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The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**

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  • #68947

    I enter into the tunnel behind the cue rack and as I walk along it I'm surprised by how long it really is. I've begun to get a bit concerned when finally I reach another door, opens it and steps into what I guess must be The Ice House.

    The room I enter into is empty, has a metal desk at the other end and a glass window, the room looks like it has been cleaned recently but not all of the stains seem to have gone that easily. Turning around I notice that the door I just entered through is a book case in this end, this really is a secret passage… how fun!

    I step out of this office into the huge warehouse and find it dead silent “Hellooooo…. anyone here?” I get no answer at all “I guess the house sub isn't on duty… I'll just have to take a peek myself then” I say to myself. I wonder how I will find the room Christy reserved for me now, I'm very curious as to how it turned out.

    When I walk around the echos of my heels returning to me and I notice that the doors on the storage rooms has signs and names on them… guess those are peoples rooms then.

    I find a door with the my name on it, I glance around me not seeing anyone, oh well, I'm going in then.

    I'm amazed as I enter the room, it's so much better than what I expected it to be. I slowly walk around inside it, smiling to myself at all the possibilities and how the feel I was after has been expressed in a very good way. I throw myself onto the luxurious bed, stretches and smiles… looks like this room offers a lot of fun.

    Janine Dee

    I lay there, my mind gloriously empty, not thinking, only feeling. Feeling the softness of the covers, the gnetle support of the mattress, and of course the warmth curled around me.

    Then I taste, a taste both familiar and still so wonderfully new. Partially my taste, and partially hers  as her tongue carries my arsoual into my mouth. I'm panting into the contact until I need to pull back to breathe, but even then I keep our foreheads pressing together to keep us touching as much as possible.

    Our eyes meet, solitary flickers in the greater shadows, both showing joy as well as passion as we take a short eternity to simply look at each other.

    Then I roll us onto our right sides with me cradling her in my arms. I let our right hands intertwine before I rest them against her stomach while I bring my left hand to explore the rest of her gorgeous flesh.

    As a kiss and lick along her neck my left hand caressess over the toned plane of her abdomen before finding it's way to the warm swells of her breasts.

    First I content myself squeezing the entire globe, first the left, and then the right. Enjoying the warmth and weight of them, but soon my fingers are massaging up to hardened nipples as she starts to squirm in my arms and make small sounds of her growing need.

    My breath is blowing in her ear as I kiss long the same before she turns her head to steal a passionate kiss, a theft I welcome as our tongues dance once more.

    As one kiss becomes a series I feel her left leg raise up to rest itself on mine, opening herself up to me. The silent message, the unspoken need is in her eyes as much as it is in her act, and my same questing left hand starts to find it's way back down her body in response.

    Once I reach the damp curls at the junction of her thighs she gasps and I respond silently, letting my eyes tell her she can let go with me, that it's just us, and she needs no pretense, and that I both want and need to simply share this as much as she does.

    I don't know if she realizes she gives a actual nod, but my hand moves to cup both swollen vaginal lips and protuding clitoris, and her eyes close for a brief, delerious second before opening again, her eyes swimming with passion, but also bright and happy.

    Continuing to cradle her in my arms my middle two fingers slip inside her while the outer two aid the action by presing gently on the outsides of her sex. My thumb doesn't have the angle to do anything, but my palm gets ever more slick as it rubs on her clit.

    Soon Christina is pressing into the action, pushing forward into my hand, and then back into me, but I am doing much the same as I press the length of my body into her.

    Though my breathing is ragged with passion it's nothing compared to the gasps she has been brought to as the passion radiating from her core leaves her capable of little more then rocking against me.

    She still grips my right hand in hers as I curl it to her chest to keep our bodies even closer, while her left hand is now digging into my left hip for much the same reason.

    Then I feel it, her mucles starting that rythmic contraction around my fingers, and I drive my lips to hers, my tongue matching my fingers as I penetrate deeply into her mouth.

    Here she is just as welcoming as her tongue greets mine, and the keening of her release slip past our joined mouths. 


    I clear up any mess I'v made doing my work for Miss Brandy pick all my tools up and put them by the door turning to Miss Brandy “Is there anything else you need me for” Miss Brandy says “No that will be all” “I hope you enjoy your chambers Miss Brandy” picking up my tools i open the door and and walk into the hallway closing the door behind me.

    Looking down the hallway I see a dim light coming from under on of the doors. That was an empty room last I know I turn put my tool back in the cupboard.Then and slowly walk down the hallway towards the light. Stopping at  the door looking closely at the door I see the name plate Adera.

    Standing out side naked seeing her shadow moving under the door i take a deep breath calm my self right down and then KNOCK i tape the door step back with my head bowed waiting for the door to open.

    It opens

    “Miss Adera I'm Tango the house sub is there any thing I can help you with to get your chambers to how you would like them”

    Stands died still and wait for Miss Adera's answer



    Down the secret passage and into the big hall. It's tidier than when I cleaned Miss Christy's dungeon out, that's for sure!
    I just catch sight of Tango's bare ass disappearing into a newly polished doorway with the name ADERA on a brass plate shining in the dim light.. that boy gets about, that's for sure!

    I walk slowly down to Miss Christy's dungeon and unlock the door. I know there is no-one there, I know where Mistress is and I smile to myself.
    Slowly I walk to the wardrobe and take out the little zebra-wood box. I take the tiny key from the chain around my neck and unlock it. I smile broadly and set the box down on the spanking bench. I undress carefully, folding my clothes neatly and putting them on the stand-chair at the far end of the dungeon. Then I take the pretty pink collar out of the zebra-wood box and fasten it tightly around my neck. I put the chain and key into the box and carefully put the box back in the wardrobe, then walk slowly back to a few feet from the dungeon door where the cold slab floor is clear for a few feet around and I kneel down, then sit back on my heels, my knees spread wide apart, my hands crossed over behind my back and my head bowed. I don't know how long I will have to wait, but wait I shall, I am her sub and my place is here waiting her pleasure.


