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- This topic has 24 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 5 months ago by TightFit74.
September 16, 2012 at 4:25 pm #5911
Location: Achat City, head quarters NSPD. 07:00 am.
It’s early in the morning as I exit my car and walk through the courtyard of the NSPD head quarters, coughing with the clouds of exhaust fumes whirling around my head, the speed patrol just heading out on their morning shift. With tears in my eyes I step through the main entrance and am greeted by the head officer on duty, sergeant Caffe. The bags underneath his eyes betray he had a rough night and lazily he raises his hand and points at the sign-in sheet on the counter.
“Top of the morning to ya..”
His voice low like a growling bear, the content of the sentence not matching the expression on his face. He tosses a pen at me which I am barely able to keep from lodging into my eye.
“Good reflexes.. Sign in Johnny-boy, your partner is already upstairs, digging through files and reports. I hear it’s your turn to type today.. Hehe..?”
With a grin on his face, he turns and sits back on his chair, watching the cams of the jails in the basement of the building.
Johnny, that’s me. Jonathan Strike, 33 years old and since 5 years a detective. I enlisted in the corps when I just turned 18, spent the first 5 years as beatcop and slowly worked my way up to my current rank. I’ve been assigned to the burglary department for all of my 5 years as a detective. I’ve gotten to know the city and its dark backstreets pretty well and my record has some big collars. I’m addicted to mints and I loath typing.
And then there is my partner, Jazsmin Venice. An absolute drop-dead gorgeus woman that gets more doen with just the flutter of an eyelash as I could if torture was allowed and I had a day or two. A perfectly proportioned body, long legs with a cute, tight, round butt, a slender waist and apple shaped breasts. Her long, dark hair, hazel eyes and bright smile can turn every man, and woman for that matters, into a jiggling puddle of jelly. Besides her gorgeous exterior she has her heart in the right place and is smarter as she gives herself credit for. The only flaw I ever discovered with her, was the silly little mutt she calls her dog. But she loves the mutt like a baby and treats her that way too, so I have never said anything about it, except the occasional hint that someone’s going to step on it one day accidentally..
With a grin on my face I sign in and start climbing the stairs to the first floor, turning right and walking into my department. Most desk are empty, but the smell of coffee already fills the room. If there is one person you can rely on, it is Rose. The receptionist who is always there first and always leaves last. As if she lives at headquarters. I walk up to my desk and find the usual mess. I’m not a very organised person and files of different cases, closed, open and cold, are thrown all around the surface. But before I fall own into my chair, I walk up to the hot coffee pot and fill my favorite mug. White porcelain, with a picture of Marilyn Monroe and her dress wavering around her hips, her lips pouted in a sensuous smile.
With a sigh I fall down in my chair, spilling coffee on my desk but my natural luck saves me from smudging any files with the dark liquid. I set the cup down carefully, then do spill coffee over a folder as I feel a soft breast press into my shoulder and a delicate, familiar perfum filling my nose. Then a loud thump sounds as a pile of reports is dumped on my desk, sliding and tilting off to the right and almost knocking my marilyn-mug of my desk.
“Your turn to do the typing, Jonathan”
I smile, the only time she calls me Jonathan, is the morning after we spent the night together. We are not involved with eachother, but take the advantage of being partners and the closeness that comes with that relationship, as a way to escape the stress that this job causes, sleeping with eachother when we need to blow off some steam.
I look up and am immediatly caught by her beautiful smile, her eyes a little warmer as they usually are, the touch of her fingers on my shoulder, familiar and comforting, reminding me of last night. We had been on a stake-out, following a lead in an older case, and spent most of the night fruitlessly waiting in the car. As usual the animated conversation died down after a while and we fell back into our litle habbits. She started twirling her hair with one hand, while with the other she tapped an little rhythm with her fingernails on the dash. She knows I hate it when she does that but still was unable to stop herself from doing it anyhow.
“Jaz,, could you please STOP tapping your fingernails on the dash? You know how much I hate that.”
“Oh shush Johnny-boy, you know I can’t help it. You really want to fight this battle out again? Why don’t you do something usefull with yóur hands..”
I knew the glance in her eyes all too well and as my hand slide down over her thigh to her bare knee, she lifted the lever and pushed the back of the seat as far back as she could, parting her legs in the proces. She closed her eyes and slowly let her breath escape through her lips as I slid my fingers underneath her skirt and moved them up, pushing her skirt upwards with my arm. She placed her hand on my forearm and gripped me tight as i let my fingers drift over her laced panties, having found her warm center.
