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The Dream Date by RavanaNyx

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    The Dream Date by RavanaNyx.

    It was a long night working at the restaurant. The last customers just left for the night. I had been working there for a few years now. The owner liked that I was such a hard worker he made me a manager within months. I have just spent five years working my ass off and it has not been easy at all.
    My name is Casey… Casey Swanson. I am 26 years old and live out on my own. See my parents kicked me out right before my 21st birthday.
    They said, “We cannot let you live here anymore. Your brother is moving back home, and your room is bigger than his old one.”
    So, I was now homeless and had to work hard to get my own place. My brother was the favorite of us both, then it turned out he got with a woman marrying her and they had a child. Now they could not afford to live their high-class lifestyle and he had to come back home. My parents needed my room along with my brother’s old room for his family.

    I am five foot ten inches tall, weighing in at about 180 pounds. I have emerald, green eyes with silky red hair, that goes just below my buttocks. My measurements are 42-26-42. I have never been petite like the other girls so I was an outcast, a loner as one would call it. High school was bad the girls all picked on me, while the guys never said anything unless they needed help with their homework. I was the girl who never got a date, never had a boyfriend.

    I close the restaurant usually every night. Now there have been times that other staff has asked me about my plans for the weekend, but I just usually brushed them off. Sometimes I would tell them that it is unprofessional to ask about their bosses personal life. I know I have never had a boyfriend or ever been on a date, it just was not me. I was the socially awkward girl that just thought about school or work.

    Then one day something happened a new guy came into the restaurant. All the female servers were going ga-ga over him. They would start to fight with each other about who was going to serve him. I had to step in and serve the customer. We would make small talk and the girls were always trying to get his attention. I knew what they were doing as he was the hottest thing to come to our small town.

    We started to talk just enough for me to find out some information about him. He was from a small town in Ohio that he needed to get away. His parents were overbearing and trying to run his life. His name was Jasper… Jasper Thomas but he goes by Jake. Jake is about six foot two inches tall, weighing in about 250 pounds, blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. He is very muscular as you can see through his tight shirt. I told him my servers thought he was gorgeous, and they all started to argue over who was going to serve him, so he got stuck with me.
    He just chuckled a little before stating, “I think I got the best one so no worries.”

    I look over at him giving a quick smile. I take his order and quickly go to put it in, the cook takes notice of how red my cheeks are realizing someone embarrassed me a little. I did not know how to respond. I took Jake his order and told him to enjoy. He waved me over a couple of times trying to make small talk. I would stay if I could but the servers were making up any problems just so they could be by him.

    Jake started coming in daily whenever I was working. Sometimes he would get some of the other female servers. They would flirt with him, but he never flirted back. They were all talking about him being gay since he never paid them any mind. To them he was just being nice to me since I am ugly. We all know I am awkward, but they are going just too far this time.

    I start to avoid Jake and only talk to him when closing his ticker out. The finally got to me this time but I should have known this guy was only being nice. I guess I was hoping for something that was not there. As I was closing out his ticket, Jake started to say something but one of the girls just came up in front of me and blurted out,
    “Hey Jasper, would you like to go out on a date with me?” Jake stood there for a moment, and I turned to leave.
    I was not going to stand around and listen to him saying yes to her.
    Jake grabbed my hand as I was starting to leave.
    “No, stay.”, he asked.
    I looked at him confused but nodded. He then looked over at Tricia giving her his reply.
    “I am sorry, but I would rather go on a date with Casey.”

    I just looked at him blushing and smiling a little bit confused. Tricia shakes her head starting to scream at Jake. I looked at her and told her to stop. Her eyes darted over at me, and she then started again to insult me.
    “How could you want to go on a date with her?”, she said. “I mean just look at her. She looks unkept and sha has never had a boyfriend.”, she continued. “Jasper, how can you…”, she started to say before he cut her off.
    “First off my name is Jake. Jasper is my father.”, he said. “If you must know I like her because she is funny. She is not full of herself like you, nor did she throw herself at me, like you. Also, she is intelligent.”, he concluded.