    I’m sitting on my ankles, I’m naked, my knees spread apart, and my collar locked in place around my neck.  Still not sure how I got here, I keep my eyes are on the boots of my mentor.  She stands over me and I can feel her glare but I don’t dare look up to meet her fearsome gaze.  I see that her hand has dropped to her side and she is holding a riding crop.  I feel it brush the side of my face.  In silence I see that she has pointed it to the spanking bench.

    Dutifully I rise and proceed to the bench, draping myself over its leather hump and extending my arms to the binding points on the other side.  I can feel my legs being bound at the ankle and the knee.  I keep my gaze on the underside of the bench as she fastens my wrists and elbows to the mounting points.  I feel a slight tickle as she tickles my ribs to make sure I am secure and cannot move.  Assuming she is satisfied, I sense that she is walking across the room. 

    When she returns I feel something hard, wide, and smooth gently running over my exposed ass.  The paddle.  I hear her lean over and whispers something calming in my ear.  I cannot make it out, but it puts my mind at ease.  So I relax my back muscles and ready myself for my glorious paddling.   I anticipate the sweet release that will come from the pain and burning of the sharp smack that is to come when she begins.  Again I feel the paddle moving down my back and against the cheeks of my now trembling ass.  I hear Janine whisper something incoherent again, then I feel the air rush as she pulls the paddle away fast.  Tensing my face, I hear the swift rush of air from the incoming paddle. 


    I’m on my back, letting my eyes adjust.  I begin to make out a room.  I’m in bed, no longer at the her whim, I am holding Janine in my arms.  We had been making love only just before.  Our bodies now entwined in post orgasmic slumber. I’d been dreaming, but I didn’t even remember falling asleep.  Just holding each other for the longest time.  My thoughts drift back to her touch between my legs.  The feel of her against me and her kiss on my lips as orgasm took me. 

    Then I let myself complete the scenario that was just in my head.  The dream already beginning to fade into a foggy memory, but the essence was still clear enough.  I imagined Janine in her fabulous leather.  Standing over me.  The paddle in her hand, my view of her upside down from the other side of the bench.  I spread my leg slightly, being careful not to wake my sleeping lover.  I put two fingers in my mouth to wet them and then put them between the moistened lips between my legs.  Making patterns of circles around my clitoris, I went back to my dream world. 

    “This is for your own good dear.”  I heard my mental partner tell me, this time in clear speech. 

    Then the first strike, the sting quickly making my ass numb for a moment before the blood rushed to the attacked area, making it sting and then burn.  Janine waiting a moment before delivering the next blow.  As she delivers the second strike, my legs start to contract and my stomach heaves in on itself as feel myself about to cum.  But I have to stop suddenly.  My efforts to not wake my lover are in vain. 

    I feel her stir next to me, and with a groggy look, she looks to my flushed face, then down between my legs.   She looks back up to my face.  “Was it me?  Or was it a dream?”  She asks.

    “Both.”  I reply to her, but not mentioning what she had been doing to me.  I still want this to be love making.   The rough stuff can wait till later.

    Janine smiled, “I take it, that it was a good dream?”

    “Mmmhmm”  I respond still rubbing gently between my legs.

    “Can I just watch you?”  Janine inquires.

    “Yes.”  I whisper, as she lays her head on my heaving chest to listen to my heart.  I lick my fingers once again, tasting myself before returning my fingers to the dance between my legs.  This time leaving the Mistress behind, and concentrating on my lover clinging to my side.  I hold her closer and closer to me as my orgasm washes over me. 

    I felt Janine kiss my cheek.  This time not saying a word, she put her head back on my breast and I heard her breathing become deeper as she drifted back to sleep.  Slowly I felt sleep take me as well.  My eyelids covered my eyes and I went back to dreaming.


    I am honestly at a bit of a loss finding tangoracer outside the door and naked at that. I don't let that show however, instead I place a hand on my hip and look him up and down critically and objectively… knowing full well that it can be very unsettling.

    “I'm quite happy with the room as it is…” stalling for a little, thinking about the idea of assigning a menial task to him, but that seems a bit pointless at the moment. “Though a bottle of fine red wine and glasses would be welcomed” hope I'm not bullying him now.

    Janine Dee

    I smiled softly, bringing my right hand to pet her hair as I kissed her forehead. I then put my cheek to her chest, listening to her heart as I watched her face.

    Sometimes I watched her busy fingers, and occasionally I let my eyes wander her body to see the effect those fingers are having on her, but they are the briefest of interludes from watching her sweet face, watching it flush, seeing her pant even as I feel her breath ghost across my face.

    I place a kiss to her pounding heart as she reaches her peak, and smile as I feel sleep start to pull me back.

    “Such a good girl.”


    Miss Adrea closes her door as she dose i turn and head back to the tunnel putting just my jeans and cowboy boots out I head back to the Bar.

    I ask Stone for a fine bottle of Red wine
    she asks “Which one would you like”
    I give Stone a blank look “not being a wine drinker i wouldn't know a fine red wine you chows one for me please”
    Stone “asks how is it for “
    I answer  “Miss Adera “
    Stone smiles and say's “this one then”
    She opens the bottle for me and hands it to me she turns and hands me 2 large wine glasses.
    I thank her and head back to the pool room back in the tunnel  getting to the ice house i strip off and walk calming back to Miss Adrea's door . Placing the bottle and glasses on the floor out side I knock on the door again but this time i walk away leaving the wine and glasses for Miss Adera to find at her door.

