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                                        Creative consultant Bluedenim Thank you Blue

    In a corner office on the fourth floor of the Harrman building, the phone’s intercom buzzed to life. The middle aged woman with chestnut hair pulled back in a severe bun wasn’t startled. Nor did she miss it, although she was deeply involved in the contract on her desk. Without looking she pressed the button at the corner of the phone.

    “Yes, Teresa?” She still poured over the contract pages.

    “Ms. Sheers, your intern is here for her interview.”

    “Can’t you do it?” Ms. Sheers sounded irritated by the interruption of this college kid.

    “No Ma’am. The University insists the students get the full work experience” Teresa said in the outer room. “You need her, Ma’am. I’m going on vacation next week, remember?”

    “Yes, and I can’t believe you would abandon me like this, Teresa.” Angela Sheers said in mock chiding. “Fine, send her in. Hopefully she can at least answer a phone.”

    Angela sat back in her tall black leather swivel chair. She crossed her long tan stockinged legs and taking off her glasses, she tossed them on top of the contract on her desk. She pinched the bridge of her nose and heard the door open and close. Finally looking up and across her charcoal black desktop, she saw the slim little intern. If the girl was 100 pounds, it was after lunch. Then Angela’s eyes reached her fiery red hair, cut to shoulder length and parted on the side. Leaning forward, she noticed the girl’s flats.

    “Sit down, Miss…”

    “Evans, Ma’am. Catherine Evans. It’s in my resume.” The girl chirped happily and smiled.

    Angela swiveled in her chair and smoothed the front of her spotless white blouse. “Catherine…”

    The pale skinned blue eyed girl interrupted. “Please, Ma’am call me Cathy.” with a moments hesitation, she continued. “And what should I call you, Ma’am.”

    Angela smirked and answered. “What you are using is fine.” Angela crossed her hands in front of her with her elbows on the arm rests. “Now Cathy, flats might be fine if you work for the DMV or answer phones for some ambulance chaser, but at Harrman group a certain image is maintained.”

    The middle aged business woman scanned the girl’s simple blue skirt and matching jacket. That and the cream colored shirt were fine.

    “Buy some heels.” She waited for the girl to nod and then continued. “What you will be doing here as a summer intern is anything we tell you to. You will run errands, get coffee, make copies, anything WE don’t want to do. Teresa out there, outranks you. The kid from the mailroom outranks you. Do you understand? You are not here to do business. You will slave the day away for no pay and if you are lucky, observe business being done. Still sound like something you want to do?”

    The little redhead smiled and puffed out her chest. “Yes, Ma’am.”

    “Teresa is in charge of you. Get out of here.” Angela waved her away and leaned back over the contract on her desk.

    “Thank you, Ma’am” The girl intoned.

    Angela watched that slim little butt move out her door and wondered if she was ever that “perky”.

    Teresa had a week to train her replacement, so she had Cathy in her chair that afternoon. The red haired young woman absorbed it all and by the end of the week Teresa was sure she would make a decent receptionist for anyone in the building, except maybe Ms. Sheers.

    Monday morning Angela came in with a blue, knee length skirt and white top. She normally wore blue or black with simple white or the occasional stripes, but never polka dots. She had passed Cathy without a look and sat at her desk. She was about to buzz the intern when the young lady stepped in the door carrying a cup of coffee. Angela watched her cross the room elegantly in black stiletto heels tipped in silver. The red head wore a tan tight fitting dress with a blue head band keeping her hair out of her face. Gently she placed the cup on the desk.

    “Good morning, Cathy.” Angela took her glasses off and looked slowly from floor to ceiling at the 5 foot 2 inch tall girl who was now closer to five six. “Those are very nice, but don’t they hurt?”

    “My other black pumps broke a heel, Ma’am and these were in my purse.” Cathy explained. “Teresa told me how you like your coffee.” She indicated, seeming to hope for approval.

    “Thank you, Cathy.” Angela handed over a yellow legal pad from her satchel. “I need this typed.”

    “Yes, Ma’am”

    Angela watched her walk just as gracefully out of the office. those very high heels made the intern’s rump tighten and ride high in that dress. She had assumed from the flats before that the girl was some kind of bumpkin… she was glad she was wrong, Angela smiled.

    Angela had meetings for most of the morning so was surprised when after lunch her typing wasn’t done.

    “You’ve had all morning, Cathy.” Angela stood over the slim little red head, quite the imposing figure at 5ft 9 and in heels even taller. Her body thicker and her chest much heavier.

    “Yes, Ma’am. I know…” the girl stammered.

    “Is there a problem?” the older woman demanded.

