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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
July 29, 2013 at 8:40 pm #67612
Back at the bar, mojito in hand and at last Old Joe serving me, I see Brandy & Jayc looking like they are ready to do some work and Ol Joe is ribbing them both and I grin widely. Something about football… may as well be about aliens, I have no idea, but BB seems nervous about a result and a forfeit… hmmmmm. sounds interesting, I shall keep an eye on BB.
The band tunes up, James does a few rolls from one end of his kit to the other and then Brandy walks out from the bar onto the stage and introduces the band. I cheer loudly and slide my empty glass down towards Joe, blowing him a kiss. He smiles and fixes me another. As Brandy comes off the stage I see All_for_you & Jane at the door sighing with relief that they've made it in time. I pull a couple of empty stools & wave them over, but as I'm moving the stools I see 3 of the dwarves with small paintbrushes and pots of paint, I grab Dopey's arm, but he just winks at me and puts his finger to his lips so I laugh and let him go. I wonder what mischief the little sods are up to this time?
I wave Joe over to serve Jane and All_For_You as the guys high five and the lights go down.
Fantastic! Oh wow, me & the boys have something to live up to now! All the bar is shouting, clapping & singing along.July 30, 2013 at 6:24 am #67613After the fastest drive across town Karen throws her car into the parking lot “we made it” she says smiling at me walking throw the bar doors just in time to hear Brandy up on the stage about to introduce the band I sigh a a breath of relief.
Looking around the bar I see Blue waving as over to sit with her at the bar. We We walk over to her and kiss her happy late birthday as we ordered our drinks from Old Joe. Seeing the girls in there COCKS & ROSES t-shirts I ask Joe for two for Karen and myself.
Handing Karen her one I hear Lover take the mic and the sweet sound of an electric guitar turning to face the stage and look straight into the eyes of love Freddie and then down and watch his magic fingers play with his other Jane.
Seeing him up on stage and seeing his fingers moving fast over the strings I think to myself “don't wear them out im going to want you to play me like that after the concert”l can't take my eyes off my man with his legs apart head down his black tophat on his head but his eyes are fixed on me. With a wicked smile I pull my black t-shirt off over my head and put the band one back on and blow Freddie a kiss and tap my heart then point to him.
Turning back to Karen and Blue I join them in singing along with Lover and the band.July 30, 2013 at 9:44 am #67614after lover finish the first song, the crowd of the Bar get noicy, clapping their hands and screaming……i look around and smile, holding my microphone.
“Hey, Bar & Grill! let me hear how strong you can scream…..let's celebrate Lover and his 5300th post! NOWWW!!!”
Shout and wislte fill the air, lougher then before…..the spot light are now pointed on Lover, who wave his hands to the crowd and at last sending kiss in one direction….
July 30, 2013 at 10:44 am #67615I'm ready to enjoy the show! Wearing my Cock'n'Roses T-shirt with tight jeans shorts.
As the band starts playing I look at the people. I see happiness and joy in their faces and I smile and nod to Lover as he performs their song.
I can't help it and I feel my whole body answering to the song, making an effort to stay in my place I look at Brandy and smile at her.The song is over and it seemed too short. We all clap our hands and scream.
I hear HB shouting:
after lover finish the first song, the crowd of the Bar get noicy, clapping their hands and screaming……i look around and smile, holding my microphone.
“Hey, Bar & GRill! let me hear how strong you can scream…..let's celebrate Lover and his 5300th post! NOWWW!!!”
Shout and wislte fill the air, lougher then before…..the spot light are now pointed on Lover, who wave his hands to the crowd and at last sending kiss in one direction….
I smile and approach Lover and grab the bottom of his tshirt, pulling him to me I kiss him deeply for what seems an eternity. I then look him deep in his eyes with a smile and whisper “Amazing performance, honey!”
July 30, 2013 at 12:31 pm #67616Happy that the concert started perfect, that everything has worked as it should, I close my eyes for a second. Enjoying the screaming and applauds. As i open my eyes, I see Marilyn close to me. She is grabbing my shirt, pulling me to her, kissing me deeply. Mmmm so good.. put my arm around her, holding her close. My hand is on her ass, feeling the fabric of the jeans, smelling her seducing scent. Her kiss is awakening naughty thoughts…
“Amazing performance honey!” I hear her whispering, she is showing her wonderful smile.“Thanks honey. I have a surprise for you – later” I wink “Now the show has to go on”. Turn around to the guys, grin and say “Sorry..we can go on”
July 30, 2013 at 1:50 pm #67617Hiya's…
Arriving at the AChat Bar & Grill, just in time to hear Brandybee's introduction. Satoire and I hurry past the busy Joe, waving as we go by to Jayc, Stone and all the others at the bar. I mouth the works… “I'll order something later” as we rush past.