    Heading back to the Bar i get dressed  and get back to the table with the guys just to have Mona walk in fresh from her vacation.


    I hear the knock on the door and I walk to open it finding two glasses and a bottle of wine. Picking it all up I carry it to a table where I pour a glass for me and tastes it… hmm quite good I must say.

    I slowly walk around the room with the glass in my hand, listening to the soft music and looking more closely at the paintings on the walls.


    The next day after spending a wonderful morning with Janine, I left and walked across the hall to my own dungeon.  Unlocking the heavy wooden door and opening it, I find blue kneeling on the floor in the center of the room.  Her collar fastened around her beautiful neck.  “How long had she been here?  All night?”  I wondered to myself.  I walked over to her and brushed her hair with my fingers for a moment as I stood over her.  Then blue turned on her knees slightly and put her check against my thigh. 

    “Miss Christy, i’ve missed you.”  She said.

    Still running my fingers through her hair I replied, “I’ve missed you too my dear.”  I looked down at her beautiful naked body.  Then at my now fully furnished dungeon.  “Now that we have time for ourselves, let’s make the most of it.”  I said stepping away from her.  “UP blue!”  I commanded.

    blue instinctively rose to her feet quickly.  Her feet now spread apart shoulder width, her arms behind her back with her palms on each opposing elbow, and her eyes on the floor. 

    “Good girl,”  I said.  “Now then, I am going to go take a shower and put on something more suitable to wear when tormenting a submissive.”  I explained as I circled my sub, who was starting to tremble slightly with anticipation.  “I want you to get that large trunk over against the wall and bring it to the center of the room.  Then I want you to kneel next to it until I get back.  Understand?”

    “Yes, Miss Christy.”  blue replied, and she went to the trunk and began to slide it across the floor, as I made my way to my dungeon’s bathroom and turned on the water in the shower.  After putting my hair up, I took a long hot shower.  Getting out and drying off, I put on my robe, went to my wardrobe and selected a lace up leather mini dress and knee high boots.  Sitting at my vanity, and began to put on my makeup.  Applying the dark eye makeup and lip color, and watching sweet Christy be consumed by Miss Christy. 

    After applying my makeup I put on a pair of black lace g-string panties, my leather dress, followed by my boots.  Then I checked myself in the mirror making sure to smooth out my dress.  I then brushed my hair back and pulled it tight into a ponytail.  I took a quick look at my hands I had gotten my nails done only a few days before.  I had wanted dark bloody red polish for this, but what I had was a French manicure.  It would have to do.  I gave my makeup one last touchup and walked out to meet blue. 

    As I exited my room into the main dungeon area, I made sure to clap my shoes against the hard floor, so she would hear me approach her.  She was facing the opposite wall and the closer I got the louder my footsteps must have been for her.  By the time I was directly behind her, she was trembling so much that I could see her hands shaking.  I stood behind her for a moment , then I walked past, to my throne on the far side of the room and sat, crossing my legs.  “Come blue.”  I commanded.

    blue crawled on all fours to where I had sat and knelt in front of me as she had before.  Her hands at her sides and her knees spread apart so her genitals were exposed.  She was still shaking.  “Up blue”  I commanded.  And she rose to her feet, hands behind her holding each elbow.  “Inspect.” I commanded again, and she placed her hands at her sides tilting her head slightly back and opening her mouth.  I stood up and walked around her, lifting her breasts, checking inside her mouth, running my fingers through her hair, and generally making sure my sub was clean and ready for play time. 

    Having met my expectations, I stood behind her very close so she could feel my breath on the back of her ear.  “We’re going to have so much fun today blue.”   I breathed into her ear before taking it between my teeth and nibbling on it for a moment before pulling away and whispering, “I want you to go to the cross.  You will stand with your face to the cross and place your limbs so that I can secure you to it.  Do you understand?”

    “Yes, Miss Christy.”  blue replied and her bare feet took her to my new St. Andrew’s cross.  It wooden like the old one I had put in the Great Hall, but this one was padded and lined with black leather.  She stood in front of the imposing piece of equipment, spread her legs so they were even with the legs of the cross, and then she held out her arms, holding two of the higher binding points.  One of the best parts of this new cross were the leather belts that were fixed along each of the limbs of it.  I fastened the belts around her ankles first, then just below her knees, then her thighs.  Afterward, standing on a stool next to the cross, I fastened her wrists and elbows.  Then I gave her a slight tickle on her rib cage, making her jump but she couldn’t pull too far away, and I knew that I had her secured.

    Reaching in a drawer next to the cross I pulled out a black satin blindfold and placed it over her eyes, securing it behind her head.  Then I stood back for a moment and examined my beautiful submissive blue.  Her young firm body trembling in the restraints, I could see the hair on the back of her neck was raised and looking around the sides I could see that her nipples were hard and erect.  Her breath had quickened even more now that her eyesight had been taken from her and her chest was heaving slightly.  I stood behind her again and put my nails on her thighs drawing them up the sides of her body all the way up to her elbows, which made her give off a quiet whimper, and I whispered in her ear, “Are you ready to begin my dear?”


