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The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD)

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The forums Groups & Families The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD)

  • This topic has 419 replies, 40 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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         Cpl. Satoire and I received this message from Ambassador Spock.  We are passing it along to Superintendent Azrielle for approval.


      To NSPD Superintendent Azrielle,

      Greetings.  First, I would like to Introduce myself.  I am Ambassador Spock of the United Federation of Planets.  We are located in a parallel universe that is nearly the same as yours, only with a few differences.  I have been authorized to speak on behalf of the Federation in complimenting you on the professionalism and outstanding character of two of your officers.  Namely:  SSgt. Pafe and Cpl. Satoire.  They have shown remarkable courage and fortitude in their discovery and accessing of the Nymphosus Wormhole Chamber.  Their professionalism is a reflection of their superiors in the NSPD.

      I have a request to make of you and the NSPD.  We here in this Universe have a need of those two officers.  We believe that they are the only ones capable enough and discreet enough to carry out an assignment we would like to ask them to undertake for us. 

      We of the United Federation of Planets believe that once completed, this assignment will directly and indirectly benefit us all, not only in my universe, but also yours.  Our request of you is a assignment of the two officers, namely:  Ssgt. Pafe and Cpl. Satoire to the United Federation of Planets in this “alternate universe”.  If we have your approval, we will discuss our plans with the officers and hope for their agreement in carrying out this assignment.

      Ssgt. Pafe and Cpl. Satoire will forward your reply to me.

      Live long and prosper,
      Ambassador Spock
      United Federation of Planets

      All we need is the Chief's answer.

      Thanks for letting me share,
      Pafe out


        * * * * * Secure Transmission * * * * *

        From the Office of the
        Superintendent of Police

        Ambassador Spock:

        Upon review of your request with the Mayor of Nymphomania, and with the power invested in me to assign my officers as needed and required, full permission is hereby granted.

        The only thing I humbly ask, is to allow them to return periodically to Station Deep Space Sixty-Nine, so that we can receive a full debrief and to provide them with fresh uniforms.

        Perhaps SSGT Pafe and CPL Satoire can even teach you about our mating rituals.

        Respectfully & humbly submitted.

        Chief Azrielle
        Superintendent of Police
        Nymphomania Sex Police Department

        * * * * * Transmission End * * * * *



          Looks like you're breaking thro “The Final Frontier” lolz

            Actually, it is the Final FUN-tierTrek_Icon.gif

            I'll relay the message and we'll pack our bags and some extra donuts… and as far as Spock is concerned, I'm not sure when his Pon Farr.  Maybe we'll find out, because we've accepted his offer and will be departing for our training soon.  We will be filing reports from time to time.  Qapla'!

          Thanks for letting me share,

            Encrypted Transmission
            Report From Training

            We met Ambassador Spock at the Nymphosus Wormhole Chamber and he led us through without incident.  We found that it is important to allow the vortex to take you and not fight it.  We brought our pedal rockets with us per his request.  He was very interested in their construction.

            Once on the other side, Ambassador Spock piloted a craft and took us at what he called “warp” to the other earth.  On the way, he explained a little about our upcoming mission.  He would not give us much in the way of details, but more of an outline of what we would be doing for the next couple of weeks.  He said that it is a recovery mission and that we would be need to to retrieve a specific item, only he did not want to disclose too much information until we have completed the training that would be necessary.

            We landed at a place called Starfleet Academy, and were given a tour of their beautiful campus.  Me met a lot of really friendly people, and even some people from other worlds.  People got a kick out of our NSPD Uniforms, and were talking to us about the early days of Starfleet.  (We had no idea what they were talking about.)


            We were assigned a dormitory room and settled in.  There is another person assigned to our room although we have yet to meet her.  She is a third year student here, but has been “off planet” for a few days.  She is expected back by the middle of next week.

            The next day we went through an orientation with other new Academy students.  It was a fascinating talk on the exploration of space and what can be encountered out there.  We were also told of their expectations of all the students, though Ambassador Spock told us that Satoire and I would not be obligated to complete the four year course, only to get trained in what he thought we should need to know.


            We started the week still in our NSPD Uniforms and we are glad that we brought extra ones with us.  We are expecting to be issued clothing next week, until then the NSPD Uniforms will have to do.  It's either that or go naked, but I think that would be too much of a distraction. 

            This concludes our report.  We are anxious to see what next week will hold in store for us.

            Respectfully submitted,
            Ssgt. Pafe
            Cpl. Satoire

              Encrypted Transmission

              Report From Training

              Wow, they really cram it into you here.  We have had class after class after class.  Even at night, when you go to sleep, there are training sessions being transmitted into your pillow!  It's a never ending learning process.