With a deep sigh she leaned against me, burroughing her face into the hollow of my neck, kissing me softly, warming my skin with her breath. My fingers slipped into her panties from the side and pushed them away from her opening, finding her lips damp and partly opened, the roll of her hips inviting my fingers to touch and slide in. In soft glides I let my fingertips run up and down the lips of her sex, gently pulling on them, before slipping one finger between her petals and prodding it against her entrance. Her juices started to flow slowly and with twirling, circling movements I coated the tip of my finger before pushing it upwards and finding her little nub.
She bit me in my neck as I touched her, the flick over her little button sending a quiver through her body, rewarded by a mark in my neck. Her soft sultry voice started whispering in my ear, her tongue intermittently flicking through the shell, as she praised me and urged me to continue. Her body heating up, her hips writhing, pushing her sex against the palm of my hand as I started exploring her depths. Her nails pushed deep into my arm when I slid two fingers inside her narrow, slick channel and replaced the digit circling her clit with my thumb.
“Oh Johnny-boy… You know me so well..”
Without answering I continued the slow, dragging slide of my fingers, spreading them inside her, pushing them together in the glide into her. Following the rhythm of her twisting hips, my fingers started moving faster in and out of her coated channel, massaging her juices into her lips and clit with my fingers and thumb. She became quiet, her body pressed firmly against my chest, her breath shallow and fast, on the brink of her climax. Her arms slid around my neck, almost strangling me as I felt her body start twitching against me, her sex rippling around my fingers in the spasms of her orgasm.
The pressure of her hand on my arm, kept my fingers pushed deep inside of her while she slowly settled down, shivering with the tremors the aftermath sent through her frame. Then she let go off my hand, grabbed my wrist and brought my wet fingers to her lips, sucking each digit clean as she slowly slid them into her mouth. Then she leaned in and offered me her lips to taste her from. I took my time to lick every last hint of her sweet nectar off her lips and tongue and just as she moved the seat back to the upwards postion, the blinks of a car behind us signalled our relief to have arrived. Before letting me start the car, after a short exchange of information with the new arrived team, she leaned in and whispered warm and sultry in my ear.
“My place is closer…”
“Strike! Venice! My office, ten seconds ago!”
The high-pitched, hacking voice of Captain Mitia tore through the intimate connection between our eyes as it rolled through the department room. With a blush on her face, Jaszmin pulled back quickly from leaning against my body and walked straight to her desk to drop off the last of the reports, then clicked to the fish bowl office of the captain on her high heels. Before she could reach the door, the blinds were lowered and turned shut, which usually meant bad news. As I got up from my chair, my mind was racing already, trying to figure out in what kind of trouble we got ourselves into.
As soon as I stepped into the office, the ice cold , blue eyes of the captain, luring over semi-circled reading glasses stuck to a starwberry-nose, pierced into mine and automatically I closed the door. The seeming privacy added usually to the volume of the captain’s voice, which deminished the blinds’ function, as every word could be heard through the thin wooden walls underneath the windows of the room. Following the eyes of the captain, I see several pictures fanned out over his desk, apparently crime scene shots of one of the yachts in the marina.
“You’ve got a new case. High priority, low level visibility. We’re dealing with the rich and famous of Achat City, so tread lightly.”
I step towards the desk and look at the pictures one by one. The yacht is a mess. Bottles and glasses littering each open spot, pillows and sheets tossed on the master bed, couches covered with confetti, lip stick and unidentified spills. That must have been quite a party.
“So what was stolen, boss?”
The only man who had never shown even the slightest hint of interest in Jaszmin, was the captain and it bothered her since her first day on the force. With her lips pouted, her body slightly twisted, pronouncing her well-rounded chest, she tosses her hair back at exactly the right moment, feeling the captain’s head turn, letting his eyes catch the glistening strands of her hair swirling around her face, creating a halo of shimmers around her head. I feel the drive behind her posing wave through the room and clearly notice the eyes of the captain squinting, as if he’s pulling up his shield of defense against the charm of Jaz.
“Nothing, and that’s the strange thing. It looks like the room was used for an orgy, left behind a mess, but nothing damaged or stolen. The tech guys that went in there, said the yacht lighted up like Vegas when they turned on the black lights”
“We’ll get to it straight away, boss. Looks like an orgy isright up our alley..”
Collecting the pictures from the desk, I feel the burning look of Jaz in my back and I know she will slap the back of my head as soon as we step out of the office. Although it is common knowledge that Jaz and I regularly spend the night together, it is kept silent, the subject avoided. She hates it when I hint towards it, but a little payback is due after her annoying nail tapping in the car last night.
“Stop doing that Johnny, you know I don’t like those jokes”
Though posing as being mad, I see the warm glow in her eyes as I turn towards her. I rub the sore spot on the back of my head with my hand as I lock her eyes in with mine.