    Time passes. I have no conception of it passing, no watch, for I am completely naked and no natural light to change as evening darkens into night to be replaced by dawn's  eager brightness. I lapse into a kind of daze, neither asleep nor awake The cold slab floor is unforgiving and I am glad my young body is still free from the aches that will surely come with age.
    I snap from my trance as I hear a key in the door, Mistress! I keep my head lowered as she swings the heavy door shut and locks it behind her. She strokes my hair and I rest my cheek on her high. I can smell Miss Janine on her and the traces of their passion and my own nipples harden in response. “I've missed you Miss Christy” I say softly. “I've missed you too” comes the reply, her voice full of care and oh yes, there is still passion enough left in her voice for her sub and I shiver involuntarily.
    Mistress bids me bring her big trunk into the center of the room and resume kneeling by it's side until she returns in her proper persona. I kneel and wait, I hear her showering, humming to herself happily as she dresses for our time together.
    Clack, clack, I hear Mistress's shoes on he cold hard floor, she must be ready now! By the time she touches my shoulder, I am already trembling I could smell her sex when she returned from Miss Janine's, will she miss my obvious arousal? I doubt it very much,  we sense each other, Mistress and me, each aware of the other's state both physical and mental.
    Sitting on her throne, she bids me come and show myself for inspection, no embarrassment about my arousal, she will know it already. I get my first look at her in her Domme persona, so strict looking and so menacing and soo very erotic.
    Mistress bids me stand against the black-leather-padded St. Andrew's cross, my body in an X, my breasts press hard against the leather as she binds me in and my nipples are so hard it is painful to have them squashed in this way. I have never been restrained on dungeon equipment ever before and my mind is floating away.
    Mistress tickles me and I flinch, pulling against my restraints, then a blindfold, dark and silken and I am now in a new world, a world of sensuality I have never experienced, all my senses under the control of the black-leather clad, severely made-up, flame-haired fulfiller of my darkest desires and I of hers. She drags her nails up my long legs, up my sides and along to my elbows and I can't help but let out a mew of passion. I feel my sex moisten in anticipation.
    I long now for the kiss of her toys, the toys I have naughtily held and dreamt of while Mistress's furniture was being delivered and set up, the toys contained in her big heavy trunk!


    “Yes Mistress.”  Was the reply from blue when I asked if she was ready to begin.  Her body still bound in an X, face first into the frame of the St. Andrews cross in my dungeon. 

    I kissed her gently on the back of her neck, then on the shoulder as I ran my nails back down from her elbows, down her sides and to her hips.  Then pressing in on her with my body I ran one hand up her inner thigh, cupping it and finally putting it over her moist pubic mound.  Not applying much pressure, just covering her genitals with my palm.  This made her shudder at first, her body anticipating more intense sexual contact.  But as my other hand came up her side and caressed her cheek, the once nervous sub began to calm.  She was no longer shaking uncontrollably and her breathing slowed.  “That’s my girl.”  I breathed into her ear.  “Take nice slow deep breaths.” 

    Once I noticed that she had calmed herself, I leaned in a bit more to make her feel secure.  My body between her blind folded, naked self, and the rest of the world.  I whispered into her ear.  “Tonight I want you to impress me.  I am going to give you varying degrees of pleasure and pain.  As much as you can handle.”  I spoke to her.  “But,”  I continued, “you will not cum without my permission.  Do you understand?” 

    blue’s head nodded.  Then she spoke, “Yes Mistress.” 

    “That’s my good girl.”  I replied.   I kissed blue once more on the back of her neck and I felt the hair stand up on my own.  I then released her swollen genitals from my palm and brushed her cheek with it, sure that the smell of her own sex would heighten her arousal.  The smell of sex coming from somewhere beside her, she would chase it all night.  Leaning in I kissed the cheek that I had marked with her smell and let my nose fill with her delicious scent as my own nipples hardened under my leather dress.  I drew away from her dragging my nails around her sides and over her back until they pulled away when I had reached arm’s length. 

    Turning, I went to my toy chest.  It was a large wooden trunk with a big brass lock on the front but I did not keep it locked.  Inside all my lovely items for tormenting my subs were stored neatly, each in its own place.  I gave the lock a tug and the clasp released so I could then open the large door atop the trunk.  But then my eyes were met with something I didn’t expect.  My things, all of my things had been moved around.  Nothing was where it belonged.  It was as though the whole box had been dumped out and everything had been thrown back in at random.  Standing back up, I looked over my shoulder and noticed that blue was shivering again.  This time more intensely.  “blue!!”  I said in a raised voice.  “What have you done?!”  I demanded.

    “Please Mistress.”  She begged,  “Please, I was just curious.  I only wanted to see Mistresses lovely collection of beautiful things while I waited for her furniture to arrive.  I meant no harm Mistress.”

    “You meant no harm.”  I said incredulously.  “And who gave you permission to violate my privacy this way?”  I demanded. 

    “No one mistress please forgive me.”  She begged.

    Taking a few quick steps I made my way back to her.  I stood behind her and placed my mouth next to her ear.  Her whole body was shaking again, this time I was glad to see it.  She had good reason to be nervous.  She knew better.   “What do you think I should do with you?”  I asked.

    “Mistress…I….”  She trailed off, clearly unable to come up with a suitable response.

    “Fine then.”  I said stepping back to my box.  I reached inside and removed the largest ball gag I had, the red one that had a slightly bitter chemical taste to it and brought it back to my very naughty sub.  “OPEN!”  I demanded as I gave her cheek a little slap with the tips of my fingers. 

    blue’s lower jaw dropped open and I shoved the ball into her gaping face forcing her mouth open a little wider than was comfortable for her and fastened the gag behind her head with the buckle tightly.  “There now, since you seem unable to speak up when directed to, you will not have the use of your mouth for a while.”  I stated as I stepped to her side and placed my right hand on her trembling buttocks and started rubbing her firm skin gently before pulling my hand back and then striking her bare bottom with my slightly cupped palm, making a loud smack.  Her body jumped against the restraints again, and she yelped quietly into her gag.  Then I gave her another smack on the opposite side of her bottom causing her to leap again.  Then another, delivering blow after blow, quicker now, as she whimpered from being spanked for her behavior.  “This is what naughty little girls get for going through my things when I am away.”  I said, continuing to spank her now very pink bottom.  “You will never go into my personal belongings again without permission.  Do you understand?”  I asked.

