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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )

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  • #67627

    We come flying up the road in the truck… going so fast, I missed the parking lot.  I slam on the breaks and come to a screeching halt.  I back the truck up and into the parking lot… still in reverse, I find a spot next to Moonie's jeep and back into it.

    “Come on, Sweets,”  I say to Amy, 'lets go listen to the band.”  I open my door and hold my hand in for Amy to take… she slides across the seat and hops out.

    We open to the door to the AChat Bar and Grill, and are immediately hit with the sound of the band.  “THEY'RE REALLY LOUD.”  I shout to Amy.  “AND REALLY GOOD.”

    We go in and head straight to the bar.  “JOE', I shout, “A ROOT BEER AND WHAT EVER AMY WANTS.”

    We wave and nod to all those around the bar, wearing their Cocks and Roses memorabilia.  Amy picks out a T-Shirt.  “I WANT TO PUT THIS ON…”  she shouts to me, 'BUT IT WILL BE TOO HOT WEARING TWO SHIRTS.”

    “TAKE THE OTHER ONE OFF FIRST.”  I shout to her… she gives me that “are you crazy look”.

    I have a seat at one of the tables.  “HERE, AMY… SIT IN MY LAP.”  Amy comes over and sits in my lap… I turn her so her back is towards me.  I slide my hands up underneath her shirt and cup a hand around each breast.  “GO AHEAD AND TAKE THAT ONE OFF.”  I shout.

    Amy's hesitant at first, but then gets what I'm doing.  She goes ahead and pull the shirt over her head.  I'm looking around the room and spot the 4 munchkins all together.  Pafe catches my eye and waves to us.  I wave back… exposing one of Amy's breasts, before realizing what I'm doing.

    “Whack” is the sound made as Amy slaps my arm.  “PAY ATTENTION.”  She shouts.

    “Heheh”.. all I can do is chuckle.  Amy slips the new Cocks and Roses shirt on.

    “YOU CAN REMOVE YOUR HANDS NOW.”  She shouts to me.


    The band finishes up with their song, and Amy lets out a holler for them as I whistle as loudly as I can.  The room goes dark.


    “Pssssst… Amy… quick… kiss me.”


    Standing at the front of the stage with Jane rocking to Martin and his ZZ Top song gimme all your lovin and then Freddie come forward with Lover with a great version of Wicked Game At the end of the song Jane looks at me with a wicked smile on her face.
    “What have you on your mind Girl”  I shout over the cheering.
    she leans In close to my ear and tells me her plan I smile back at her and nod my head in agreement. Just as we separate Brandy moves between us and throws a pair of her panties at Bear.  Jane and I laugh as Brandy beat us to it.

    James comes out from behind his drums and sing his song Very Breath you Take We all sing along with the chorus with him and cheer and scream as he finishes.

    Tango take to the Mic after putting his guitar down He introduces the band. They all play there part as the Name is start and we scream and cheer each one in turn.

    All the lights go out in the bar and everyone falls silent



    Fills the Bar then James starts his drums and the Freddie steps up on his guitar

    Tango start to sing in his best Axl Rose voice

    I'm a cold heartbreaker
    Fit to burn and I'll rip your heart in two
    An' I'll leave you lyin' on the bed


    as Freddie move forward I feel a hand on my shoulder It's Janes I turn to see what she wants But she is pulling her panties down and smiles at me then throws them to Freddie and SCREAMS    ” YOU COULD BE MINEEEEEEEEE”

    Freddie catches them rubs them on his face then hocks them over his guitar.

    As the song starts to end each band member sing a line to there lady in the bar
    Tango moves over to his HB holds her tight and sings the last lines to her 


    “Why thank you, oh kind Sir,” I chuckle, while doing a cute little bow after hopping out of the truck as Cove holds open the door for me. He grins back at me before saying, “Come on Sweets, lets go listen to the band.”

    We make our way into the bar and as soon as I enter I hear someone singing along the tune of:

    “Every move you make
    Every vow you break
    Every smile you fake
    Every claim you stake (I'll be watching you)”

    I look around in amazement, taking in the scenery of the wild crowd. *Who's amazing voice is that* I think to myself just as my eyes wander to the stage and I see James finishing up his song. I smile wide and start to clap and cheer.