              Well, I'm happy to say that Satoire and I have passed all our tests so far, and we have been deemed fit to serve on board a Starship!  All of our physical and mental aptitude testing is completed, and we have now begun to be indoctrinated into the various aspects of a Starship.

              StarFleet wants us to know the basic operations in case something should happen, we might be able to get ourselves back.  Or at least to a safe location.  Ambassador Spock told us that space can be a fascinating place and there are many wonders to view, also many dangers.  That is why they want Satoire and I to be somewhat knowledgeable about the workings of a Starship.


              We have completed the basic piloting course and have even had a go at the simulator.  We were told we did well, which is good, because we really want this mission to go forward.


              We are now in the midst of being familarized with the Engineering Department.  We met the Captain of Engineering, a Mr. Scott, and his knowledge of engineering is amazing.  He's also taken quite a liking to Satoire.  We're hoping he accompanies us on our mission, but Ambassador Spock would not commit to it when we asked him.

              We finally met our room mate!  She is an Andorian, and get this.  Her skin is blue!  She's very charming and soft spoken, and has been very helpful with us in our studies.  When she first met us she thought we were not from Earth, must have had something to do with our bunny ears and tail.


              Ambassador Spock has informed us that we will be able to have a brief bit of “Shore Leave” as he called it, so we will probably take a trip home for a while.

              This concludes our report.

              Respectfully submitted,
              Ssgt. Pafe
              Cpl. Satoire


                Encrypted Transmission

                Report from Training

                We arrived back at the Starfleet Academy safely and have continued our training.  We were given a warm Andorian Welcome by our room mate, so we decided to return the favor by showing her the Earth way.  I think she liked it.  I know we did.


                We've completed our training in the Engineering Department Basics and also with the Universal Translator.  Ambassador Spock told us that we are achieving all the goals necessary to our mission, so we're hoping to start out soon.

                SatThrust01.jpg  PafeThrust01.jpg

                We have begun training in thruster suits.  Something Ambassador Spock said is essential to the mission.  Once this training is completed we are supposed to have a meeting with others in Star Fleet.

                SatThrust02.jpg  PafeThrust02.jpg

                We still have not been informed as to the nature of this mission, but we have been assured that it is something both Satoire and I are most capable of completing.  Then a little rest and relaxation before beginning the actual mission. 

                This concludes our report.

                Respectfully submitted,
                Ssgt. Pafe
                Cpl. Satoire



                  Encrypted Transmission

                  Report from Training

                  We feel quite honored.  Satoire and I have completed all the necessary training that Ambassador Spock decided we needed to have in order to attempt the mission.  They assembled the cadets from all the classes we were in at the Academy and the Director of the Academy gave a small speech and then interview both of us to determine if we still desired to go on this mission.


                    We still haven't been given any details yet, which is a little unsettling, but we have been assured that with the training we've had there shouldn't be any life threatening situations.  Satoire asked him for his definition of “shouldn't”, which got a laugh from the assembled cadets.

                    After the ceremonies, we were treated to a reception and person after person came to us to thank us for volunteering for this upcoming mission.

                    Ambassador Spock told us that we have been assigned to a Starship to travel to a distant planet.  That is where we will be informed of the details of the mission.  We're so excited about all of this.  We found out that Mr. Scott is going to be with us and he'll be in charge of the Engineering Department on board the ship.  He has asked for Satoire to be assigned to his department.  He really seems to like her.


                    We met the Captain of the Starship on the shuttle flight to the facility where the ship has been refitted.  His name is Captain Jean-Luc Picard.  He's really pleasant and his voice makes me melt.  I've been assigned to his bridge crew!

                    I hope to be able to continue submitting these reports back to the NSPD.  Captain Picard said that this should be not problem.

                    This concludes our report.

                  Respectfully submitted,
                  Ssgt. Pafe
                  Cpl. Satoire



                    Encrypted Message

                    On board USS Enterprise
                    Personal Log

                    Stardate:  112286.78

                      Captain Picard showed us how to record our own Personal Logs while in our quarters.  He also showed me how to encrypt the log into a message that I can send back in as a way of reporting.  So this is my report:

                      Ambassador Spock finally filled us in on what the mission is.  It is a rescue mission.  He explained it to us that he was meditating in his quarters when he heard a voice call to him.  He was sure that the voice belonged to his friend, Captain James Kirk and that the voice told the Ambassador to go to Veridian III.  Veridian III is the planet where Captain Kirk was killed attempting to stop Soran.