Satoire in the lead… the show business part of her has got her adrenaline fired up. I can see her starting to sway already before the music even starts. It's very dark while we make our way in… thank goodness someone's moved all the tables and chairs. Three loud bangs start the intro as the guitars pick up the melody and the rhythm.
Suddenly lights flash and we can see all the members of Cocks and Roses on the stage… familiar faces now, and they sound very, very good.
Lover begins his strut, and Satoire notes that there's a little Mick Jagger in those moves. A compliment indeed coming from a professional dancer.
We both begin to sway and dance to the rhythms of the song. People are screaming and shouting, genuine rock concert mayhem!! They're perfect, with each change, and nail the song!!
They finish their song… and the lights go out. We applaud madly… “I hope that's not it.” I say to Satoire…
“Nah…” she replies… “that's only the warm up… it's best that way with a new act… you're able to judge the reactions and adjust your routine.”
“You should know,” I say … “you should know. Hold my spot, I'll get us something to drink.” I rush the bar during the brief break, humming AChat City.
“Joe… if you would be so kind.” I say to him, “I'll have a diet water, and a Shirley Temple for Satoire.”
Joe grins back at me at the diet water joke, shaking his head and begins mixing the Shirley Temple.
Having drinks in hand, I hurry back to the crowd and Satoire. “I heard from Moonie,” I say quietly to Satoire, “she's supposed to come tonight.”
“I hope she leaves that pistol home.” Satoire says to me.
“I don't.” I say, “I hope she brings it and fires off a few shots.” We both laugh at that and turn our attention back to the stage…
Satoire leans into me and says, “I hope Covems and Amy show, too.”
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeJuly 30, 2013 at 2:09 pm #67618After mrsexlover and I had breakfast, he had to go set up the band stuff, so I went shopping finding the perfect outfit to wear tonight. After hours of looking, I finally found it. Trying it on and twirling around in the mirror, I smile and get it. I lay the dress neatly on the bed and place the gloves beside the dress. Adding some comfortable sandals and dangling earrings to finish the ensemble, I head into the shower and wash and shave.
Stepping out of the shower, I towel myself dry. I grab the dress and put it on rubbing my smooth skin all the way down as the dress slowly covers my body. Feeling the smoothness from the waist down making sure I didn't miss a spot, I then pull my hair up off my neck and secure it figuring that it will be a warm night in the AB&G. I attach the dangling earrings and pull on the gloves before I give myself a final spin to see how I look. Seeing the time, I rush out the door and head to the AB&G.
Stepping into the AB&G, I hear the applause and screams as the band has finished their first song. Walking over to the stage, I get mrsexlover's attention and whisper softly so only he can hear me. He smiles and nods and whispers back before announcing the next song. I wink and slip into the crowd to enjoy the number.
July 30, 2013 at 7:00 pm #67619Yeah this first son has gone great. We nailed it completly and the crowd is loving it. As i look up i Sexi approaching the stage in a very Sexi dress. She gets to the my side of the stage and winks me, as i lent her my ear she wispers something naughty to me, and as i smile i gave we my anwser back.
The cheering dies down a bit, so i grab the bag i had laying underneath my keyboard and start pulling out some things. I pass out some sunglasses and a fake beard to all the band members, except James, he only gets the sunglasses. Then it's time to put on our cowboy hats with the Cock 'n Roses logo on it.
The people start to cheer as the see us on stage in this wierd outfit, but i guess they know what's comming next. I get back to my place and start to speak into the microphone.
Ladies and gentleman i believe you all know this one, so come on and sing allong
I give a signal to James by making the familiar move with my hand, and he starts the second song
I got to have a shot of what you got is oh so sweet.
You got to make it hot, like a boomerang I need a repeat,as we reach the chorus all the boys join in
Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too,
Gimme all your lovin', don't let up until we're through,You got to whip it up and hit me like a ton of lead,
If I blow my top will you let it go to your head?Now with the second chorus is see the whole AB&G sing loudly and Sexi is making sure i can read her lips while she sings
Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too,
Gimme all your lovin', don't let up until we're through.As the second chorus ends Freddie is right up to steam and starts his marvelous guitar solo, at the end of it the crowd is going wild
You got to move it up and use it like a schoolboy would.
