
June 13, 2013 at 8:19 pm #67551I stop Chelsea in the parking lot before we get to the road. “Turn around Chels”, I say to her, while pulling the reins back. “I ain't finished in there yet.”
Chelsea counters and we're headed to the fence, I give her a little touch with my heels and she picks up speed. We jump the fence, and I pull her back a little, slowing her pace.
I ride around the pudding pit area, and as luck would have it, one of the little fellers is there. “Prop that door open.” I say to him. He giggles something awful but holds the door open. “Don't go anywhere,” I say to him, “I'm going to need you to open this again when we come out.”
He giggles some more and says he'll wait for me. I ride Chelsea into the bar and around the wall. Her hoofs make a loud clop sound as she walks, alerting folks that we're coming through. Folks step back and allow us to get up to Covems. He's chatting with Brandybee about something.
They both stare at me at I ride up. In fact, everyone's staring at us. “Covems,” I say, “when I got home from the hospital, feeling sorry for myself, I logged on and found those old lady jokes and messages you sent me. They made me laugh, when I needed a laugh.”
He's staring at me with an open mouth. “I said it before, and I'm going to say it again.” I continue, “you're a helluva a man Covems, and I'm proud to have you for my friend.”
I back Chelsea up and we turn the corner heading for the door. The little giggly feller holds the door open for us to get out. Giving Chelsea some more heel, she quickens into a trot and we jump the fence again and I start my ride back home.
June 13, 2013 at 9:19 pm #67552Lovers & Momma_Andrea’s song keeps resonating in my head and I find myself humming it to myself in between the breaks of chatting with my friends…… I’m sure I catch them doing it as well…
All my panties, I will send to you
All my panties, darling they're for you
All my panties, All my panties oooh
All my panties I will send to you,Mooncalf approaches to say goodbye. She gives me, and then Stone a kiss on the cheek & thanks us for the use of the bar. I laugh and say “ I wouldn’t have missed it for the world” I tell her she can use our place anytime, Me, nor Jayc would mind, in fact, we would positively encourage it. And it would be a safe bet the rest of the management would too.
She says her good byes to the others and leaves a big grin on Old Joe’s face as he watches her wiggly bottom exiting by the pudding pit. I half imagine her riding through the bar on her horse, but shake the thought away… if anyone pulled such a cunning stunt, it would certainly be Moonie.
I hear Covem’s shout after her, the noise of the bar is loud and I catch some mmm Marvelous , mmm Magnificent, mmmm Magical, mmmm Moving , mmmm Bold lady … compliments . Covems warms my heart with such thoughtfulness.
I hear Old Joe .. “ All my panties, All my panties oooh, All my panties I will send to you,….” I chuckle and he reddens a little realising I have caught him singing..
“ Hey Joe, I sure would love your yellow & purple paisley design Y’s “
He crinkles his face & bobs his tongue out at me, as I order another drink on…. Covems tab.
I see Doc hovering by the Spa room and approach him. He is stretching his dwarf neck to look inside.
“ Boo”
Doc jumps and looks at me startled. “ Will you give Tango a message when he’s free ? I ask him
Doc nods. “ Tell Tango, he still has 2 boxed keys, I gave him awhile back. I need to speak to him about a special delivery as soon as possible. Will you do that for me? “Doc nods again. “ Good. Here’s a treat for the 7 of you” I hand him a box of 7 rum donuts with squirty cream for him and his bros. “ Enjoy, my friend” I grin at him and he scurries off to do my bidding.
Suddenly, I am being spun by the elbow and find myself being dipped and deeply kissed. All I am aware of are strong muscular arms wrapping round me and a cowboy hat as hot lips meet mine. My reaction is to bring my arms around his neck and shut my eyes to kiss him back.
I feel his tongue invade my mouth to meet mine. He’s good, he’s experienced and my tummy flutters a little. And before I know it, its ended and I am back upright on my feet.
And I see my tall , muscular, handsome assailant… Covems … wow.. what did I do to deserve that??
Then I see the look in his eyes … he mentions kissing me snotless is much better. I nod, that part he is soooo right about and makes me smile .. Then the smile disappears slightly as he mentions his bar tab ……. “ Arrr the Bar Tab… “ desperately trying to find something to say that sounds reasonble.. A$835. 29 reasonable!!!! .. oops… and failing in that moment..