“I know Jaz, I’ll buy you a piece of cake after we had a look at the dingy..” [/color]
Brown, gooey, soft, rich chocolate cake. I found her the perfect place when she told me she indulged in cake every so often. The only craving she gave in to. The first time I took her to my favorite pastry maker, I watched in awe how she devoured the piece of cake, savouring the taste bite by bite and almost climaxing on the seat next to me. That was the first time she dragged me to bed and, there are really no other words for it, fucked me in a crapulence of lust, almost unable to settle herself down.
“You know me all too well, Johnny..”
She smiles one of her enchanting smiles at me, knowing it will make me glow with pride for receiving it and walks to her desk. Her purse is quickly filled with a few essentials and then she slides in behind me, her heels clicking cheerfully as we head for the car. It’s a short drive and the traffic is low, so within 15 minutes we arrive at the marina.
September 16, 2012 at 4:26 pm #71518Location: Achat City, Marina. 09:00 am
The dock is empty, All boats are either on the water or tied to one of the jetties. But even those are scarse with people, empty, hardly a soul is heard amongst the slowly swaying boats. It’s still early and most occupying these yachts have only just turned in for the night. Parties are common in the marina and often the sun starts rising before the last head off, for soft sheets and fluffy pillows. A seagull screetching now and then is the only noise heard, besides the purling waves around the hulls of the boats.
The subject to the intrusion, the “Mathilda”, is docked at the end of pier 69, yellow tape wrapped around the wooden beams that run into the water, securing the crime scene from unwanted visitors. The ‘Mathilda” is massive, 105 feet long, 35 feet wide and with at least 2 stories above the sealine, the deck hiding the gantry and guest bedrooms below. She sits alone at the pier, taking most of its length and just its presence alone claims all attention.
The yacht is still buzzing with activity when we arriove and techs walk on and off the gangway, back and forth between the on site lab-van and the ship, dressed in white, plastic suits to prevent contamination of the crime scene. As soon as we are spotted, a red headed woman with a quick step, starts walking towards us, her look strict and proffesional.
“Strike! Venice! Overhere..!”
“doc Gracious!”
Her pace quickens as we turn towards her and wave at her at the end of the gangway, her cheeks flushed and red, matching the color of her hair. As soon as we are face to face, she starts blurring out information about the scene, clearly upset by what she has found.
“So far we collected over 100 hundred samples of bodily fluids. They are everywhere.. It’s a madhouse. The chromosome analyser has overheated because it’s been processing samples constantly”
Her hands move urgently and she toddles from left to right, clearly overwhelmed with the situation.
“When we scanned the bed…. It was amazing… There is no doubt there were at least 8 people on the boat that had intercourse with eachother. And I mean, everybody had sex with everybody.. so you do the math.. And it could be much more.. But we were able to differentiate at least 8 sets of prints. All of them unknown in Codis though.. I’ll show you.. This way..”
Without waiting she turns and charges up the gangway, turns left and disappears behind a side panel of the ship. I turn to Jaz with a questioning look and am answered with the same. I shrug my shoulders and step onto the dangling gangway. But as soon as I am over the gap between the ship and the pier, I start getting dizzy, gripping the ropes that act as railing but offer no support whatsover. Only the grip of Jaszmin’s hand on my arm, prevents me from stepping back onto dry land or tipping over the side and taking an unwanted dip in the sea.
“Come on Johnny-boy, I know you don’t like being on the water, but the ship will feel like land. Just three steps.. Go on.. Go on, big boy..”
I take a deep breath, set my mind to oblivion and take the three steps, letting out a sigh of relief as i feel the sturdy wooden deck of the boat beneath my feet. While I grip the mahogany railing with my left hand, I extend my right to Jaszmin and feel her slip her fingers into my fingers. With a smile on her face she lets me help her on board and I am rewarded with a brush of her fingers over my cheek. Without missing a step, she walks towards the back of the ship, following the direction of dr. Janice Gracious.
With a deep sigh I start following her, keeping my left hand on the railing that runs all the way to the back and around the stern of the ship. I get seasick as soon as I feel the floor move underneath me, a quality that disqualified me from stepping into my father’s footsteps, sailing the waves as a crab fisher on the Beringsea. He took me with him once, but was forced to sail back after 3 days. After 3 days of vomitting I was so dehydrated that I had to stay in hospital 3 days. He never let me live that trip down.
I reach the stern of the ship, the back open, allowing a perfect view of the coast and the ocean behind it, the sun slowly climbing into the sky. Techs are busy powdering each inch of the surfaces of the ship, swabbing the leather couches and chairs in the lounge and collecting the sheets of the masterbed at the centre of the room. Dr Gracious, a briljant technician and responsible for processing this crime scene, stands in the back of the room, between two ceiling high cupboards, her arms crossed over eachother across her chest, her fingers tapping impatiently asw e walk through the busy techs.