    Tricia got mad and huffed off like someone just told her that her childhood cat just ran away.
    Looking at him still in shock over what he just said.
    All I could muster up was, “Why?”
    My cheeks are a rosy, red color.
    He looks at me with a smile responding, “Would you like to go out on a date with me, Casey?” Shaking my head, I was only able to let out a small, “Yes, I would love to.”
    Jake’s eyes lit up stating, “Tomorrow is your day off so make sure to wear a nice dress.”
    I nod still in shock this handsome guy wants to go out on a date with me. I am a nobody and Tricia is way prettier than me. I leave to go home for the evening on the rare occasion that I do not have to close.

    Suddenly it dawned on me that I do not have anything to wear. Taking out my phone I start looking for places to shop. I am not well versed in such things. Once I get to the Intimate’s Palace I am completely lost. The sales lady approached as I am looking at the braziers and panties just in amazement at what women will do for a man.
    I look up to see Jennifer standing in front of me, her badge is the first thing I see when I start to look up.
    “Hello, do you need any assistance?”, she asked politely.
    I nod my head shamelessly and a little embarrassed.
    “Yes, please. I have a date tomorrow night and let’s just say I have never been on one. I have nothing to wear or know what to buy.”, I say.
    Jennifer looks at me with a weird look on her face but smiles and motions for me to follow her. I move to where she is at, and I look down at what she is trying to show me. Picking them up looking at them as I start to blush.
    “How can women wear these?”, I say.

    Jennifer gives off a small laugh. She proceeds to tell me to go with the black lace brazier trimmed with red edges, the G-string panties were the same. There was a sexy cute crescent moon embroidered on the front in red. I buy the set and a few others just to make sure. I then ask her if she knew of a place, I could get a dress. Jennifer pointed across the mall to a dress boutique. I thank her and walk out the store.

    Walking across the packed aisle I walk into the LBD Boutique. The dresses were out of this world. There were some made of silk, some made of satin. I start looking around the boutique suddenly stopping as this black lacy dress catches my eye. It goes to mid-thigh the dress was made of satin with a lace pattern over the skirt. The lace move, up to the bodice, a tight fit across the bosom and to show off the wearer’s brazier. My jaw drops at the price, but I have the money.
    I walk over to the sales associate and politely ask her for some help. I see her name badge and smile. Stephanie was her name, and she asks if I need help in a snarky way. I look at her and ask to try on a few of the dresses. I have never worn a dress before, so I take the three dresses she gave me and tried them on. The size 8 was a perfect fit. I buy the dress and some black sheer thigh high stockings.

    Walking halfway down the crowded aisle until I got to the shoe shop. Looking up and I see the name of Heels & Things. I move into the store, and it seems a little dead, but it was a Monday afternoon. I start looking at the shoes trying to see what would look right. I was looking at flats when the sales associate comes towards me.
    “Is there anything I can help you with today, Miss?”, she asks.
    I turn around and explain my situation. She smiles and waves me to the high heels.
    “These are three-inch heels. They are our lowest size, and they should be just right for your date tomorrow.”, she continued.
    I thank her for her help and buy the shoes. I can not believe how much money I just spent for one date and who knows how it is going to end.
    I finally get home able to sit down and relax. I pull out my phone forgetting that I had it on silent from work. I turn the volume on and see that I have several text messages from Jake. My eyes lit up at the first one makes me blush.
    “Missing you already cannot wait until tomorrow night.”, the text states.

    The second one was asking what type of food I like. The third was asking for my address so he could pick me up. He also stated what time he would be picking me up. I cannot believe I am going on a date. I text Jake back and in the process of texting each other I fell asleep.
    Jumping out of bed from the sound of my alarm as it goes off. Startled I get up out of bed and get something to eat. My stomach is in knots, I have no clue what I am doing. My clothes are set out already. I just need to get ready when the time comes. My mind is racing as to why this guy would be interested in me. I am just me no one special and not the dating type according to my parents.