I wonder if the puppy dog eyes might work…. and who had snitched… !!
“I will challenge you to a small bit of sport, to settle this bill… are ya interested?” His sexy deep voice breaks into my thoughts.
He continues… “It's a small drinking contest… when I win, you pay the bill.”
“And if you lose?” I ask, interested now of being given an olive branch … maybe.
“I'm not going to lose.” Covems answers. “But in the unforseeable event I do, then I'll pay the tab. Interested?”
“What's the contest?” I ask.
“I'll bet you my tab, that I can drink 6 mugs of sarsparilla before you can drink one shot.” I continue, “If you agree, then we'll discuss the rules to the contest.”
I narrow my eyes at him, searching his face for clues… he is very confident. Is there a catch in his words somewhere ?
But I see the challenge in his glinty eyes and…. well… how can I resist?
“ You are on” I grin at him , “ just one thing, when I win…. and you lose… along with the full payment of the bar tab… I want your cowboy hat and …. another snog … but this time, much , much longer and even more passionate.. “
Then, my premonition comes true … Mooncalf rides in on her horse …. yehawwwwwwww girl ….
June 14, 2013 at 12:10 am #67553I hear the distinctive sound of horse hooves, and look up from Miss Brandy and see MoonCalf on her horse riding up slowly. People step back out of the way while she passes. Moonie delivers her little speech to me, then turns and rides out the bar.
“Only her.” Miss Brandy says. “Only Moonie would do that.”
“Dammit.” I mutter. “She did it again.”
“What did she do?” Miss Brandy asks.
“She got in the last word.” I reply.
After a short pause, I agree to Miss Brandy's terms for the bet. When I win, the tab is wiped clean. If, and it's a big if, Miss Brandy wins, then I have to pay, give up my hat, and another kiss.
“Okay.” I say to Miss Brandy… “here are the rules.”
“Neither of us can get any help from anyone.” I say. “No one can touch my mugs, and no one can touch your shot glass… and I can not touch your glass nor can you touch my mugs. Also, we should be close to each other so everything is in the open.”
I continue, “You can have just one shot of whatever you want. Booze, sarsparilla, buttermilk… heck, it can even be water. Joe will pour all my mugs and your shot and place them in front of us and we have to leave them on the bartop.”
“Except, in order to get primed and ready,” I say, “I get to have one mug as a head start, and once my empty mug is on the bar top, then Joe will yell 'Go' . “
“Agreed?” I ask.
June 14, 2013 at 11:17 am #67554I chuckle when I hear Covems cussing Mooncalf , “Dammit.” he mutters “She did it again.”
“What did she do?” I ask, amused by a horse & rider in the AB&G.
“She got in the last word.” Covems replys.
“ mmmhmmm, you are just a slow learner where women are concerned” I tease him & watch as Mooncalf rides out again. “ Massive Respect Girl….”We turn back to each other & Covems agrees to my terms of the bet about the extortionate tab that requires paying. mmm I will get another kiss & a cowboy hat into the bargain… splendid. I rub my hands together, pleased with negotiations.
He outlines the rules and I cock my head at him considering them carefully.
Covems explains, “You can have just one shot of whatever you want. Booze, Sarsparilla, Buttermilk… heck, it can even be Water. Old Joe will pour all my mugs, and your shot, and place them in front of us, and we have to leave them on the bar top.”
He pauses and then continues.. “Except, in order to get primed and ready, I get to have one mug as a head start, and once my empty mug is on the bar top, then Joe will yell 'Go' . “
“Agreed?” He asks. I listen carefully.
“One shot will be easy to gulp down, well before you finish your 5 mugs of Sarsparilla” I murmur , half to myself, half to him and thinking out loud.
“ Let’s make it a little more interesting… “ I muse , “ My shot glass is filled to the brim so it holds at least 3 measures and once the winner has emptied their mugs or glass, they finish off the losers drinks. I love Sarsparilla too. …. After all, I will finish my drink well before you … it’s the least I can do. We will taste the same then , when you snog me and give me that wonderful cowboy hat.”
“ Do we have a wager Mr Covems? I grin at him… waiting….
June 14, 2013 at 12:01 pm #67555Looking into her eyes, I say, “Miss Brandy… we have a wager.” She flutters her eyelashes at me with a cheeky grin, which caused me to smile.
Miss Brandy and I take our places at the bar, a small crowd circles around us to watch the contest. I feel Miss Amy come up behind me.