“Jaszmin, you should have left him on the docks. I don;t want my crime scene contaminated”
The sparkle in the eyes of the docter, along with the slightly curled left corner of her mouth, betray the tease behind the remark and immediatly she starts pointing at interesting locations within the aft deck
“It seems like 5 people at least were active on the bed. It’s too early to tell if that concurred at the same time, or if there was an order. All the couches and furniture have been used for coitus, which leads to believe this was planned. But I will have more conclusive results later.”
“Were you able to find evidence that something was stolen?”
The sweet-toned voice of Jaszmin sounds firm and decisive while I start to shuffle through the room, letting my eyes drift around aimlessly, focussing on nothing in particular, trying to capture everything in one image. While I hear the docter answer in the background, I suddenly see a white slither of paper sticking out from under the door of the left cupboard.
“Do you have a pair of gloves and tweasers?”
Rudely I interrupt the answer of dr Gracious, feeling the look of Jaszmin on my cheek. As sweet and subtle as she can be to get what we want, as rude and direct I am when I find something that needs a closer look, much to her dislike.
“Sure. David?”
At the call of dr Gracious, a tech wearing protective glasses, pulls out a pair of latex gloves from his suitcase and hands them to me, along with a pair of plastic tweasers. I lean in, grab the slither of paper with the tips of the tweasers and carefully pull it free from the door. Then I bring it up to my eyes and hold it in the light of the sun. The wrinkled paper looks like the torn corner of a news paper and when I look closer at it, I recognise the font of the letters printed onto it. There is some scribbling as well, numbers in blue ink.
“It’s a torn off piece of the ‘Tattler, and there is some writing on it.. At the top it says: ‘E=+5, followed by a series of numbers: ‘23.22.13 &’, space, ‘1.13.4 21-09’, space, ’22:00’.
Jaszmin steps in close to me and I feel the warmth of her body on my skin as she takes the tweasers from my hand and holds the piece of paper close to her face. After examining it for a few minutes, she hands the paper over to the docter who stepped in curiously.
“It is definitly the handwriting of a man, but we need to have a closer look at the lab at headquarters. We need to find out what it means, it’s the best clue so far”
September 16, 2012 at 4:28 pm #71519Again I challenge the forum to solve the puzzled and riddles in this erotic tale.. If the characters are liked, they will return in other stories..
The next episode will only be realesed when the solution is given and found correct..Have fun reading and boggling your mind..
September 16, 2012 at 5:41 pm #71520I love a good puzzle , very interesting Tight… and no doubt will drive me mad again. Love the story.
mmm ok, First thoughts … what the hell am I looking for lol – the people in the orgy or the next planned orgy… way hey
The newspaper found was indeed dated Mon 10 Sept 2012.
E = + 5 Not sure what this means but the 5 letters after E is J
” 23. 22. 13 & 2. 13. 4 . 7 . 7 ” At first I thought these were number codes for people , members perhaps of an elite group who had planned shags, but 7 occurs twice so dumped that idea lol Tried longitudes and lattitudes and made no sense there either. The numbers mean nothing to me at the moment.
” 1. 13. 4 21-09 ” ” 22-00″ ok, not sure about the first 3 numbers but I think 21-09 is a date 21 Sept. 22-00 the time, 10pm
Need more clues and brain storming lol ….. Help … lol
September 16, 2012 at 7:19 pm #71521Could it be an IP address?
September 16, 2012 at 8:02 pm #71522my thought also……….an ip address
September 16, 2012 at 9:30 pm #71523It's code. E is +5 Then you go forwards and backwards. Example: F is 1 and E is 26.
and the numbers equate to the alphabet.
4=IMiss Brandy is correct with 21-09 being the Date and 22:00 being the time.
September 21 is a Friday.
Bar & Grill, Fri. 21st of September. 10 pm.
Be there or be square.
September 16, 2012 at 9:49 pm #71524Great Covems:)
September 16, 2012 at 11:49 pm #71525Covems , you star
MWAH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations …. please stay on our team xxxx
Glad you are here, Lover , Jayc … more people to brain storm the better xxx
September 17, 2012 at 5:19 am #71526Well done Covems, quicker as I expected..
I'd better start writing, but the next episode might take a few days..
Hope you're all enjoying it..
September 18, 2012 at 2:53 pm #71527With quick, nimble fingers, the doctor lets the piece of paper slip into an evidence bag, marks the location where it was found and adds it to the pile of other evidence that has been collected so far. The deck is starting to empty some, most techs are finishing up their work, though there presence made the mess on the boat bigger as it was. Everywhere smudges of finger print powder can be seen, all cupboards have been emptied and not by the most gentle hands. Slowly I let my hands go through a pile of finer clothes, finding a huge collection of panties and bra’s. Holding the smallest piece of cloth ever intended to hug the hips of a woman in the air, winking at Jaz, I turn towards dr. Gracious.
