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@lover : shhhh carefull at what you say its dangerous lol
@Rukya: I'm safe, I know too much
I wanna see that wrestling match where and when is it going to happen? My money is on Rukya thou, sorry hentai
Welcome Medjai
I collect the bets
Thank lover
Mt money is on Rukya coz every once in a while I read a girl's profile I see she belongs to her so sorry hentay I don't think u can win against such a mistress
win what!? i'm a little lost, medjai
thanks to you two, and hentai dont forget we have a wrestling match to do lol
oh, that….yes, i can't win, cause i never wan to hit a girl….tha't what i think
Well that's my spanking out of the window then!
I guess no bets then Anyway I hear u, I could never hit a girl either, not to wih the intention to hurt her if u know what I mean
Hit a girl, No,
Erotic Spank, YES
yeah yeah!
hi medjai thanks for your support , hehe too easy i win my first wrestling match without fight
oh well… know, i'm a good boy, Rukya
but i can't neglet it will be nice to have a closed fight whit you (i know you are lesbian, Rukya….) and end it like this…….sorry, Rukya, BUT IT'S YOUR FAULT……
hehe girls always win cause they alway be in top at a time or another
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