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- This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 12 months ago by hentaiboy69.
March 6, 2016 at 5:10 pm #7818
Author's note – This was to be my entrant for story contest 9 – “Out of this world” theme- Due to health issues and other things in real life it got put on the back burner. I finally finished it today. I like how it turned out. I hope you enjoy it too.
Sylvia and Cal had been married for twenty years. They still cared for each other, but that spark just seemed to be gone. When they graduated in 2095 they were so much in love and ready for the world. Together they could do anything, and after twenty years as a couple, they had. They now lived on the Mars colony where Cal policed the Import Docks. They had even joined the “Interplanetary club” when they made love on the way to the red planet. Sylvia didn’t find Cal unattractive now, he had taken care of himself as had she, but so many times with the same man had made sex… a routine.
Cal, with his thinning brown hair and deep dark eyes looked up from his holopad with the morning news as he heard his wife’s deep sigh. “What is it?” he said, not with concern, but the shallow curiosity of a long term partner.
“Do you still love me?” the blonde and blue eyed lady with crows feet around the edges just threw out there.
Cal was a little stunned, but Sylvia did have a flair for the dramatic. “Why would you ask that?” He shook his head. “Of course I love you.”
“Last night you didn’t want to.” She sounded hurt as if she took it personally.
“You didn’t seem to want to either.” He said in defense. “I didn’t want to make you if you didn’t want to.”
Sylvia looked out the kitchen window not meeting his eyes. “But I would have.”
Cal reached for her hand. “I know, but I DO love you.”
“In the old days you would just ravish me, and take my body, no matter what I wanted.” Sylvia said dramatically
Cal looked at her askance. “I never just ravished you, and you always wanted to.”
“Did I?” Her blue eyes looked at him now over her Espesso cup.
Cal let it drop, shaking his head at his melodramatic wife.
Weeks go by and Cal walks in from work to find his shapely wife dressed in a shimmering sexy blue dress that he had bought for her from Marilyn’s Fashion Designs, earthside . His eyes narrowed in on the deep cleavage she was presenting. The material was open nearly to her navel with little bands going across every few inches as if to hold it together. Finally he noticed her handbag.
“Um, are we going out?” She hadn’t said anything and he was looking forward to tonight’s game.
“We have an appointment.” She supplied.
“We do?” Cal was confused, she generally told him about these things ahead of time. “Where? I hope it involves food.”
“We’re going to marriage counseling.” She said with a finality.
“What? Sylviaaa!” He almost whined. “We don’t NEED marriage counseling.” he emphasized.
“We do, Cal.” the blonde said confidently. “I love you and I don’t want to fall OUT of love with you. Do this for me, for US.” Her eyes pleaded as she walked up to him and took his hand.
Cal breathed a deep sigh before relenting. “If it will make you happy, but I think we’re fine.” he put his briefcase down and turned to offer her the door with a grand gesture. “After you.”
Sylvia kissed him quickly and smiled as she walked by, having gotten her way. Cal really just hoped that there would be food at some point, and closed their front door.
PSYCLINIC CALIBRATIONS INC. it said on the signs in the parking lot. It was a modest facility in the middle of an industrial park. A hovertrain sped behind the building over its magnetic path.
“This is a marriage counselor?” Cal was skeptical as they stepped out of the computer driven Johnny Cab.
“Its new.” Sylvia said excitedly. “The doctor is working with some of the latest technology.”
“Where at the edge of the domes. How dangerous is this ‘latest technology’, Sylvia?” Cal asked with trepidation.
Inside the building everything was eggshell white, conveying a sense of the freshly painted. In fact it all looked new. There was no receptionist in the vestibule, just a buzzer panel next to a door. That door opened.
“Mr and Mrs Thompson?” said a tall thin man smiling wide as he reached for Cal’s hand “A pleasure to meet you, Sir. I’m Dr. Ekman.”
“Likewise, I’m sure.” Cal shook his hand but didn’t like him already.
“Sylvia tells me you’re High School sweethearts. That’s good, it means there’s a real commitment there.”
“Well, I told her I think we’re fine.” Cal interjected defensively.
The Doctor summed Cal up quickly and responded, “And you very well might be right, Cal, and the fact that you came with her today says you value her opinion and are willing to do what it takes to make her happy.” The Doctor complimented Cal and at the same time made him feel guilty if he thought of leaving.