“Janice, who are the owners of the boat? I think it would be good to interview them. Have they been notified yet?”
“Yes Jonathan, we were able to reach mrs Lola Temperance. The boat belongs to the famous and filthy rich Baz Temperance. He is unfortunately unreachable. Even his wife could not tell us where he was. Makes you wonder.. Jonathan, a hint of advice when you see her? She’s known around the marina as a cougar, don’t get blinded by her charm”
“Oh, I’ll make sure he keeps his eyes at the right height dr Gracious”
Jaszmin steps in, squeezes both my cheeks with her fingers, telling me with her eyes that I’d better behave like a good boy while she tugs the panties from my fingers. I smirk, though she has always told me that I could do whatever I wanted, with whoever I wanted, I know the feeling of envie is not strange to her and she has pressured me before to let a woman slip from my fingers. “I’m just protecting your heart, Johnny-boy’ she said when she forced me to break up with a girl I just started dating. She had her way of not letting me have any choice in the matter.
“I think that is a wise thing to do Jaszmin. From what I understand, mrs. Lola does not take no for an answer. Now, I think I told you everything there is to know for now. Meet me back at the lab this afternoon and I will be able to tell more about the events that took place here last night”
Without wasting another moment, she turns with a smile and leaves the boat, raining commands down on her techs who instantly shift up a gear and finish their work quickly. Jaszmin starts to walk around the deck, looking at neighbouring boats, the distance to the road and the length of the pier. With at least 8 people present, there must have been some sign of cars left behind. Either at the parking lot or closer to the entrance of the pier.
“Johnny, why don’t you get your footing back and check out if they have surveillance cameras at the parking lot. I’ll look around some more and wait for mrs. Temperance to arrive. Girl talk might get us the clues we need to go on with this case. If she sees you, she might be focussed on something else.”
With the boat now empty, she slides her hand over my crotch and looks at me seductively, sending shivers through my body, my desire immediatly ignited. Fully aware of the effect she has on me, she places a soft peck on my cheeks, then slaps my butt hard as she sends me off the boat.
“Off you go, Johnny.. And don’t come back without a tape of the lot!”
“Yes ma’am”
I turn and scuffle off, holding my hands tightly squeezed around the railing and slowly making my way back to the gangway. I know she loves it when she can boss me around and I comply to her commands. I feel her eyes in my back until I disappear around the corner and finally make it across the gangway, finally feeling something steady under my feet. I take a few deep breaths while I force the nausea to dissipate my stomach. With the light sway of the boat now banned from my body, I walk down the pier towards the high gate at the entrance, turning my head from side to side, looking for high mounted security cameras.
So fixated on my search, I am almost hit by a car as it slides over the gravel that covers the ground in front of the gate to the pier. Startled I jump to the side, catching a brand new mercedes sl convertible in my view. Behind the wheel is a blonde woman, her eyes hidden by a large pair of sunglasses which also cover part of her face, making it impossible to estimate her age. A soft smile curls around her lips as I feel her eyes pierce through the darkened surfaces and slide over my face and body. Apparently pleased by what she sees, her smile widens and she opens the front door. Then she holds out her hand and waits.
This must be mrs. Lola Temperance. With a welcoming smile on my lips I walk around the car to her door, take her soft, slender fingers in my hand and help her graciously out of the car. As she lets her left leg slide out first, her short, cream colored skirt hikes further up her thigh, exposing her soft, bare pubic mound, crowned with a little heart-shaped patch of hair. Her lips curl even further upwards as she sees me freeze and lock my eyes in with the sight, then slowly slides out her right leg, closing the gap between her thighs and taking away the breathtaking, tantalising view.
“mrs. Lola Temperance? I am detective Strike, in charge of the investigation of the burglary of your ship”
“Detective.. nice to meet you. I see you have a keen eye. You know where to look for clues…”
Slowly she pushes her sunglasses up into her hair, revealing her soft, aqua-colored eyes. She oozes sexuality as soon as she casts her sultry eyes up to mine, locking me firmly into her gaze. Though time has not left it’s mark noticably, I can tell she’s mid fourties. Her face is smooth, soft, her make up soft and subtle, accentuating the exceptional color of her eyes. Her lips full and luscious, her nose small and delicate, every line in her face adding to the aura of sexuality she carries around her. As she raises herself from her carseat, her slender body stretches, her eyes almost meeting mine in height.