    “Um, well…” Cathy gathered her courage. “I can’t read your short-hand, Ma’am.”

    Angela paused, “Teresa doesn’t seem to have a problem.” She pointed out.

    “She’s been with you for some time, Ma’am.” Cathy looked up shyly with those bright blue eyes, “Could you dictate it?”

    Angela turned to the door. “Come in my office.”

    Cathy followed quickly behind with a pad and pen. Angela pulled a chair out for the young intern and began reading her own text before the girl had sat down. Angela moved around her, reading aloud what she had written over the weekend. She would pause from time to time as if to let Cathy catch up, but in truth sometimes she couldn’t read her own writing. As she hovered above the girl she could smell her.

    The red head smelled of jasmine and teakwood, ‘it was…sexy but sophisticated’ Angela thought. She didn’t smell that way during the interview. And that dress molded around her body…

    “Ma’am… Ms. Sheers, the rest?” Cathy had broken her thoughts and Angela looked to the tablet.

    “Please respond at your earliest convenience. Blah blah, Angela Sheers.” She finished up.

    Cathy stood to go and Angela still looked down at the petite young thing. Their eyes caught for a moment and Cathy paused.

    “Thank you, Ma’am.” and stepped around her boss.

    Angela watched her retreating form and spoke up. “I guess I’ll have to get a recorder.”

    At 5 P.M. Cathy poked her head in instead of using the phone’s inter-comm.

    “Will that be all for the day, Ms. Sheers?” Cathy said in a sweet but pleading voice.

    Angela looked up, “In a hurry?”

    “If I leave now I can catch the bus. If not I may as well stay here till the next one.”  Cathy said.

    The older brunette held out some files. “Put these away and get out the Lambert file for the morning and I’ll give you a lift.” She offered generously.

    Cathy perked up at that. “Really? That would be great.” And she strode in to get the files, a smile from ear to ear.

    Angela’s heels clicked across the parking garage floor, while Cathy had taken hers off and clutched them in her hand and a heavy manilla folder to her chest.

    “Which one is yours?” The intern asked curiously.

    “The grey Audi” Angela answered and clicked the lights on with her remote to highlight it.

    The car swung around curves and squealed from time to time. Cathy was gripping the door, but Angela didn’t bat an eye or crack a smile. This is how she drove.

    Cathy could smell her now in the confines of the car. The older woman’s fragrance filled her senses with mandarin oranges, flowers and baby powder. It was so subtle, this was the first Cathy had caught it. She looked over at her mentor… ‘was that the right word’ she thought. She wasn’t paid, so was she her employer…?

    Angela’s voice popped her out of her thoughts. “Where am I going?” the question somehow being a command.

    “Oh, the University.” Cathy quickly responded. “They’re letting me stay in my dorm for the summer.”

    Angela looked over at her with a little sympathy. “I remember my internships. Raman noodles  every night and twelve hour days.”

    Cathy smiled, “Well, so far you’re not that mean.” She said lightly.

    “Summer’s just beginning.” Angela said flatly.

    Cathy’s smile drooped. She hoped it was a joke.

    “I’m sorry I can’t read your shorthand.” Cathy said, but put in quickly. “Dictation works fine for me though.”

    “Well, Teresa will be back in two weeks. I suppose we’ll survive.” Angela said with acceptance of her fate. She did give Cathy a smile. The first the girl had ever seen from her.

    The car pulled next to the dorm. Cathy was surprised the trip was over so soon. She paused as if weighing her words.

    “You know I got to pick you.” she blurted out quickly.

    “Excuse me?” Angela looked over at her a little confused.

    “The University lets us decide where to go.” Cathy paused. “I chose you.” she finished nervously.

    Angela seemed to process that before replying. “Well, I’m very flattered. Good night, Cathy. See you tomorrow.”

    Cathy got out and moved to the dorm hall doors with Angela quickly pulling away.

    “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” she admonished herself.


    Angela watched Cathy the rest of the week. “What did she mean, ‘she picked me’” she thought.

    The older woman went in and out of her office many times, and could feel Cathy’s eyes on her. Once, she did an immediate about face and caught her jerking her head down to an empty monitor. She smiled at that. Was she wrong? Did this sweet young thing want her? Angela could picture that tight, slim body next to hers. She thought of her mouth covering that pale flesh in kisses and licks and receiving squeals and purrs of delight. She could imagine those blue eyes staring up from above her dark bush and smiling back with her own squeals of ecstasy.

    Friday arrived and at 5:30 Angela got her things to leave only to find Cathy still at her desk, but not doing anything; Instead looking sad and dejected.