Joe pours 6 mugs of sarsparilla in true bartender style… he holds 3 mugs by the handles in each hand and moves them under the tap. When the first 3 are filled he places them in front of me, all the while filling the other 3 mugs. He shuts the tap off and places the sarsparilla filled mugs next to the others on the bar.
He pours Miss Brandy a shot of booze to the brim of the shot glass and returns the bottle to the shelf. “Okay Cove,” Joe says, “get your head start.”
I raise a mug of sarsparilla, and shift my hand to the bottom of the mug, cupping it in my hand and give a little nod of my head towards Miss Brandy, while looking her in the eyes. Putting the mug up to my lips, I begin to drink slowly, the creamy sarsparilla is very cold and very refreshing. I slowly drink it all down… a little bit of the foam is on my upper lip. “Ahhhhhhh.” I say like a man parched.
Then I take the mug by the bottom and tip it upside down and place it over Miss Brandy's filled shot glass. It hits the bar with a little thunk, trapping her shot glass under my mug.
“Okay Joe.” I say, looking into Miss Brandy's eyes again. “You can call go whenever it suits you.”
June 14, 2013 at 1:00 pm #67556My mouth opens wide… indignation in my face …. a trick …. looking with dismay at my trapped short glass with my drink in .
I lean forward screwing my eyes a little and pursing my lips … ” Why Covems… Covems …” feigning anger .. ” you, you .. oooo “
But I cant hold it for long ….
I burst out laughing as does Old Joe…
For it seems Covems didn't notice the drink , that Old Joe poured in to my glass –
Jeppsons Malort
Remembering Jayc's words once…. “its hands down the most vile tasting liquor in the world”…… my neck of the wood its known as “northern discomfort”
Old Joe reads from the bottle:-
“It is not possible to forget our two-fisted liquor. The taste just lingers and lasts – seemingly forever. The first shot is hard to swallow! Make it past two 'shock-glasses' and with the third you could be ours…forever.”
Jayc had said … “never been able to get past that first shot” and trying to describe the taste – ” .a combination of earwax and lighter fluid served in a dirty ashtray”
I take out my cheque book … A$835. 29 , pen poised. ” Of course , if you don't drink all, including mine, I can put my pen away again ” Just waiting patiently for the ” Malort face ”
Old Joe shouts ” Go ” still chuckling and eyes watering with laughter …..
June 14, 2013 at 4:14 pm #67557I was laughung when I heard covems talking bout the rules. I have won many free drinks in bars with this bet. Waiting for Brandy's answer, asking myself if she is noticing the catch. Suddenly i see her smiling, more grinning and then she says “ Let’s make it a little more interesting… “ I muse , “ My shot glass is filled to the brim so it holds at least 3 measures and once the winner has emptied their mugs or glass, they finish off the losers drinks. I love Sarsparilla too. …. After all, I will finish my drink well before you … it’s the least I can do. We will taste the same then , when you snog me and give me that wonderful cowboy hat.”
Hahahaha… i turn away, trying to hide my big laughter… she HAS noticed it and now is trying to catch him too. Oh my god, I remember this drink. Jayc has brought it into bar and the word disgusting is much too harmless for it.
Covems accepts and is enjoying his first drink. I can feel his pleasure and his inner satisfaction when the fluid is running down his throat.. drop by drop. He puts his empty mug above Bradny's shot. “Okay Joe.” he says, looking into Miss Brandy's eyes again. “You can call go whenever it suits you.”
After few seconds Brandy is bursting out laughing…I put my hand to covems shoulder “Well my friend, seems it's a draw at the moment. Drink this holy shit and Brandy has to pay. Don't drink and there is no winner. Or…” I wink “do you have another idea? I do” I smile, waiting for his answer….
June 14, 2013 at 4:22 pm #67558“Hmmmm… ” I say to Miss Brandy. “Well played.”
Turning to Lover, I say… “I'm playing the cards that were dealt… but I thank you for your offer, my friend.”
I pick up a mug and again slowly drain its contents. The creamy sarsparilla is delicious. “Sioux City is the best.” I think as I gulp it down. Third one goes down as easily as the first two. By the time I get to the last one, it's a struggle to get it all down, my belly bulges from the amount of liquids I just poured into it.
Finally I polish off the last mugfull of sarsparilla. “Brrrrrraaaaaaaapppp!” A loud, long belch from deep in my gullet.