She tosses her soft, long blonde hair back in a sensuous flick of her head, then looks at me from the corner of her eyes, showing off her profile. I swear I can almost hear her purr as she inperceptibly turns her body to offer me the best view of her frame and face.
“Mrs Temperance, my partner is waiting for you at the ship. I will join you later when I have finished my business here. If you’d be so kind and meet her at the scene of the crime?”
“Ofcourse detective, though it is a shame toleave you behind… Such a cutey… A nasty business all this. An orgie I heard? Too bad I wasn’t present there myself.”
She coos the words at me, keeping my eyes locked in with hers to vadem the effect of her soft, sweet-toned voice while she slowly turns and starts to walk down the pier. Half way down the wooden structure, she halts, turns slightly and casts a shattering look of desire at me, then continous her gracious walk towards the ship. When I am able to tear my eyes off the slender figure of mrs. Temperance, I see Jaz stand aft of the ship, her arms crossed over her chest and I can feel the look she gives me. With a cheeky smile on my face I wave, turn and walk towards the small office building at the entrance of the parking lot.
“Mrs Temperance, how valliant of you to let us have some of your time”
Jaszmin’s voice sounds cold, professional, unlike her normal warm tone, her eyes stare directly into the aqua eyes of mrs Temperance, where they are met with a sultry, softening look.
“Now now sweetie, I was just toying with your partner a little, nothing to be nerveous about”
Flawlessly mrs Temperance judges the welcome she receives from Jaszmin while she slowly walks around her, her eyes shamelessly sliding over the well-proportioned body of my partner. Used to getting attention from both men and women, Jaszmin doesn’t flinch and answers the sultry look of mrs Temperance with a cool, professional glance.
“I’m not worried mrs. Temperance. I would like to ask you some questions if you don’t mind? Just to establish some facts. When was the last time you spent time at the ‘Mathilda’?”
“I was here yesterday during the day, but I left at around 8 pm. I wasn’t planning on returning to the Mathilda for another night at least”
mrs. Lola’s eyes start to sparkle and lips curl into a seductive smile while she keeps circling Jaszmin. My partner, patient and not quickly thrown off, waits patiently until mrs. Temperance moves in front of her to ask the next question.
“Where did you spend the night mrs Temperance? And where was the crew last night? Aren’t they supposed to be on board?”
The sparkle intensifies and nipples start to peak underneath the sheer fabric of a peach-pink blouse as mrs Temperance steps in closer to Jaszmin, almost dragging her body along her back, having circled around her again. Her voice is warm and husky when she brings her mouth close to Jaszmin’s ear.
“I don’t think it is a secret that I was present at a Gala at the Achat Palace Hotel. But with who I spent the night with, seems irrelevant to the investigation. I can tell you though, that I didn’t get much sleep.”
Jaszmin takes a step back unconsciously as the chest of mrs Temperance is dragged along her arm, noticing the hardness of the nipples underneath the silky fabric. Although she is used to women making advances, the intensity of the flirtatious mrs. Temperance makes her cheeks blushed.
“The crew I gave the night off, as I wasn’t due to be back for another day. I will send the captain to headquarters today, to make a statement. I am sure they spent the night at the Achat Bar&Grill. It’s the hottest place in town.’
“Do you know where we might find your husband”
Creating a little more distance, keeping mrs. Temperance in the corner she slid into, Jaszmin takes control of the conversation which evokes an immediate reactions in mrs. Temperance. Her look turns cold, the slow, prowling circle is abruptly broken off and a coolness breezes over the aft deck of the ‘Mathilda’.
“The bastard is probably in the cabin, shagging his slutty secretary.”
The words are spat out and dangerous flashes of lighting flicker in her eyes of mrs. Lola.
“Here’s his number. If there’s nothing else, I’d like to get in touch with the captain and have this mess cleaned up. Until then you can reach me at the Achat Palace Hotel.”
Without casting another look on Jaszmin, mrs. Temperance turns on her 6 inch heels and charges off the ship, leaving Jaszmin stunned behind. Having just left the marina office, I walk towards the gate of pier 69 when I see the blonde fox charging down the pier, seeing her slow down as soon as she spots me. She adjusts her hair and walks up to me with a blinding smile on her face. With a finger twirled in her hair, she looks at me, letting her hand run down along the collar of my jacket.
“Call me at the Palace Hotel, detective, if you want to submit me to an intensive cross examination… But leave your partner at the precinct.”
With a toss of her hair she passes me, enters her car and speeds off, casting a seductive smile at me from under her sunglasses, leaving me behind in a cloud dust. Rubbing the dust from my face and my eyes, I slowly start to walk back to the ‘Mathilda’, reluctant to go on board again. But as I arrive at the gangway, Jaszmin is already waiting for me, leaning relaxed against the railing, a victorious smile around her luscious lips.