You got to pack it up, work it like a new boy should.Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too.
Gimme all your lovin', don't let up until we're through.We finish the song and people in the AB&G are cheering and wistling as we take off our beards. Omg i can't believe this gig is going so good.
zz-top – gimme all your lovin 31, 2013 at 11:13 am #67620I pick up Mollie at her shop and together we ride over to the AB&G in my jeep. She has a kerchief around her hair to keep it neat, because I have the top off.
Pulling into the parking lot, I spot a space near the fence and back the jeep into it. Shutting off the jeep, I check myself in the mirror… I look presentable enough and I straighten my hat.
“How do I look, Mollie?” I ask.
“Like a real country girl out on the town.” She says with a smile.
“I don't know what's going to happen tonight.” I say to her, “If you hook up with a feller, just let me know.”
“Maybe we should both pick one up, Moonie.” Mollies says to me, “Have our way with him and when we're done, just kick him to the curb.”
We both laugh at that.
Entering the bar, there's a lot of cheering and foot stomping going on as the band begins a song. “Must have missed the opening.” I muse.
Walking up to the bar I nod and gesture hello's to all the folks around it. “Joe, you handsome man”, I say, “whisky please… Rye… don't matter what brand… and a draft for a chaser.”
Joe give me that look as he pours the shot. I down it quickly, with Covems' usual departing words running through my head… “watch your drinkin' ma'am”… the draft chaser is cool and refreshing.
Taking our drinks, Mollie and I head in and find Pafe and Satoire, dancing and swaying to the music. We all hug and make our usual greetings. The band is good, playing some hard driving rock and roll. We laugh at the fake beards and join in with Satoire and Pafe, dancing to the rhythms.
Settled in now, we listen and get into the swing of things.
July 31, 2013 at 5:03 pm #67621The bar is swinging and although busy behind the bar, I find my feet stomping and my singing voice bellowing
Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too,
Gimme all your lovin', don't let up until we're through,Soon all the bar staff are doing a sort of jigging- a dance / sing / serve routine that somehow works well.
“The Cocks N Roses are brilliant ” I shout to Stone who is dance nodding her head. She and Jayc make me laugh… they are both wearing long ginger beards and throw me one to put on … of course I do… and continue serving and jigging..
The regulars are coming in and I greet each and every one, Pafe,Satoire, Mollie, Moonie, Tangojane, Sexilicious, Marilyn, Bluedenim, All_For_You , and the barstaff of course all working extremely hard .. and not forgetting THE COCKS N ROSES rocking the night away.
“Make sure everyone gets a drink on the house as well as a T shirt and cap” I tell Old Joe, Stone & Jayc ..
July 31, 2013 at 9:43 pm #67622Sitting at the bar… throwing a few drinks back. The band starts to play, I have been waiting this for weeks now. I smile and make my way up to the stage. I gave a smile at James as he took his shirt off… “whoooo hoo” I screamed.. out to him!! I can't wait to listen to the band to play some music.
August 1, 2013 at 10:38 pm #67623the ZZTop cover has gone great, all are shouting and clapping
we nod to each other and take off our beards,when i see the guys are ready i look at James
James starts…
and then we all follow him
Lover makes his way to the mic with a devilish eye…winks to the crowd and free his voice(OOT if you can…go to the link,start the song and then read this : it works better
Wicked Game
performed by H.I.M. was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like youNo, I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
..with youTango and Bear are playing the same riff making it so powerful and singing the chorus at the same mic…
HB plays her bass dancing sinously in front of MrSex that works his magic on the keyboards…
i think James gonna break his drums now,his playing excites me more…(this world is only gonna break your heart)
What a wicked game to play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing you do
To make me dream of youNo, I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
..with you
a spotlight hits me as my solo begins
my heart beats faster as my fingers play this magic
all my body tense full of energyas i end playing the song seems vanishing but MrSex enters with his piano
the crowd cheers and Lover nods at me as i make my way to Tango and Bear
Lover sings slowly now as the song needs to take breath
World was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people doand grows again now
our guitars sound hard as James pushes us all with his rythm
and Lover sings it out loudNo, and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, noNo, I wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
(No, I wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
..with you(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I…
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
(This world is only gonna break your heart)one last chord and then it s only his voice…
Nobody loves no one
they all are shouting now…wowww..we r rocking!