“Hold on.” I say, while pointing a finger up. “There's a few more in there that need to come out.”
I issue 3 more loud burps and one little one. I pull the mug off Miss Brandy's shot and make an offer.
“There's still a chance you may want to drink this.” I say to her… she shakes her head with a vigorous 'NO'… grinning that cheeky grin.
“Joe,” I say to him, “me and a Cheyenne Brave named Two Feathers once got rip roaring drunk on a bottle of this stuff after a night of carousing.”
“Wow!” Joe says, gathering up my empty mugs. “How the hell did you ever get past the first shot?”
“We were already drunk… but even after all that, I never did acquire a taste for it. Pour me a half of sarsparilla, would you?… for a chaser.” I ask him… “and put it on Miss Brandy's tab.”
Picking up the shot glass I sniff it and pull back quickly from it's foul, swamp like odor. “Puked my guts out that night, too.”
Holding it in front of me, I give Miss Brandy a salute with the glass and say “Through the lips and over the gums… look out stomach… here it comes.” I down the entire glass full in one gulp. The taste is awful, bringing back memories of being on my knees and laying over a rock in the mountains, puking… with Two Feathers rolling around on the ground, laughing hysterically at me.
Grabbing the sarsparilla I take a few drinks of that too. I'm beginning to feel like I could spew and wave for folks to step back. Getting my meaning, the small crowd moves off to the side.
The feeling passes… I take another swig of sarsparilla… but the taste of the Malort is still lingering. Then I step up to Miss Brandy, and take her shoulders in my hands. “This is too good not to share.” I say to her, concluding with “Onion Breath.”
I quickly pull her into a kiss… she struggles, backing up… knocking over a bar stool and tries turning her head… my arms wrap her up… holding her so my hands can hold her head… pressing my lips to hers… my tongue snakes in… she bites it… I pull it back, then press my thumbs into her cheeks, holding her mouth open with the pressure… again my tongue goes in… a slobbery, wet, Malort flavored kiss. I can hear laughing and guffawing from around the bar.
Breaking the kiss and turning Miss Brandy loose… I cringe a little waiting for the slap that doesn't come… then I take another swig of sarsparilla from the mug, and slide up next to Amy and push my shoulder into hers. “The truck's packed,” I say to her, “wanna get out of here?”
“Yes.” Amy answers. Our eyes meet and we smile at each other.
I take Amy's arm into mine and turn to face everyone… taking off my hat, I say in a loud voice. “Thank you all for a most memorable evening… but now we must bid you all… adios.” We do a sweeping bow.
Amy and I walk past the bar arm in arm, heading for the parking lot, I still have my hat in my hand. When we pass by Miss Brandy, I take the hat and plop it on her head and give her a wink and continue out the door.
We get to the truck, and I open the door for Amy… and with another sweeping bow I say… “Your carriage, m'lady.” I Help her in and shut the door. Getting to the driver's side, I open the door and reach behind the seat, pulling out a hat box. I remove the lid from the box and take out a brand new, black, Diamond Jim Stetson and settle it just right on my head.
“I love putting on a new hat, Sweets.” I say to Amy as I climb in and start the truck. Looking her in the eye I continue. “It's like putting on new underwear…” I put the truck in gear and we're off…
June 15, 2013 at 11:40 am #67559Hiya's…
All my panties, I will send to you
All my panties, darling they're for you
All my panties, All my panties oooh
All my panties I will send to youI'm humming the song in my head when MoonCalf says that she is leaving. Seems she's developed a certain itch and is going home to have her husband scratch it.
“What do you think?” Satoire asks me.
Knowing what that means, I nod my head and tell her I'm getting tired too. We follow Moonie and stand a step back when she pokes Covems in the back and says her goodbyes to Amy and Cove.
Satoire and I also thank the two of them for a fun time, and invite them both to chat with us anytime they see us on. “Don't be strangers.” I say to them.
We say our goodbyes to the rest of the people in the bar, and especially to Brandybee for allowing us to wrestle Covems here. We also thank Momma_Andrea and Lover for the song, which is still in my head, and a special thanks to Lover for coming up with the race idea. We give them all kisses and hugs. I want to go say something to the two officers in the spa, but think better of it. It can wait.
As we're speaking, Covems goes up to Brandybee and spins her into that kiss. “Can't go yet Sat.” I say, “Things look like they might get interesting.”