    I try to relax before having to get ready. The butterflies were stirring in my stomach as I got into the shower. Usually, it was a quick in and out but not today. I slowly started to shave every important part of my body that could possibly be seen. I have never done a full body care for someone else. I carefully shaved my underarms and legs. Making sure not to nick myself. I have never used a razor on the lady bits, so I just used the normal hair remover. My hair is so long it takes about ten minutes to just wash it and then to apply conditioner. I use a leave in conditioner afterwards that keeps my hair silky smooth.
    Taking the loofah getting it wet before applying my body wash. Watching the soap land on the loofah I giggle just a little. Placing a freshly shaven leg on the seat in the shower taking my time moving up my leg making sure every inch is nice and soapy. Repeating the same with my other leg getting myself nice and clean. Adding more wash to the loofah slowly washing over my Double D breasts. The soap slowly running down my wet body. Caressing each ample mound slowly in a small circular motion before moving down my toned torso. Running my hands over my body biting my bottom lip twisting the flesh between my teeth.

    Getting to my lady bits slowly and sensually cleansing the sensitive area. No, I have never been with anyone before, and I am not expecting anything tonight, but I would rather be safe than sorry. Taking my time in the shower making sure every nook and cranny of my body is completely clean. Stepping out of the shower in amazement not knowing how the night is going to flourish.

    Taking the extra towel and using it to tie my hair up hoping to give it a quick dry, as I do my make up. I do own it; I just never take the time to apply it and doll myself up. Tonight, was a different story. Jake was going to be here in an hour, and I still must do my hair and get dressed. Learning how to braid my hair myself, I put it in a ponytail braiding it from top to bottom. Using a little bit of perfume to give my hair just a hint of what the rest of my body was going to smell like for the evening. Sitting on the chaise at the end of my bed I slowly put on my thigh high stockings. Each foot being covered as I slowly unroll the sheer material up until it is staying in place. Taking my new panties sliding both feet into them and I pull them up slowly making sure everything is just perfect. I put on the brazier fitting my breasts into each cup properly. I investigate the full-length mirror turning around seeing someone new. I have never been so excited and anxious at the same time. Looking at my phone I see a text message from Jake stating that he was ten minutes away. Finally taking the dress, I slip into it seeing just what can happen when take the time to clean up. I grab a lace shawl and place it over my shoulders, the last thing I grab is my black clutch. It is just big enough to carry everything I need.

    Right as I walk out of my bedroom the doorbell rings. I slowly open the door and I see Jake standing there dressed in slacks and a nice button up shirt with a coat. I smile offering him to step inside my apartment and he moved with urgency. He had his hand behind his back bringing it forward he has a bouquet of flowers and not just any kind of flowers but my favorite. He hands me the hyacinths as I smile from ear to ear. Leaning in placing a kiss on his cheek thanking him. I put them on the counter while looking for a vase. Once I find it, I add some water and the flowers then I place the arrangement on the dining table. Jake reaches out for my hand, and I give it to him as we leave my apartment.

    Jake wraps his arm around my waist pulling me in closer to him. I smiled as we got to his car, he opens the door taking my hand helping me into the vehicle. There is small chitchat on the way to the restaurant. He stops the car at Chez Le Fran. I stay seated as the door is opened by the valet. Jake makes his way over to my side of the car and extends his hand towards me. I take his hand as I get out of the car slowly. We walk towards the entrance as I notice it is a very expensive place.

    We get inside of the restaurant where the maître-de only speaks French. Standing there I watch Jake have a conversation with this man and he quickly ushers us to a booth in the back of the room. Jakes takes the shawl off my shoulders placing it over his forearm before helping me take a seat. I can see he wants to say something as he is biting his bottom lip. He sits down next to me as close as possible. His hand behind me pulling me closer to him there was no space. His deep blue eyes that once caught my attention are not being averting from my direction. I lean over asking if everything was alright.
    Jake looks in my direction finally speaking, “You are drop dead gorgeous.”
    I blush turning my head thanking him.
    “You are looking very handsome yourself.”, I add.
    The server comes over asking if we would like something to drink.