August 2, 2013 at 1:43 pm #67624Karen and I mack are way to the front of the stage watching the band playing we all sing with Martin as he belts out his great version of Gimme all you Lovin Jumping around and nodding our heads as we sing (scream) the chorus
The bar eruptes into cheers and screams as the song ends.
The lights dim and Lover takes to the mic James starts hitting his drums hard and the spot light falls on his and he starts to sing He starts soft and builds loader and stronger
We all sing the chorus with him Lover and Tango are face to face singing and playing at the same mic they sound great together matching each noteThe spot light shines down on my Freddie as he starts to play his solo I scream the loudest like a little school girl at her first concert
watching his magic fingers again on the strings “I know what magic they can work on me” I think to myself. I feel that magic feeling and my Panties start to get damp. And a wicked thought comes into my mind.Lover comes back to the mic and finishes the song the bar goes wild again.
August 2, 2013 at 6:41 pm #67625(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I…
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
(This world is only gonna break your heart)I'm singing at the top of my voice to the haunting chorus and wait at the end for Freddie's deep deep sexy voice as he sings
“Nobody loves no one”
We all scream and make thunderous applause – the bar is rocking. I nip out and change my panties grinning …
Then mischievously make my way to the front of the stage. I lob my panties and they land on Bear's guitar. He looks up and grins at me, kissing them and putting them in his pocket.
I blow him a kiss.. He pretends to catch it and places it on his cheek and blows me one back. I catch his and add my own before putting both kisses in my pocket.Then chuckling I return to the bar and serve more waiting customers ….
August 7, 2013 at 3:03 pm #67626As James finishes his song he puts the Mic back in its stand and goes back to his drums.
I take Genavieve off and put her in the stand.I take to the Mic I take a deep breath
“LET HEAR IT FOR THE BAND” The Bar goes wild cheering and clapping
“On the drums we Have JAMES” The crowd clap and cheer as he plays a small drum roll
“On lead guitar we Have Freddie” He steps forward and takes a bow and plays a fast rift the fans scream as he plays
“On back up guitar Bear and Myself” Bear joins Freddie playing the rift
“On bass we have the beautiful HB” She steps forward and play a solo
“And on keyboard we have the magic fingers of Martin” He play his keys
“And lead vocals we Have LOVER”The Bar cheer and clap as the Band is introduced
The lights in the bar go out plunging it into darkness.
The big screen flickers into life
James starts on his drums then Freddie on his guitar Stepping close to the Mic I start to sing I take the Mic out of the stand
I'm a cold heartbreaker
Fit to burn and I'll rip your heart in two
An' I'll leave you lyin' on the bedThe Girls at the front of the stage scream as i start to sing
I'll be out the door before you wake
It's nothin' new to you
'Cause I think we've seen that movie too'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothin' done
I said you could be mineNow holidays come and then they go
It's nothin' new today
Collect another memory
When I come home late at night
Don't ask me where I've been
Just count your stars, I'm home againPointing the Mic to the crowd the all sing (scream) the chorus
'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothin' done
I said you could be mine(I turn to HB)
You could be mine
you should be mine
You REALLY ARE MINE ( I blow her a kiss and turn back to the crowd
you could be mine
You could be mine,mine, mine, mineYou've gone sketchin' too many times
Why don't you give it a rest?
Why must you find
Another reason to cry?Freddie steps forward and takes a solo
While you're breakin' down my back an'
I been rackin' out my brain
It don't matter how we make it
'Cause it always ends the sameYou can push it for more mileage
But your flaps are wearin' thin
And I could sleep on it till mornin'
But this nightmare never endsDon't forget to call my lawyers
With ridiculous demands
An' you can take the pity so far
But it's more than I can stand'Cause this couchtrip's gettin' older
Tell me how long has it been
'Cause 5 years is forever
An' you haven't grown up yetYou could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothin' done
I said you could be, you should be
You could be mineEach Band member step to the a mic)
Brandy You could be mine
Jane you could be mine
Blue You could be mine
Sexi you could be mine
Marilyn You could be mineAs the band sing to there Ladys I move over behind HB putting my arm around her waist holding her tight I kiss her cheek
you ARE mine
Your ALWAYS mine
YOU WILL BE MINE TONIGHTThe bar goes dark again as the song ends all that can be heard is the screams from the girls
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