    “Yeff Mithreff”  blue responded through her gag.  A thin line of saliva dripped out from the corner of her mouth and down her chin, as her spanking continued.  Blow after blow attacking the soft flesh of her bottom which had now become a deep red as I alternated spanking between each of her buttocks. 

    As my arm began to tire a bit, I relented.  “Don’t think I’m done with you yet missy.”  I said and stepped away from my drooling sub and walked over to my chest in the center of the room and began reorganizing my things the way I had them before.  “I can see now why you were so nervous before we started.”  I said over my shoulder.  “Well, don’t you worry, if it’s punishment you have been wanting, it’s punishment you shall receive.  I pulled two floggers from my box as I finished reorganizing my things.  One of suede and the other made from a thick hide with thin falls.  “She want’s punishment, I’ll give it to her.”  I thought, and I put the softer suede flogger back in its place.  I stepped back behind my submissive and laid the heavy falls over her shoulder letting the handle rest against her back.  The feel of the terse leather made her lurch slightly forward, perhaps expecting another spanking.  I went to the sink behind the folding partition and took a washcloth and ran cold water over it then rung it out.  Then I returned to blue and laid the cloth over a stool that was next to the cross.

    I now ran my nails down her back again.  But this time, just to give her something to respond to as I took a moment to check each of her limbs and to see that her fingers and her toes were not turning purple from lack of circulation.  I also listened to her breathing for a moment.  She was excited and her chest heaved in anticipation of her further punishment, but she was not in danger of hyper-ventilating, nor were her lips turning blue.  Even though she had been naughty and she deserved her punishment, her safety was still my main concern, and that above all else must be looked after carefully. 

    Satisfied that her health was in no danger I gave her one last scratch down the length of her back from her shoulder blades to the small of her back, then took her hair and draped it over her shoulder so that it was in front of her and not behind.  Then I took my flogger from her shoulder and stepped back.  I stood facing blue, my feet shoulder width apart at a distance that would allow the falls of my flogger to meet her at the very tip.  I raised my arm and let the flogger fly downward striking her left buttock.  It went a little long and almost hit her lower back so I stepped back just a bit and re-adjusted my stance.  Then gave another swing, this time hitting the mark exactly, and I could see blue try to come up on her toes as the sting of the leather met her already warm, spanked skin.  Satisfied that I had the right distance I began to roll my wrist as I delivered a few more blows with the flogger.  First the left side, then the right, each time the flogger would fall over the fleshy red ass of my naughty servant.  Occasionally I would turn my body slightly allowing the flogger to deliver a blow to her butt from the side, again making her jump at the slightly stronger strike in an unexpected place. 

    All the while blue’s breathing increased and she would whimper and moan against her gag.  Her chest now wet with spit that she could not stop from escaping around the sides of her gag.  I slowed the whip and raised my arm delivering the first blow to her upper back making her jump at the restraints again.  This time giving off a definite yelp at the first sting of the whip in a place that had only been lightly scratched with my nails.  I adjusted my stance again then went to work on her upper back.  First the left side then the right.  One strike after another.  Her whimpering becoming more and more pronounced as the falls met her bar skin turning her back as angry a red color as her butt.  Finally I slowed the motions of my arm and stopped.  Stepping forward, I examined her back to make sure her skin had not been broken anywhere, her butt too, was intact, but very, very red.  I could see that tears had been running down her face as I removed the tear soaked blind fold, her eyes were bloodshot from crying as I unbuckled her gag and removed the lage ball from her mouth as she licked her lips to moisten them “There now, you have been punished and you are forgiven.”

    Taking the cold damp cloth from the stool, I wiped her tears and saliva from her face Then I crouched down and unbuckled the restraints holding her ankles but not her upper legs.  Then I ran the cool clothe over her red upper back as I began to unbuckle the restraints that held her arms to the cross.  Letting her exhausted arms fall to her sides, I held her tight against the cross with my body, then unbuckled her upper legs.  Though she was ready to be let down, her body wasn’t and she collapsed into my arms for a moment before getting enough strength to stand on her own.  Then I turned her around and took her in my arms, hugging her tightly as she wrapped her own arms around me and then the tears streamed from her face and she began to cry uncontrollably.  I held her tight as I ran my fingers through her hair while she let go of her pain.  “There there, I whispered,  let it all out now.  Let’s just take a moment before we go back to where we were.”  I said as I just held her close to me, being careful not to aggravate the angry redness of her back, and let her cry.

    As she continued to cry she confessed between jagged breaths, “Mistress, I only went through your things because I wanted to be punished.  I did it on purpose, but didn’t really mean to be bad.  Please forgive me.”

    I hugged her tight, her tears now making my leather dress stick to my skin, I put my mouth to her ear and said, “I know you did my dear.  And you are a very good girl.  I’m so proud of you.”


    OMG I'm here, it's finally happening…..