    “Still here?” Angela said with some surprise. “Don’t you have some college partying to do?”

    Cathy gave a sigh. “No, just back to the dorm for popcorn and T.V.” Cathy looked up at her boss and her shoulders slumped even more. “I’m out of raman too.”

    “There must be a dorm party somewhere.”

    “Its summer, the only ones at school are the serious students trying to graduate early… and other broke interns.” Cathy added.

    Angela shook her head at the pathetic sight Cathy was trying to be. “Grab your things; I’ll take you to dinner.”

    “Oh no, no. I couldn’t.” the intern protested weakly. “Besides, it wouldn’t be proper.”

    “Bosses can buy their people dinner. You just can’t buy ME dinner. Come on.” and Angela walked away as if it was settled.

    Cathy gave a wide grin behind her and grabbed her purse.

    The Saratoga was crowded, it was 6 o’clock on a Friday after all. It was a brick walled, mission styled building with arched windows,a red brick floor and an old oak bar. They did Tex-Mex better than anyone in the valley and made it look classy.

    “They said it would be a while.” Angela leaned into Cathy to be heard over the din. “We can wait at the bar.” Angela hesitated and leaned back to look at her intern. “You are 21?”

    Cathy laughed loudly and then smiled. “Did you even read my resume?”

    Angela waved that off and moved to two empty seats at the bar and answered when Cathy took a stool. “Teresa did. You made it passed her, and she knows what I need and what I expect.” she paused to order two cosmopolitans. “Sometimes better than I do.”

    “So Teresa is impressed, what about you?” Cathy sipped the drink.

    “So far you have answered my phone and typed my letters, not a lot to go by.” Angela noticed that daunted Cathy a little. “Oh, stop pouting. When Teresa gets back  I’ll let you thin out and reorganize the client files.” Angela chuckled and took a gulp of her red drink. Angela decided to bring up monday. “So why did you pick me to intern with?”

    “To be honest I liked how you looked in your company photo.”

    “You know that’s like six years old.” Angela informed her.

    “Not much has changed.” The redhead smiled slyly at her.

    Angela laughed easily and downed the rest of her drink. “Well, thank you.” It sounded like she was being hit on ‘But by this girl?’ She thought.  “You know that first day, I said to myself ‘There is a feisty girl with a lot of dreams…God help her.”

    Cathy looked quizzically at her “Why God help me?”

    Angela paused and got a little somber “Because someone will come along and maybe change those dreams and then decide to send them crashing to the ground.”

    “I’m sorry” Cathy said quickly as if she knew.

    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.” Angela motioned for another drink.

    Cathy let her hand slide over her bosses. “It’s OK.”

    And their eyes met. Angela KNEW she was being hit on.

    Finally they got a table and some food was put on top of those cosmopolitans, but the talk was flowing easily and Angela was finding the girl’s smile intoxicating. They shared college stories, and dished on people at work.

    Angela looked at her watch. It was past eight. “We should really go. The hostess is giving us dirty looks.”

    They both giggled. “Oh, fuck her” Cathy said lowly.

    “Nah, She’s not that hot.” Angela threw out there and they both laughed loudly so that people looked. “Come on. I’ll take you home.”

    “Ahh, we’re having fun.” Cathy pouted.

    Angela looked over at her and smiled as they walked out, “We are.”

    The Audi pulled up in front of the dorm and the laughter died to an awkward silence. That hemming and hawing when a night is over but you don’t want it to be.

    “Well, thanks for dinner.” Cathy began. “I had a great time.”

    Angela looked at those sweet blue eyes and smiled softly, “I did too. I’m glad we did this.”

    “Are you?” Cathy said with such hope.


    Cathy knew this was it. She hesitated for just a nervous moment and launched herself at the older brunette. Her lips touched Angela’s and she reached for the back of her neck.  Angela was surprised but she didn’t push her away.

    “Don’t stop kissing, girl. Don’t give her time to think.” Cathy said in her head.

    Angela slowly reached her arms around the slender redhead but finally pulled her to her. Their chests pressed together and she held Cathy tightly.  If it wasn’t for the steering wheel the intern would have climbed into her lap. Cathy’s hand rubbed the back of Angela’s neck as she slipped her tongue through her lips and sought the others tongue.

    Angela’s hands started to roam, sliding down to Cathy’s round little butt, who finally broke the kiss and nuzzled into the brunette’s throat. Sweetly she purred and nibbled the woman’s neck.

    “Take me upstairs.” the redhead pleaded.

    “This is going fast.” Angela cautioned.

    Cathy sat up and looked at Angela with pouty lips and puppy dog eyes. “No.”She said slowly, “it’s not. I want you. I want to be with you… please.”