“Well, um, of course I do.” Cal looked to his blonde curvy wife. “I love Sylvia.” who smiled at him, “We’re partners.”
“Good, that’s what I like to hear.” said the psychologist. “Let’s get out of the reception area and into my office and have a chat, just the three of us.” Dr. Ekman was all smiles. Sylvia was all smiles too, but Cal couldn’t help feeling he was being conned.
The Psychologist’s office wasn’t eggshell white, it was beige with chromium fixtures and furniture. Cal had expected a couch, like the old cliche’ suggested, but he guessed that was Psychiatrists. They all took seats but not around his desk.
“So, Sylvia has told me some of your past romantic exploits, Cal, and she just feels things are getting stale, repetitive.”
Cal wondered what Sylvia had divulged. He looked to her before answering. “I guess, but since we came to Mars we’ve been busy…and we’re not young anymore.”
“She told me about the space flight over. You sound like an adventurous guy. Don’t sell yourself short.”
“Well, truthfully that was her idea.” Cal admitted.
“You didn’t like it?” Sylvia finally spoke, sounding hurt.
“I didn’t say that.” Cal complained.
Dr. Ekman interrupted, “I have a very simple exercise for you two to try, it’s the core of why you’re here and not at some other marriage therapist.” He looked from Cal to Sylvia. “Each of you need to see it from the others perspective, to gain an empathy for each other, deeper than you’ve ever had before.”
“What do you mean?” Cal was still unsure.
“You love each other, it’s obvious, but you are at that stage in life when a couple can grow apart, feel isolated from each other.”
Cal couldn’t argue with that. Most times he had no idea how Sylvia was spending her day. And after sex they used to talk as he held her in his arms, the only time he truly told her everything. Now they both rolled over and fell asleep. “What do we do?” He finally asked.
“It’s experimental, but that doesn’t mean it’s dangerous, just new.” Dr. Ekman assured them.
Cal looked sceptical, but Sylvia knew her husband, “Please, sweetie, for me?” She reached over and squeezed his hand and gave him her best “pleading” eyes until he relented.
Cal and his wife were each in archaic reclining vinyl covered chairs that looked like they came from a dentist auction. He still looked around nervously although there was nothing else to see in this otherwise barren little room.
“How’s this going to work?” The grey templed husband asked, more for reassurance than a technical curiosity.
“This is a Gamma wave simulator,” started the Doctor. “Through alpha waves and biofeedback we can put you both in a near trance state. Then we actually capture your Gamma waves and manipulate them, sending them then to the other subject.”
Cal let this sink in. “You’re gonna put her thoughts in my head?” The older man was skeptical.
“Not her thoughts, but her perceptions.” The Doctor became animated at describing his process. “You will think as you, but it will seem you are perceiving things from her body.”
Cal began to get up. “Oh, this is bullshit!” He began. but Sylvia still had a hold of his hand and tugged on it. He looked into his wife’s sparkling blue eyes, the eyes he fell in love with so long ago. She asked him to stay without saying a word. “Fine.” He finally relented, “but when this turns out to be just a dog and pony show, remember I know the people that can have you tossed off this rock.”
Dr. Ekman just a gave a reassuring smile and then addressed Sylvia as he put the headset on her. “This is usually most difficult for the female. You will be receiving urges from him that you won’t know how to repress.”
“Wait! WHAT?” Cal interrupted “If she…”
“Calm down, Mr. Trask. No physical harm will come to either of you. I am merely pointing out the psychological effects.” The doctor slowly handed the headset to Cal. “I promise.”
“Psychological EFFECTS isn’t reassuring me, Doc.” Still, Cal put the headset on.
Dr. Ekman began to walk out of the room, towards a control booth behind glass. “Relax, It will take a little time.”
Cal sat in the dimly lit room. He would glance over at Sylvia just out of the corner of his eye to see her glancing at him. He began to wonder how long this would take. Minutes seemed to go by. Cal looked over at Sylvia again who seemed to be staring at her shoes. Cal looked at his own shoes and then glanced the other way wondering where the “Doc” was and saw… Cal.
He saw himself sitting there. “What the hell” ran through his brain. He looked down to his pale blue heels at the end of his slim ankles…
“Aahhh!” Cal whipped the headset off and nearly jumped out of the reclined chair and looked around himself frantically to see… himself. He looked at His hands, felt His hairy arms and saw his brown shoes.”