    “THEY'RE REALLY LOUD.”  Cove shouts to me.  “AND REALLY GOOD.” I nod and smile, agreeing with him. He takes my hand and we head off in the direction of the bar to get drinks. Just as we order our drinks, Tango's voice echoes the line “I'm a cold heartbreaker” and I scream out another cheer.

    As we greet everyone sitting at the bar, I notice the cool Cocks and Roses memorabilia they're wearing. I eye a shirt and shout to Cove, “I WANT TO PUT THIS ON, BUT IT WILL BE TOO HOT WEARING TWO SHIRTS,” while grabbing it.

    I notice Cove taking a seat at one of the tables and asking me to come to him. “HERE AMY, SIT IN MY LAP,” he bellows to me. I smile coyly before sauntering towards him. He turns me and with my back facing him, he sneaks his hands under my shirt and cups my breasts.

    My eyes slightly widen and I glare back at him. “GO AHEAD AND TAKE THAT ONE OFF”, he shouts. My eyes widen even more and I continue to stare daggers at him while thinking *Has he gone mad?*

    Although hesitant at first, I catch on to what Cove is getting at and eventually get to slipping on the new Cocks and Roses shirt and just as I finish doing so, Tango sings the closing lines to “You Could Be Mine”.  The bar goes dark as the band finish the song, and the crowd erupts into another series of cheers.

    “Pssssst… Amy… quick… kiss me,” Cove whispers into my ear. His hands, still underneath my shirt, tickle their way down to my waist as I turn to face him while squirming and giggling slightly. I grab a handful of his hair and pull us into a deep, passionate kiss. His arms tighten around my waist, pulling me in closer, and our kiss deepens.

    As the lights come back on and a drum roll kicks in, I bite Cove's bottom lip gently and slowly pull away, much to his reluctance. We both smirk at each other again, before I turn back around. I ease in slightly between Cove's legs, leaning more towards his right thigh, and cross my legs.

    His arms wrap around my waist again, pulling me in close against him. I slightly turn my head again to kiss his cheek, as he kisses and nibbles at my neck while we anticipate what the band's going to play next.


    Jcm0824 steps forward to the mic and we all cheer as the handsome man introduces our Robot Boy to take over the drums.

    He starts the haunting song about stalking and it makes me smile and sing along

    Every breath you take
    Every move you make
    Every bond you break
    Every step you take
    I'll be watching you

    Every single day
    Every word you say
    Every game you play
    Every night you stay
    I'll be watching you

    I sing in my bottle of bud ,  back to back with Old Joe,  who  mirrors my actions.

    The bar is rocking and Stone & Jayc are flipping some bottles  for the cocktails in perfect sync to the music, not spilling a drop or smashing any bottles.  It’s quite an impressive performance.

    Jcm’s voice is amazing and I  nudge Snow bunny and blu  over the bar – ” hey ladies, I have just the thing for  Jcm’s  groupy collection”  and toss the items to them winking..

    Tango is up next and  the rockin tune is too catchy not to join in…
    We are singing and jiving and head banging to the music ..

    You could be mine
    But you're way out of line
    With your bitch slap rappin'
    And your cocaine tongue
    You get nothin' done
    I said you could be, you should be
    You could be mine

    Each Band member step up to the a mic
    Brandy You could be mine  …  I grin and blow Bear a kiss  ..  I swoon, mmmm  sexy sexy man mmmm
    Jane you could be mine
    Blue, Snow – You could be mine  😮
    Sexi you could be mine
    Marilyn You could be mine..

    Tango sings to his pet  and we all cheer wildly..  some of his words , I echo towards  Bear ..

