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The Worst Pick Up lines EVER

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Home Forums Everything about sex and love The Worst Pick Up lines EVER


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  • #19713

    no apologies needed Stone, and  three cheers  well done you
    tell JayC  not to hurt him too bad 


    xxxx: hello
    xxxx: do u want see me on skype
    dirtyElena to xxxx: hi
    xxxx: hru
    dirtyElena to xxxx: oh wow.. your profile is somewhat explicit…
    xxxx: same as my real pussy
    dirtyElena to xxxx:
    xxxxi: where r u from
    dirtyElena to xxxx: I am from *moderated*.
    dirtyElena to xxxx: and you?
    xxxx: us
    xxxx: r u alone
    dirtyElena to xxxx: I am ..
    xxxx: do u have pics
    xxxx: or
    xxxx: maybe skype
    dirtyElena to xxxx: I am at a hotel right now with an 6 yo laptop without any webcam nor mic in it.. sorry..
    xxxx: do u have pics
    xxxx: ?
    dirtyElena to xxxx: sorry but I do not trade Pics with free Users anymore..
    xxxx: why
    dirtyElena to xxxx: cause I don't know you and you could be anyone in here with a fake account just trying to get some private information about me.
    dirtyElena to xxxx: and why would you want some pics of me anyways?
    xxxx: i send u myself also
    dirtyElena to xxxx: Alright.. but you have to send me some first.. and if I like what I see I might response to it..
    xxxx: ok
    dirtyElena to xxxx: elena..@*moderated*
    xxxx: ok
    dirtyElena to xxxx: keep the adress confidential please..
    xxxx: sure
    xxxx: do u have yahoo massenger
    dirtyElena to xxxx: no.. is that like AIM?
    xxxx: u can chat there very easy
    xxxx: is it right email
    dirtyElena to xxxx: yes, why you ask?
    xxxx: not right
    xxxx: say another email
    dirtyElena to xxxx: elena*moderated*
    xxxx: let me try again
    xxxx: u got
    dirtyElena to xxxx: I'll check
    dirtyElena to xxxx: no new mails.. how big was the attechment? maybe it was to large?
    xxxx: i sent
    xxxx: i resend
    xxxx: u like
    xxxx: u got
    xxxx: do u enjoy
    dirtyElena to xxxx: sorry was afk.. telephone..
    dirtyElena to xxxx: I'll check wait pkease..
    xxxx: ok dear
    xxxx: so
    xxxx: Elena
    xxxx: ?
    xxxx: check?
    dirtyElena to xxxx: Well I'd have to say that I like what I see.. but still I can not be sure that it is really you .. and I do not feel at ease to send you my pictures in return.. sorry..
    xxxx: but u promised me
    xxxx: u liar
    xxxx: so
    dirtyElena to xxxx: I did not promised.. I said that I think about it.. sorry if you feel betrayed I did not mean to hurt you.
    xxxx: i report u now
    dirtyElena to xxxx: report me? to whom and for what?
    xxxx: achat website
    dirtyElena to xxxx: I told you that i do not want to.. but you insisted..
    xxxx: as u wish
    xxxx: pics
    xxxx: or
    xxxxx: report
    dirtyElena to xxxx: see.. thats why i did not wanted to trade pics with you in the first place..
    xxxx: and say bye to achat always
    xxxx: i reported u
    dirtyElena to xxxxi: thank you.
    xxxx: my cock in your familly holes
    xxxx: motherfucker
    xxxx: bitch
    dirtyElena to xxxx: your cocK? LOL
    xxxx: Sorry, you are on my ignore list…

    Now… what do you think.. is “she” really from the us? given the quality of his english?
    I would like some expertise from native english speakers. Thank you.

    Moderated name to xxxx to prevent embarassment.  Brandybee


    Interesting read,  made me smile anyway.

    I'd say xxxx is not a woman but a man, probably on a multi account. I have heard similar insults from a guy I refused to room and the threat of being reported.

    My guess is English is his second language.

    I also recognise some of the insults from a freeuser who tries to scam our male members of A$, usually offering to buy them 10,000A$ – of course he wants the password, blah blah blah. 
    Maybe its finally dawned on him, guys can be gifted now, so he don't need the password to his victims account.  Maybe this is a new ploy of getting victims pics and selling them back for A$ after some kind of threat.

    You did right to ignore the little weasel.

    Its also against TOS to trade pics so Achat will treat the reporting he threatens, with the same attention they give to a used condom… and no doubt flush it down the toilet.


    The worst chat up line I got was

    Hey Ameth are your legs tired ? .. I said No why … and he said Because you've been running through my mind all night …

    I just laughed


    Well I had a encounter with a young lady today and just for a change made myself laugh , anybody else had a similar experience that just got the funny bone ?

    ? to cherrylick52
    how are you?
    22:37 25/05/2015
    cherrylick52 to ?: I am good thanks , nice little outfit your wearing
    ?: mm thanks
    cherrylick52 to ?: your welcome
    ?: you know, i'm a little whore
    cherrylick52 to ?: me too
    cherrylick52 to ?: lolz

    ?: ahahah
    ?: 300 and i'll be yours
    cherrylick52 to ?: o dear I believe in equal rights
    ?: me too
    22:39 25/05/2015
    cherrylick52 to ?: so get your own gifts then


      Yeah I had a funny one too.

      Some guy wanted me to be his Mom.

      I told him to Go to bed without any supper and to stop playing with himself. 


    PrinceCharming: hey can i fuck u pls?
    PrinceCharming: just to cum

    FYI: Name changed for anonymity


    Oh it's just to cum, it's ok lol


    Is your nickname Google?
    Cuase you got everything I been searching for.


    @Sam.. that is at least a funny picup line… well the first 3 times it is


    Her: are you gay?
    Him: no
    Her: invite me



    Her: are you gay?
    Him: no
    Her: invite me


    lmfao ..


    @Sam.. that is at least a funny picup line… well the first 3 times it is

    Damn, had a feeling I should of tried it on you first before postng it…sigh


    And there it goes…
    the only chance you ever had,
    to get me in your bed.


    And there it goes…
    the only chance you ever had,
    to get me in your bed.

    Curse the luck,  we would of been magnificent together 

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