“It’s OK, Mr. Trask” said a voice over a loudspeaker.
Sylvia spoke up. “You saw it too?”
“What?” Cal was still shaken.
“Us. I was you, Cal. Were you me?” His wife gave a funny little smile.
“Yeah, I guess. That was weird, Sylvia.” He still sounded rattled.
“It’s OK, Cal. That’s why we’re here.” Her voice was soothing.
“It was so real.”
The Doctor came over the loudspeaker. “It was real, Mr Trask. you were seeing what Sylvia saw. There is a little bit of delay, but in time with the same subjects, we believe that can be reduced to milliseconds” The Doctor paused. “Shall we go again?”
Cal looked at Sylvia who nodded, so he settled back in his seat and tried to relax. “That was something else, Doc. But I’m ready this time.” He put on some bravado.
“OK, give it a few minutes.” Doctor Ekman said again.
March 6, 2016 at 5:11 pm #154846Cal looked over at Sylvia who was all smiles and looked excited but not nervous at all. Slowly it happened, the scene before his eyes blurred and gradually refocused until he was looking at himself.
“Sylvia?” He watched his own lips mouth the words, but the sound didn’t seem to come from there.
He looked down and saw cleavage framed by the blue dress that she had worn. He raised his hands and saw the delicate fingers of his wife, the painted red nails and the cheap engagement ring that she refused to let him replace. The hand turned at his thought and showed the rosey but calloused palms of a woman in her forties.
“Cal?” came her concerned voice. “my left hand is numb.” His own face looked at him with some confusion.
“Shrug your shoulder a couple times.” He instructed. “It’s been doing that for awhile.”
Sylvia ran her hands… his hands down his body. She felt firm pectorals instead of her mushy breasts, a flat tummy and then finally, the bulge. She let it linger between the legs, and got a crooked smile as the sensations of rubbing went up the spine. She felt strange, she had to admit. Lust was rising up in her, as she looked over at her own soft body next to her and her soft pendulous boobs. She couldn’t help but focus on the displayed pale flesh peeking from the dress. The cock started getting hard. She could feel it rising between his legs and then pushing against the restraining trousers. Her hand instinctively rubbed more and she could feel it grow along the thigh now, trying to find room to expand. She couldn’t break the view of her own curvy body before her. Her gaze moved down that feminine form, to the stocking covered legs and high heeled shoes.
Sylvia found the feeling very foreign. She had never been attracted to women. On the surface she felt disgust at the thought, but deep inside urges came to the surface, thoughts of soft skin and wet openings. The hand rubbed along the growing bulge as she imagined her own body under this one; legs opening and groins pressing. “My God, Cal is this how you look at me?” She looked him… her in the eyes.
Cal looked back at her with her own soft blue eyes. “What do you mean?”
“All I can think of right now is…” She dropped her voice, remembering they were being monitored. “fucking you. Or that body.” She looked a little panicked but her eyes still roamed over the sexy woman before her. “All that’s in my head is how much I want…me. It’s confusing, Cal”
A chuckle came from her own mouth. “You’re confused? I’m not sure what I feel.” He responded.
Dr. Ekman came over the loudspeaker. “You can get up, if you’d like. Just keep the headsets on and stay near the center.”
“Doctor….” She heard Cal’s voice as her own.
“It’s OK, Mrs. Trask.” He interjected. “You’re doing fine.” They were being monitored on every possible level in the control room and none of the readings were unexpected. “How are you, Mr. Trask?”
Cal paused in his response. “It’s weird, but I feel fine” Cal’s calmness surprised himself as he sat his wife’s body up.
Sylvia looked to the dark ceiling as she spoke. “But everything is so…” She paused looking for the word, “Primal!”
“The male’s drives and emotions are simple, Sylvia,” Dr Ekman’s voice tried to be soothing, “But very strong.”
Sylvia looked over at Cal in her body. She could see the true curve of her feminine form now as he stood up, her wide hips in the clingy dress and striking cleavage beckoned to something inside. Slowly she got up, and put his boots under her and stood in front of him.
“God, I want to touch you.” She breathed out quickly, the hairy hand already stretching to the softer, paler skin.
“Is this what you wanted, Sylvia?” Cal asked, perplexed.
‘I didn’t know what was going to happen.” She confessed. “The doctor said it was safe.” She touched him and moved the masculine body closer. “I just wanted us to be closer, Cal.” She paused for a moment. “Do you always feel like this?”
“What?” he asked simply, unsure of what she meant.
“I want you. And nothing else is important.” She explained almost frantically. She could feel the hard cock pressing at its restraining cloth.
Cal gave a little laugh. “Sylvia, I always want you.” He admitted. “but I’m not letting you.” he looked left and right nervously. “They’re watching”
“I don’t care” She said quickly and kissed him deeply. She wanted only to wrap herself around that smaller body, to feel its soft sexiness against her.
Cal pushed hard and shoved her away. “Sylvia!” He said in shock. “No.” He protested.
“But it’s what we came for” She pleaded her need.
Cal even shook his head back and forth when he said it. “I am NOT doing that here!” He was animated now as he put the proverbial foot down and crossed his arms.
The intercom sprang to life again, “We can all leave, Mr. Trask, but she’s right, It’s what you came for.”
Cal looked down from the ceiling and at himself. “Really?” He glared. “Why don’t you ever tell me about these things?” He began to protest. “Like I am going to do you right here in this lab. In front of these people!”
“Don’t Cal me! Why didn’t you just talk to me?” Cal’s indignation was rising inside of him. “You always do this. You always come up with schemes and expect me to go along.” Cal actually huffed. This was not like him.
“Cal, baby…” But Sylvia’s body had turned away. She couldn’t help herself and dropped her gaze to that ass and suddenly placating him was most important. “Baby, I’m sorry.” She began in earnest. “But you know how I am.” Slowly she moved up behind her body, just putting fingertips at the waist. “This sounded adventurous and fun. And Cal, I wanted to do it with you.” She put Cal’s mouth next to her ear. “You are my man, my lover. Always have been” She whispered that last part into her ear. “I remember watching you in High School in those gym shorts, mmm.”
“Is that my memory or yours?” Cal finally responded with some humor.
“Oh Cal, I should have talked to you, but don’t you want me anymore?” She pleaded again as she rubbed the cock against that sweet female butt. The need was still there, always there. She needed release. But she also wanted Cal.
“It’s weird.” Cal said flatly.
“I know” She responded quickly, wrapping arms around the waist. “But it’s still just us.” She flicked out a tongue and licked the ear. “It’s always just us, baby.”
Cal turned back. “Are you gone?” He turned Sylvia’s blue eyes to the ceiling and waited for a response.
“Just us, Cal.” and she moved in and kissed him.
Cal felt her hard body press into him. Felt hands go down and grope his soft ass through satiny material. This was so strange in his head, but slowly he responded. This was Sylvia pressing into him. Sylvia taking control and loving on him. He pushed out his tongue to meet hers, or his. He stopped thinking about it and kissed her. He felt up his groin and ran a flat palm along the cock there. He knew he was getting moist. The wetness was growing but he was in no rush.
Sylvia was in a rush. She wanted everything and all of it, and now. She kissed deeply and then down to the neck. She smelled the perfume there and breathed deep of the musk of her…woman? She didn’t care and bit playfully at that throat. hearing a soft giggle for the first time.
“Mmm, don’t act like you don’t like it.” She teased and kissed again as she cupped soft wondrous breast. Her cock was raging inside these pants. It was so uncomfortable, she wondered why men wore them. One hand slowly raised the dress hem and into the panties. Sylvia wished she hadn’t worn them now.“Open my pants.” She begged in Cal’s husky voice. “I can’t bear it.”
He grinned at her and opened the front of them. His hand still didn’t go inside. “Slow down.”
“I can’t.” She said quickly. “Is this how it always is?” She panted as she pushed the pants down herself.
“Wanting, needing it? Yeah.” He answered quietly.
“How do you keep from just raping me?” She asked half seriously.
“I love you.” Cal shrugged and answered simply.
She kissed him hard and pressed the naked cock to her panty covered pussy. “I love you.” With handfuls of ass she put him on the edge of the leather chair and pulled the panties down quickly. Cal wrapped around her and pulled the hard body into the soft one. Legs wrapped around firm ass and arms across the back.
“Go slow” he said, soothingly.
