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The Worst Pick Up lines EVER

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  • #19079

    I lie about my age.  Not because I'm ashamed, I'm a proud and wild 41 years.  I suspect 50 might be the year I feel old.  …  I digress. 

    When I used my real age, I was accosted by:

    • I love mature pussy!
    • Are you married?  Do you have kids?  (I asked why this mattered?)  “…because I love MILF's
    • [/list]

      It got worse from there, so I changed my age.  I don't mind being used to just get off, honestly!  However, that said, I'd rather be greeted by a simple “Hello” any day of the week!

    41 it's nice !!!!! 

    Janine Dee

    Welcome Zinah… the funniest thing is just looking at the size of this thread shows there's always something they'll pick that just leaves you cringing.


    @ Lover: I'll give you a hand if you need one. I love the idea… And then give them a price (think we talked about this before)

    @ Zinah welcome to the forum. It's sometimes incredible to see and read how people will get out of their way to write down something down right nasty… Fortunately there are a lot of, very, nice people here too, that do treat you with respect and dignity.. Hope you will foremostly come across those people..


    @Tight  ok what scam you guys coming up with ? LOL


    50? :o…physical age is irrelevant.  I know 25 year olds who act decrepit of spirit…it's the spirit within, how you feel about yourself which defines sensuality and sexuality. I have been shut down when I revealed my age. Lied of my age at first,(which a lot of men do…), put my real age down (56), received  to get hits from those seeking dirty old man play. Sorry it's not my bag…. now 99,…if nothing else it gives woman approaching a chance to say something other than “ are you”

    Those are harsh words worthy of only an ignore button.


    Age has nothing to do with sexuality and sensuality, although experience does count. I have met 18 year olds and 50 year olds who differed almost nothing when it came to horniness and imagination. as Bear stated: it's in your mind, not your date of birth. Especially in a game like this, where all avatars have the same age, concerning appearance.. It's a matter of the mind how everyone deals with this..

    @ Sunny: no big secret, talking about rating the worst pick up lines as a kind of: “So you think you have the worst pick-up line” and let the forum members decide which one will win…


    @ Bear: You are not really 99? LIAR!

    Hello Zinah :-*
    Good luck, this forum is  hidden though no one will know about your little secret

    In general: You are as old as you're feeling. Simple but true. Age is irrelevant if you accept yourself. But I understand. I had the same experiences. I'm 40 and some girls asked “Could you be my daddy” or something like that. Sure I could if they are 20 – but not for a sex game.


    @Tight: It would be fun with a poll for that.

    @Zinah: Welcome to the forum. Too bad about those comments you get, I guess most of those comes from quite immature people. The sad thing is that we all get comments which are not very pleasing.

    I don't care much about the age, I think getting to know the person is far more important. Though I have to admit I generally don't like those below 20, they can often be immature. Those who are quite a bit older than me are often really good in a room though, I guess that is experience.


    The question is about the award. The “winner” has to accept the worst pick up line?

    Janine Dee

    “Congratulations! You're awful! Horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, and now everyone knows it!” 


    I lean towards older MEN !   I feel more comfortable around them !  Their more sure of themselfs ,and who they are !  No guessing what`s on their mind ! hahaha like the old saying practice makes perfect !   And they`ve had alot of practice by then !   ok but some advice make sure , they are really divored !  Because you don`t want to find out , he`s not  by his son ,that`s the same age as you !  Damn he was a good looking guy !


    @ Janine: Horrible, isn't that what you like?

    Sunny, seems you're not just talking bout AChat experiences…


    Award for the worst pick up line: We spam this person with stupid pick up lines  – ok, that's not very friendly, I know.


    Maybe we should ask the a-team for a special background, that can't be changed for a week…lol


       : LOL  he says > I want to feel what`s inside that outfit !  and 1 from Dom >invite me right fucking now  , and suck me off ! ah what a romantic guy !

Viewing 15 posts - 391 through 405 (of 1,075 total)
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