    You ARE mine
    You’re ALWAYS mine

    Bear winks and rocks…

    As the song starts to fade, I realise Cove and Amy walk in. They order their drinks  and sit down for Amy to put her new Cocks n Roses T shirt on. 
    Everyone cheers the group and stock up on new drinks as they wait to hear the next song …. 😮


    The boys are really rocking and my 4th Mojito is going down a treat, me and Snow Bunny are drumming on he bar with our fingers and rocking our heads side to side.
    James gets up from the drums to sing a police number… Is there a subliminal message in there aimed at me?
    Then Brandy  throws a couple of thongs at me & Snow and says “hey ladies, I have just the thing for JC's groupie collection” and gives us a big a wink.
    I look at Snow Bunny, I look at the thongs then I laugh and finishing my drink, I hand the smaller one to Snow and say “What the hell! I will if you will”
    I stand up, strip off my top & bra and pull on a Cocks & Roses T-shirt, then off with my jeans, throw my panties onto the stage and they hit James on the cheek then fall over the microphone and he glares at me so I step into the thong stroking my bush as I get it comfy then turn round, grab my ankles and wiggle my ass in time to the last verse and JC nearly corpses when he sings “I'll be watching you”



    you ARE mine
    Your ALWAYS mine

    feeling his arms around my body i smile at Master Tango “not only tonight…..” while the lights turn off.

    after had give him a sweet kiss on his lips, i move behind the curtain, trying to prepare faster as i can for my song: i'll remove the long gown and put on a black short suit jacket and adjust my hair and remove my lipstick.

    Claps start to come form all around the bar and in the dark of the room i move in the center of the stage and speak.

    “Before the next song, there is something we must do……a big cheer for a friend!!”

    Three lights start to move over the crowd heads, running from a point to another of the room.

    “Let's celebreat are wonderfull writer Andrea and her 500 post! HURRAYYYY!”

    The lights move all over Andrea, letting her be in the middle of the attention of all the Bar & Grill. Cheears and claps echoing in the room, getting loud at any minute.

    Without waiting, i turn to my band's mate and shout “LET'S GO”! and the guitar begin


    When everything is going wrong
    And you can't see the point in going on
    Nothing in life is set in stone
    There's nothing that can't be turned around

    I walk close to Master and lightly touch his soulders

    Nobody wants to be alone
    Everybody wants to love someone
    Out of the tree go pick a plum
    Why can't we all just get along?

    I step close to Lover from behind and put my hands on his chest, moving slowly up to his chin, holdingit and make his face turn to me just to step away, winking at the girls in the bar

    Boys.. Boys in the girls room
    Girls.. Girls in the men's room
    You free your mind in your androgyny
    Boys.. Boys in the parlour
    Girls.. They're getting harder
    I'll free your mind and your androgyny

    No sweeter a taste that you could find
    Than fruit hanging ripe upon the vine
    There's never been an oyster so divine
    A river deep that never runs dry

    The birds and bees they hum along
    Like treasures they twinkle in the sun
    Get on board and have some fun
    Take what you need to turn you on

    I move to a memmber of the band to another, teasing them……grazing my bum against them, slowly, then slapping softly some of them right on their bum cheek

    Boys.. Boys in the girls room
    Girls.. Girls in the men's room
    You free your mind in your androgyny
    Boys.. Boys in the parlour
    Girls.. They're getting harder
    I'll free your mind
    I'll free your mind
    I'll free your mind
    I’ll free your…

    Boys.. Behind closed doors and under stars
    Girls.. It doesn't matter where you are
    Boys.. Collecting jewels that catch your eye
    Girls.. Don't let a soulmate pass you by

    With my body pressed on Mrsexlover back, i smirk at my Master, licking and kissing his friends lobe. He look at me with an evil sight….at that point, i let mrsexlover turning to face me and give him a deep kiss.
    all the girls start to scream, as i move away from him, but not before had give him a good lock of my buttom

    Boys in the girls room
    Girls in the men's room
    You free your mind in your androgyny
    Boys in the parlour
    They're getting harder
    I'll free your mind
    I'll free your mind

    I reach the center of the stage and bow down, giving to all the guys a nice look of my small tits pressed between my arms, making them bounce a little while i stand up, taking care the crowd can notice the pretty bulge hidden by the body suit i'm wearing. Wistle and chears rise again in the air

    Boys in the girls room
    Girls in the men's room
    You free your mind in your androgyny
    Boys.. Boys in the parlour
    Girls.. They're getting harder

    I'll free your mind
    I'll free your mind
    I'll free your mind
    I’ll free your…

    i walk back to my Master, moving slowly and a little sinuously, walking around him and looking deeply in his eyes, trying to cacth his toughs and smiling at him


    I stop in front of him while the lights on the stage turn down a little. Just one is pointed on us, pointing tha attention of all the crowd to us: i putg an hand over his shaft, grazing it a little, and stamping a deep kiss on his mouth, while the music turn off, followed b the light after few second.