Sylvia was already running the cockhead up and down the wet lips. She looked down to the thick dark purple head. “I’m sorry” and she shoved it inside the warm, wet and thankfully welcoming tunnel. Cal held on tight and gave a groan of his own and an umph. Sylvia entered so roughly and hard. He gripped down his heels on her ass.
“Slow, Sylvia slow.” running his hand along the cheek as he looked deep into her.
Sylvia put her forehead to his as she tried to slow down. She kissed all over that pretty face as she let the cock be bathed in warmth and love.
“Slow,” he reminded.
With a biting lip she nodded, “mmhmm” and slowly began the thrusts, very shallow as he still held her clamped between his legs.
She held on behind his neck and kissed him softly, her hips moving in their own instinctual rhythm. She could feel the clamping of the pussy, gripping at her. It pulled at the foreskin and shoved it back on each cycle, rubbing along the so sensitive head.
“I won’t be able to last!” She called out.
“Think of something else.” Cal told her.
“I can’t” She admitted. All that was in her mind was fucking, feeling Cal around her and under her.
“Then just go.” He said. “But when you cum, don’t stop. Just keep going.” He ordered.
Sylvia nodded in silence and began to buck. She moved Cal’s hips with fierceness and a fury. She slammed hard, hearing that wet sound from the other side. It filled the room with sex and the smell of it. She pounded with sweat dripping from her head, and it didn’t help that the pussy seemed tighter now. She exploded, blasting long hot shots of cum deep into that womb. She cried out.
“DON’T STOP!” He reminded her.
She looked down at him with determination and bucked all the harder. The jizm oozing down that hot pussy, slipping along the hard shaft. She gripped tight to her ass on the edge of the seat and rammed mercilessly into that cunt. Now she filled her mind with the dirtiest thoughts. She grunted loudly and it kept her hard.
“Take it, Take it all!”
Cal was moving his ass, helping to meet the thrusts and feeling his own slow build up. He could feel the pussy grip and flex and how each invasion was a surprise as if it went a different path. And the out stroke, that was the best, the filling and then the pull back, over and over again.
“Don’t stop.” He had to encourage. “Make me cum.” He looked up and lowered his hands to that muscled ass, feeling it drive like a hammer between the open legs.
Sylvia was loving it, things started to go numb, but the sensation was still good although her ass muscles were already on fire. She tried what Cal would do when she was slow to blast off.
“Cum for me, baby.” She said. “let me hear you scream. let me hear that cummm” She drew that out. “Oh, I want your cum. DO IT!”
Cal was working on it but it wasn’t there. “Rub my clit.” He suggested.
Sylvia grinned and reached down, thumbing that little button as the hard rod slide back and forth under it. “Come on, baby” She cooed. “Cum for me.”
Her eyes were shut but Cal was close. The need was there and almost fulfilled. When Sylvia gave that button a little slap it knocked over the domino… and off it rolled. Cal was cumming, cumming from his wife fucking him. Feeling her deep inside and on top. He pulled her in, clung to that male body and felt his cum wash like a tide, not the explosion he was used to, but a rolling force of nature that crashes against the waves.
Sylvia held him. She breathed hard, finally getting to rest. They both panted but she was exhausted. “Cal.”
“Let go of me.” She asked.
Cal looked at her. “No, I got an idea.”
She looked back puzzled, she was the schemer. “What?”
“Take off the headgear.” He smiled.
She smiled back and put her hands to her head and he to his, and took the contraption off.
Things blurred and they both had to shut their eyes from the vertigo, but when they opened he was on top of her, his softening cock still nestled inside the warmth of his beloved. They looked at each other with crazy grins and then they both started to laugh.
Sylvia hugged him hard, her head pressed into his shoulder. “I love you, Cal.”
“I love my girl.” He responded.
She paused and gave a silly grin. “I do too.”
March 13, 2016 at 11:27 pm #154847OK… responses, thoughts, comments?
Wow, was that weird or what?
March 14, 2016 at 8:19 am #154848Well, Andrea, if the theme is what I think judging by the title, I promise to read it soon as possible, now I'm a little sick and reading isn't in my priority…….sigh!
Plus, you haver to consider the fact that there are even the stories of the contest…….be patiente!
March 15, 2016 at 9:36 am #154845Absolutely loved it!
I love the unusual angle of swapping bodies, I love it was a couple who genuinely cared and loved each other very much.
Great idea, well written and a joy to read.
Thanks for finally finishing it and sharing it with us.
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