The forums › Groups & Families › The House of DARK Stone RISING! (HDSR)
- This topic has 161 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 6 months ago by Lover.
October 24, 2013 at 5:24 pm #6679
PLEASE NOTE: Our Family has nothing in common with our friend & well known forum member.. “Stone”.. who IS really NICE & we're pleased & honored to have made her acquaintance! NOR do we have any connection with our Garden Guests ecru_gnome or the House of Gnome who we wish well in meeting & banging Gnomes all over the real world! We unfortunately don't get to Spain, Russia or Argentina as often as we'd like!
Fun Stuff!
OUR HDSR OPEN FORUM is located now at ; Groups & Events > Introduce Yourself > Leader of The House of The Dark Stone Rising OR,3361.60.html
~~ THIS.. is the The House of DARK STONE RISING!!~~ @))-;–'–;
~~ GIFT$ HELP $lave$!!! ~~ THIS.. is the The House of DARK STONE RISING!!~~ @))-;–'–;
~~(( **A primarily Englsh & German speaking, BDSM, SSC- Total Power Exchange Oriented, RP Cadre of Like Minded Lovers Allied to House Shades of Grey (SoG)! We do NOT CHARGE for sex but HOPE for Gift$ to help the slaves!! Gift$ Help Slaves! Our group founded upon assisting & training lost slaves, teaching self reliance & growth while assuring all remain premium & can interact with, enjoy & hopefully be enjoyed by all others who accept us! We prefer IMMERSIVE RP & Fantasy over RL interaction in game! Participation in the RP & Storylines is , of course, up to our playmates & friends to enjoy or dismiss!**))
POWER TIER ONE!!!~ Founded & Lead by; Master Oli Stone (Icebox) ~ a Handsome, KINKY, mortal male who had the audacity to dominate and steal the heart of the angel Amber , Now has garnered by Love and Force of Will great power by combining his House of Dark Rising with the House of Stone to create reborn the House of DARK STONE RISING.. Taking Amber's name as her Devilish brother took his life… Making him a first generation Vampire! His dark eyes and thick fangs .. powerful hands and wickedness profound as he FEEDS on the little Angel and protects his wives, slaves and House… leaving the “dirty work” of family criminal activities to his brother in law! This of course frees him to spend more time enjoying his sweet.. wonderfully defiled bounty of flesh!
POWER TIER ONE!!!~ Founded & Lead by; Mistress Amber Stone~ a KINKY, primarily Domme/switch ANGEL possessive of immense beauty who is known to be able to shift from female ( noble_slave) to shemale ( Amber_Stone) with her pierced & triple ring harnessed 12″ x 2.25″ member & imprisoned sac! (30.4cm x 5.7cm). Her hypnotic blue eyes & powerful pheromones often entrance even those few she finds worthy of offering her submission! In recent months the pair found themselves in the grips of the handsome mortal Master Oli (Icebox) who traded his mortality for unlife in order to TAKE the angel and walk beside her as Husband.. Master and mate.. addicted to her angelic essence & the wonder of making her squeal! ( both premium annual accounts & all poses )
POWER TIER ONE!!!~ Mistress Dee Stone~ a KINKY, primarily sub/switch Blood Demon /Succubus.. ALSO possessive of immense beauty. Capable of shifting from Female (MissDee) to Shemale forms ( Dee_Stone) began her time with Master Dante as his love smitten slave.. and in time became SO beloved by the Angel & Master Oli that they wed!! Her mischevious playful gaze & simularly powerful pheromones often entrance even those few she finds worthy of accepting thier submission!
POWER TIER ONE!!!~ Mistress Ayla Stone~ (Ayla666) a beautiful Devilish presence in her own right, Mistress Ayla is Grand Mistress of the HDSR Germany Chapter and adds wisdom and balance, a welcome beloved advisor, lover and friend to all.