We stand back at watch and listen as Covems and Brandy start going through the negotiation for their bet. Then MoonCalf comes riding up on her horse! Flabbergasted at her stunt, we can only stare as Moonie says her piece to Covems and then rides out.
“She's sure something.” Satoire says to me.
“And how.” Is the only thing I can think of saying.
Entralled by the terms of the bet we continue watching as the mug gets turned over on Brandybee's shot and Covems smug look gets wiped out once she reveals what's in the glass.
Cove meets the terms of the bet, by downing the shot of that horrible liquor, then we watch in amusement as he forces that kiss on Brandy. During the course of their wrestling, her stinger is bumping things and making sparks. We jump out of the way of it.
Finally after everything is calmed down and Covems and Amy leave, we close our coats and adjust our bunny ears, we thank everyone one more time, then Satoire and I go out of the bar and get in Satoire's little car and drive off home.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeJune 15, 2013 at 5:46 pm #67560I watch Covems with interest & respect. He drinks his Sarsparilla and belches a few times to steel himself for the Malort 3 measure shot in my glass.
He offers it to me like the gentleman he is, but he knows in his heart, I was going to pass. He salutes, mutters some words of encouragement to himself and downs it in one.
I grin at him as he turns a little green , but his sparkly handsome eyes win the day, he beats me fair and square and I gladly write my cheque to square the bet.
I hand it to Old Joe who kisses it and puts it in his cash register.
As I turn to congratulate Covems on his win, his big muscular frame comes towards me “ o oh” I am in trouble. I step back knocking a stool over, maybe I can reason with him ..
Too late, his hands are a steel grip on my shoulders and he says “”This is too good not to share, Onion Breath.”
Then he is snogging me. The Malorts is disgusting and I try to nip his tongue playfully , which causes him to pause. But, he is a man on a mission and to kiss me he intends. His thumbs press into my cheeks causing my mouth to open and to accept his kiss.
His masterful actions and cowboy hat, take my breath away and I feel myself respond. His kiss, is slobbery, Malortish, slightly lipsticky and very very hot!!!
My hands flatten on his muscular chest and my legs go weak and my tail sparks. My right leg curls up in a swoon, like in the old movies. 😮
Then he releases me , grinning. He expects a slap, but … what a kiss!!!.. and my brain is still struggling for air.
He drinks his remaining Sarsparilla and nods to me, smiling. He turns to his Amy and reminds her of their break away to somewhere nice.
They say their good byes and as he passes me, he gives me his hat, plonking it on my head. His cheeky grin and wink makes me smile.
“ Hey Cove, “ He pauses with his arm round Amy. “ You’ll need these “ and I throw him a pack of wriggleys spearmint gum. He catches them deftly still grinning and I take a bottle of Champagne to give to Amy. “ Thank you for being a good sport. Enjoy your trip girl…. and come back soon” hugging her.
And with that, they leave the bar & jump into Covems truck.
Pafe & Satoire also decide it’s time to go. They also do the rounds and we grin and hug each other.
“ Come back soon “ I tell them, “ We have the “ Cocks & Roses “ band playing here soon. It’s going to be another great night” They move on to the next person to say good bye to…..I return to Lover and buy him a drink… “ So what was this idea you had so Covems could beat my ass… “ I tease him and we both burst out laughing….
June 15, 2013 at 6:06 pm #67561As Brandy is buying me a drink I tease her “You still have money left? Good to know” I wink “ So what was this idea you had so Covems could beat my ass… “ Brandy asks. “Well… now we never will know” I grin and we both burst out laughing.
“We should tell our friends about Secret Summer” I tell her. “Yes”.
Take a pen and write on the sign:Secret Summer event coming soon… read the newspaper and listen to our radio for more infos”
I ask “What do you think – shall we start another crazy game here?” “You have another idea, I can see it in your eyes” she answers laughing. “Sure!”
I move closer, whispering what I'm thinking about…June 15, 2013 at 11:58 pm #67563Standing behind Covems, I watched closely as him and Brandy carried out their little challenge. There was a couple of gasping and “taking you the edge of your seat” moments throughout. Whether it be Cove downing the Malort three measure shot in Brandy's glass, or him turning a little green afterwards, or even the snog itself.
I suddenly feel a familiar push against my shoulder. As I begin turn to face Covems, “You know one of these days, you and your shoulder—” I trail off.