    Jake states, “A bottle of wine from your reserved stock and there is no need for us to taste it, just please bring the bottle.”
    Hearing this man speak a different language is enthralling. I look at him smiling as the server leaves and quickly comes back with the bottle of wine, he pours two glasses and then leaves the bottle at the table.
    Watching him swirl the wine in his glass before taking a sip and returning it to the table. His hand rests on my thigh, jumping just a little from the sudden shock but I feel rather comfortable around him.
    Jake leans in placing his lips to my cheek then whispers, “Relax dear Princess, I have everything taken care of.”
    I nod taking another sip of my wine.
    A few minutes later our plates were served.

    Giving Jake a quick glance he just smiles and says, “Bon appetite.”
    I begin to eat what is in front of me. I did not even see a menu. Apparently, Jake really did take care of everything. The conversation ensued while we were eating dinner. It suddenly dawned on me that no other patrons. I break the conversation topic and make a comment. Jake reinforces that he has everything taken care of. I nod just letting the subject fall.

    I slowly move my hand up his thigh. I do not know what is happening to me. I never acted out in this manner. Jake is very handsome and a caring man. I do not feel like my normal self when I am around him. Jake moves my hand from his leg then gets up from his seat. He holds out his hand and I take it willingly. I am standing right in front of him. His tall body looking so sexy and rough. He kneels before me while looking into my eyes. Placing a hand on his head slowly running my fingers through his hair. His hands running up the sides of my calves to my thighs stopping right where my stockings do.
    My body slowly starting to shiver. His touch is a new sensation. I feel my dress being raised exposing my panties. Turning my head as my cheeks turn a bright red shade of embarrassment. “Look at me NOW.”, he commands of me.

    I turn my head back towards him before he turns me around. My bare ass is now in front of his face. Standing there feeling vulnerable but the excitement is taking over. He once again turns me around to face him. His hands so strong and firm pulling me closer into him. A slight moan escaping my lips. His expression as if I just gave him approval. Watching him intently as I feel his warm breath through my lace panties. The moistness of his tongue as it traces the outline of the moon. Grabbing a handful of his perfect locks not wanting him to stop. He pulls down my dress grabbing my shawl and clutch.
    He grabs my hand thinking the restaurant for their hospitality. The valet gets the car from the lot. Jake pulls me into the as kiss as his hands are all over my body. The car pulls up and he opens the door. I start to move to sit he shakes his head no, looking down I watch as he slides his hands up my dress pulling my panties down. He then takes them and puts them in his breast pocket.

    “You will remain this way until we get back to your place.”, he says.
    The feel of the sating against my bare flesh feels wonderful. The fine hairs on my body standing on end.
    “Y.. Yes.”, I reply to him as I sit in the seat.

    His hands pulling my dress up a little more so he can view my lady bits.
    My heart is racing as this is the first time, I have ever done something like this. Jake takes his hand spreading my legs apart. Watching how my body just reacts to his touch moving how he wants me to. Suddenly I jump back his hand is between my legs touching my most intimate spot. Sinking into the seat of the care biting my lip between my teeth. The look on his face as he has been hungry for a long time. His fingers starting to delve between my now wet petals. Wincing from the pain that he is causing.

    I whisper softly, “I have never been with anyone Jake.”
    I look up at him seeing his eyes light up like he just won the lottery.
    Jake removes one finger from between my legs and starts rubbing my clit slowly. My hips moving slowly matching his hands.
    “You have nothing to worry about Casey. You are now my girlfriend.”, he murmured.
    I nod my head a low response escaping my lips. I grab the center console of the car my body shaking even more. Jake just smirks and keeps up what he is doing between my legs.

    Finally, we pull up to my apartment complex. Jake pulls me onto his lap. My dress up to my hips, his hands exploring my body as much as possible. I can feel his warm breath hitting my skin. His pants are growing tighter underneath me. Our lips finally meeting the kiss becomes even more passionate than I ever thought it could. His hand grabbing me by my neck pushing me back.