POWER TIER TWO !!!~ Co-Founded & Lead by; Master_Stone~ (AKA- Master Dante Stone) The pimp, brutish enforcer, slaver & slave breaker who, as Amber's Dark Angel, DEVILISH brother has barely been FORCED into observing “safewords” and tending more GENTLY to the needs & desires of the slaves! Woe unto the poor submissive who finds themselves, regardless of sex, in his pitiless clutches! He like the other pair taking full advantage of this mortal realm is possessive of a DARK masculine beauty & immense 14″ x 3″ (35.5cm x 7.6cm) member he uses to ruthless effect in breaking slaves and putting them to work the sex trade to survive! Blackmail? Cruel Torments? ALL in his horrid bag of nightmarish tricks! Dante is responsible for running “The House of Dark Stone Rising Custom Fetish & Leather Emporium”, the strip/fetish club “Dante's Inferno Room”.. and such covert wicked activities as keep the family SAFE, but keep Master Oli & Mistress Amber's hands.. and consciences CLEAN! WHO knows what wickedness he and Mistress Dee get up too.. when the moon rises! ( Master_Stone – premium annual & all poses! OOC ALWAYS SSC but created for those in our family who like a DARKER.. experience! Don't confuse RL wif RP! )
POWER TIER TWO !!!~ COLLARED SLAVE-MISTRESS!; Mistress Trixy! ~ (AKA- Trixy123) From the first weeks the Shemale SLAVE Trixy sucked cock and BEGGED to be HURT and USED she got the attention of Master Oli and Master Dante.. so CUTE in her suffering.. so LOUD in her cries.. OH how she would orgasm!! She crawled to Amber.. sweet.. broken.. perfect.. loving.. yet soon Amber noticed how HANDILY Trixy would DOMINATE and manage her chain-sisters and chain-brothers! It was clear her primary concern was protecting her Master Oli, Mistress Dee & Mistress Amber! Within a few months of LOYAL unwavering service .. it was.. AMBER who shocked Oli by WEDDING her as she had him… and SO.. SLAVE Trixy became.. MISTRESS Trixy to her husbands DELIGHT!! ALL of HDSR rejoiced and there was a third.. FIRM and wonderful.. She Calls OLI .. MASTER.. Amber & Dee .. MISTRESS!! Finally a firm hand the slaves LOVED and adored.. Amber's helper.. whether servicing Oli.. or others. Trixy was a godsend for lil Amber.. and remains so today. Imagine Amber's SHOCK the first time Trixy dominated her lil pussy.. then made her shift shemale JUST so Trix could spank her harnessed balls!! There was never any betrayal in it.. Trixyy knew her lil angellic owner NEEDS it.. and now.. MISTRESS Trixy has determined to protect her Amber.. her Oli.. her Dee… her Dante, her owners.. and assure the HOUSE of DARK STONE RISING remains healthy.. STRONG and safe!
POWER TIER TWO!!!~ COLLARED SLAVE-MISTRESS!; Mistress Rita! ~ (AKA- GiveMeHard) The female Slave Rita Is much beloved by all. Some call her simply RIta as she truely is more submissive at heart but is learning the arts of Domme. Obedient, loyal, faithful and unwavering.. ALL the family adore Rita now.. MISTRESS Rita STONE!!! )
POWER TIER THREE!!!~ COLLARED SLAVE!! PRIUS SERVOS of HDSR!! THIRD TIER to be OBEYED!!; Mistress Ghenki! ~ (AKA- DARK_GHENKI) Prius Servos… SLAVE above the SLAVES!!!! SHE RULES the stables… the slave pens.. GHENKI's ILL will is NOT a thing to be disregarded as Gen is LOVED.. and RULES the slaves… UNDER Cherry and Nicky YES… but may the GODS have MERCY on a slave tha is willful , arrogant or doesn't KNOW his or her PLACE!! The MIGHTY Ghenki MANAGES the slave pens and stables with a velvet glove over an IRON FIST!!! If a slave THINKS the slave Ghenki a weak FOOL he or she NEED only TRY!! ( Mistress Ghenki= Dark_Ghenki – monthly premium & many poses! She calls AMBER & OLI, DANTE, DEE, TRIXY & RITA .. by the titles proper and singular.. MASTER.. MISTRESS.. and may the gods have MERCY on BAD slaves.. who do not.. as Ghenki.. will NOT!!! )
POWER TIER FOUR !!!~ **Current Slaves, Pets & Affiliates ; Chantal (ChantalVice), Desire (subdesires), Presous (HDSR/SoG), Xenia (xeniabitch), Sandra (sandra86), Agate, Kitten (killerkitten), Anna (anna_louise), Ani (anielle82), Coca (cocaina), Sinafey, Devo (devotion95), Chi (chiennetv), Quil (quilweave), Kurv (kurvataaaa), Edene, Kyrae, Emmy (emmy8676), Selena (selen92), Sparky (sparky0916), Kityuki, Lady Loana (bitch666), JaneMarie, Angie (sexyanjelina), Sarax, Brandi (brandiew), Mari (marideketrin), Alita, Gudrun, Bunny (bunnylesbian), Natascha (natascha40), Emma (abcgirl123), Grace (grace1), Morde, Shanion (shanion_nude), Xira, Cody (maninchains8), Turk (turk123), Hannah (theshirtgirl), Ashley (subashley), Silvia (silvia33), Alaifa, Martlet, Dreklyra (SoG), Karen (karencitaaa), Redflower, Miss_Aemy, Ashley, Shay_Gurl (SoG), Sabry (sabrycollant), Silke (silke19), Anni (annitablack), Shemalebaby2 (SoG), Emily (sexslaves -HDSR/SoG), Daisy (daisy123), Lady_Jane, Susi (susi86), Cherry (sexycherry4u), ** ( HINT/NOTE!!! For our members NOT yet premium or can't invite~ CHECK your Mistress Amber_Stone 's Spouse and Lovers lists for ANYONE wif the Official HDSR Collar & Tag in their bio!! Whether they are on or off line send them a message, say hello and introduce yourself as their chain-brother or chain sister and ASK them if they can send you a LOVERS invite! Family always gets preference for playtime!)