                    Spock's words were:

                      “I had come motivated by nostalga rather than logic.  I did not expect to find some clue as to what was to come.

                      Once on Veridian III, I again heard Jim's voice call my name 'Spock', and I began to speak as if I was not in control of my own voice.  I said.  'I have been', and then Jim's voice said 'And always will be, your friend.'

                      I desired to beam down to the planet, but logic dictated that I remain in orbit, because the Federation was calling me back to investigate your universe now that you two were so close to the Nymphosus Wormhole.  I heard his voice again before leaving Veridian III.  He said, 'Can you help us Spock'.  Curious that I should hear him so clearly.

                      Analyzing all the data collected by these thoughts and once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.  Which has brought me to this conclusion:  Captain Kirk is alive.”

                      So that is where we're going, first to Veridian III then, into something called the Nexus and rescue this Captain Kirk.  Satoire and I are to help lure Kirk from the Nexus because, we  were told, we posses certain qualities that will entice the Captain.


                      On another note, Satoire and I have been taking lessons in hand to hand combat.  I've actually gotten pretty good and can now out wrestle Satoire!  Something I've never been able to do before.  She is determined to improve and have a match somewhere.

                      This concludes our report.

                    Respectfully submitted,
                    Ssgt. Pafe
                    Cpl. Satoire


                      Encrypted Message
                      On Board USS Enterprise

                      Personal Log

                      Stardate:  115289.79

                      I've been asked to send this report:  Sgt. Pafe and I have been accepted as crew members on board this starship.  I am currenty assigned to the engineering department, and Pafe is assigned to the bridge crew. 

                      We have been fully briefed on what our mission will entail for us, and we're happy to help in this rescure mission.  In a few “days” (I don't know if that time frame fits while travelling in space) we should arrive at Veridian III.  We are supposed to accompany Ambassador Spock to the surface for examination of the site where Captain Kirk's remains are supposed to be.  Mr. Scott does not believe that we will find Kirk's remains there.

                      Pafe and I were called to a “meeting” with a Doctor McCoy via a “comm link”.  He's a bit of a grouchy guy, that Dr. McCoy, but he feels that Pafe and I are “excellent choices” for undertaking this assignment.  Dr. McCoy was kind of funny, though.  He was constantly yelling at Ambassador Spock, and told him to “get cracking”.  I couldn't help myself and laughed at that.


                      We also had a video chat with another Starfleet captain.  Her name is Janeway.  Captain Janeway clued Pafe and I in on what to expect from Starfleet, and also what may happen on this mission.  She was awfully nice to us and wished us “Good luck”.


                      *Personal note*  Don't let Pafe fool you.  She out wrestled me one time!  It took her 5 tries before she pinned me, and our last match yesterday, although she did do well, I again bested her.

                      This concludes my report.

                      Satoire out.


                        From The Office of the
                        Superintendent of Police

                        * * * SECURE TRANSMISSION VIA DEEP SPACE 69 * * *

                        Reports Received and distributed to all Active and Reserve members of the N.S.P.D.

                        Our (naughty) thoughts are with you as you go forward.


                        Chief Azrielle

                        * * * TRANSMISSION END * * *


                          Encrypted Message
                          On Board USS Enterprise
                          Personal Log

                          Stardate:  112295.80

                          We arrived at Veridian III and went into orbit.  Captain Picard escorted Satoire and I to the transporter room where we were met by Ambassador Spock, and the three of us went to the planet's surface.


                          Let me tell you, being transported is a strangly wonderful feeling.  You can feel yourself being lightened and you feel as if you are floating.  Then, when you are being reassembled a state of euphoria overtakes you for just an instant.  Satoire compares it to the beginning of an orgasm that gets cuts short.

                          Once on the surface we found ourselves next to a pile of rocks that Captain Picard used to “bury” the body of Captain Kirk.  Spock used a tricorder and took readings and it was just like Captain Scott said.  Captain Kirk's body was not there.


                          Ambassador Spock discussed his theory with us.  He told us about this Nexus thing that had captured Captain Kirk when the Enterprise was attempting to rescue a transport ship that was trapped in it's pull.  There was an accident on the Enterprise that blew off part of the ship and they discovered that Captain Kirk was gone.


                          Captain Picard was also captured by this Nexus there, on Veridian III and he explained to us that the Nexus holds on to you unless you wish to leave.  Ambassador Spock told us that while Captain Picard was in the Nexus he contacted Captain Kirk and they both went back to Veridian III to stop Soran.  Kirk was killed in action.