“The truck's packed,” he says to me, cutting me off “wanna get out of here?”
*Wanna get out of here?* That phrase echos in my mind as a bright smile forms on my face. Our eyes meet and his gaze has another one of those “butterflies forming in stomach” effects on me.
I nod saying “Yes”, as thoughts in my mind scream *Hell Yes!*
He takes my arm into his and we make our way out the bar, bidding adieu to everyone. Passing by Brandy at the bar, Cove plonks his hat down onto her head. She thoughtfully hands us a pack of wriggleys spearmint gum and a champagne bottle. We air kiss and hug goodbye, before finally making our way to Cove's truck.
We get to the truck, and he opens the door for me… and with another sweeping bow he says… “Your carriage, m'lady.” He helps me in and shuts the door. Leaning in through the window, I plant a kiss on his cheek.
Getting to the drivers side, he pulls out a new hat. As he places it on his head and climbs in, he says “I love putting on a new hat, Sweets.” Our eyes remained fixed on one another as he goes on, “It's like putting on new underwear…”
I chuckle as he puts the truck in gear and we're off. My hand grazes over his, our fingers interlocked, as we drive on to our destination.
June 16, 2013 at 6:17 pm #67564Feeling my Pets body tremble as I push deep into my Pets sweet tight entrance. Feeling her start to move in time with my slow deep thrusts to get the most pleasure from my hard shaft sliding deeper and deeper into her. With slow deep thrusts letting my Pet feel my weight as Aa low deep growl leaves my lips. I feel my Pet's body react as my growl fills her ears, feeling her push back against my as she hears it.
I start to thrust a little faster and harder becoming more wild thrusting deeper and deeper into my Pet letting my thrusts move her body pressing her into her fuck buddy. My growl grows deeper and loader as my thrusts become more wild
Feeling my Pet pushing hard back against my and her sweet entrance tightening and twitching around my shaft I know she was ready to cumm Pressing my weight down into my sweet Pet's body pressing her down deep into her fuck buddy. I lean down over my Pet and look down onto Stray her mouth wide open her eyes tight closed and load moans leaving her red lips I know she was close to.
I hear my Pet whisper “Sorry” hearing this I push down hard holding my Pets Hardness deep inside her fuck buddy'e hungry wet Pussy. I feel my Pets entrance clamp tight around my shaft and hear her sweet moan.
I know that sweet sound and her body goes limp as the strength leave her, feeling her collapse down onto her buddy I thrust down hard making my Pet's body move with each thrust letting both the girls under me feel my power my strength. Hearing them both moaning I push down hard and EXPLODE deep inside my Pet filling her inner being with jet after jet of my hot burning seed.
I lean down over my Pet and her fuck buddy Stray kissing her red lips our tongues dance with each other I move back and kiss my Pet's neck and suck her ear lop
“It's time my pet…..” I take a quock breath “my dungeon wait us……” I whisper in her ear
I watch her look over to Mrsex and Sexi
“Bring them with us, Master……I want to thanks them for the nice ceremony!” she asks
“yes Yes my Pet” I answer her “and Stray”
“Of course you can come too, if you want….” She say turning to Stray
Pulling slowly out of my Pet I watch her stand and walk naked but for her collar over to the lockers and come back with a bathrobe for each of us. Watching her walking around the room naked handing out the robes stand and she helps me put my robe on. She kneels on the floor in front of me with her eyes down.
I look over at mrsex and sexi put there robes on and I turn to Stray as she lays with her eyes still closed and her hand between her legs
“Are you coming with use Stray”Looking down on my Pet “Leash” I say in a sharp voice “In my pocket” I point at my jeans
She get up and brings it straight back and kneels holding her leash up to me taking it from her hands I clip it on her collar.“Stand” I order and stop taking the rode of the bed I rest it over my naked Pets body “Its cold in the ice house my Pet”
I walk out of the spa with the leash over my shoulder with my Pet following my with her robe open over her shoulders. We walk slowly throw the bar to the pool room and into the tunnels …………….
June 16, 2013 at 8:39 pm #67565Hearing the invitation to join Tango and HB in the dungeon for a thank you for the ceremony, I couldn't help but smile and accept the robe offered to me. Wrapping the robe around my body and tightening the sash, I stand up and follow the others as we head to the dungeon and more fun.
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