    “Here?” Angela questioned.

    “NOW” Cathy begged.

    Angela slammed the car into gear and jammed it into a parking space. Like kids they hurried from the car and into the dorm, pausing for kisses and gropes on the stairs and in the second floor hall. The door unlocked and open, Cathy turned to her new lover and wrapped her arms around her neck nearly hanging from her. Angela kissed her and guided them into the room, slamming the door with her foot.  Only one bed had sheets on it. They stopped there to undress each other.

    Angela’s blouse was complicated with frills and a bow at the neck, but Cathy started at the bottom, pulling it out of the skirt and letting her fingers find tummy flesh, warm and yielding. Angela moved inside the girls mouth with her tongue. Her longer reach finding the zipper to Cathy’s skirt. Pushing it down her hips and her creamy thighs.

    Cathy marveled once she got the shirt open. Angela’s boobs were big and round. The cleavage cried out to be licked. She pressed at the bra cups and hefted them in her hands as she licked the tender soft skin. She let her tongue slide between those tits and lapped them playfully.

    Angela giggled at Cathy’s exuberance and reached down to palm her lightly thatched mound. The girl’s lips were wet as she rubbed her fingers back and forth between her legs. Cathy purred into her tits and finally got the front clasp undone. Her thumbs rolled the big nipples and she smiled up at her lover. Angela kissed her deeply as they fondled each other, pushing Cathy back to the narrow single bed.

    Cathy was on her elbows with her legs spread as Angela pushed down her skirt and panties.

    “I wanna suck them.” Her hungry eyes never leaving the dark areolas.

    “You are in luck.” Angela said saucily. “They want to be sucked.”

    She moved over top of the redhead who lay back as those hanging breasts approached. Angela put her thigh into Cathy’s mound as she dangled her tits to the girls face. Cathy took one greedily and began to lick around the outer nipple, Angela put her head up and moaned deeply. She ground her thigh into that redhaired pussy, and she smiled wide when she felt fingers at her own.

    Angela got on her elbows and cradled Cathy’s head. “Get it, baby.” She encouraged.

    Cathy would have smiled but had a mouthful of tit now. They ground against each other and let flesh slide on flesh. Two fingers were in Angela and Cathy was searching for her “Spot”, when the brunette gasped she knew she’d found it. Angela broke her from her nipple and covered the girls mouth with her own. They kissed deeply and moaned into each others mouth. Angela rubbed that hot little pussy with her palm until Cathy begged.

    She broke the kiss, “In me” she pleaded urgently.

    The older woman slid two fingers inside and moved them furiously. They were eye to eye, each wanting that connection as they pleasured each other. Cathy’s breath came in short gasps and Angela could feel her abdomen jerk beneath her and her pussy clench down.

    “Almost, baby?” She asked with a sly grin.

    Cathy could just nod frantically and she reached up with both hands and  mashed her own eraser nipples to her chest. Angela just rode the girls knee, but was deep into pleasuring her anyway. She watched her face as it transformed from panting to a cry. She felt her back arch up, pressing her body into hers. This girl was cumming and it was glorious. Angela’s fingers were “CRUSHED” by the sweet tight pussy, but she kept the pace and her ego loved the rapturous cries.

    “Oh God, oh God.”Cathy was catching her breath, but Angela wanted to kiss her. “Stop!” she insisted with a smile. “it’s your turn.”

    The little redhead just slithered down under her boss until Angela felt hands pulling her hips down. She sat on Cathy’s face and grabbed the headboard in front of her. A tongue slid up into her and hands were rubbing and sliding all over her ass. She could feel the girl suck on her whole pussy with that tongue deep inside. Angela looked down to see that bright red hair contrasting to her own dark bush.

    Cathy lapped juice as if it were from an overripe peach. Her nose would push into Angela’s clit whenever she would suck the dripping slit. She cooed and made lustful noises as she ate at her bosses heavenly dish. Angela in turn couldn’t help but grind her hips, mashing her sex into Cathy’s face.  She sat straight up and looked down into the eyes of her lover feasting on her.

    The redhead slid her arms from under those sexy thighs and reached upward for those hanging orbs. Angela rode her face, back and forth and moaned.

    “Pinch them, pull them.” She pleaded now.

    The nipples were swollen and extended and Cathy loved to comply. She rolled the rosebuds of flesh between thumb and finger. She would tug on one gently as she mashed the other to Angela’s chest. The brunette reached down past her own mound and rubbed her clit. Cathy concentrated on the hole, extending her tongue as far as she could.

    In the end it wasn’t enough, and she crawled out from underneath Angela and knelt behind her, shoving two fingers in her slot. Angela dropped to her elbows and her head hung down as Cathy rocked her fingers in and out, rubbing that G spot. Angela groaned, and Cathy bit playfully at her ass. two fingers were tight in her lover and that pussy clenched more. The intern licked up her spine, rubbing her nipples along her ass. Angela’s round ass started to shake and her thighs quivered. She dropped flat to the bed her own hand between the mattress and her mound, her hips rotated and ground into her own palm. Cathy watched in awe and just tried to keep her fingers inside. Angela cried out into the pillow and came around her fingers.

    Cathy pulled her fingers out and lay next to her, licking the sticky goo, like cake batter from her fingers. They just rested for a few minutes, looking at each other

    “That was amazing.” Cathy said dreamily.

    Angela gently brushed hair from the girl’s face, but said nothing. She wasn’t sure they should have, but it was so wonderful. They snuggled closer together and Cathy pulled the sheet up over them. Softly they began kissing and caressing. This wasn’t over, but now they could take their time.


    Thank you Andrea, Thank you Blu for assisting the creativity.

    Another great story to set your mind whirling.  Great read. Hope more follows more soon. 


    Chapter 2

    It was half after ten and there was bright sunlight streaming through the middle of the badly fitting curtains in Cathy’s dorm room. She was happy and cuddly, but in the light of day, Angela had doubts. Cathy was an unpaid intern, but still she felt she crossed a line. But there was a warm sexy body next to her and she nuzzled the back of the redhead’s neck.

    Cathy felt the nose at her neck and savoured it, thinking back to the previous night, She too was unsure about the moment, but her emotions were different from Angela’s. Cathy felt triumphant, but had she too overstepped the mark, could she keep her prize she had worked and planned so hard to get?  It wasn’t a cold calculating achievement, far from it, what Cathy had was a desire based on attraction, lust, and an emotion she didn’t understand but had learned to live with, her desire for a partner much older than herself, was it a Mother figure? No, she wasn’t Oedipus, but she had no sexual desires for girls of her own age. She felt Angela’s warm breath on the back of her neck and purring, turned around so they led face-to-face, wrapping her slim legs around Angela’s waist and pulling her into her. She fluttered her eyelashes against Angela’s cheek and kissed her on the nose.

    “I have a shower over there.” She whispered “But I’m afraid I can’t offer you breakfast Ms. Sheers” She said cheekily.

    Angela traced the young redhead’s eyebrows with her finger as she pondered.  “My friends used to call me Angie… but if you ever call me anything but Ms. Sheers in the office, you’ll leave the same day Cathy, is that clear?”

    “Ohh yes Ma’am…”  Cathy blurted.. almost stammering in her haste to get it out.   “Ms. Sheers, I would never let anyone in the office know about us, never, never,  ever! I promise to be a good intern and if ever my work isn’t up to standard, you may keep me behind and punish me over your desk” She giggled.

    Angela laughed too. “You better believe it, Miss Evans!” She tried to sound severe and swatted the young student’s bottom with her palm. “How about we go to the Dairy Queen out of town for brunch? I don’t think we’ll see anyone we know out there, but I really must go home and change first.. I’ll do that & swing back for you in about an hour and a half, ok?”

    Cathy didn’t need asking twice. She’d made 3rd base and her fears of a one-night stand vanished. She turned back and kissed the older woman full on the lips.

    “That would be great Angela.. err.. Angie.

    In the soothing heat of her own shower, Angela could rationalize the whole situation. Cathy was a grown woman, free to make her own choices and technically not employed by her, even though she was under her. Angela smiled at that last thought, remembering last night when Cathy was under her. She dressed in blue jeans and a pale pink babydoll top, that flowed when she walked. It was summer and airflow was a plus.

    Cathy was waiting on the dorm steps in jeans, cowboy boots and just a light hoody. She practically pounced at the car once it stopped and climbed in quickly.

    “Is there anything under that?” Angela glanced at the half open zipper.

    “Just me.” Cathy grinned as they sped away.

    Getting a burger and sharing a basket of onion rings, they talked some more.

    Angela started with the obvious that wasn’t covered last night. “Any brothers or sisters?” She said around a mouthful of mushroom burger.

    Cathy smiled, “Are you kidding? I’m a catholic girl, two brothers, two sisters.”

    “Do your parents know… that you like women?” Angela made it a little harder.

    “Mm no.” Cathy looked down at her food “But I never had anyone that serious before… you know, to have the need to break it to them.” She answered honestly. “My turn. Last night at dinner…” Cathy hesitated to broach the subject, “It sounded like you’ve been hurt, what happened?”