    I'm trembling with the anticipation. I have dreamt of this for so long.
    Mistress starts by stroking my thighs up to my hot wet sex. She cups my pussy but doesn't touch it and the denial is exquisite, if only she'd touch me there, ohhhhh the longing. Then she brushes my cheek and whispers softly into my ear, “take deep breaths blue, compose yourself.” .I do take deep breaths.. long and slow…but if she only knew my inner feelings.
    Mistress is whispering to me again… what is she saying? I'm floating away here, is this subspace? I feel detached from my body and reality.
    “You may not cum without permission”  I nod in agreement.. I am your sub Mistress, I may not cum without your permission, I would not presume such liberties.
    She wipes her palm on my cheek and wets it with my own moisture from my swollen pussy, I breathe my own scent of arousal and almost forget my promise. Then she kisses me and smears my wetness with her lips, savoring me.. my knees go weak and I am glad I'm tied up.
    she scrapes her nails all down my back and again I can't help a moan escape my lips.m
    I hear her walk to her trunk and open the lid, I tense, knowing what she will find and wonder if my plan will work.
    Mistress shouts at me.. I cannot tell her the truth.. well not all of it..
    What should she do with me? again I dare not answer and crossly she forces a huge ball-gag into my mouth, slapping my face with her finger-tips..Can she see the smile in my eyes? good job I'm blindfolded.
    Mistress steps back and spanks my bottom with her bare hand, then rubs it, then does it again, she calls me a naughty girl and I know I have succeeded and as she continues to spank me, giving my ass a gorgeous warm glow, slapping me quite hard, but ohhhh the pain is so delicious, and I have craved it for so long…. I wonder how she will continue when her arms get tired?
    My mental ramblings are interrupted as she rakes my back with her nails, leaving long scratches, then struts back to her trunk, I presume, for she comes back and holds something against my back. I feel a hard wooden handle and something trailing down my body.
    Then she is gone and I hear the clack as she walks away, then water running.. what is this? an implement that works better when wet?
    I tremble, the only things I know that need wetting are birches, surely she isn't going to birch me?… My imagination is once again interrupted by the scraping of Mistress's nails down my back and I realise that I am almost panting as she strokes my hair again and drapes it over the front of my shoulders and down onto my breasts, where it's softness tickles , especially my bullet-hard nipples.
    So! My shoulders are bared? Then I know what is coming and as Mistress steps back to swing, I tense in anticipation.
    Swoosh and I feel a swarm of bees land on my ass, stinging the already hotly-spanked cheeks… this is new to me and I savor each and every stroke as Mistress swings her flogger and punishes me hard. Then she moves up from my ass and starts on my back.. I have never been flogged on my back before and I flinch and start to cry, the tears of such mixed emotions….
    the pain… yes, the pain, but I love the delicious pain… the shame of being punished.. yes I am ashamed that Mistress has to punish me for wrongdoings… but the release… yes that is why I am crying.. the release from my bondage, the bondage of bottling my desires up and now the freeing of my emotions…
    Then suddenly it is over… I feel Mistress removing my gag and wiping my back with a cool damp cloth….
    She unfastens me from the cross and I collapse into her arms like a little girl and I sob into her shoulder that I messed her trunk up on purpose so that she would punish me.. “I know you did blu! I understand a lot about you and I hope you know me well enough by now”
    I nod and lift my face so I can look into her beautiful blue eyes and I kiss her in the middle of her forehead, then trace her eyebrows with my tongue and down her cheeks, tasting my salty tears a I come down to her soft sweet lips… she closes her eyes and I close mine and we kiss, so gently at first, our lips so charged with passion that we are afraid of killing each other with the latent force they are only just holding back.
    Then Mistress takes my hand.
    “come blu, I think there is a place for this” and she leads me off to her side room and her soft silken-sheet covered bed.


    Holding my dear sweet blu, her tears have stopped and I look into her eyes.  I can see that her need for punishment has been satisfied for the moment and her expression has changed to loving desire.  She leans in close I and meet her lips with my own letting my tongue dance with hers while I run my fingers through her beautiful hair.  Reaching over to the table next to the St. Andrews cross I take blu’s leash and attach it to her collar.  I look into her eyes and say, “There is a place for this, Come blu.”  And giving the leash a tug I lead her into my private bedroom.

    The room is softly lit and the colors are warm and soothing compared to the harsh grey walls and furnishings of the dungeon only a thin wall away.  The queen size bed against the far wall is made up with a thick grey and green comforter and pillows showing lily patterns.  The mattress is plush with soft linen sheets covering it.  A chair across from the bed is where I lead blu.  “Help mistress take off these boots.”  I command and take a seat in the chair still holding blu’s leash. 

    Blu kneels before me and I offer her my right leg.  She takes my heel in her arm and unzips my boot slowly along my calf and slides it off my foot, placing the boot on the floor next to my chair.  She removed the boot from my left foot and placed it next to the right one in the same way.  She knelt on the floor for a few minutes massaging my calves and rubbing my feet.  My whole body began to relax while she worked all the tired tension out of my legs.  She began to work higher, past my knees and over my thighs.  I spread my legs apart and allowed her hands to move upward along my inner thighs.  Her light touch followed by gentle massaging was driving me wild making me spread my legs wider displaying my desire to her. 

    Finally able to go no higher she ran her fingers up and down my inner thighs several times before brushing them gently over my pubic mound through my panties one after the other before reaching under my leather dress and grasping at the lacy material over my hips.  I raised my butt off the chair and allowed her to pull them off.  True to her status, she folded them neatly and placed them on the floor next to my boots like she had been trained.  Then she began running her fingers back up my legs before making her way to my moist sex.  I slouched in the chair so she could have better access to me and put my left leg on her shoulder.  My breathing increased as I felt her delicate touch reach my sensitive bump.  My eyes closed and my head back I lifted my head to see that she was smiling widely.  She put two fingers in her mouth and brought them between my legs and I felt them invade my body taking my breath for a moment. 