                          Ambassador Spock has calculated that the Nexus has again passed this way and has reclaimed Captain Kirk's body.  He also belives that Captain Kirk has somehow been re-animated by the Nexus and that he is now alive, living in the Nexus.

                          We “beamed” back to the Enterprise and are now underway to overtake the Nexus.

                          Personal note:  My wrestling skills have really improved!  In 3 matches that Satoire and I had last week, I won 2 of them!  She still claims to be better than I am, but I don't think she is.

                          This concludes our report.

                          Respectfully submitted,
                          Ssgt. Pafe
                          Cpl. Satoire



                            Encrypted Message

                            On Board USS Enterprise
                            Personal Log

                            Stardate: 112298.81

                            On board the USS Enterprise and we've been racing at warp speed after the Nexus.  It took a while, but we finally caught up to it. 


                            We had a meeting with Captain Picard, Ambassador Spock and Captain Scott and they went over the details on what we should expect in the next phase of the mission. 

                            Mr. Scott suggested firing pulses of Tachyon Beams into it to weaken a place where the three of us, Ambassador Spock, Satoire and I, should be able to penetrate it using thruster suits.  It was agreed by all that Captain Scotts plan was the soundest and that is our plan. 

                            Captain Picard told what to expect once we are inside the Nexus.  He said that we will be overwhelmed at first with what could have been in our lives.  He related his experience with us of his time in the Nexus and how he had a wife and family (which he's never had).  He explained that we should expect to see the unexpected. 

                            Satoire and I have both had our lives altered by events, and we're hoping to not be too indulgent in “what could have beens”.  We made Ambassador Spock promise to keep us close and to keep us on track of the mission.

                            We suited up into the Thruster Suits and exited the ship.  It's a unique feeling to be without gravity.  You feel like you should be falling but you don't.


                            We saw the Tachyon Beam pulsed into the Nexus.  I don't know if we will be able to send any reports once we're in the Nexus, but we have every confidence that we will return from the Nexus, hopefully with Captain Kirk.


                            Ambassador Spock gave us a countdown and we fired the thrusters and headed to the Nexus.


                            This concludes our report.  Please wish us luck!

                            Respectfully submitted,
                            Ssgt. Pafe
                            Cpl. Satoire


                              It give me some naughty hemm GOOD ! ideas for deep ( :P) space sexplor explorations

                                Nymphomania Sex Police Department
                                Official Report
                                After Mission Report

                                  It is finished.  I'm happy to report that Ambassador Spock, Satoire and I  have returned from the Nexus and brought Captain Kirk with us.  We had to use certain charms to seduce Captain Kirk into returning with us and after much reflection on his part and some physical stimulation on our part he agreed to leave the Nexus and return to Starfleet. 

                                  Cpl. Satoire and Sgt. Pafe have safely returned to the BUNNY Division.
                                This is our report on the events:

                                  Once inside the Nexus we traveled for a short distance and were suddenly enveloped in a feeling of euphoria.  I saw many things from my past and thoughts were constantly popping into my head from all directions.  The past, the present the future.  All represented in our minds.  The images were almost overwhelming.

                                  Ambassador Spock gave us each a nudge to clear our heads and told us to concentrate on Captain Kirk, so that we may locate him.  It worked and Satoire, Ambassador Spock and I found ourselves outside in a forested area near a cabin.  There was a man there chopping wood and the Ambassador told us that it was his friend, Jim Kirk.


                                  Satoire and I were asked to stay concealed until Spock talked to his friend.  He approached the Captain and we both heard Kirk exclaim, “Spock!”  They talked for a bit, but neither Satoire nor I could hear their conversation, only snippets of it.  Captain Kirk kept shaking his head as if he was in disagreement with whatever it was that Ambassador Spock was saying.

                                  We crept closer so we could hear (I know, naughty) they were talking about Captain Kirk returning with Ambassador Spock, but Kirk did not want to, he wanted to stay with his Antonia.


                                  Ambassador Spock called us out and as we approached, we heard him say to Kirk that nothing in the Nexus was real, while we (he pointed at us) were.  Satoire got to one side of Captain Kirk and I got on the other.  Then the Ambassador introduced us to Kirk then said, “Ladies, show him what we mean.” 

                                  Satoire and I sank to our knees and the three of us, Satoire, Spock and myself all concentrated our thoughts on Kirk and us being naked, we then proceeded to tickle his manhood. 

                                  “I think I see what you mean Spock.”  The Captain said as Satoire and I both wrapped our lips around his shaft and moved up and down it.  He moaned and said something inaudible.

                                More to come.


                                  Welcome back safely both of you, you have been missed.

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                                The forums Groups & Families The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD)