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  • #198116

    This needs no explanation, just some psykhichno nevrivnovazhenyy mudak



    Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov – russian minister of propaganda
    and we’ll be seeing him at the Hague soon …
    Again, no need to explain why he get’s a place


    The US Supreme Court for it’s 6-3 overruling
    of the constitutional right to an abortion
    such hypocrisy puts the USA “back 150 years”

    So long as people can still get their automatic weapons

    proving once again that human stupidity is incurable

    (of course the 3 who voted against are spared)


    More reasons to shame the SCOTUS (As shown above)


    Shame on the Christian Taliban.



    Aleksandr Lukashenko, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus, (the moron on the right)
    announced the conversion of Belarusian Su-24 aircraft to carry nuclear weapons.
    Lukashenko added that targets had already been set in case of provocation by the West against Belarus.

    Makes trump look like a statesman (well, almost)


    President Jair Bolsonaro

    He allows the genocide of indigenous people of the Amazon.

    ‘Man of the hole’: Last member of uncontacted Amazon tribe dies.
    He lived alone for more than 25 years on a 30-square-mile patch of protected land and was known to observers as the “Man of the Hole” for his practice of digging deep pits to hunt animals or hide in.

    Little is known about his tribe besides that it was left counting down to extinction after attacks by local farmers from the 1970s left a sole surviving member, one who rejected contact with outsiders.
    They found him dead in a hammock in one of his huts last Tuesday. He was estimated to be between 55 and 65 years old.

    The officials believe he died of natural causes. They found no traces of other people at the site, nor signs of violence or struggle.
    Campaigners for the protection of indigenous peoples mourned the Man of the Hole’s death and lashed out at the local cattle ranchers thought to have massacred his tribe to take its land.

    When Funai (National Indian Foundation – Brazil) first discovered the unnamed tribe of Tanaru land in the early 1990s, they found the remains of houses that appeared to have been dragged away by tractors.
    The ranchers, as it turned out in later reports, had hired people to shoot the indigenous people and then remove the evidence from the village with tractors, trying to hide their presence from searches by [Funai]. Those responsible for the massacre were never punished.”

    He symbolised both the appalling violence and cruelty inflicted on indigenous peoples worldwide in the name of colonisation and profit, but also their resistance.

    “We can only imagine what horrors he had witnessed in his life, and the loneliness of his existence after the rest of his tribe were killed, but he determinedly resisted all attempts at contact, and made clear he just wanted to be left alone.”

    Throughout his time in office the 66-year-old president – currently behind in the polls in his race for re-election – has pushed to open indigenous reservations and other protected lands for farming and mining.

    He has also presided over a surge in Amazon deforestation, which hit a 15-year high last year despite Mr Bolsonaro’s pledge to end illegal logging by 2028. A recent report from a missionary group found that violence against indigenous people had surged during Mr Bolsonaro’s term.

    RIP – Man of the Hole.


    UK Water Companies

    For dumping Raw Sewage into the sea and rivers wrecking our beaches and the environment.

    That’s as bad as fly tipping in our beautiful countryside.

    Its a national disgrace!

    Water Quality

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