(All Current Premium & Working to get their poses! be generous if you can! GIFT$ Help Slaves!!! )PLEASE NOTE: JUST to CLARIFY & assure ALL is HONEST, OPEN, ABOVE BOARD.. AND UNDERSTOOD.. I personally play and RP on the THREE main accounts supporting the family & role play. I personally play as Mistress Amber Stone in female form ( noble_slave ), Shemale form ( Amber_Stone ) .. AND by request of our slaves & members with DARKER desires.. I play my own wicked evil dark angel brother ( Master_Stone ). 3 Premium Annual Accounts, one in each sex with all poses. Mistress Sophie Stone ( Obedientxxx ) and ALL other members of the House of Stone are single Individuals here for FUN and a positive adult experience. IF you are a hater, victimizer or dislike our RP or how we have fantasy fun.. PLEASE address ME OR the STAFF of ACHAT! We are here for our friends, loved ones and each other! Asshats & Phaquetards NEED NOT APPLY nor interact with us!
July 4, 2014 at 3:44 pm #102691RULES of The House of Dark Stone Rising!!!!~~ These are the RULES of The House of DARK STONE RISING!!~~ @))-;–'–;
~~ GIFT$ HELP $lave$!!! ~~ These are the RULES of The House of DARK STONE RISING !!~~ @))-;–'–;
~~Rule 1; ALL members of HDSR will obey and submit to the will of Master Oli Stone and Mistress Amber Stone as well as those appointed over them and/or awarded the title of Master, Mistress or Elder Slave!
Rule 2; ONLY Master Oli Stone, Mistress Amber Stone, Mistress Dee Stone, Mistress Ayla & Master Dante Stone (Master_Stone) may approve and collar a slave, or invite a pet/servant Member into The House of DARK STONE RISING!
Rule 3; NO slave or Member of HDSR will remove their collar (ie- The HDSR tag) from their bio without discussing their desire to leave with Master Oli, Master Dante, Mistress Dee, Mistress Ayla and/or Mistress Amber!
Rule 4; NO slave or member of HDSR will engage in illegal activities or those which encourage pedophiles such as – AGE/Child play, incest or violence against children, severe tortures, force rape (ooc consent RP possible), Scat/shit play, actual prostitution (they can accept & encourage gifts), bestiality/beastiality/animal play, OR disregard for any slave/member's.. or anyone else outside the family's LIMITS!!!
Rule 5; ALL members of HDSR will strive to be self-sufficient, maintain thier own premium & poses, GET ALONG, love each other, play happy, be respectful and nice to other members and outside payers.. and ENJOY themselves! Lonely Chain-Brothers & Chain-Sisters and members of the family always get preference for playtime!
Rule 6; ALL members of HDSR will respect and observe the collars of other Houses, entities and Dominants!! At NO time is it permissible to play with another collared slave WITHOUT the permission of their OWNER!!
Rule 7; ANY member found to be recruiting or attempting to STEAL another's slaves will be decollared and booted! Any outside House, entity or individual found to be recruiting or attempting to steal an HDSR slave, thus bringing SHAME on themselves and their own collars.. will have all relationships with all members permanently terminated & be placed on PERMANENT IGNORE by ALL members of HDSR!
