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The Worst Pick Up lines EVER

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  • #19604

    Yeah, well, Ily, unfortunately it's an Achat term. I try to educate as many people as to my condition but it is a long slog Keep at it girl


    Yeah, well, Ily, unfortunately it's an Achat term. I try to educate as many people as to my condition but it is a long slog Keep at it girl

    mhmm, I don't blame them 100% because porn (and AChat) is what it says…that's the next thing we need to rant about changing >


    Lol, no wonder the long pauses if that was when we were chatting. I thought I had put you to sleep girl


    Miss Stone

    That guy needs to be sorted out and be Taken down a peg or two.
    He is on my have fun with list

    I hope your OK and Jayc will give you a big hug  


    LOL, well at least it was amusing


    Poor jayc, his own spouse doesnt ecognize him

    Sometimes im thinking we all should bomb these idiots with messages and invites, show him forum power lol…..


    Stone is patient, it would not have lasted so long with me, but I think like Andrea it's amusing 


    Miss Stone…

    You give me “Mr. Persistant's”  user name… and I will give him a virtual punch in the nose.  I've done it before for someone else.  It goes like this:

    He logs onto AChat…

    His message is blinking…

    He opens the message…

    And this is what he reads:

    “I have just virtually punched you in the nose.  I will continue to virtually punch you in the nose once a day, until you do one of two things:  1.  Apologize to the person you insulted and offended (which would be you Miss Stone).  2.  Put me on your ignore list (which I will consider to be the apology).  So… either you are man enough to apologize to the person (which would be you, Miss Stone), or a coward who puts me on the ignore list… It's your choice.”

    You know…  we could all send him a “virtual punch in the nose” 


    “virtual punch in the nose” Excellent Covems 


    I have sent him a virtual punch too. 

    Thanks Covems.  Maybe I should have changed it to a virtual kick in the knackers. 

    Hugs Stone.


    POWWWW    POWWWWWW      he just got a left and a right to the nose      He will Apologize to you Miss Stone


    Mr Persistant came back.  This one is funny now I've read it back and prepared it for publishing.  I think I may have misunderstood what rap meant,  a lost in translation thing.

    Persistant: hi baby
    Stone : I am not your baby, you were rude the other night so please leave me alone
    Persistant: ok honey , let me invite you and i will make you happy what you think ?
    Stone : Dont be silly, I only room my spouse, I have told you this already
    Stone: you were also rude to me and my spouse
    Stone: we do not deserve that.
    Persistant: oh really ?
    Persistant: i will be more rude if you dont be better than me and let me invite you to my room
    Persistant: i will invite you , ok ?
    Stone: you are such a little twat, Which part of no, dont you understand?
    Persistant: ok bitch , i think i will rap you tonight
    Stone : Don’t sing to me! you are a little prick and I would no more go to a room with you than i would a frog or listen to your rapping
    Stone : go away and leave me alone and get a life way from me.

    I  roomed Jayc then. 

    I think those are grounds for being banned. Typo or not, he meant “rape”. Once he's done harassing you next, another girl is next and so forth. These types don't stop. I urge you to report him to the support team. He escalated above “Trolling” to sexual harassment. Then again, he was a free user, so banning him would be pointless seeing as he could just make a new account. I wonder if they do IP bans or infections (changing the game files so your computer is essentially banned/blocked from using any accounts. Uninstalling and reinstalling fixes this most of the time, but some people arent savvy enough to know that)


    Wow, what a prick

    Should be banned/reported immediately.

    Gotta give it to Stone though, for putting up and being so patient with such nonsense.

    You go girl! :-*


    I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say banning is a bit harsh.
    There is an “Ignore” button. I have used it many times.


    There's being cute, and clever with another member, and then there's just being plain obnoxious and offensive. This guy is the latter. Continuously harassing a member, while also insinuating he'd 'rape' him or her  is grounds for some sort of ban in my opinion. Not a permanent IP ban like some suggested but a 24 hour IP ban at least to send the message that he's being a dick head. If that doesn't work well…


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