“What did you say to here?”
Jaszmin smiles and bumps into my shoulder as she steps passed me. She turns her head as she starts heading back to the car.
“I asked where her husband is. That’s all…”
Shrugging my shoulders, not understanding what it means, I follow right behind her, admiring the soft wobble of her buttocks, tightly stretched over by a short skirt, allowing her long legs to show themselves in their glory. When we arrive at the car, she turns and casts a destructive look at me, all too aware of my open admiration of her backside. But then a smile breaks through and she leans in for a quick kiss on my cheeks
“Naughty Johnny… We’d better check in with the chief and then meet up with dr Gracious.”
“Isn’t it her weekly donation hour today?”
“Yes, I think it is.. But has it ever stopped us from swinging by her place? I wonder who the lucky cop is today.”
Dr Gracious experiments with facial creams in her spare time, using semen as the main ingredient. She conducted her experiments in the NSPD crime lab, having demonstrated her methods of collecting her samples very convincingly to the Major. She insists on oral withdrawl, claiming she uses her oral and olfactory senses to determine the quality of the donation, but in fact she really loves giving a blowjob. Her weekly donation hour was usually overcrowded with cops ‘taking a break’ and she tried to alternate as much as possible, ‘to get good reference samples’.
On our way back from the marina, Jaszmin filled me in on the conversation she had with mrs. Temperance and I showed her a disc with the images of the night of the burglary and informed her of my run in with mrs. Lola.
“Be honest Johnny-boy, are you going to call this cougar? I am sure she told you to…”
“She did and I am still considering.”
I knew this would drive Jaszmin crazy and she would try to kill me with her silence, but it also gave me some time to think and concentrate on traffic. The lazy town had woken up and the sun had climbed quite a bit in the sky, promising a scorching hot day. No wonder half the population was still awake deep into the night.
Location: Headquarters NSPD, 12:30 pm
After signing in at the front desk and admitting the disc with the footage of the surveilance cameras into evidence, we walk up to our department and step into the office of Captain Mitia. His ice cold blue eyes pierce into mine as I lump down on the chair in front of him. Refusing air conditioning in his office, believing that mankind should not influence the weather outside and should just suck it up, big dark circles had already formed under his arms and droplets of sweat had started beading and collecting in his brushy eye browes.
“I see you both survived a meeting with mrs. Temperance? When is she expecting you in her bed, Johnny?”
Except a slight, easily missed sparkle in his eyes, noone could have guessed this was the captain’s attempt at a joke, but knowing him well after 5 years, I learned to appreciate his sense of humor.
“I gave her your number chief, told her you are twice the bull I am”
“I hope for both our jobs, you didn’t… Mr temperance is a close friend of both the Major and the governor, so keep it cool. What’d ya find?”
Only a twitch of his eyes betrayed the joke had landed with the captain, before his look turned back cold and unreadable again. Leaning back aganst the chair, he moves his eyes between me and Jaz, listening carefully to each of our reports.
“dr. Gracious reported to me she had found out what the scribbles on the piece of newspaper mean. It’s a meeting at the Bar & Grill, this next Friday, a very easy encryption method used. I think one of you should check out the bar, before we do a stake out. Venice, that’s your thing. Johnny here is too well known around town. He’ll be spotted right away”
I nod, I know most of the underground world of Achat City and it knows me. I’ve spent many hours in bars and clubs, in back alleys, waiting for snitches or subjects to show up. I have connections through out town, which is helpful and a pain at the same time. I hear Jaszmin answer, standing behind me, her hands on her back, pushing her chest forward as always, hoping to catch the captain glancing at her cleavage.
“Yes sir, I will go there tonight, when the regulars have arrived.”
“Good, Strike, you will be here and look at those security cams. See what you can find out. And it would be a good idea to have a chat with mr Temperance in the next few days. I understand he likes being around good looking women, so you might be able to warm him up, but Venice, keep in mind that cautiousness is key.”
September 18, 2012 at 2:54 pm #71528Captain Mitia leans back in his chair, opens a file and starts reading, our signal to leave the room and get back to work. Jaz and I exchange looks, then leave the office, closing the door behind us. While Jaszmin walks to Rose to check for messages, I walk to my desk and quickly check my mail. There is one email that attracts my attention and with a click I open the message.
‘Lab reports done. Please meet me at office. Need to show something
dr. Gracious’
When Jaszmin joins me, I let her read the email, which is rewarded with an excited pinch in my sides.