    OOT: Congrats Andrea Now we wait for the next 500 posts…


    Glaring at the stage as JMC is finishing I'll be watching you, Brandy runs beside me and nudges me and Blue and throws a couple of thongs at us saying “hey ladies, I have just the thing for JCMs  groupie collection” and gives us a big a wink.  Blue then looked at me and looked at the thongs andI laugh while finishing her drink, she handed the smaller ones to me and  said “What the hell! I will if you will” At that time she stood up, strip off her top & bra and pull on a Cocks & Roses T-shirt, then stripped off her jeans, and threw her panties on stage.  I  laughed at her while I slammed down my drink  stood up beside her took of my shirt and bra threw on my tshirt, that fit snug across the girls.. I joined in putting on the thongs,.. joining blue as we cheered at JMC!!  Hahaha  This was going to be hell of a night I could tell the bands sounded great.  JMC finished his song as Tango got up and began to sing his song… and then there was a cheer as there was a announcement made that Andrea has hit her 500 mark. We all congratulate her.  The next thing I know Hentaiboy is taking the mic and working the stage…. I ask for another drink and make my way through the crowd to the front of the stage for a closer look. As I get closer I take my bra and chuck it at JMC… and smile devilishly his way… 


    As I step through the door I'm struck by the light and sound. “Oh my…” I take a alight step back as my eyes and ears adjust to the new environment. As I look around I note the Country & Western theme, not what I expected, but not bad.  After a second look the crowd looks nice and I decide to stick around. I make my way to the bar feeling slightly over dressed, in a short, black cocktail dress with dark hose and heels to match.  When I catch the bartender's eye I ask. “May I have a Gin and Tonic, please?”


    Slipping and sliding through the crowd with my tray over my head next to the long bunny ears, I finally get back to the bar.
    “Joe!” I shout “I need a slippery nipple, sex on the beach, a slow screw, panties down and a blue whale in a tall glass.”
    Joe doesn't blink and none of us find it silly, he just starts mixing.

    I turn to the woman in the hot black cocktail dress. “You look new, Welcome to the Achat Bar and Grill.” I shout over the constant din of music and people. “Brandy is somewhere, I'm sure she'll pop up and say hello. I'm Andrea by the way, struggling writer and carrier of drinks, but I see Joe already took care of you. Have fun.”

    And I'm off with my refilled tray into the fray that is the AB&G.


    As HB finished his song, the lights turn off and we hear the big apllause. Bit later the bar is silent – everyone is waiting what's going on…
    Suddenly the silence is broken by a loud guitar riff. Spotlight is switched on, showing freddie – just wearing black jeans and his guitar.
    He is playing “Godfather theme”
    One minute later, mrsexlover is joining with his keyboard, followed by jcm's drums….
    Gradually bear, tango and hb join. Close to the end freddie is on a pedestal, which is moving up until he is playing the last chords.

    It's a great song and it seems he is hypnotizing everyone.

    As the song is over, I take the micro, look around as if I would welcome everyone tonight. I see a new face, Amy42370 and nod to her. I notice she already has a drink and also Andrea is caring for her.

    I look around. “Just the left side!” I shout
    “Give me a C!” “C!” “Give me an O!” “O!” “Give me a C!” “C!” “Give me K!” “K!” “Give me a S!” “S!” “Tell it” “COCKS!”

    “Now the right side! Give me an N!” “N!” “Give me an R!” “R!” “Give me an O!” “O!” “Give me a S!” “S!” “Give me an E!” “E!” “Give me a S!” “S!” “Tell it!” “ROSES”

    “Now all together!!!!”  “COCKS'N'ROSES!”  “AGAIN!” “COCKS'N'ROSES!”  “YEAAAAAAHHHHH!”