    “You are mine.”, he continues, “Shake your head as a yes confirming what I just said.”
    I slowly shake my head with a smile. He moves into me giving me a kiss as I ma pinned between him and the steering wheel. He moves me back to my side of the car. I just sit there not even trying to get out. The door opens and a hand appears. I take it gladly as Jake helps me out of the car.
    My dress falls into place as his places his hand on the small of my back guiding me to my apartment. I open the door and slowly walk in enough to where I can take my shoes off. Jake stops me pushing me onto my knees. I look up in dismay, but he slowly starts to take off my dress and brazier. I am completely naked in front of him.

    I stay kneeling in front of Jake my eyes locked on his moving wherever he moves. Following him until he walks behind me. Sitting there as he is in complete control. This is something different for me on all levels. Jakes takes my braid in his hand pulling on it as my head gets yanked back so I can see him. The smile on his face as he looks down at me gives a little tug to see if I would pull back against him fighting what he is about to do.
    “Good girl.”, he mutters.
    The smile on my face getting bigger than normal.
    “I will teach you everything you need to know and treat you like the Princess you are if you stay loyal to me and only me. Nod if you understand and agree.”, he continued.

    I nod my head as told to; my eyes are lit up like the smile on my face beaming from ear to ear. His voice just makes my heartbeat faster, the touch of his strong, firm hand being so gentle and caring.
    I sit with my head still tilted back. Jake has control of my every move as of right now and it does not bother me one bit. I feel a little tug of my braid in an upward motion as he started walking. I stand up quickly and follow him to my bedroom. Not saying a word and just following Jake as I am expected to do. He stops and I stop slightly behind him but off to the side. Before he can make any kind of motion or sound, I quickly drop to my knees and my eyes are locked onto him. Jake turns around looking down as he sees to his surprise, I am kneeling without being told. His hand strokes the side of my cheeks gently approving of my obedience.

    He points to his pants now have been spoken since entering the bedroom. I just know what he wants automatically moving closer I begin to remove his shoes and socks. I slowly reach up to his belt fumbling with the leather strap as my heart starts racing. My eyes locking onto him still. Seeing his facial expression seems like he is satisfied in my actions. With his belt unbuckled I start to move to his pants unbuttoning them slowly pulling his zipper down. Smiling up at him as his pants fall to the floor. I help him out of them, as I then shyly point to his boxers, and he just nods.

    Taking a deep breath, I slowly reach up my hands on each side of his waistband. Slowly pulling them down as I keep looking at him. Jake takes his hand placing it on my head pointing down making me watch. I swallow slowly not knowing what I was in for. My hands touch his warm skin the movement of his boxers moving down over his hips slowly the anticipation of what I was about to see had my stomach in knots. This was not a bad thing just something new. Suddenly, I move his boxers down his perfectly sculpted ass. Moving the material down even more his manhood springs out in front of my face.
    My jaw drops while a low gasp escapes my lips. This massive tool stand before my face just there standing at attention. Fighting back every urge to just reach out and touch him. Every vein bulging out. He had to be at least ten inches long and four inches in thickness. I cannot believe this belongs to him. Suddenly my head is being moved forward. I move with him until my lips are touching the tip of his beast.
    His words so gentle as he says, “Do as you please do not hold back.”

    Moving my hands towards him, feeling his skin as I wrap my fingers around his girth. My lips pressed against the tip of his meat. Slowly sticking my tongue licking slowly trying to get the feel of what I am supposed to be doing. My hand moving back and forth stroking his cock. His hands pressing my head even more onto him as my lips spread around his flesh. His cock begins to fill my mouth as I move my head down his shaft. The warmth of his cock sliding in and out of my mouth. His hand pushing me all the way until I feel his pubic bone against my nose. I cannot believe I have all of him in my mouth touching the back of my throat. Looking up at Jake his smile begins to get bigger. I start to gag and choke on his cock. Tears running down my face ruining my make up. Jake begins to moan louder his hand holding my head in place. Feeling my tongue cradle his cock as his hips start to move. Both hands now holding my head forcing his cock down my throat. Gagging freely moving closer to him, showing I am not scared.