    I began to writhe in my chair, rolling my hips and pressing down on her slippery fingers that were dancing inside me.  Then I lowered my arm and tugged at her leash pulling her head right into my waiting and wanting vagina.  She opened her mouth and I felt her tongue slither into my warm, wet slit.  Her fingers still inside me, I pulled her mouth harder into me and ran my other hand under her hair.  I felt her tongue making circles around the insides of my labia and over my clit.  Then she pulled her fingers out and spread me wider.  Then head dropped lower, and her tongue drove its way inside me and pulled out again.  Then she pushed back in again, fucking me with her mouth while her hands rubbed my clitoral hood faster and faster until my body began to shake and roll as my orgasm came.  When she felt my orgasm start she came up quickly, jerking the leash out of my hand and kissed me deeply as her fingers dove back inside my body and her palm pressed against my excited sex. 

    The smell of my arousal, the taste of myself on her tongue, fingers inside me moving, all made the orgasm so intense I started the hear the chair creak and moan as I shifted hard into it.  She took her head around my cheek and kissed at my jawline until I felt her teeth dragging on my earlobe as I continued to feel the pulses of orgasm thump through my body.  Then I heard her whisper in my ear.  “I love you Mistress.” 

    “I love you too my dear.”  I replied, as my orgasm began to calm.  Slowly she pulled her fingers from my vagina and wiped off her hands on the damp towel that I had wiped her tears away with earlier.  She then took her place back on her knees at my feet and began rubbing my calves again.  I sat there a moment longer enjoying the sensation.  Repeating the motions of blu’s actions in my mind over and over again.  Wanting to remember this experience.  I reached out and brushed the side of blu’s face with my hand, “My beautiful blu, give me my leash.”  I said.  Handing me the leash I took it and pulled her face to mine again, kissing her gently and letting our tongues brush against each other.  My head swimming with the smell of my sex all over her face.

    “Up blu.”  I commanded and stood up with her as she rose.  Holding her leash tightly in my hand and taking her to the center of the room.  “Now I want you to remove my comforter and decorative pillows from the bed and put them in the corner over there.”  I said while removing the leash from her collar and rolling it around my hand and placing it on my dresser.  Then I opened the center drawer and looked inside just as blu was finishing getting the bed ready.  “Now I want you to go lie on the bed with your hands on your stomach, your legs spread and your feet flat against the mattress.”  I said as I reached in the drawer and removed a medium sized purple dildo attached to a harness and placed it on top of the dresser.  In the mirror I saw blu watching with growing anticipation as I pulled the strap on out of the drawer along with a bottle of astroglide. 

    I turned to her and let her watch me as I reached for the zipper in front of my dress just between my boobs, and pulled it down.  Exposing my breasts as first then my abdomen and finally separating my dress right down the middle so I could slide it off like a jacket, folding it in half and placing it on the dresser.  I then took the harness and dildo, and put my legs into it, sliding it up over my hips and giving the straps a pull to tighten them.  As I did, I felt the small silicone bump in the crotch settle itself neatly in between the outer labia of my pussy so I could grind on it later.  Picking up the bottle of astroglide I walked over to the bed and settled in next to blue so that my prosthetic penis was resting against her leg as I put my arm over her body and began to kiss at her neck.  I felt her hand on my hip reaching for the dildo.  Wanting to touch it so she would know what to expect.  I felt the straps tighten as she tugged at its length and then went to caressing my body, as I kissed at her neck. 

    Then I sat up and moved to kneel between her firm legs.  I took a moment to run my hands from her feet to her hips a few times, before running my hands to the insides of her thighs.  Then I opened the bottle of astroglide and let it drip over my hand as I began to rub her pussy, gently working the slippery wetness into every delicate fold of sensitive flesh.  Once everything had been made nice and slippery, I closed the bottle and leaned forward, covering her body with mine allowing our breasts to come together, and I kissed her gently on the lips, my tongue gently touching hers and then sucking at her lower lip as I pulled away and went back on my knees.  I inched forward just a bit, so that the tip of the penis shaped dildo was pressing just at the outside of her vagina.  “Now place your hands palms down on the bed.”  I instructed. 

    I leaned in holding the dildo steady and let it penetrate her and I watched as its length slowly disappeared into her making her moan.  I laid on top of her and began to push my hips up into her.  Pushing my dildo deeper inside her as I started to fuck her with it.  I moved back and forth on top of her, causing the base of the dildo to rub against her pubic bone and I could feel her hips moving to rub harder against it as her body began to push into me.  Her hands were still at her sides as I kissed her neck and ran my fingers over her chest and down her sides.  “Don’t you cum yet.”  I breathed into her ear.  “I want you to wait for later.  I have something special planned.” 

    Then I started rolling my hips, grinding myself against the bump in the harness.  This made the dildo dance inside blu and in turn she began to grind against it as well.  This seemingly endless loop of passionate rubbing and grinding went on while I kept biting at the skin on her neck and giving her little kisses after every bite mark was made.  “Mistress, I please, I want to cum.”  She begged forcefully.  “Mistress I don’t think I can stop it.”  She said. 

    And all at once I stopped moving and sat up, allowing the dildo to pull out.  Her heavy breathing still evident but I could see in her frustrated eyes that she hadn’t cum yet.  I slid off the bed and walked around to the dresser, watching my sub as her breathing became more normal, but the frustration clearly written on her face.  I started to pull the harness off, but looking down I decided that I may want to use it again later.  So leaving it on, I grabbed blu’s leash and said “Up blu.” 