    Angela was at a loss. “Um.” she started. “She and I…” she stopped again.

    Cathy wanted to know, but saw this was difficult. “I’m sorry. It’s too much, huh?” She reached across and took Angela’s hand.

    Angela looked down at the fingers gripping hers. “No, I want to tell you,”she paused. “It’s just … complicated.” She paused. “We were in love, well I was, and she got an opportunity to go up to San Francisco to her company’s headquarters. So we decided to try the long distance thing, because things were also going well for me here.”

    “She met someone else?” Cathy guessed.

    Angela nodded. “A man.” she said to shock and also with some distaste. “He even helped her career.”

    “Did you know she was bi?” Cathy sucked her soda.

    “I don’t know if she knows what she is. She’s a user. I chalked it up to that.”

    “How long were you together?” Cathy couldn’t help her curiosity.

    “Three years.” Angela stared into space. “I had no clue. I thought we were happy.”

    Cathy moved into her field of vision with her chin still over her soda cup and gave her a pixie smile. “Thanks for telling me…”

    Angela looked at her little “lover”, Lover? Or just a night of passion? She gazed at the freckle-faced girl and realized she could see her nipples poking against the front of her hoodie and she wondered again about the redhead’s motivation.

    Cathy was studying her boss and new conquest carefully, she had already chanced so much by being so forward and it had so nearly backfired, Cathy knew that she wanted this woman, wanted her passionately… lustfully? Oh yes, definitely lustfully, she could feel her nipples erect and rubbing against the material of her hoodie and she was aware that she wasn’t wearing any panties and the seam of her jeans was pushing into …

    “Cathy?” her reverie was interrupted and their eyes met as they both reached for an onion ring at the same time and their hands touched. Cathy grasped Angela’s fingers and held her hand as if she was going to kiss it.

    “Cathy? I’m guessing that as an impoverished intern, you don’t have much planned for the rest of the day, right?”

    Angela was trying to gain back her position of authority, she was senior, right? She was this girl’s boss, right? Why then did she feel that this freckle-faced young student was manipulating her and not the other way around?

    “I usually do my laundry and surf the net, skype my family, maybe walk some, but nothing special, I guess. I used to have a weekend job for a couple of years until I got my internship. What does a high-powered single executive do with her weekends?”

    Angela smiled, maybe she could make the running after all.

    “I always have work that needs doing. I go to the mall and have coffee, I go to the gym and workout until I feel I could eat a good dinner without putting any weight on.”

    “Don’t you get horny at the gym, Angie? All those women and girls in tight lycra, sweating, pounding & groaning?” Cathy looked straight into Angela’s eyes, defying her to deny it.

    “Cathy! What a thing to say!” Angela laughed back at her, refusing to be embarrassed, but it was true and she sometimes had to stop herself ogling before anyone noticed.

    “What do you do for exercise, Cathy? Are you skinny because you just don’t eat enough? That cute little butt of yours says you exercise.”

    Cathy blushed. Skinny. Yea, she was skinny, she knew. She’d always been skinny and even when she was at home she couldn’t put weight on, didn’t have the bountiful bosoms her sisters were both blessed with. But she did have a cute ass and she knew it. It had attracted whistles and gropes since she was fourteen and that was one reason why she liked to wear such tight jeans.

    “I do some, Angie. I like running, I’m built for speed and I guess that helps.” Cathy suddenly wasn’t sure about mentioning the gym. What if Angie remembered? No, why would she? No-one noticed the skinny young redhead sometimes on reception, sometimes clearing and cleaning up. No, Angela had been too busy watching others, and Cathy had noticed and started watching her and had got her name & address from the membership list and researched Angela properly.

    When Cathy set her mind on something she was methodical and thorough.

    They went to the gym. Angela had to stop back at the dorm for Cathy’s running shoes and shorts, but they were ready. Angela signed Cathy in as a guest and the redhead breathed a sigh of relief that the desk clerk was someone new. They did a yoga class for a warm up and Cathy took a position right in front of Angela. She knew the older woman would watch her because Cathy had watched Angela watch others.

    They sat with their feet touching each lifting their shoulders and touching their knees with their elbows. Cathy’s slight frame meant she could easily lift herself up especially with her taut stomach muscles, Angela had much more to lift and although she was the stronger, her face was soon beading with sweat. Cathy watched fascinated, Angela watched looking into the eyes of this enigma she had spent the night with. After about 30 each, Angela stopped.

    “Enough crunches, Cathy, how about some cv cycling or running?”