    Moving his hands from my head as I start working his cock. My lips wrapped tightly around his massive rod. Pushing him against the bed watching him fall. Moving between Jake’s legs as I climb up on the bed. My mouth gravitates to his cock once again. Moving down his cock taking it down my throat even more gagging and slurping coating his cock in my saliva. I do not know what has come over me this is unusual, but it feels so wonderful.
    Jake grabs me by my neck pulling me on top of him. The look on his face as he groans out. Laying fully on top of him, I feel a quick smack on my ass cheeks. Giggling slightly as he takes his strong hands moving my legs on either side of him. My ass cheeks spreading from his massive rod all while he pushes me back to where I am sitting up. He looks at me with an unfamiliar look. The sexiness of his full body underneath me. I reach down ripping his shirt open exposing his bare muscular chest.

    Before I could remove his shirt, he grabs my hands. Thinking I did something wrong he begins to speak.
    “This is your first time. I will let you take the lead just this once.”, he says.
    I smile at him saying, “Thank you Jake.”
    He kisses my hands and guides me up on my knees. He grabs ahold of his cock positioning it to where I can lower myself down. Feeling my petals beginning to spread open as I move down on him slowly. My body never feeling like this before as the pain starts. My facial expressions change from a smile to a grimacing wince. His hand slowly stroking down the side of my cheek.
    “Take your time my Princess.”, he says.
    I nod pushing down on him further. My pussy is beginning to stretch open even more, the tears begin to roll down my face. Jake wipes them away.
    “Just a little more. You are doing so well baby.”, he continues to say.

    I spread my legs open even wider sliding down as far as I can. I feel a sudden pop and then his hand smacks my ass.
    “That’s it now, you are completely mine. Move those hips and ride your man.”, he demanded. Placing my hands back on his chest I start rocking my hips back and forth.
    I utter out a quick, “Yes.”
    My hips move faster than normal. Jakes places his hands on my hips starting to move me up and down on his cock, showing me what he wanted. I obey his actions, following until he removes his hands and places them on my breasts. I keep moving up and down bouncing as I forget about the pain. Everything Jake does to me is causing a euphoric sensation, I do not want it to stop. Still bouncing, slamming down even harder on his cock. His moans escaping his pursed lips. “So perfect you are.”, he exclaims while I look down at him.

    My body giving in to him, the sensation of new feelings, new urges as he coaches me. Telling me what a fantastic job I am doing pleasing him. The excitement taking control over me. Sensing a tingling feeling something of greater pleasure while I keep riding him. I toss my head back, starting to moan each time my pussy strokes his massive cock with my tight walls. Arching my back digging my nails into his chest. I feel his cock throbbing inside of me.
    I scream out, “GIVE IT TO ME JAKE, PLEASE!”

    My body breaking as one could say spraying my nectar all over his cock as it is buried deep inside of me. I can see his face the excitement in his eyes sensing his explosion spurting everywhere. Each throb his cock makes sends an explosive amount of his essence inside of me.
    Jake pulls me down on top of him. Kissing me passionately, my heart beating faster than normal in tune with his. I cannot fathom what just happened. In mere hours I went form being single and never having sex to now having a boyfriend and being taken like I could have never imagine. I curl up next to Jake spent from the nights activities.
    Slowly closing my eyes, I hear Jake say, “You are now mine and I will always protect my Princess.”


    Hi Ravana,

    Welcome to Achats Forum.
    We need more story writers so I’m pleased you have published here.
    Your story is hot, interesting and leaves a yearning for more of your erotica.
    I hope you write more about this couple and any other naughty stories you have in mind.

    Please feel free to look around forum and post other ideas and views.

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    Great story and welcome to the Forum!

    Looking forward to reading more!

    Have fun!



    Great read! Can’t wait to read more of your stoys!

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