    She rose to her feet and I fastened the leash to her collar.  “I’m really glad you liked that but I want you to save your orgasm for a bit.  You’ve had your punishment, now I’ll give you all the pain you desire as a reward for making me feel so good.  Come with me.”  I said, as I tugged at the leash leading her back into the grey walls of the dungeon and over to the spanking bench.


    Mistress's bedroom. The inner sanctum.

    My lusts are checked as I resume my role of sub to this beautiful flame-haired nemesis of my desires.
    “Help Mistress take off these boots!” comes the order as Mistress sits in a stand chair to the side of her bed and keeps tight hold of my lead.
    I unzip her lovely long shiny black boots and stand them neatly at the side of the chair, then without further bidding, begin to massage her feet. I know how much she enjoys having her feet massaged and I have been practicing on my own in readiness for this day. She relaxes and closes her eyes in bliss as I thoroughly work all the chi-points on her pretty little feet before starting to work my way up her calves towards my goal.
    Mistress opens her thighs wide in response and as my nimble fingers reach the apex of her lovely legs, she lifts her hips up without a word passing between us and I pull her panties away from her peachy ass and down over her knees and ankles before folding them neatly next to her boots.
    I look back to my task and smile widely as my prize is revealed in all it's sweet, ginger-curled glory. Mistress slides down the chair towards me I can smell her arousal inches from my teasing tongue and I am eager to begin my favorite job, but first I wet two fingers in my mouth and gently slide them into her now slick pussy… She bucks in response and jerks on my lead pulling my head and face tight into her groin..
    I press one hand flat on her pubic bone above my nose, pushing her tight little belly in, the fingers of the other still dancing inside her as I nuzzle at her clitoris sucking on it like a baby on a mother's breast she moans and I sense she isn't far from orgasm so I spread her labia wider with my fingers and push my long tongue deep into her, probing, teasing tickling her G-spot while i move the thumb of my other hand down to rub her now prominent clit.
    She comes all over my mouth and face and in triumph I lift my messy head up to hers and I continue to work her pussy with my middle two fingers as I kiss her deeply on her cherry-lips, sharing her cum with her as our tongues writhe like angry snakes around each other.
    then I kiss her cheek in little pecks, not quite biting, but nipping with my lips as I trace her jawline round to her ear and as I pull on her tiny lobe with my teeth I whisper into her ear… “I love you Mistress”
    “I love you too blu” comes the reply and as she comes down from the height of her ecstasy, I take my fingers from her swollen sex and clean them on the damp cloth on the floor before resuming my submissive pose at her feet and beginning to massage her once more.
    What I have just done gives me such an inner pleasure and feeling of content and that is why I am her sub. Mistress knows what makes me tick and  we understand each other so well as if we are psychically connected.
    I feel her hand brushing my cheek and my reverie is interrupted.
    “Pass me your leash blu” and I do it
    “Up blu” and I stand
    Mistress orders me to rearrange the bed and lie in the middle in the pose I did for Miss Janine, she unclips my lead and puts it carefully on the dresser before opening the dresser and pulling out a purple strap-on.
    I watch intently as Mistress undresses and buckles on the dildo. She comes to the bed and lays next to me, kissing my neck with little nips and I moan softly and close my hand around the purple prosthesis. I know that the other end is rubbing her pleasure center as I stroke it up and down. then I let my hands wander up and down her spine, my nails dragging just a little and she reacts by increasing the nips on my neck with her teeth. I trace round her so sweet and peachy bottom cheeks but then suddenly she snaps control back and kneels between my thighs, pressing my hands down either side of my hips.
    She pours lube on my already wet pussy and gently strokes it in, deep inside my vagina, up around my clit-bar and I lift my hips in automaitc response. Mistress begins to slide the dildo in and out of my aching sex, then leans down to kiss me and whispers “Don't you come yet, I have something special planned for later”
    I moan in anguish at this turn, she knows how I need release, but she fucks me steadily, now cupping my ass and lifting my hips to hers, now pushing me down into the bed and grinding her pubic bone against mine…
    I am a sub, I have control, I am a good sub, I have control,
    “Oh Mistress Please, I can't do it Mistress, I'm sorry, Mistress, please may I come?” I beg, my training all vanishing like an early-morning mist, my despair at my failure cannot hold back my earthy desire…
    And she stops.
    I am left on the edge, so close a word could trigger me and I look at Mistress in despair. What now? What?
    Mistress steps off the bed and fetches my lead from the dresser.
    She clips it back onto my collar and as tears of disappointed desire begin to well in my eyes she slaps my cheek and turns my eyes to look into hers.
    “I’m really glad you liked that but I want you to save your orgasm for a bit.  You’ve had your punishment, now I’ll give you all the pain you desire as a reward for making me feel so good.  Come with me.”

    Oh Mistress, Oh Mistress, what reward have I earned?

    My unspoken question is answered as I am led back into the dungeon and told to mount the spanking bench.
    My ankles, then my calves, then my thighs, then my back are all strapped firmly to the leather-padded frame, then my wrists are fastened into cuffs on short chains down the front legs of this apparatus I have gazed at so wistfully since it first arrived.
    My sex is fully exposed, not just to view, but to any attention the punisher wishes to visit upon it and my vulnerability excites me more.
    I can lift my head, but not turn it, I can look back between my legs and as I do, I see Mistress take a large leather paddle from her trunk and my anticipation mounts, did we discuss this? how does she know? we are so attuned…., I wonder if she'll follow it with….. Oh my.. Oh my…. Oh my…..

    “be careful what you wish for child!”

    I hear the old Boston lyrics going round and round in my head
    “I close my eyes and I drift away”

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