Not sure this is a pick up line topic…….. but……. frosts my b*lls to get a “cold” invite……. I look up the persons profile making the invitation……. and clearly on the inviter's profile they say…… COLD INVITES = IGNORE……. or NO COLD INVITES….
The people who have the camera angled right on their junk in their profile pic. Yes it's virtual, and no I'm not “scarred” but when someone messages me one of the first things I do is bring up their profile, and I have seen more flaccid avatar penis then I allow my mind to fully contemplate.
I see the profile as a best first impression sort of thing. A way to introduce yourself. Zooming it in is like “This is my junk, and my name is…” I mean at this point the avatars privates are all the same anyway (pubic hair being a slight customization). So it's another of those “Hi I'm an asshole, and you don't want to waste your time with me.” flags.
i told her i don't room with someone who uses that line, she say's “you loss then”, i say not really, she says “tyeah thats right!!!” (must have been angry, hence the typo…and the 3 exclamation marks), then she puts me on ignore
and damn, i could have had a threesome with her & her girlfriend :
Girl: Hi I: Hi She:Sorry for talking to you, I am very new here and trying to find out how everything is working. I: You made it right. You start to talk instead of inviting at once.
Actually Lover that might not have been a line. I remember when I logged on for the first time I was talking with a guy and explaining I was new. He invited me into a room and thinking like normal chat I figured it would just be to talk privately. I get into room, look around, and the box to bend me over and fuck me was flashing. I left right after that. :
So she might have not realized she was being brought into a room to fuck.
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