    “I love running Angie, we can do thirty minutes on the treadmill jogging or fifteen minutes  hard slog if you like”

    Angela considered the options.. Cathy had already said she was a runner and her slight frame meant she needed to put less effort in than Angela to go the same distance..

    “Tell you what Cathy,” Angela crafted a deal. “You say you’re a runner. Me I just like keeping in shape. How about you give me two minutes start and then if you can catch me in the remaining thirteen minutes, you get to choose what we do for the rest of the afternoon?”

    Angela knew that not only was two minutes almost impossible to regain in the little time left, but that even if Cathy won, the afternoon would be exciting.

    Cathy thought for a few seconds… Just who was manipulating who here?

    “I agree,” she smiled back at Angela in a wide grin “fifteen minutes is short for me, I am more a long-distance girl, but I’ll give you a run, Angie.”

    C’mon, she thought to herself, if Bosswoman has set a challenge maybe she has something in mind, but hey, what can I dream up if I win?

    “Just a straight flat race, Cathy. No programing hills up or down, a 15-minute run is enough”

    Anglea set her timer going and jogged off, nice & easy until she got the rhythm after about 20 seconds and then she really tried to put some air between them.

    Cathy watched fascinated. She was so busy admiring Angela’s movements she almost missed her 2- minute cue. Two miles can be covered in 15 minutes, and 2 minutes is a big head start, but Cathy always had Angela in view. Her bouncing butt was a beacon, a goal post for the younger runner. She’d catch her, and have that prize.

    With minutes left to go, both women were beaded with sweat, but Cathy’s shirt was soaked. She was just a few strides behind, but didn’t want to “kick it” to soon. She didn’t know what reserves Angela might have left. The older woman’s pace was consistent, like a machine, and so far, she never looked back.

    The redhead made her move on the left, and reached her boss and was passing her. Angela didn’t even acknowledge it. She kept her pace until her watched ‘beeped’. Fifteen seconds left and she poured on an all out sprint. She sucked in air by the gallons. Cathy hadn’t got too far ahead, and was a little surprised by the Brunette charging her right side. Now both women gave it their all until their watches chimed again and it was over.

    They slowed and finally walked, both panting for air and Angela with her arms in the air, trying hard not to pull a cramp in her side.

    “I won” Cathy declared breathlessly.

    “Bullshit” Angela could barely get out and had to gulp air. “I was right there.”

    They turned off the track and headed for the locker room.

    “I had you by a nose.” the intern insisted.

    Angela looked down to her full chest. “I had you by more than that.” She insisted and actually cupped one as they kept arguing and walked into the shower.

    “Oh, they aren’t that big.” Cathy laughed, pulling off her clothes.

    “Bigger than your nose!” The brunette insisted, yanking off the soaked sports bra.

    Cathy gave a grin and walked over to Angela, “Let’s find out.” She said mischieviously and shoved her face between those glistening orbs. She wrapped her arms around the taller woman, who stood in near shock.

    “Cathy?” The Business woman came out. “Someone might come in.” She half-heartedly tried to push her away.

    “Let’s get in the shower, they lock.” The redhead supplied.

    “You want to? Here?” Angela looked around, but the idea was intriguing.

    “Angie, everywhere, with you.” and she leaned her head up and back and kissed the taller woman. Not with the clumsiness of last night, but with the same passion and longing.

    Angela kissed her back and let her hands slide down her back and to those firm runners buns. Cathy put her tongue in play until Angela finally broke it, breathlessly.

    “Shower, now.” She looked at the short redhead with lust and need.

    “Yes, Ma’am” and Cathy snapped to and giggled, bouncing into the shower stall.

    Angela looked around, still not sure about this, but she wanted that redhaired girl as much as she wanted her.

    With the stall door locked and the water flowing, Cathy moved into Angie’s arms. The redhead’s face was just above that sweet ample bosom, but she looked up and the two kissed hungrily, each nearly eating the others lip. Cathy’s erect nipples stuck out from her smaller chest like antennae, poking the underneath of the larger woman’s breasts like a baby reaching for it’s feed. Angie felt a rush of lust and thrusting her hands into the redhead’s tousled hair, tilted her head back and pulled it up to her own, each sharing the other’s breath.

    Cathy was ecstatic, all of her careful planning to get the object of her own passion and desire was working better than she had dared to hope.Could she really make this woman return her love? Breaking the passionate kiss, she turned Angie round so the water was washing her dark hair down her back, then slowly with little nibbling kisses, she worked her way down the ivory neck, across the shoulder and then lower, back across taking each of Angie’s nipples in turn and suckling them, holding them in her teeth and flicking them with her tongue whilst Angie kept one hand wrapped in the wet ginger mane at the nape of Cathy’s neck.