“Oh goodie, we get to see dr Gracious at work…”
“Then we’d better hurry, donation hour is almost over…”
I look at my watch, the hands showing 12:50 pm, and when I look back up, Jaszmin is already charging through the department room. She loves seeing dr. Gracious at work and takes great inspiration from her. That inspiration has often left me breathless, brought to a climax in the most unexpected places, at the most inconvenient times, indulging in the need of Jaszmin to put her newly learned techniques to the test. Not every try was that rewarding though and some I plainly refused. When Jaszmin showed me a pair of clamps that she wanted to put on my balls, I threatened to apply for a different partner. But overall, our little visits to dr. Gracious’donation hour were very satisfying to us both.
We can hear soft, muffled sounds coming from the lab office as we enter the small lobby of the crime lab. The room is empty, the volunteers dispursed after the last donation was announced. Without knocking I open the door and step silently inside, Jaszmin pressing in behind me in her eagerness to see. When we step into the room, dr Gracious is leaning forward in her chair, holding the member of her donor firmly in one hand, while the other is massaging his globes. The muffled sounds we heard as we approached the door, are emitted from the officer’s throat, his head leaning back, his eyes closed as he is drifting in pleasure.
Dr. Gracious slowly bobs her head up and down, taking his shaft deep into her mouth, her fingers pressing into her lips each time she sucks him in. The officer’s hips are strapped in with leather belts against the wall, keeping him restrained as dr. Gracious draws his donation from him. Jaszmin pushes herself into me, clasping my arm with her fingers while she watches, clearly excited when she sees dr. Gracious’ cheeks collapse. The increased vacuum forces the donor to gasp for air, sharply sucking in his breath, the tug on his member almost painful. Dr. Gracious doesn’t let go once she has him right where she wants him and her head moves back and forth in a steady rhythm, her cheeks collapsing and releasing around him, milking him for his semen.
The donor moves his hands down and tries to entangle his fingers in her hair, which is rewarded with a hard tug on his balls and a destructive look from her eyes. Grunting with pain, the punishment for his misconduct, he pulls his hands back and submits to the urgent call for his juices. Dr. Gracious picks up the speed, now only interested in getting her sample as quickly as possible, twirling her tongue around the shaft in her mouth, to give him that final push. As soon as his body starts shocking, she squeezes his testicles and forces him to jet his semen into her mouth.
Eager to get finish the procedure, she sucks him dry quickly, then places her lips to a small plastic cup and lets the sample slide in. Quickly she puts a lid on the cup and places it in the freezer below the examination table. When she turns to face her donor, her eyes are still flickering with anger and she raises her hand, the officer crouching in fear.
“Get untied and leave. I don’t want to see either of your heads in the near future. No touching!”
As the officer leaves in silence, she bring her pinky to the corner of her mouth and whipes off the last drop of his donation, sucking the fluid from her finger in clear delight.
“Such a shame he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. His semen is first class.. You should have a go at him Jaz…”
Jaz’s cheeks blush bright red, making her look at the floor, stepping away from me which causes dr. Gracious to smile.
“Oh I know Jaz… But let’s get to business. There are 2 things I wanted to show you. One, remember the torn piece of newspaper? Besides the scribbling, we found something else. A fibre attached to the rips of the paper. Mass spec showed it as alpaca wool, dyed blue..”
She walks towards the mircoscope, adjusts the lenses and nods with her head at me. I lean in and focus, finding the blue fibre isolated in clear resin. The shape and edges irregular, frayed, betraying the natural origin. The color blue a shade of aqua, clear, vibrant, as if the fibre is brandnew. I lean back and offer Jaz a look, but am answered with aquick shake of her head. Microscopes make her dizzy. I turn back to dr. Gracious who has opened an evidence box and is feeling around until she finds what she’s looking for.
“And number 2, dr Gracious?”
Just as I open my mouth, she lets out a sigh of relief and pull out a small evidence bag, with inside what looks like a grey button. She places it on the examination table and pulls the lighted lense above it.
“I just found it amongst the numerous swabs. We found 9 seperate dna-profiles and determined all bodily fluids you can imagine. Saliva, semen, female juices, sweat and even some blood. Somebody got a cut when opening a champagne bottle. But this is what might interest you..”
On the table is a small, grey button with the text ‘20 mm’ imprinted on it…
September 20, 2012 at 5:01 am #71529(does anyone have a clue what the origin is of the little button found? Solve the clue for the next episode…)
September 25, 2012 at 12:22 pm #71530It is difficult to make out. Is it a button from a 20mm camera lens? Or could it be a knob for setting the movie projector to accept 20mm film? A closer examination would be needed to determine.
I'm at a loss as to what it is.
September 25, 2012 at 2:53 pm #71531I will give a hint..
It's at the end of a pin.
Everybody has e piece of clothing from their gran, made with the use of this/these pin/s…
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