    “Are you enjoying the show?” I ask and the answer is big screaming…. “C'mon on, I know you can do it better. ARE YOU ENJYOING THE SHOW?” now I scream as loud as possible. The answer is like a hurricane now… I grin “YEAAAAH…. WE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    “It's no secret anymore, we're the Cocks'n'Roses. It's also not a secret anymore, we rock.Together with you we're going to rock this bar tonight!” Stamping, whistlening and cheering is the answer….

    “Now it's time to calm down a little. Look to the right, smile and say hello….   look to left, smile and say hello too…. If you're here with a beloved person today, I want you hug him now. Also light a fire or the sparklers. Now it's time for lovers.
    We are the Cocks'n'Roses… and this is “Bed of Roses” for you”

    Mrsexlover is playing the piano, few seconds later, the sound of  freddie's guitar is going through my whole body….

    Sitting here wasted and wounded at this old piano
    Trying hard to capture the moment this morning I don't know

    While I'm singing, almost everyone is singing with me, waving with sparkles or lighters

    'Cause a bottle of vodka is still lodged in my head
    And some blond gave me nightmares, think that she's still in my bed
    As I dream about movies
    They won't make of me when I'm dead

    With an ironclad fist I wake up and french kiss the morning
    While some marching band keeps it's own beat in my head
    While we're talking
    About all of the things that I long to believe

    While I'm singing, I'm looking around, trying to catch everyone. My eyes stay on Marilyn now, she is smiling to me and while I'm singing, I smile to her.

    About love, the truth, what you mean to me and the truth is
    Baby you're all that I need

    As the refrain is startin, the stage is filled with red light and 1000 pedals of red roses are raining down to everyone. I'm spreading my arms as if I want to hug everyone. My voice, soft and silent in the beginning, now is loud and clear. I'm loving this song so much and everyone feels I'm singing it from all of my heart, feeling the words and it's meaning.

    I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
    For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
    I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
    And lay you down on a bed of roses

    Well I'm so far away the step that I take's on my way home
    A king's ransom in dimes I'd give each night
    To see through this pay phone

    Still I run out of time or it's hard to get through
    Till the bird on the wire flies me back to
    You I'll just close my eyes, whisper baby blind love is true

    Slowly I'm moving to the right side of the stage, going downstairs. I'm walking around in the bar, encouraging everyone to sing with me, to feel the power of this amazing song and to forget his worries. Live the moment is my message…

    I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
    For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
    I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
    And lay you down on a bed of roses

    The band is giving everything now, firing up the mood now

    Well this hotel bar's hangover whiskey's gone dry
    The barkeeper's wig's crooked
    And she's giving me the eye
    Well I might have said yeah
    But I laughed so hard I think I died
    Ooh yeah

    I'm laughing out loud, pointing to freddie “I wanna hear your guitar crying!”  I have reached Marilyn, take her hand and we dance, while the band is playing, lights turning off and on… it's just a short dance, finishing with a deep kiss “I love you honey” I whisper and go back to stage.

    Now as you close your eyes
    Know I'll be thinking about you
    While my mistress she calls me to stand in her spotlight again
    Tonight I won't be alone
    But you know that don't mean I'm not lonely
    I've got nothing to prove for it's you that I'd die to defend

    A big burning heart is shown on the video wall. I go down to my knees, closing my eyes

    I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
    For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
    I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
    And lay you down

    I get up again “Everyone sing with me one more time!” Lifting my arms, waving to the left and to the right, everyone is doing the same. Also HB, tango and bear are singing while jcm is drumming full of passion

    I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
    For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
    I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
    And lay you down

    I wait til the music finishes. Then I sing alone, it's more whsipering…

    on a bed of roses


    I smile and nod at the greeting.  I begin to reply “I'm Amy…” but Andrea is already on the move again. This is a very busy place here, but I think I will like it. I sip my drink and relax with the music.


    I wonder into the bar for the first time in a long while have a look around seeing the the lovely Andrea an uncharacteristic burst of confidence hits I stride over to her taking her empty tray putting it to one side. Holding her in my arms I whisper may I have this dance?


    “Jason, I'm working”  I look around and just about everyone is dancing. So I wrap my arms around his neck.
    “Thank you.” I say

    And we move to the music. My bunny ears swaying gently as we go. I kiss his nose and put our foreheads together.

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