    Angie couldn’t help but smile as she looked down at those hungry blue eyes. She felt each tongue flick send a shudder through her. Cathy nibbled and sucked and then lifted the soft flesh, licking the underside and gently putting teeth to the older woman’s boobs.

    “You like them?” Angela asked in sultry tones.

    Cathy didn’t answer but just grinned her cheeky elfin grin, and traced with her tongue down her boss’s navel, licking round and round it and then sliding down onto her knees, she continued down to the neatly trimmed dark thatch. Angie leaned into the wall, spreading her legs; one hand filled with her own breast and the other wrapped in Cathy’s tresses. Looking back up into Angie’s eyes, Cathy started to slowly lick down the short dark hairs and arriving at the start of the split, began to wiggle her tongue on the ridge where she knew Angie’s little pearl was waiting. Her blue eyes sparkled as she felt her boss catch her breath.

    Placing one hand at the base of Angie’s backbone and the other pressing hard just above her pubic mound, Cathy began to suck on Angie’s clitoris, teasing it from under it’s hood, nibbling the flesh around it, now licking it up and down, then flicking it side-to-side. Angie put her head back and gave a light moan, that made Cathy’s eyes smile. She wanted to devour that tasty pussy and feed off the nectar of “Miss Angela”. Her fingers slid down and rubbed circles into Angie’s folds. She kissed and sucked the delicate nub, pulling it with her lips.  She watched as the older woman’s tummy trembled, and she delighted in the moans from above. Cathy felt her hair pulled as Angie cried out.

    “Suck it!” Angie hissed with need.

    The redhead clamped on that joy button and sucked it hard, her tongue rolling across the rounded surface. Angie had a big clit, the size of a pinky tip, and Cathy loved pushing the flesh back and bathing it with her tongue. Angie held her there by her long red hair, and soon she began to cum. Her body shook and her legs trembled. Cathy stayed locked on to her groin and wouldn’t let her fall. Angie closed her legs around the redheads face and gave a cry that echoed round the shower room as the randy youngster sucked her boss’s clit in between her full lips then began chewing the swollen pussy that was oozing sweet cum juice all over her chin.


    The redhead smiled as she sucked, to hear her boss call her name was better than winning the lottery, then suddenly she went deaf as Angie clamped her thighs together and began to buck her hips back and forth shuddering as she came again. Then, as Cathy, head already swimming, began to think she would suffocate and die in ecstasy, Angie let go her hair and opened her thighs.

    “Cathy!” she gasped “That was one for the diary, now let me show you something, my athletic little girl.”

    Bending forwards Angie grasped the youngster around the waist, twisting her around and lifting her upside down, her elfin form causing no difficulty to the stronger woman.

    “Hold your arms around my hips and your legs around my neck”

    Cathy did as she was told, wrapping her arms around the older womans ass and pulling her cheeks apart as she pulled her face back into Angie’s crotch, now with her tongue on the clitoris and her nose pushed up into the creamy sticky slit of her boss’s pussy. Angie leaned forward, resting the redhead’s cute round ass against the side of the cubicle where the shower sluiced water in between her cheeks douching her ass and tickling her pussy. As Angie began to eat her out, Cathy locked her slim legs around the woman’s neck and pulled her pussy hard into her face. Angie responded by bringing her hands up around Cathy’s ass-cheeks and pulling them apart, first rinsing her little star with the shower, then poking her tongue in and causing it to open, then holding it under the water stream so that the shower jet squirted into the anus whilst Angie nibbled the swelling labia lips of the now writhing youngster. The sweet taste of the young girl’s pussy was replaced with the musk of arousal and Angie felt the youngster’s legs tighten and begin to tremble, her asshole opened and closed as Angie began to lave her clit with long licks and suddenly Angie was being showered by a sweet-tasting liquid pumping out of the little girls pussy. Taken aback at first, for she’d never made anyone squirt before, Angie revelled in the new experience, sucking and nibbling Cathy’s clit until the squealing youngster cried “Oh God! Angie, please, I’m gonna fall!”

    Gently, Angie lowered the smaller girl back onto her feet and they stood hugging each other each relishing the other’s heavy breathing and heady scented mix of sweat and sex. They may have been there until the water ran cold, but there was a noise in the corridor and the sound of the changing room door opening. Cathy pulled away from Angie, still grinning like a Cheshire cat, popped the bolt and giving the lewdest of wiggles with her cute round ass,  at which Angie gave her a wet slap across both cheeks before she sashayed into the next cubicle.

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