Rule 8; ALL slaves and members of HDSR will immediately report to Master Oli, Master Dante, Mistress Ayla, Mistress Dee, Mistress Amber, or a proper superior or owner any infractions of the rules!
Rule 9; In the absence of Master Oli, Master Dante, Mistress Dee, Mistress Ayla, Mistress Amber or a proper owner.. all slaves will obey and serve their Mistress Rita, Mistress Trixy or an elder chain sisters such as Ghenki. ALL Slaves, Pets, Subs or members of HDSR may PLAY with and ENJOY ANY friends they wish to make and or BED!
Rule 10; ALL members of HoS will LEARN, USE and OBSERVE the SAFEWORD … “Mercy!!?!” and SAFESOUND “UH-UH!?!Uh-UH!?!” if gagged.. and upon hearing it will respond quickly to assure the safety, happiness and well being of their loved one in distress!! SSC ALWAYS!! Safe, Sane & Consensual!!!
( HINT/NOTE!!! For our members NOT yet premium or can't invite~ CHECK your Mistress Amber_Stone 's Spouse and Lovers lists for ANYONE wif the Official HoS Collar & Tag in their bio!! Whether they are on or off line send them a message, say hello and introduce yourself as their chain-brother or chain sister and ASK them if they can send you a LOVERS invite! Family always gets preference for playtime!)
October 10, 2014 at 7:58 pm #102689Dawwww.. What yah DOIN hung up there Cazzi? MASTER will be home soon!
October 10, 2014 at 8:01 pm #102690MISSSTRESS AMBER.. I'm a GOOD GIRL OOOhh SHIT!!!!??!!
October 10, 2014 at 8:24 pm #102688AMBER?? DID MASTER NOT tell you I wanted POT ROAST for dinner?? YET YOU FIX MEAT LOAF???? I GOT your fuckin' MEAT LOAF ANGEL!!!!!! RIGHT HERE!!!
October 10, 2014 at 8:39 pm #102687*choked and gagged.. then wickedly SPANKED!!!* ” UUMMM SOORRRY MASSTER!!?!? AUUMM SOORRRRYYY!!!!!!!!! MNNNMMFFF!!! *face in the pillows.. yet mischievously makes a mental note to ALWAYS try to get my husbands dinner order WRONG!*
October 10, 2014 at 8:43 pm #102686*in my HEART I know what MASTER wants for dinner is ANGEL CUM!!! HE may NEVER get what he SAYS he wants for dinner again!!* OOHH GAWDDD PLEAAMMMNGGRGFKFKF GGRRFKFK HGHEHEGGRFKKKLL!! *CHOKES*
**WHAT a TIME for CAZZI and CHANTAL to show up!!!! I'll NEVER get a dinner order right AGAIN.. but be the………October 10, 2014 at 9:24 pm #102685MAIN COURSE!!
October 10, 2014 at 9:49 pm #102684*Cazzi* MASTER TOLD you he wanted POT Roast Mistress!! What ARE you.. fucking .. BLONDE???????
October 10, 2014 at 10:05 pm #102683CAZZI!!! BRING your.. *LAUGHS* MISTRESS… TIME for her to be… CORRECTED!!!!!
October 10, 2014 at 10:13 pm #102682Master… PLEAASE!?! C..C.. c.. Cazzi? *peeks up at our slave-wife but her cock is ANGRY and dark.. she looks at me as wickedly as Master.. JUST yesterday she gave me a massage and pedicure adoring her angel.. NOW she is not MY advocate but MASTER'S cause I picked the wrong BEEF!* BUT BUT BUT!!!!!!!!?!?
October 10, 2014 at 10:16 pm #102681MASTERRRR?? Oli.. I … I.. I.. MMMFFFGHHH FMMNNFRRFF!! *eyes Cazzi as im ruthlessly bound!* MMNNNDDRRF MMRRFFFFFFFFF!!??!
October 10, 2014 at 10:35 pm #102680MASSttrr UUGH UUHH UUH NYYEEYUUPP UUHH CAzzsssszzzziiii?? CAZZZZZIII?? MASSTEERR UUUGHHHGHGHGH!?!?!
October 11, 2014 at 6:10 pm #102678ONLY GOOD GIRLS get's playtime……
October 11, 2014 at 6:13 pm #102679…and more…. !
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The forums › Groups & Families › The House of DARK Stone RISING! (HDSR)